Kimi ni Todoke
Death Note
Mass Effect trilogy
Persona 3
Dying Light
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji
Suki tte Ii na yo
Katawa Shoujo
Tomb Raider (1996)
Fifa Street 2
Alice in Chains
Heavy Metal
S.L. Benfica
yea também nunca vi nada muito parecido (ou pelo menos tão bem feito nesse estilo). Muitas pessoas também acham a animação e artstyle um low point, mas também gostei muito.
Hmm até entendo, a primeira season para um shoujo até é baixa em drama, e muita gente pode gostar mais por ser mais "chill" do que muitos shoujos. E começaram a 2ª season à espera de mais do mesmo. Maass pessoalmente quando tou na mood para isso, mais drama não me incomoda
Hmm é difícil explicar. Mas pra mim é basicamente o único anime "episódico" em que considero todos os episódios ao mesmo nível. É como se fossem 12 mini filmes excelentes I guess.
Sobre Kimi ni Todoke, nem sei dizer como acabou a primeira season tbh lol. Mas sobre a segunda, ya ja sabia que (acho) aparece outro love interest e há mais drama em comparação. Mas continuo interessado o suficiente para eventualmente voltar a pegar
Ahh esperei demasiado tempo e agora esqueci-me de muito. Tenho que voltar a ver a primeira season tbh (tbm sei que já saiu a 3).
Kino no tabi é provavelmente o meu preferido de sempre, só não percas tempo com o remake
I don't exactly know but I also often hear that the sea's temperature is very low in north Portugal like Porto hence why some tourist get tricked into going there in the summer and realizing that the sea is cold lol. But yeah, I definitely prefer a bearable weather in the summer over a very hot one even though the rest of the year is often cold and rainy
I think this logic applies to most countries until you go below the Equator, but in Europe it's usually that from what I know, even in Japan it felt the same when I went from the north to the south. But yeah in the center of the country it can be either hot or cold here as well, at least during the summer the weather becomes perfect in the north while in the south the heat is unbearable.
Well it's because I live in the north side of the country, for the south it's basically similar to Portugal/Spain, but here it's just the same as the UK, I'm just on the opposite side of the coast in front of UK so the weather and the landscapes are very similar
Well yeah you're right, with a cliffhanger no less. I actually preferred if Kimi ni Todoke didn't get the 3rd season. Just something about it feels off, it didn't end in a cliffhanger and it would need more than a season to adapt the rest of the material, I felt like the most important chapter of the story was closed and it should've stopped there.
Am I crazy? I haven't watched the season yet because I feel weird about it but maybe I'm crazy.
Nah, I have felt like that for a lot of animes too, especially older ones. Some examples I could name would be SNAFU and Kiniro Mosaic, it feels so weird to get the ending of those two that I haven't finished them yet.
Do you think it makes sense for certain anime adaptations to stop at a certain point?
I may be bias on that because I watched anime when they had the 1 season per adaption rule, but yes.
Yup I definitely recommend it, and it's not expensive at all especially from Europe the plane tickets are insanely cheap and it is cheap there as well.
I mean yeah but here it's raining almost every day sometimes even in summer lol, we had summer where the weather was averaging 18° in the recent years lol, at least it's not as unbearable as the 50° countries during that time.
Yes I just came back from the trip and I really enjoyed it, I went to Marrakesh which is probably the best city for tourist and it was worth it especially for the weather ahahaha it was approximately 25° with a very sunny and bright sky and now I came back and it's 0° and raining it's already depressing lol, but anyway the city is beautiful, you can definitely see that you are in Africa, people are also very kind (except a few of them sadly), of course you need to be cautious about your belongings and how you handle your money when buying things (most of the time there is no fixed price, they negotiate the price), but otherwise it's perfect for the food, the palaces the gardens, the activities (like going to the desert for example) etc I definitely recommend it for a 1 week trip during the winter
When I watched Fruits Basket or Fullmetal Alchemist I didn't feel the need to check out the other versions, however different they might be, so I probably won't, but who knows.
Understandable, I was the same way with Fullmetal Alchemist too.
Would you recommend me either Nanoha or Madoka Magica? I've seen both's synopsis before, but maybe I can be convinced of watching them.
Well do you like anything magical girl related? Nanoha is more like a Gundam version of the magical girl genre while Madoka Magica takes the whole idea of magical girls and flips it on its head in a good way (trying to be vague since you might want to go into it blind). But yeah, definitely recommend them both since they're my favorites.
Ah man I hate cliffhangers... well 12 years holy... at least it wasn't the 13 years for Kimi ni Todoke's 3rd season haha.
At least with Kimi ni Todoke you could just read the source material, Madoka Magica is an anime original. :(
Haha other than finishing what I have left, I'll probably watch NHK ni Youkoso, and about manga... I really want to read all my favorite anime source materials, but mainly Kimi ni Todoke and Karin.
I've only read the manga for NHK ni Youkoso, but if the anime is as good as the manga was then I would recommend watching it. =)
Oh! You reminded me I do need to read Karin sooner or later too! I keep holding off on it, thanks for the reminder.
Best girls for real! But I feel like I gotta try everyone, even our boy Kenji lol
Btw I just saw Kino no Tabi's second ep, and I must say I really enjoyed it even more than the first, probably will finish watching it soon!
