Jan 29, 2015 12:27 AM
What do we do here? Write a review for a show you have watched! Discuss what other people said about various shows! If you don't agree with something anyone said, post it! Just remember to not be an asshole about it. If you write a full-fledged review, it has the chance to get added to the list of featured reviews! List of featured reviews made by club members [b]Boogiepop Phantom - 7 (ftFate & Fellener)[/b] [b]Haibane Renmei - 10 (Fellener)[/b] [b]Kogepan - 7 (Ghiffaris)[/b] |
HibbingtonJan 31, 2016 8:52 PM
No validation, no applause You don't have prove you got it when you know it's yours |
Jan 29, 2015 1:15 AM
I guess these 3 cound count as a review or mini review. White Album 2: It is really basic in its premise and it sounds generic but its really well executed. Takes its time for you to know the characters and why every one of them acts a certain way. You see the bond between then slowly growing so when the drama kicks in, it feels really real and not forced in any way. And mostly important, it takes itself seriously, showing that in relationships people get hurt. Dennou Coil: Great sci-fi anime. It’s a kid oriented show but unlike most, it treats the audience with respect, not like dummies who need everything told in their faces. And it offers some quite interesting themes to think about too, not just for children but for all ages The virtual reality concept is really well thought with all the gadgets, pets and fights, it kinda reminds me of the imagination of a child, this aspect of a child's imagination is really helped by the art style and animation which are both superb. The show have a great cast of characters with great and fun personalities, everyone gets a backdrop even some secondary characters have some great episodes in the spotlight. The story is always interesting and mysterious, never loses the focus, it gets a little bit convoluted by the end but still, its and amazing ride. Princess Tutu: Mahou shoujo is generally a really underrated genre that have most people just think of silly titles for little girls. Princess Tutu is one of the titles that proves that statment is wrong. The way it handle its characters is superb, you can see them changing little by little in each episode, so that by the end they are completily different persons, very few anime i’ve watched could do this in such an organic way. Another thing that is amazing in the anime is the metafiction part, the way it plays with all the elements and tropes of fairy tales (and stories is general ) is amazing. Complemented with amazing classic music and an artstyle that really helps it look and feel like a fairy tale show. |
Jan 29, 2015 2:41 AM
I need to watch Dennou Coil. WA2 And Princess Tutu too but they're further down the line. |
No validation, no applause You don't have prove you got it when you know it's yours |
Jan 29, 2015 5:37 AM
Jan 29, 2015 7:13 AM
Also known as 'Sex Jokes the Anime' (no seriously google that, Seitokai Yakuindomo is the first result). From the stuff I've seen it's actually creative when it comes to sex jokes rather than 'guy walked in on girl undressing' or whatever. I'm not personally interested, but as long as the jokes hit, hey, that's all a show like that needs! |
No validation, no applause You don't have prove you got it when you know it's yours |
Jan 31, 2015 1:08 PM
So since I've finished 3 shows in my last 3 days, here goes: I finally finished .hack//Sign which was waaay overdue. It had this weird effect that I never felt like watching it but when I was watching it I enjoy it a fair bit. Anyways, the series is carried mostly by it's cast focused on the main character, Tsukasa, who would have to be one of the best protagonist I've seen so far in anime and he should be, his development is the focal point of the anime. It's REALLY slow but I can't remember them wasting much time. We get to know the characters, and it REALLY pays off since it has in my opinion one of the strongest character casts I've seen so far in anime and the emotional scenes are actually emotional as a result of this, I had to force myself not to cry dammit. This show is 100% confirmed for dummy. Add the soundtrack of Yuki Kajiura and we have a working recipe. On the flip-side though, the story is really poorly presented and if it was presented in a better way as well as the story having a more elaborate conclusion, I could be giving it even higher of a score. 8/10 I saw the first Ghost in the Shell movie, and it was wonderful. If it was standalone with no other works surrounding it, I might have had to lower my score. Really well presented depth, and all the other aspects work well in order to serve it. It's the perfect recipe, pretty much, I have no problems with it at all. It's essentially the 'the sum is greater than it's parts' movie, which I'm starting to see myself a bigger and bigger fan of (.hack is arguably the only thing from my favorites list that this doesn't apply to). 9/10 And finally, since I need to get some disappointment in here, Redline just didn't live up to it's praise. Yes, the visuals are amazing and so is the feel of it, but seriously, this had so much unnecessary and/or stupid plot-lines in it that it became a huge detriment to the film and I spent most of it just waiting for it to either get good or end. It's style over substance, but I didn't enjoy it at all. The 'Redline' race was awful because it was impossible to follow what was going on and it had this really unnecessary plot-line in it that completely killed it as an event. The fantastic visuals is the only reason I'm not giving this a lower score than I am. They spent 7 years on it and it shows, I just wish they would've realized not to add all their ideas into it. It's a first-timer and it kind of shows. 6/10 |
MikochondriaApr 1, 2015 7:06 AM
No validation, no applause You don't have prove you got it when you know it's yours |
Feb 1, 2015 2:13 PM
Kamisama no Memochou is an about a self-insertion lead and a loli detective. I don't feel like writing that much, so I'll just quickly make a checklist of what the show does. + The first arc/episode was good, and some of the middle one's were okay. + Solid production values. + Fourth (there's a character called that) is a solid character + Barely any ecchi elements - No direction. KnM is simply made to make the creators money and feels more like a mix of stuff the creators thought would help sales rather than stuff that's actually there to improve the show as a whole, and the result is a show that doesn't do anything noteworthy nor even tries to. - Superficial and unconvincing handling of a mature topic - Glorification of NEET culture (although they're technically not NEET so it's basically pandering and nothing more) - Self-insertion MC and all - The loli detective has no backdrop and she definitely needs it - The gang is the dumbest gang I've ever seen and they're basically comic relief characters more or less. In an anime that tries to be dark. FFS. - Inconsistent in tone. It goes from lighthearted to 'dark' in one episode. - Baseball filler episode - Episode about an underwear thief - The MC's inclusion in the plot is stupid - Probably more stuff I forgot tbh. Oh right, forgettable and generic 2/10 |
MikochondriaApr 1, 2015 7:06 AM
No validation, no applause You don't have prove you got it when you know it's yours |
Feb 3, 2015 12:07 PM
