Hmm... If it actually has all those elements, then it's unfortunate that I won't be giving it a try. I'm not watching nor reading any Yaoi at any point in my life and my standards for anime series is that they have to already be well received before I give them a shot. My point is not to have the biggest drop list, it's to watch quality shows.
Maybe you think it's good, but I won't give anything a try under a 7 rating and if I've seen stuff with lower ratings currently, it was because I was following them as they were airing and felt they had potential until I was deceived.
I also despise fan service, which most yuri and yaoi series tend to force. The theme itself should be "romance" and that is all, not a sexual orientation. Shinsekai Yori and Ga-Rei: Zero, which both have what we'd call homosexual relations does it right, in the sense that it is not the predominant genre because it doesn't need to be. It's just there because it is and nothing more, not trying to make it too big for itself and accomplishes the best in that way.
Also, in case you have not noticed, there is not a hentai series in my anime list, so not going to start with such a series.
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Maybe you think it's good, but I won't give anything a try under a 7 rating and if I've seen stuff with lower ratings currently, it was because I was following them as they were airing and felt they had potential until I was deceived.
I also despise fan service, which most yuri and yaoi series tend to force. The theme itself should be "romance" and that is all, not a sexual orientation. Shinsekai Yori and Ga-Rei: Zero, which both have what we'd call homosexual relations does it right, in the sense that it is not the predominant genre because it doesn't need to be. It's just there because it is and nothing more, not trying to make it too big for itself and accomplishes the best in that way.
Also, in case you have not noticed, there is not a hentai series in my anime list, so not going to start with such a series.
bcos even though your comments are gone
my penis still remembers them
and it always will