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Jun 23, 2014 7:22 AM

Nov 2013
The_Nut_Cracker said:
That plot twist make me hate lelouch's character so much,I absolutely loath him at this point.Yuffie did not deserve that.
And he didn't mean for that to happen.
Jul 15, 2014 8:22 PM

Jun 2010
this has to be my best geass episode mainly cuz of Charles' LOL
(dubbed Charles is 100% win)
I seriously need to get that laugh as a ringtone.
<--- Who Your Waifus Look Up To --->
Jul 15, 2014 11:56 PM

Oct 2012
Bloody episode...
Jul 27, 2014 9:14 AM

Oct 2013
On to the next 1

Aug 14, 2014 6:22 PM

May 2009
It's annoying how everything got ruined with such a poorly crafted plot twist... I feel sad for Euphy. She was one of the kindest of the Britannian royal family yet now she'll probably be remembered as the cruelest by the world. She didn't deserve what happened to her.
ilmareAug 14, 2014 6:50 PM
Sep 7, 2014 11:21 PM

Jan 2014
"Kill all the Japanese." Ha!
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Sep 11, 2014 1:03 PM

Oct 2013


Sep 30, 2014 2:36 AM

Jan 2013
SweetlyKaoru said:
My reaction was basically the same as everyone's else: WTF JUST HAPPENED???!!

And I agree with what some of you said on how convenient it was that the Geass acted up at such a critical point. But I thought about it, and maybe it was supposed to. Think about it, Lelouch finally agrees to someone else's plans instead of his own? It could be a sort of catch-22: when the user experiences a certain emotion or participates in a certain event. Speculation though, since I'm watching the dub and trying to be a good girl and not watch ahead.

As far as characters that I think might survive, I really don't think Euphie will (poor dear). And Suzaku can't die because of the Geass used on him (remember, he MUST LIVE!!! *dramatic music*). Lelouch might not be able to die either. I'm not sure how long ago Mao got his Geass, but he'd have to be significantly older than Lelouch. He seems too young to me. And Kallen, I totally see her living (oddly enough). However, Ohgi just might die because of who he's in bed with (if anyone caught that this episode).

Another thing I wanted to ask for anyone who's watching the dub. Did anyone else find it odd that this episode only got a TV-14 rating (with a V for the obvious violence)? Other episodes, as well as other anime, have received TV-MA ratings for far less (i.e. some eps of Evangelion and Eureka seveN). Just curious if anyone else noticed that.
This. Lelouch made a contract which was destroy Britannia. The path he was going on would not accomplish that thus his Geass went haywire. This isn't a convenient plan, this was setup majestically and you all just didn't see it
Oct 6, 2014 6:59 PM

Jun 2013
What a plot twist! Lelouch came to terms with Euphie, but his Geass went crazy and now she's killing all the Japanese! I know it's not Lelouch's fault, but it's the price he has to pay for such a power. This episode was pretty depressing overall. And now Lelouch has given order for the Black Knights to find Euphie and kill her before it's too late. So sad! I like her a lot and now she's gone crazy because of a stupid accident. Onto the next episode!
Oct 28, 2014 10:51 AM

Sep 2013
Goddammit. What a convenient time for his Geass to fuck up. This is some Game of Thrones shit right here. There were times when I was going to stop reading those books when this kind of stuff happened, but I always came back. It'll be the same situation for Code Geass
Nov 21, 2014 11:01 AM

Apr 2013
Boy, that escalated quickly. I mean that really got out of hand fast.

Lelouch was more of LeDouche in this episode, why did he talk about his geass with Euphelia in the first place? There was a bit too much death in this one.
Nov 27, 2014 2:32 AM

Jan 2014
Was that their father or who's that guy? I guess this is all his fault.
Dang Lelouch, you made me feel your pain. I'm done.
Nov 30, 2014 8:38 PM

Feb 2013


I've been looking forward to this episode. (insert Lelouch laugh here)
Dec 12, 2014 3:10 PM

Aug 2014
Wtf just happened?! this episode was depressing but good in few ways.
The plot twist was weak and yeah it let the series down. Like seriously how convenient is it for the geass got permanent at that very moment.. really lol.
I feel sorry for both Lelouch and Euphy, it wasn't any of their fault.
Well, so far I enjoyed this episode the most, it was good.
sumire-Dec 12, 2014 3:14 PM
Jan 2, 2015 2:45 PM

Jun 2008
This was one of the most shocking scenes I've known in most of my anime viewing experience.

Seeing it again, still powerful.
Be it a plot device, or a plot twist, I've yet to see such a 180 turnaround. I would hardly call this poorly written however. It highlighted so many developments. Sometimes, the most shocking change in plot could just be an asspull, but so many repercussions and consequences was elaborated and expanded upon. This wasn't just a whim of poor writing. It was long thought out. Highlighting Lelouch's continuing descent to bloodshed and madness, Suzaku's future hatred, the future of the Black Knights, of Zero, the unpredictability of war, and the slow discovery to what Charles is actually up to.