ef - A tale of memories was a show that charmed me early on and I was expecting to score it really high but it fell apart during the ending causing me to get upset and as result giving it a lower score than it deserves. But oh well, fantastic audiovisuals, some of the best I've seen, solid characters all around in both personality, development, and backdrop. Unfortunately, the ending started throwing out logic in order to heighten emotion, and it didn't work for me and instead broke my immersion of the series. But overall, I liked it despite the ending. Still a fine show just not what it could've been. 6/10 |
MikochondriaApr 1, 2015 7:07 AM
No validation, no applause You don't have prove you got it when you know it's yours |
Feb 15, 2015 8:08 AM
I guess Ill try writing a review as well.. My first one's gonna be about Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei. I just finished it yesterday and tbh, it disappointed me, even though I didnt have high exptectations to begin with. Storywise, it was mediocre, all of the arcs were nothing outstanding, simply a justification for the action imo. The NSC was my favorite arc, since it was the least boring one to watch. The last episode was just random, since it had a conclusion to the arc, but it also kind of teasered a 2nd season/a new arc, which was unnecessary, since we'll probably never get that. Characters were pretty forgettable, with the exception of the main charas, Tatsuya and Miyuki, but not really because of positive reasons: -Why Tatsuya? Tatsuya was simply the most OP char Ive seen to this date. -Why Miyuki? "Onii-samaaa" nuff said. Animations and Sound: got nothing to criticize here; Both OPs were great to listen to, overall OST was enjoyable, what I heard. The Animations were simply stunning at times, like the magic activation sequences. My Verdict As I said, I was disappointed despite not having high expectations. I wanted a simple Action show and I did get that. But there were times I was rather looking at my phone than watching the show which is an absolute no-go for me when watching an Action series. 5/10 |
Feb 20, 2015 11:36 AM
My review of Tokyo Ghoul (Manga) Art The art in this series improves drastically as it goes on. In the beginning it doesn't look too good. The character designs looked nice but everything was just drawn sloppily. As the series goes on, the art improves immensely and the great character designs just stand out more. The biggest part I need to mention are the beautiful Kagune that the Ghouls have and the epic Quinque that the CCG members have. The art is great for a weekly and generally does its job well. Pacing This series has its lightning fast parts and its snail slow parts. The entire first half is pretty slow but in a good way. We get to know the characters and are introduced to the world that the story takes place in. The story then gets very fast and events seem to be happening at a rapid pace. Then near the end, it starts to slow down as all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. The biggest flaw is the portions where the CCG is the focus. These parts are flat out boring at times. Other than that always knows when to slow down and when to speed up. Story Ghoul’s story is a mess of ideals and human self reflection. As humans, we consume the food of other animals, even if you are vegetarian. If you eat almost strictly meat and processed foods (like me) then you are killing millions of animals and human beings a like. But we never think of it that way, do we? Ghoul poses the idea that if something came around and started eating humans because they had to, we would be the classic hypocrites and be like “YOU’RE EVIL.” No one in the world is evil and no one is good. No life view is correct, and no life view is incorrect. This is the view that Tokyo Ghoul presents and one I agree with. A view that most stories rarely touch with a 15 foot pole because of how most audiences react. Ghoul is different, it treats its audience like adults. Ghoul’s story is an absolute masterpiece but it is not the best part about the series… WARNING: If you have not read Tokyo Ghoul then go read it, then come back to this section. I wrote a lot of spoilers about them in this next section. If you have read this modern classic then continue with this review. Characters I absolutely love the characters in this manga. I can describe all of them as “badass” because they all are. I will try to mention all the characters that left an impact on me, if I missed someone then I probably forgot about them. I will describe how I think a character was portrayed, give my thoughts, then move on. Kaneki Ken Kaneki himself is the main drive of the series. He starts out timid and afraid of the world of ghouls. Then, around chapter 40 he becomes more strong willed and powerful. The main changing point is chapter 66. Kaneki becomes an absolute monster and is willing to eat a live being to get what he wants. This marks a good “halfway point” for Kaneki’s character. If the first half of the manga is about Kaneki coming to terms with being a ghoul, then the second half is about Kaneki’s realization of what he has become and what it does to others. During his fight with Amon and Shinohara, Kaneki loses his sanity and almost kills one of his close friends in a fit of rage. After this, Kaneki tries to cover up his mental breakdowns with a calm demeanor and happy nature while he talks to Eto. Finally, Kaneki snaps one last time and eats his childhood friend Hideyoshi. In the last moments of his life, Kaneki has a “conversation” with his past self. After this, Kaneki is stabbed through the skull by Arima and “killed.” Kaneki is my favorite anime/manga character of all time. He goes through a realistic character arc and it ends on a depressing but real note. Oh and he is a total f*cking badass. 103 bones, 103 bones. The Kirishima Siblings These are not very important characters, so they can't get their own sections. Touka is a badass tsundere with a somewhat loving heart. I find her speeches about humans slightly annoying but other than that she is a cool character. After the Aogiri arc she gets little to no attention for the rest of the series but leaves enough of an impact to be memorable. Ayato has an even smaller role than Touka but his introduction is so insanely awesome that he is important in his own right. Just being a vessel that Kaneki can kick the crap out of was enough for him to be remembered. His personality is pretty basic, calm, badass, beats up Touka, scared of people stronger than him. These characters do set up the first half of the series and leave lasting impacts on the reader but really aren’t that important to the main goal of the story. The Mado Family Kureo Mado is the classic “insane but smart police officer” character. He is loud, fast talking and still somewhat loving. His death about ¼ into the series is pretty brutal as he was actually a pretty likable character. Even though Kureo was likable, his daughter, Akira, is 50x more so. She is a mentally broken person that always pushes herself to do great things. She is calm on the outside but damaged on the inside. She doesn't like wasting time and is just a total freaking badass. Her relationship with Amon is one of the best character relationships I have seen in a long time. I honestly like Akira way more than Amon. Juuzou Suzuya Being introduced about halfway through the series, we don’t know much about Juuzou at first. He is covered in stitches and has a mysterious, insane aura to him but thats all we get. During his fight at Kano's lab he shows a bit more of who he is. Knives are kept in his coat while in battle, he cares about Shinohara and used to be a slave to a ghoul. Chapter 122 gives us more explanation to his insanity as his balls were destroyed by the ghoul who kept him as a slave. So pretty much, he got Lubbock’d. During the battle with Anteiku, Shinohara