Just wanted to let you know that the anime & manga contest part2(match 1) is open! So go check it out! Also there are winner cardsopen! Remember to be active and go to the club! Thanks to you all for been in the club we have 450 members! Seeya in the club!
I saw in your profile that you like Keiichi Maebara from Higurashi no Naku Kuro ni. I would like to invite you to the
*Psychotic Maniac Killers*
It is a club where all we all share interest in liking Sadistic and Psychotic Killers!
If you don't want to join or already did then please ignore this message. I'm really sorry if you had recive similar comments like this by me. I'm really sorry.
Really sorry for spamming your profile
All Comments (85) Comments
Just wanted to let you know that the anime & manga contest part2(match 1) is open! So go check it out! Also there are winner cardsopen! Remember to be active and go to the club! Thanks to you all for been in the club we have 450 members! Seeya in the club!
Its open the Helloween LE's! Go and ask for one!
I saw in your profile that you like Keiichi Maebara from Higurashi no Naku Kuro ni. I would like to invite you to the
*Psychotic Maniac Killers*
It is a club where all we all share interest in liking Sadistic and Psychotic Killers!
If you don't want to join or already did then please ignore this message. I'm really sorry if you had recive similar comments like this by me. I'm really sorry.
Really sorry for spamming your profile
its ok to say No.... ^_^
kai is a toughie..... kai doesnt feel bad ^_^
*shows puppy eyes* >_<
wow... zero-kun..... u come so rarely ....that everytime u do come online... we end up talking about how u dont come online >_<
so lets try this....
which is your favorite anime??? whatcha watching now? :O
not here??
kai hasnt been doing well..... slowly recovering...
yeah.... zero-kun comes almost once a week >_<
iie... kai didnt make it.. kai is talentless >.>
kai found it on youtube... ^_^
how have u been zero-kun? :O
kai hardly see's you here....
desides the anime that kai has to catch up on.. there baka school.. which gets in the way on kai keeping it up >_<
and u??
what have u been upto? ^_^