I despised this twist just as well, but I can't say it was poor writing.
Jan 14, 2015 6:18 AM

Jun 2014
OK... im so confuse like WTF??? just... WTF????????? princess euphoria bring japanese people together for piece and she pull out the gun to shoot them all??LOL???HYPECRITE?
Jan 14, 2015 6:22 AM

Oct 2014
OK... im so confuse like WTF??? just... WTF????????? princess euphoria bring japanese people together for piece and she pull out the gun to shoot them all??LOL???HYPECRITE?

She was under effect of Geass
Jan 15, 2015 2:42 AM

Jun 2014
Cnon said:
OK... im so confuse like WTF??? just... WTF????????? princess euphoria bring japanese people together for piece and she pull out the gun to shoot them all??LOL???HYPECRITE?

She was under effect of Geass

why king bradley use geass.... on princess make no sense XD
Jan 15, 2015 4:04 AM

Nov 2013
Cnon said:

She was under effect of Geass

why king bradley use geass.... on princess make no sense XD

And obviously Lelouch lost control over his Geass. He didn't mean to make her kill them.
Jan 27, 2015 12:47 PM
Nov 2014
I had to wait 22 episodes for this series to get interesting but now there's no regret in my mind.
Feb 5, 2015 1:33 PM

Nov 2014
Okay that was pretty insane. Poor Euphy :( I liked her
Hi there
Feb 6, 2015 12:53 AM

Jul 2008
Just what else can you say about this? Yuffie went insane due to Lelouch and he got the best possible outcome with the worst possible pricetag.
Feb 8, 2015 8:28 PM

Feb 2015
OMFG O.O so much murder... My heart stopped when Lelouch accidentally ordered Euphie to kill all the japanese. WTF
Feb 10, 2015 7:15 AM

Aug 2012
That was interesting, but I didn't like it plotwise. Especially that Lulu reconciled with Euphy.
Anyway now he is doomed.
Feb 13, 2015 7:35 AM
Jul 2014
Didn't like it! To childish...
Mar 19, 2015 6:55 AM
Jan 2012
One of the only times Lelouch decides to make a joke, and it causes mass genocide... God fucking dammit... I hope this ends well for him...
Apr 4, 2015 2:01 AM

Sep 2014
OH FUCK!!!! Ugggh my heart sank for Euphy. God damn it.
Apr 6, 2015 10:54 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
WHAT JUST HAOPPENED?! Somehow, his geass is causing problems and C.C is affected as well. Why would he make this joke though....ffs Lelouch. He had no other choice, but to order the killing of Euphy at the end to not have him be the bad guy for everyone....
Apr 20, 2015 10:17 PM

Mar 2015
This was probably the dumbest thing i've ever seen in any anime ever. Seriously? He just so happens to decide to tell euphy about his geass (first time he's told anyone), and he just so happens to use "kill all the Japanese" as an example and this is the exact moment his geass acts up for the first time? Ludicrous, absolutely absurd. What a fucking hail mary to advance the plot. There would literally be no logical reason for him to even suggest he'd order her to kill all the japanese. Fucking idiotic.

Having the geass act up is a cool idea, but this was the absolute worst way they could've gone about executing it in my opinion. Come on, be creative
Apr 26, 2015 8:34 AM

Jun 2011
Not entirely sure if I love this or hate this...

The title made me think that Euphie was the one who's gonna get shot or something.
May 13, 2015 4:22 AM

Aug 2009
All this build up for that ? I lost almost all interest in this serie now.
It would have been better if Lelouch had at least given this order willingly, everything happening because of a convenient accident is ridiculous.

And this was barely an order, I mean, if that's enough for the geass to work a lot of his talks before would have acted as order.
Even if it's the first time it works by itself what a "convenient coincidence". 0/10 plotwise.
ZiassanMay 13, 2015 5:11 AM
May 16, 2015 10:24 PM

Feb 2014


He just had to lost control of his Geass power when he said exactly "Kill all the Nippons". And to get worse, exactly to who was that?! To Euph, of course.

Coincidence?! Don't call me this shit coincidence! Nor forcing a coincidence here is possible in how much this was disgusting.

This episode ruined everything for me. Just shit.

And Lelouch and CC relationship is exactly the same relationship of Shu and Inori from Guilty Crow. Exactly the kind of relationship that I hate the most due to their hole in the story. The "good" guy pretending to be the "bad" guy and using even its friends and everything else in his reach to accomplish its purposes of "I'll save the world", and with a female character that provides the necessary conditions to reach his goal, and that will stay forever beside him no matter what happens... Pff... I Hate it the most.