is pretty much killed and Juuzou loses a leg. He finally learns what it means to care about someone and its really moving. Juuzou is an awesome, insane, multilayered character that just got misunderstood. Juuzou is probably my second favorite character in the whole series, and thats saying a lot. Eto Okay, this guy has like no lines and is still one of the most interesting characters in manga history. He is first shown in the Aogiri arc as a mysterious mummy creature. The crazy part about this is the fact THAT HE IS MENTIONED 15 CHAPTERS INTO THE SERIES. The horror author “Sen Takatsuki” is mentioned by Hinami and Kaneki occasionally throughout the first half up until they finally meet him right before the raid on Anteiku. Finally, he is revealed to be the “son” of Yoshimura and the ONE EYED FREAKING OWL. This guy is just so mysterious I just don’t know what to say Amon Amon is ridiculously simple. He is a “hero” who wants to fight against ghouls because of his Tashigi-esque sense of justice. The reason he is actually a pretty good character is because of how he interacts with others. Him and Kureo were a nice little “master - student” couple but him and Akira are just so adorable. The scene were Amon takes Akira back home after she gets drunk and admits that she hates him then does push ups until the next morning was just too perfect, and I totally shipped them after that. The final NAAAAILLLLLL in the coffin is his strength to move on. He loses his master, and moves on. He loses his close friend, and moves on. He loses his arm, and moves on. He possibly loses his life, and moves on? Final Verdict Tokyo Ghoul is a fantastic manga. It has great art, a smart story and the best characters I have ever seen in storytelling. There are very large parts of the series that I did not mention, as I am way to lazy to write a 175 page review of this manga. Art: 9/10 Pacing: 8.5/10 Plot: 10/10 Characters: 10/10 So after putting those numbers through my stomach 45 times then telling physics to go fuck itself. Tokyo Ghoul gets a 11/10. Some say that a 10/10 is reserved for something that has no flaws. I believe that a 10/10 story is one that does the most good, rather than the least bad. Now, an 11/10 story is one that pierces the heavens, and hits the limit of what that form of media can do. The only 11/10s that I have ever given out are this manga, Gurren Lagann, Fate/Zero, Gone Girl and Cave Story. Tokyo Ghoul has flaws, but those flaws are so destroyed by the myriad of positives that it isn’t even a contest. I think this manga is fantastic and if you disagree with me, then please leave a comment on my profile and I would love to discuss this manga with you. And if you agree, then comment on my profile anyway so we can gush about how fucking awesome this manga is, if you haven't done enough of that already. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Feb 23, 2015 1:07 PM
Oh boy, here we go.. My review on Neon Genesis Evangelion. Only the series though Ive yet to watch Death & Rebirth and EoE. It's been a week since I finished and it took me that long to get my thoughts straight on this series, that should already speak for itself. Ok, let's start with the Characters this time, since I think they are the most important factor of this anime: Shinji Ikari While I think they did really well portraing a "normal" human psyche with all its problems with all the charas, they went overboard at times with Shinji being such a wimp, which might or might not have been necessary. He's the Third Child, the third person chosen to pilot an Eva, and that pressure really gets to him, actually I think it becomes harder for him towards later on, as the angels just get more and more psyche-breaking for him. He's the kind of person who handles tough situations by just following others and not really having a mind on his own. He also seems to suffer from a psychologicial disease called the "hedgehog syndrom", which is probably due to his father abandoning him, which causes him to restrain himself from making close relationships. He's actually one of the most generic charas in the anime looks-wise which I suppose is to resemble how normal he's meant to be supposed. Asuka Langley The Second Child. While she seems to be cheerful, out-going, and tsundere, she is, imo, the most broken character in the whole show. She deceives herselfto be superior to everyone else and gives the others a whole lot of trouble with this attitude. But the personality she shows is simple a facade for the need of praise, the disturbing past she has and the other problems of her personality. She was also my personal fav char, since her character was just the best to watch develop for me. Rei Ayanami The First Child is a doll-like character, and Ive heard that one of the things the writer wanted to present in this character was how scary actually dolls/doll-like people can be, which is shown in the character design: The blue hair can be interpreted as an indicator for how cold she is and the red eyes are there to show her "scaryness". She was one of the less fun characters to watch, since there was no personality to watch, which was at least somehow explained, in the anime's vague ways. Misato Katsuragi She was pretty much the same as Asuka, but with other methods to hide and cope with her brokeness. Gendou Ikari Shinji's father and the person we get to know the least of out of all the important charas because of reasons, I guess? ^^ He's the mysterious head of NERV and Shinji's dad, who he abandoned three years before the happenings of the series. He's always calm and logical to a point where he seems to be plain ruthless, but it's always the decision with the most possible survivors, and he'd even put the sanity and humanity of the pilots on the stake just for that. Story The anime begins with Shinji waiting for Misato to pick him up, since he got a call from his father pretty much saying he "got a use for him". At NERV HQ, his father tells him to pilot the Evangelion, a humanoid robot and pretty much the only hope against the angels, who could cause a Third Impact, an event which would, to sum it up quickly, kill all remaining living beings on earth, if it were to happen. So Shinji pilots the scary robot and after Shinji fucked up and lost consciousness, the Eva goes berserk and wins against the third angel. The first hint to how much of a mindfuck this series was going to be. In the next episodes the anime kept changing from fighting angels, Shinji running away and his everyday life, which always had a perfect transition, imo. Towards Ep 15(?), the anime starts to get less and less about everyday life and more about how all the characters became what they are now, and it ends with the last 2 Eps just being pretty random, shitty when seen as an ending but pretty interesting as a view on the perception and self-reflection of a person. I got a headache after I finished, Im not joking. Animation and Music Compared to todays shows, it honestly felt like cancer to my eyes. But it's 20 years old so it's forgivable, for the most part. But it had 3 or 4 scenes where it was literally a standing picture for like 20-30 seconds, probably because of budget reasons. And the last two Eps were simply sloppy animated, maybe because they thought it fitted (I'd find that to be kinda understandable. KINDA) or again out of budget reasons. Music was good but nothing so outstanding I'd listen to it just for the music. The opening is a little overhyped and the lyrics are laughable, considering they are about Shinji ffs. My Verdict It was a great watch with a WTF-ending, but everyone should know that already.. Do I recommend it? ABSOLUTELY! The last two Eps are kinda a screw-up, but look past that and you got yourself a show with geniusly written charas, a good plot with a little too much mystery at the end maybe, an interesting mecha, a lot of symbolism about religion and a great, thought-provoking interpretation of the human mind and, to a point, even society. I will not give this anime a score though, it's too hard for me, as some parts in me kind of hate this show for being what it is, but other parts of me love it to death. P.S. Im too lazy to try and find all the religious symbolism, since Im not very fond of religion anyways. ^^ |