Nice, do you have plans to watch the 2017 version too? I remember they do some arcs again but I think there is also some new arcs too.
I feel you honestly, I haven't watched anything the past 2 years I think, now I think I'm ready to finish what I have left watching so I can move on to other stuff I might like.
Honestly though, there has been a lot of good anime adaption recently so I might actually get back into watching anime again. I'm especially hyped for the new Nanoha anime and also that we finally getting the 4th movie of Madoka Magica after 12 years of radio silence with that cliffhanger ending. :D (though I'm sad to see the show finally get closure)
Do you have any anime/manga you are looking forward to consuming? Other from your obligation to Ookami Shoujo. xD
YOU BETCHA! When I have the time I will finish all the routes just to celebrate, and also because I've only played one path lol.
Yeah I need to get back into it again for Hanako and Lily. <3
Hehe sorry if I text too much, have a good rest of your day 🤠
Hey, hope you're having a good start of the year pirate!
Oh hoy! You too!
By pure coincidence, I saw that you had dropped Ookami Shoujo, and I was just curious as to why, if you don't mind me asking.
I just didn't really like the vibe of the main leads relationship had to be honest, I've read a lot of shoujo manga so I know that some relationships might seem toxic at first but this one I just couldn't past. I'll probably continue it again sooner or later since the female lead is interesting!
Oh and by the way, I've kept in mind your recommendations still. I've yet to finish Kino no Tabi, though I still only watched the first episode a while back, but it was really good still.
Niiice. I recently was going through our convo and that's how I remembered you indirectly did recommend me Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji. xD
I'm slowly getting back to watching anime but trying not to get burnt out again... have you been burnt out on anime before?
I guess you can say I'm burnt out of anime right now, I think I've watched only like 15 anime this past 3ish years. It's just easier to pace myself with the source material instead (ie manga, light novel, and visual novel).
Yup xD Well for my case I'm going to Morocco in a few days, so I'm curious about the country, I don't really know what to expect I have never been here before
All Comments (67) Comments
Hmm até entendo, a primeira season para um shoujo até é baixa em drama, e muita gente pode gostar mais por ser mais "chill" do que muitos shoujos. E começaram a 2ª season à espera de mais do mesmo. Maass pessoalmente quando tou na mood para isso, mais drama não me incomoda
Sobre Kimi ni Todoke, nem sei dizer como acabou a primeira season tbh lol. Mas sobre a segunda, ya ja sabia que (acho) aparece outro love interest e há mais drama em comparação. Mas continuo interessado o suficiente para eventualmente voltar a pegar
Kino no tabi é provavelmente o meu preferido de sempre, só não percas tempo com o remake
Kimi ni todoke é otimo tho
Am I crazy? I haven't watched the season yet because I feel weird about it but maybe I'm crazy.
Nah, I have felt like that for a lot of animes too, especially older ones. Some examples I could name would be SNAFU and Kiniro Mosaic, it feels so weird to get the ending of those two that I haven't finished them yet.
I may be bias on that because I watched anime when they had the 1 season per adaption rule, but yes.
Kenji ending best ending.
I mean yeah but here it's raining almost every day sometimes even in summer lol, we had summer where the weather was averaging 18° in the recent years lol, at least it's not as unbearable as the 50° countries during that time.
Understandable, I was the same way with Fullmetal Alchemist too.
Well do you like anything magical girl related? Nanoha is more like a Gundam version of the magical girl genre while Madoka Magica takes the whole idea of magical girls and flips it on its head in a good way (trying to be vague since you might want to go into it blind). But yeah, definitely recommend them both since they're my favorites.
At least with Kimi ni Todoke you could just read the source material, Madoka Magica is an anime original. :(
I've only read the manga for NHK ni Youkoso, but if the anime is as good as the manga was then I would recommend watching it. =)
Oh! You reminded me I do need to read Karin sooner or later too! I keep holding off on it, thanks for the reminder.
Best boy Kenji for real. xDD
Nice, do you have plans to watch the 2017 version too? I remember they do some arcs again but I think there is also some new arcs too.
Honestly though, there has been a lot of good anime adaption recently so I might actually get back into watching anime again. I'm especially hyped for the new Nanoha anime and also that we finally getting the 4th movie of Madoka Magica after 12 years of radio silence with that cliffhanger ending. :D (though I'm sad to see the show finally get closure)
Do you have any anime/manga you are looking forward to consuming? Other from your obligation to Ookami Shoujo. xD
Yeah I need to get back into it again for Hanako and Lily. <3
It's all fine, I'm used to it. You too!
Oh hoy! You too!
I just didn't really like the vibe of the main leads relationship had to be honest, I've read a lot of shoujo manga so I know that some relationships might seem toxic at first but this one I just couldn't past. I'll probably continue it again sooner or later since the female lead is interesting!
Niiice. I recently was going through our convo and that's how I remembered you indirectly did recommend me Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji. xD
I guess you can say I'm burnt out of anime right now, I think I've watched only like 15 anime this past 3ish years. It's just easier to pace myself with the source material instead (ie manga, light novel, and visual novel).
On another topic, did you see that Katawa Shoujo is on Steam now? That's so cool! Never thought I would see the day.