Oh, there are some other coincidences that I let pass.
But this one specific, that happened in this episode, nor forcing it to be a coincidence it's possible, in how ridiculous was that.

I'm very pissed right now, my desire to give this a 8 or maybe a 9 went down to a 6 or 5.
Vi-May 16, 2015 11:28 PM
May 19, 2015 12:48 AM
Nov 2014
Amazing episode, very intense. Such a dangerous and risky plan by Lelouch even if he didn't meant to do it.
May 24, 2015 5:39 PM

Oct 2010
Xinil said:
bettynoire said:

Yeah, that image is basically the only reason why I can still function after watching this episode. That whole bit was just so ridiculously sad that I needed to laugh at it or I wasn't gonna be able to finish this season. Frankly I'm worried about how I'll manage for next season, if it continues with this level of emo. ^.^;;

In other news, did anyone else notice, Euphie was the first one to resist the Geass. I wonder if that means there's a chance to reverse it...

I'm with betty on this one. Completely ridiuclous episode. Seriously, how convenient is it for the Geass to start acting up at such a critical situation? It's retarded that it happened like that.

This series is really starting to piss me off with it's bullshit drama. The Lelouch in epiosdes 1-10 never would have sided with Euphie like he was about to.

*sighs* I don't think I'll be watching the second season.

so sad tho, but very true
Jun 9, 2015 10:18 PM
Mar 2015
That plot twist was HUGE.It was the last thing I expected.
My reaction was like this:

Jul 25, 2015 6:48 AM

Aug 2014
Sakinho said:
Xinil said:
Completely ridiuclous episode. Seriously, how convenient is it for the Geass to start acting up at such a critical situation? It's retarded that it happened like that.

Damn, I thought I was the only one. I just watched the episode, and... what the fuck hell was that? That's gotta be one of the dumbest plot twists I've seen in a long time. I am currently in awe at how randomly it happened.

"Hey Euphie, I'm glad we'll unite and stuff, now we can fight for a decent future for the Japanese, yay! ^_^v

In a completely unrelated subject, did you know I can control people? I've never revealed my power to anyone else, but for some reason I felt like bringing it up out of nowhere and sharing it with you. In fact, you could do whatever I asked for. As a random example I among thousands of others I could think of, if I gave you the very moment and plot-specific order to murder all the Japanese and screw up everything for no particular reason, you'd do it! *Geas activates*



Good god, it felt like the Fairly Oddparents, where extremely specific lines are used for comedic purposes. Was this episode supposed to be a comedy? I laughed when I saw what happened, nonetheless. I guess they pulled it out of the hat just to have an excuse to make another season.

... and here I though I'd be giving this anime a 10 ._.
Weak plot twist = major fail

I'm 7 years late for this. But anyway

I think the Geass started to become permanent before he said that command. The matter at hand was that he faced her when he said those words. Also, Lelouch didn't bring the subject of his Geass up. Euphy questioned him about thinking that he could order her to shoot him just by threatening her. And so he decided to reveal it. Of course it was an absurd thing to believe in, so he thought up the things she would definitely never do if it could even make a point. And killing the Japanese was one of them.

Aug 1, 2015 6:08 PM

Mar 2014
What the fuck

What the fuckitie fuck

Code Gayass has officially gone full retard

Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Aug 6, 2015 3:32 PM

Sep 2013
:o Holy shit!

That is all... now back to the binge :)
Aug 6, 2015 7:38 PM
Oct 2009
Not the best episode, but I wasn't all that shocked, not now and not back in the day, because Lelouch literally did not want Euphemia's plan to succeed and had everything set up in order to destroy her efforts. The story was already establishing that Lelouch couldn't continue being Zero if Euphemia won.

Going by his original plan to disrupt the ceremony, the end result would have been similar either way. Perhaps with less death and more like rioting, I suppose. Yet he had already planned to use Geass on her and ended up doing it after all. Just with a different and admittedly crazy command.

If you ask me, the fact he almost gave up, under emotional bias, was rather weak at first glance. That bothered me more than anything else, but it doesn't annoy me in retrospect.

Plus, I can't be too negative given how they knew Euphemia going crazy was pretty ridiculous and exploited that in her portrayal as soon as she was fully under the control of the order.
Aug 8, 2015 8:09 AM

Apr 2015

What a time for his Geass to act up, poor Euphy.
Aug 14, 2015 6:53 AM

Jun 2015
This plot twist just shifted this show from being mediocre at best to be utter crap, directly.
Aug 14, 2015 6:16 PM
Oct 2009

Lordwen said:
This plot twist just shifted this show from being mediocre at best to be utter crap, directly.