Feb 23, 2015 4:46 PM
^ you should not really judge the ending of NGE before you've seen End of Evangelion.. simply because those last two episodes literally only existed because the producers ran out of budget at the time and had to come up with some random shit instead the movie literally is the replacement for those two episodes and what it should have been like had they had more money at the time |
Feb 25, 2015 2:47 PM
Hey guys! I am actually gonna be reviewing two anime that I have finished very recently. Within like, the past 4-5 weeks. These two anime are gonna be Fate/Zero and Akame Ga Kill. Now fair warning. There will probably be spoilers. And sense I do not know how to use a spoiler tag or whatever its called. I am just warning you now. But if you want to know whether you should watch it or not and the opinion of a fellow club member. Then I have all the scores and quick summary's of my thoughts (Spoiler free) at the bottom of the review. And then my final score. And I kinda want to start uploading reviews on what I watch frequently. So if you guys liked my reviews and styles here. Just let me know because I kinda want some feed back on them. With that out of the way. Lets get to the review. Sorry for the long sorta intro xD Also, if you want to skip my Review intro just scroll down to story. Akame Ga Kill Review: Intro: Now, I would consider myself A pretty big fan of anime. I have been watching it for a few years and I have a pretty good idea of what I consider good and what I consider to be bad. I mean, My favorite anime's consist of Cory In The House and Toy Story. So I mean, That right there should tell you a lot about my exquisite taste in high quality anime. Kidding, kidding. But, seriously. I do consider myself an anime fan, who still has a lot of anime of good anime to watch. In fact, I probably have hundreds of them still waiting for me. So I don't normally keep up with the newest stuff coming out season to season. However, I know a lot of people, and just see a lot of people when I browse MAL talk a lot about new and more modern anime. Especially about the most recent seasonal anime in 2014-2015. And I can pretty much get the jist of the whole thing from everything I hear about it now a days. Including how the process works and such things. But I have noticed to main trends that go on in the most recent seasons of new anime based on what I have been hearing from around the community in modern anime. The first thing that I notice. Is that everyone often regards most modern anime as piece of shit Satan spawn of anime. That the only purpose of the anime was for the greedy Japanese money whores to make lots of money. By masking their anime to look like is good by making their plot pretty with things like BEEEEEWBS! (Which isn't really a bad thing if ya catch my drift ;) ) and pretty visuals. Also replacing any other thing that would make a anime good with BEWBS!. This then also leads to mind numbingly painful and dreadful arguments and conversation topics that are just as shitty as apparently most modern anime is. Like "Is anime dying?", "Not wanting anime to become popular because of the fear of even more simply garbage shit coming out?" And a bunch of other stuff I have strong opinions about that I won't rant about here. And the second thing I have noticed about the modern anime that goes hand in hand with the first thing. Is that when a good anime finally comes out. It blows up in the anime community, either for ever and they wont stop talking about it. Or it will only last for the beginning of its hype train. But either way. It blows up and everyone will not stop talking about it at first. Fucking, everyone will start raving out on the streets. motha' fuckers will be doing triple back flips down their side walks. The shipping community will continue to thrive and fuck with our minds. (As it always does.) With ships like Edward Elric and Eren Yeager and then Armin and Shrek...(I could not make that shit up, Google it.) Then the worst part will be when whole fan clubs and religious groups will rise. Parsing it as "The savior of anime!" Or The new Jesus Christ of anime. And these guys will defend the fact that it is the best anime of all time to their grave. They will not take any other answer or possible superior anime for an answer. And these are either called "crown jewels, or overrated/over hyped anime." I prefer to use the term crown jewel. Because whether you think its good or not. It was good enough to get as much attention as it did. And despite your own opinion. There is no reason to judge them for there opinion. And over hyped/rated is a pretty subjective term to me as well. Not to mention I hate that term with a passion. But anyways. You might be asking yourself. What is this douche bag ranting on about? And will he ever make a point? And to answer that question. Yes I will The point, is that the anime I will be talking about now, Akame Ga Kill. Is certainly an example of said "crowned jewel." In the modern anime community, and like most of these types of shows. I always want to know what the commotion is about. So I went to watch it....And my god guys and gals. I had one hell of a time with it! Lets roll. Story: Okay. The story is probably one of the best parts about this anime. The basic concept is basically a boy named Tatsumi. Who travels to this very prosperous land that has been alive for over 1000 years called The Capital. His goal is basically to become a big military general in the Capitals army and bring his riches home to his poor village to make them prosperous once again. Though once he enters The Capital, after a short series of unfortunate events. He is shown how horrid and corrupt The Capital really is. And joins a rebel group of assassins named Night Raid. Who want to bring down the corrupt government together and bring an age of peace and prosperity to The Capital. To do this, they also use these tools called Imperial arms. Which were created by the previous emperor to keep his empire living forever. They are extremely powerful weapons with beyond human techniques that can grant their wielder massive amounts of strength. However, if you are not compatible they will most likely kill you. (Sorry if I didn't explain that concept well. I am kinda bad at explaining concepts.) Now, I will say. If you take the whole plot at just face value, it seems pretty dull and boring. With nothing really new or terribly interesting. I mean, we have honestly probably seen most of this stuff before. And can even be considered cliche. But, I truly had a deep love for the plot and way of story telling once i started watching it. Honestly, I have a thing with repeated story ideas and cliche ideas, scenes or characters. (Which there are not a lot of those things in this anime. I just feel like I should mention it any way.) As long as these elements are executed correctly. And in a presentable manor. I have absolutely no problem with it. And I gotta say. The execution and