hi! shameless, obsessive, close to death. trapped in a timeloop. i need it gory, surreal, disgusting, obscure, taboo, and experimental. with that in mind, rec anything
im busy ^_^;
support the weird and unknown, underrated/overhated, try to understand there is value in everything.
thank you, likewise. the first comment on your profile couldn't have said it any better. all those time i spent friend list-hopping isn't so bad when i come across curious profiles like yours. anyway since exams are over, i can check out the guinea pig series and other titles in your favorites. i'll let you know which ones i like.
didn't realize it had nearly any plot
this is funny haha, most couldn't be bothered to devise a plot - never mind the quality.
damnn, i love your list. you sure know your stuff, and it's the trashy/lacking in substance that are surprisingly good - otherwise it's the experience that'll compensate for them. i recognized at least 6 from your favorites ... is the Guinea Pig series any good?
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didn't realize it had nearly any plot
this is funny haha, most couldn't be bothered to devise a plot - never mind the quality.
i find your taste similar to mine, so i'm curious.