Such hyperbole. It makes way more sense than the "terrorists who don't actually kill anyone" from Zankyou no Terror, that's for sure. To say nothing of the entirety of Psycho-Pass 2.
Aug 15, 2015 11:28 AM

Jun 2015
jgomezg said:

Lordwen said:
This plot twist just shifted this show from being mediocre at best to be utter crap, directly.

Such hyperbole. It makes way more sense than the "terrorists who don't actually kill anyone" from Zankyou no Terror, that's for sure. To say nothing of the entirety of Psycho-Pass 2.

Bah, those weren't good shows either so don't even try it that way.
This show is a failed mixture of many concepts in a desperate attempt to get a success, it's flawless and the main message you get from it seems to be the end justifying the means. This plot twist just confirmed me my thoughts, since they built a character just to destroy it in the most lame way. First they needed Lelouch to act so way out of his character by saying Euphemia he's able to control people as he wish (weren't he so careful?) besides he decides to give the most stupid example and yeah, by all the opportunism in the universe it's in this precise moment in which he loses the absolute control on his powers.

Everything just to obtain a bloodfest for the edgy/shock scenes fans. If that isn't lame, void and lame just tell me.

Edit. In any case I'll keep with the show. Future events might change my mind and get an overall better opinion, even if this show is just as pretentious as it can be.
UnowenAug 15, 2015 2:29 PM
Sep 5, 2015 7:42 PM

Nov 2013
Jesuuuuus Euphy on that Texas Chainsaw Massacre hype tho. I feel bad, she and Lelouch were about to rebuild the world together but his geass ;_; They were good friends it was sad how when he ordered the Black Knights to kill her his Geass eye was tearing up. He knows it's his fault and he doesn't want to be called a hero anymore I just omg
Sep 12, 2015 2:32 AM
Jul 2012
NOOOO...dammit. I knew this episode was going to be bad for Euphie after seeing the last but THIS? This is so not what I expected. I anticipated Lelouch's original plan to be a "martyr" and all but this was insane.

I think I agree with the theory that his geass may have changed here because of the actions he took to join Euphie which goes against his original contract with C.C. I also feel so bad for Euphie, I mean I already thought she might die soon but this is just so sad for her character to be remembered as. Lelouch should have been more careful as others have said but he has a soft spot for Euphie, he always has. That's why at the hotel, the island, the school, and even here he never attacked her or used geass on her even though it happened anyway here unintentionally.

Suzaku...........he probably has geass now, thanks a lot C.C. Or at least that is what I think will happen. At first during this episode as C.C. was confused at some aspect of Suzaku and tried to ask him something I thought maybe she already accidentally gave him geass and he just hasn't realized it yet but after him coming into direct contact with her during that moment, I seriously think he has it now.

This show keeps piling up my questions about geass this episode especially and the island episode. The Emperor seems to be able to see everything going on so he is probably related to it in some way and these thought elevators or whatever they are called. Also the images Suzaku saw when he touched C.C. why was Lelouch's mom one of those images??? I have a lot more questions about Lelouch's mom now since she showed up here and in the last episode they called her "Flash" and said she used to use an old knightmare frame.

I'm also still skeptical of Schneizel since I think he is one of the reasons this happened in the first place. Euphie came up with this idea without thinking of all the consequences and what it could mean but Schneizel knew it would put the terrorists in a lose-lose situation and told her to run with it because I'm sure he knew if she had told the idea to Cornelia she would have talked her out of it or outright stopped her since Cornelia voiced her opposition to this idea. Not to mention all of the secret research. They are slowly showing more and more of Jeremiah now and I think he will be playing a major role here soon.
Sep 25, 2015 9:25 AM

May 2013
What an episode full of emotions!
Fuck it. Every signature I upload ends up removed anyways.
Sep 30, 2015 3:53 PM

Jan 2013
-Nothing can stay unchanged. Even so, can you still keep on loving this place?

-Be still my soul; when change and tears are past, all safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
Oct 8, 2015 5:57 AM

Mar 2015
I never been hyped to watch the next episode of Code Geass!!! It was worth keep watching. It was worth I'm not dropped off this series. I will give this episode a 10/5. This episode alone made the previous episode NOTHING!!! Compared.

Geass rampage was foreshadowed when Lelouch attempted to use Geass on nobleman. Then accident happened when he jokingly commanded Euphy to kill all Japs.

WOW. I like the CHAOS and MADNESS happening at the stadium.
Geass power is similar to death note. "whoever owns it will cause a misfortune"
Oct 20, 2015 2:44 PM

Jul 2014
That took a turn for the worst!

Nov 12, 2015 12:01 PM

Sep 2014
That was, like, literally the worst moment for the Geass to become permanent. Holy sh*t!

(If only Lelouch kept his mouth shut...)
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