handling for everything in this anime was really good. There was very few problems I had, if you could consider them problems at all. It was probably more of me just knit picking at anything I could. Which is what I normally do for anime that I like a whole lot. The fights were engaging and thrilling. I never took my eyes of the screen during a single fight and always was left on the edge of my seat. You never knew who would come out on top during any of the fight scenes. Which when you can do that, is a very big plus in my opinion. And I can talk about that more a little bit later. It is mainly an action/adventure/fantasy series that anyone who is a fan of those genres will love this to death. But to be honest, it shares a lot of elements to Game Of Thrones if anyone has ever seen, or heard of that. Except, without the nudity or incest. So, yeah. If that sounds interesting to you, or if you liked Game of Thrones. This anime will certainly be right up your ally. And I am a sucker for military anime, and the type of anime, where the good guy rebels, fight against and evil oppressive empire stories. Those stories really get to me for some reason. Though, You could argue about the military part though. But still. It is what it is. Characters: Now, if you are like me. You will love and appreciate any time a anime goes out of its way to present you, with great, amazing and bad ass villains. Some more cool and respectable than others. If you love great villain characters. Then just stop reading this right now and go watch it! I promise you right now. It has one of the best villain cast I have ever seen in a long time. Like legit. They are balls to the wall amazing. You actually get to spend time with them as much as the main cast. You get to understand their motives and reason for fighting. (Even if you may not feel like some of them can be justified.) You can still understand and feel with them. And not only that. But you felt a strong bond and comradely between each of the villain characters when they fought or interacted together. Basically experience what a day each day is like for them. Fighting or not. And the same thing with our main cast. They were also very well developed and amazing characters. Despite the fact that most of the characters were kinda cliche and shared elements from other characters. But then again, I mean. Most anime do share at least a little bit of characteristics with their characters. I feel like saying that is completely irrelevant at this point. But you feel a strong passion and comradely between the whole Night Raid group. They all care for each other and share the same hopes and aspirations. You get a good understanding of their reasons for fighting and you truly feel for them. Fair warning as I say that though...Like Game of Thrones. Many characters die. The writers in this anime also seem to have a keen fetish for death and the killing off of characters because I swear that is something that happens a lot. So try not to get to attached your you will get pretty bum hurt in the future. Because I will admit not knowing that coming into this anime. Affected me quite a bit most of the time. But even despite the deaths of the characters. And the amount of characters that there are for that matter. Over the span of 24 episodes. Was a truly amazing skill for the writers to pull off such great development for all the characters they had. In the short amount of time they do it in. I really found it impressive. Considering most 24 episode series can't develop half of their characters well enough over the whole thing without them being killed off every so often. Another thing about the character deaths for the villains and the heroes that I actually liked a whole lot, is that the deaths actually weigh heavily on the characters. And they actually tend to mention the characters a lot. Their deaths give the characters motivation to fight, and the characters continue to carry on he ideals of those who have died. Not just forgetting about them all in one episode time. They are always remembered even up until the very end of the series. Showing how the bonds really did mean a lot. And the characters truly cared about each other. The one thing that I didn't like about the characters. And this is about the character deaths. A small knit pick that I had. Was the fact that almost every character death. It started to rain....The whole raining after the death of a character to symbolize how sad everyone is. That cliche is used for almost every singe character death. It gets really annoying after a while. And honestly. For me took away from the deaths a little bit for me. There is only two character deaths I can think of where it didn't rain. Two! But anyways. Lets actually talk about a few of the characters. I am just gonna focus on three sense there are way to many to talk about all of them in one review. And I am gonna give my thoughts on them. Wave- Wave is basically the second main character, and is basically a anti-hero who resembles our main character exactly. With a slightly different back story. Being from the navy in a small village to be apart of this special forces group known as the Yeager's. The way I see this character. He is basically a mirror image character. That was put in to the series on purpose as kind of a "what if" scenario. To show what it would have been like for the most part if our main lead Tatsumi had decided to join the Yeagers and go into the Capital instead of joining Night Raid. Despite being basically the same character. I actually kinda liked him a little more than our main lead for some reason. Tatsumi- The main character, who starts out as this kinda ignorant boy. Who thinks he can get by in the capital to save his village with little work and quickly raise himself up to the top. But as the series progresses. He actually develops as a character and becomes stronger and less and less ignorant to others which I really liked. And quickly became very fond of all of the other characters and was quick to get along, and mean something to the characters. He also has high respect for all of his team mates. Esdeath- Not only is she my favorite villain in this anime, and my favorite character in this anime. But she has quickly became my favorite villain I have ever seen in an anime. Ever. Period. From her very first scene she had in this anime. I knew I was gonna be in one hell of a ride. i would never get on this chicks bad side, you talk about cruel, evil, dominating ice queens man. You haven't seen Esdeath. Who fits the term ice queen perfectly. But. she also has a light heart ed and mother like side to her subordinates and can be rather n ice at times. And I like that she can be compassionate to those who serve her at times as well. And I had to mention her because with all the praise I gave her. She is a truly amazing and interesting character who will always keep you on the edge of your seat. And now before I head over to the sound and art work. I just have to mention a couple things that I appreciated. Or just noticed that was kind of strange to e. But it never really took away from my enjoyment of the anime. The first thing, is that I really appreciated how Night Raid didn't try to justify what they had done. By saying "They killed in the name of justice!" And all of that shenanigans. I mean, sure they were. But they also recognized that what they were doing was murder. And that's it. And also being prepared to die. All of that, it really got to me. The second thing is that every episode of Akame Ga Kill! The title for each episode is always Kill the _____. Which, isn't really a problem. But sometimes, when I saw them. It really threw me off and made me think all kinds of shit was going to happen in an episode. When really it never actually happened. And the second thing that I also noticed. I did not mention Akame in the characters I described. Considering Akame is in the name of the title of the anime. You think that she would show up more. But really. She only gets a lot of development in the very beginning, and very end of the series. She is basically side lined for everything in the middle. Which is understandable for character development and things lie that for other characters. But still. I mean. It was just kind of weird for me. Not saying Akame wasn't cool or important when she did make the spotlight. Because, her, like all the characters had their own moments of badassary and emotional moments. Art and Animation- To be completely honest. There isn't much to say about this. Normally it should be a given that an anime would have to have at least decent animation. Which it does. Akame Ga Kill has amazing and very fluid animation. The fight scenes were fast paced and well executed. It was just a shot from the distance where characters clash and its just flashing lights as they fight. And I really appreciate when action anime can animate the fighting up close and personal. And captivate you fights that you will never know who will come out on top. Due to the fact that literally every character in the series can die. Plot armor is non existent. Which...I will admit for some characters. Defiantly wasn't a good thing due to the lack of development left for them after words. But we are here to talk about the animation. So yeah. Its pretty and fluid. Very little to say about it. Except, that art style, like most. Took me a little while to get used to. Can't say why for sure. Sound- Now especially in anime like this where there are alot of sad and epic action sequences and such things. An epic music score and are key to add on to the scenes. While I loved them, during the scenes that they were played in. Nothing really stood out and I wouldn't really say I would download any of the songs and replay them over and over again on youtube. Except for the opening songs. Which in my opinion were amazing. And got you nice and hyped up to watch the next event or mission from night raid to play out. However. Nothing really stood out about the openings themselves. Except for the way the second opening was executed. I really liked the very beginning of it, where it showed all of the Yeagers and Night Raid members. Final thoughts/Over all score. I went ahead and decided to look at some of Akame Ga Kills previous reviews and I saw alot of 3's, 4's, and 6's. So a lot of people might be surprised when I say that I truly liked and even loved this anime. I thought it was very well done for what it was. I was completely satisfied with the ending. And for what they had going, and the amount of time they had. I genuinely felt for the characters and got attached to most of them. The sound and animation was pretty solid and I enjoyed it. And the plot was fairly engaging to me as well. I have thought about what I thought about it ith everything from story to my own personal enjoyment. And had finally came to a conclusion on giving this show a 9 out of 10. here were alot of little things that bothered me that I could get over most of them. But they all kinda piled up to be one huge problem and I couldn't give it a 10. Summary: Story: 7/10 Characters: 9/10 Animation/Art Work: 8/10 Sound: 6/10 Overall Enjoyment: 10/10 (Normally my enjoyment will be 8-10 whether I liked it or didn't because I typically prefer to enjoy everything I watch the first time through so it isn't torture.) Final Grade: 9/10. Thanks for reading! Sorry it was lengthy. I loved this anime a lot though. And I decided not to do the Fate/zero review because this review took a while to make and its pretty exhausting. |
Feb 28, 2015 12:08 AM
@Barbarian I've read your review, and if there's one thing I have to say about it, it's that your grammar makes it very jarring to read. You really should proofread it before posting it. One thing you kept doing that quite bothered me, was that you kept adding periods where it shouldn't be periods. If you add a conjunction, don't add period before that. If you hadn't posted it here and it was a random review I would've given up on reading it just because of how annoying that was to read. I wont comment on the content much apart from that you put forward your thoughts well enough. There was stuff you could improve on though. You definitely seem to have the passion for this though, so keep it up! |
No validation, no applause You don't have prove you got it when you know it's yours |
Mar 1, 2015 5:25 PM
Okay, I will work on improving my grammar if I ever take another go at it. Or just anything else so that its not so hard to read xD thanks. Just out of curiosity though, can you give me an example of one or two things I can improve as far as the content? |
Barbarian1Mar 1, 2015 5:31 PM
Mar 1, 2015 7:26 PM
not enough praise for cory in the house a) Be more confident. Don't use words like 'perhaps', it only serves to make you sound unsure in your opinion, in which case people wont take it as seriously. If you're unsure about your opinion on the subject, reflect over it until you reach a conclusion. b) Sometimes your praise for several things seem completely unjustified after your description of it. Your description of Esdeath basically amounts to the fact that she's an Ice Queen with a compassionate side, and then you call her your favorite character, amazing and interesting, while nothing about your description of her seem to justify that. There, 2 things. |
No validation, no applause You don't have prove you got it when you know it's yours |
Mar 10, 2015 3:14 AM
just copy pasta my MAL review for Kogepan, watch it if you has so many free time or get tired with dark heavy anime.It's just 40 minutes total though. Kogepan is interesting. It’s basically one of those 4 minute shorts kid’s anime that air before they run off to school, yet It’s also one of the most philosophically awesome series ever made. It’s about a piece of bread that got burned by the baker. He wants to be bought. He knows that he’ll be eaten, but “being bought” is what bread wants. So he has this crisis– he knows his fate, he knows he’s been spared this fate, and yet he’s still confused and angry over the fact that his fate has been denied. He questions his existence. He jealous with the rare breads and scares them by telling them “the truth.” He drinks his problems away with milk (which gets bread drunk) along with the others “burned” bread. STORY I can't really say much for the story. Each short (and I mean short - one and a half minute episode is dedicated to opening and closing sequences, leaving us with only two and a half minutes of original animation per episode) is a stand-alone story where another lesson takes place. But even these messages are subtle, and in some episodes aren't clear until you see the twist at the end of the episode. But I think in this case a shorter episode time works to the advantage of the show. I'm sure I wouldn't have enjoyed this nearly so much if each segment went on for a half hour. Two and a half minutes is much more stomach-able, especially it just 10 episodes series. ART&SOUNDS As for the art it is fairly… Basic. The animation is smooth and consistent, and the art is filled with light, bright colours, and cute character designs. The entire mood is subdued, but pleasant. The “old-man” narrative voice-over, which provides all of the dialogue for the series, further enhances the effect with his own soothing voice. In fact, the voice acting of Kogepan, Strawberry bread and Cream bread (who is voiced by Ishida Akira) are probably more responsible for setting the tone of the series than the muted animation itself. The opening and ending theme is especially catchy and adorable, and I find myself humming it from time to time. CHARACTERS The character interactions are the driving force of the comedy, and the chemistry works so well because the characters themselves are not only consistent, but also develop. I wouldn’t call the character development in this show “momentous”, but Koge-pan makes an extra effort that lesser shows disregard. The characters’ quirks are explained. We’re given an explanation how Koge-pan himself got burnt and how he met his best friend Cream bread who is also got burnt. The show doesn’t make a great ado about their backgrounds, but there’s enough there to at least lend to the illusion that we’re not just laughing at gags penned by a writer, but that we’re laughing both at and with a group of people with feelings, concerns and relationships. MINOR SIDE There were a few things I had to complaints, but most of it are minor. The show’s reliance on characters and interactions means that you have to work up a sense of familiarity with the characters before the humour and philosophy really hits home; maybe need a bit concentration on the some scene at the first episodes but after that, I’m sure you’ll understand the philosophy. ENJOYMENT& OVERALL This review might feel more like a comment than an analysis of the series, but I think that’s a fair way to look at Kogepan. The series was entertaining and that is probably the best way to describe it. I definitely recommend this series and I suggest you getting it all in at once if at all possible. Even without skip the opening and ending theme, you can knock it out in well under an hour. There’s an apparent philosophy behind Kogepan’s approach, almost as if it’s beckoning its audience to watch something special. Plus it’s very short, what are you waiting for? Brilliant stuff here. STORY 10/10 ART 7/10 SOUNDS 8/10 CHARACTERS 8/10 ENJOYMENT 10/10 OVERALL--> 8.6 |
DragonNoleMar 10, 2015 3:21 AM
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die. |
Mar 14, 2015 3:16 PM
And yet another review by me, but this time it'll be on a manga, called Cage of Eden or Eden no Ori. So, this is my first manga review and why did I choose this manga as my first subject of reviewing? First, I finished this just recently. Second, there's a lot to talk about in those 185 chapters. This manga will have you learn more about extinct animals than any biology lesson, more about this and that than you'd learn in school (I did NOT confirm wether any of the stuff they talked about in this manga is true) but you probably won't be crashing with a plane, and after regaining consciousness after surviving miraclously, finding yourself on an uninhabited island with extinct animals. So, how does this manga actually do? (Best transition ever) Story Storywise, well, it's a pretty normal survival series. The MC is Sengoku Akira, a "problem child" (God I hate that term) in school, and we follow him most of the time. He soon finds companions, at first his childhood friend, Rion Akagami, the school's genius, Mariya, and a CA (cabin attendant), Kanako Oomori. Of course, they try to find other survivors and a way off the island they got on, and Sengoku becomes the leader of a group of survivors. You feel the Shounen influence a lot throughout the manga, as they miraclously survive (well, most ;P) all their encounters with things that are, like, crazier than Godzilla: Also, the comedy bits are really obviously made for guys in puberty. And a comment about the end: It was pretty random imo, it felt like the mangaka ran out of chapters, so he just made something that pretty much drifted from the original storyline. It wasn't the worst end I've read/watched so far, but it was still pretty bad. Characters Well, the survivors that the MC has met overall is something around 100 and "just" 20-30 have any importance at all. Akira Sengoku: At school, he was nothing but a normal troublemaker but he just seems perfectly cut out to be the leader of the survivors on the island. He's strong-willed, protective, a bit perverted, your typical Shounen protagonist. Yarai-kun: He's the typical delinquent kind of character. But he's actually a second protagonist, and leads a small group of survivors as well, since he's the lone wolf guy. He's really silent, because of his oh-so-tragic past. And he can even take on some of those extinct animals. He has a lot of knowledge about living in the wild for whatever reason. One of my favs. Mariya: The school's genius. He becomes a great help as a tactician and the guy knowing everything. He also develops into the 2nd-in-command in Sengoku's group. Isurugi Miina: I just love her because of her sarcastic personality. She has a lot of charisma and "she" got a dick....Oh well... Zaji-kun:He's just the guy who sets the mood, he's really honest and fun to be with. A guy like him is neede to have in a fucked-up situation like they're in. Kouhei Arita: He's the best friend of Akira and pretty much the male idol of the middle school they're in. So he ofc is a chick-magnet. His character has the most wtf-elements in the story and yeah.. He doesn't get all that much screentime so there's (sadly) nothing really to talk about without using spoilers. Hades: He's just a plot device. He's from the same middle school but we never get to know who he actually is. The girls were mainly just plot devices with the concept: Males: Ok we are guys, the girls of course cant do shit, we have to protect them. They get development, but yeah, that is still their main purpose. :/ Animation/Sound Well, it IS a manga, so there's no animation (no shit Kaniza, you sherlock), so I'll just have to talk about the drawings for a bit. I found it to be looking older than the manga actually is. It looked like something from ~1995-2003, when the manga started in 2008 and went on till 2012. The OST was the best OST EVAAARRR!!!1!111ONEONEELEVEN!! ..Ok, ok, just kidding, there's no OST ._. Verdict/Opinion It was an enjoyable manga overall, and a master of consistncy. What was so consistent, you might or might not ask yourself. The quality of each chapter individually, but also as every chapter being a part of the overall plot. It never went below a 6 rating, but also never above an 8 rating. The only thing I didn't enjoy was the fanservice thrown in at the beginning of alot of chapters. The repetitivness of the first half might get on your nerves if you're going to marathon this series like I did (120 chapters in 2 days). 7,5/10 would kinda recommend it. Not a must-read, but definetly an enjoyable read |
Mar 30, 2015 12:19 AM
As per the recommendation of another MyAnimeList user, I recently began watching Amagami SS. At first, I was a bit thrown by its use of character arcs, as normally, anime adaptations from visual novels go the harem route. But that choice gave this show so many opportunities; Opportunities to show each heroine's possible romantic development with Tachibana Junichi, the protagonist. That alone didn't make Amagami SS the masterpiece that it is. No, the main (but definitely not the only) strength this show has is its amazing character development throughout each of the six arcs. With so many leading ladies, each one only gets four episodes per arc, and yet each episode flows and is paced so well that it may as well have been an entire season. The artwork fits extremely well, as it allows the show the casual feeling of a typical romance, but also stands above most other shows I've seen, and that will still be the case for years to come. The music isn't anything spectacular, but I did enjoy its upbeat tune as I inhaled episode after episode. And though the in-show music is average, what really stands out to me is the closing each of the six arcs has, as the girl which the particular arc focuses on sings the closing, with each closing being different and unique to the character. The characters were more or less average, with some standing out more than others (Nakata Sae being my favorite.) The only quark I have is that in the fifth arc, Rihoko and Junichi didn't end up together. All in all, Amagami SS is, as of now, my favorite romance anime I've seen, and I may buy a PS2 so I can play the visual novel (and a couple other titles.) If you haven't seen it yet, what are you doing!? Stop reading this review and go experience it firsthand! Probably should've put that at the beginning... |
Apr 11, 2015 4:12 AM
#20 |
Apr 16, 2015 3:36 AM
Darker than Black - 10 Alright, let me clear some shiz up before i get into this review. Firstly, I will be reviewing the anime as a whole, so both the 1st and 2nd season together in one review, (I gave them the same score anyway). Secondly, this is my personal opinion, don't get fired up and start abusing me because I like the soundtrack or some stupid shit like that. Lastly, feel free to disagree or agree with me and post your own opinion about DTB cause i do want to hear about what you thought of the anime. Also, i won't be explaining the story line, if you want to know go read the synopsis here, Visuals - I do like my animation to be good, if not then somewhat decent. DTB does have good animation and the backgrounds in the anime fit in with the animation of the characters and objects. (Unlike some animes, *cough*Juuou Mujin no Fafnir*cough*). There isn't really a lot to talk about in regards to animation but the fact that DTB has good animation does score a few points with how i rate anime. Soundtrack - The soundtrack in both DTB season 1 and 2 were prodigious. Each song was unique in regards to how soundtrack songs in most anime's are, and each song suited the situation perfectly amplifying the action/gravity of a scene. (Another anime that did this amazingly as well was Noragami). I found myself loving the soundtrack as well as the openings and endings of each cour. Characters - Right of the bat let me say that i didn't hate a single character in DTB, (well, i did dislike the two detective characters, Kiko and Gai, but i didn't hate them as such). Hei is my favorite character in this anime despite being the protagonist, it's generally the opposite for me. He isn't your generic, run-of-the-mill MC that so many anime unfortunately possess, he has two personalities that are interesting to watch and at times they blend together to form something very unique. To people that don't know about Hei's true persona or people that Hei is targeting undercover, we see a friendly, kind and somewhat goofy personality shine through. To people that do know his true identity however is a different story, Hei is portrayed as a cold, harsh and merciless killer who doesn't seem to possess any emotions. Throughout the anime I was constantly wondering which personality was the real Hei, and at times a blend of these personalities could be seen when Hei had interactions with Yin and Suou. I've never seen a protagonist or even character that is even relatively similar to Hei and this is obviously an upside. (This is in regards to anime i've watched so if you have seen a character similar to Hei please tell me). Genres - Alright, so when i watch an anime i do watch out for if they cover the genres listed. Some anime's unfortunately do a half-assed job and give of a vibe of something incomplete. The genres in DTB are Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi and Super Powers. So Sci-Fi and Super Powers aren't genres that you can do half-assed, you either have them or you don't. Action and Mystery are different stories. The action in DTB is definitely evident and done extremely well, the fight scenes were captivating and could go in any direction, the camera angles were well placed and the slow motion and effects were grafted perfectly into scenes. Mystery was also extremely well done, DTB actually made you work things out yourself and didn't baby feed you information about what, how and why things happen and work. DTB actively engaged the audience in the mysteries and made you think along with the characters. This anime didn't explain the plot or anything, you're just thrust into the world of DTB without any explanation, i only worked out how somethings worked half way through the anime. This was both infuriating and engaging, DTB is the antithesis of any Shonen anime. Minor Points - I think that i have covered the major points so i will talk about numerous little things that just polish this anime off. Even though psychological is not a genre in this anime, it should be, as there was definitely and aspect of it. Darker than black got into some pretty dark stuff, (i guess you can tell from the title xD), and it made you think about human kind, emotions and morals that people possess. Dolls and Contractors are beings that have supposedly no emotions and can kill without hesitation, but there are moments in this anime where you get the feeling this is not actually the case. Psychological is something i love to see in anime and DTB earns some bonus points for this reason. Moving on, when i rate anime i don't base the score specifically based on all the things i have said above, i tend to adjust the score based of what i feel the anime should get. One Piece and Bleach are two anime's that gave me a feeling that boosted them up to that 10/10 score. DTB gave me that feeling and that is why season 1 and 2 both have received that prestigious 10 rating and DTB has the honor of becoming the 4th anime title that i have given a Masterpiece ranking. So Darker than black does receive a 10/10 rating and I strongly recommend you put this anime in your Plan To Watch list with a priority set at high. Feel free to say what you thought about DTB, i won't get offended or anything as it is all opinions. Have a good day :) |
WymsicalApr 16, 2015 3:45 AM
Apr 16, 2015 3:46 AM
Apr 18, 2015 9:53 PM
MRN3 said: Should put more substance into your writting but they're good starting points. Keep at it, MRN |
Apr 19, 2015 6:38 AM
Just posting a link to my review on this site of my new review of Love Live! Season 2 |
Apr 19, 2015 8:46 AM
I am really bad in that stuff. [u][url=]Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch [/url] [u][url=]Spice and Wolf.[/u][/url] [url=]Katanagatari.[/url] [b][u]Haibane Renmei[/b] |
NashetaniaApr 19, 2015 9:54 AM
Apr 19, 2015 11:23 AM
Seto_Masamune said: Just posting a link to my review on this site of my new review of Love Live! Season 2 You did a good job on giving a quick over-view of what happens and some detailed information on different aspects of the show(ie. animation, music, story, etc). Critcizism I can would be to not add in the parts of the character backgrounds, at least not for a seris that has serveral MC's. It cludders the review and made me want to stop reading. Another imporvement, which I too believe could be important, is wording each section different. When you described each section ofthe show(animation, music,etc) you started of the same way and it got tedious to read. tl;dr Fresh wording. Less cludder |
Apr 19, 2015 11:29 AM
Grusomhed said: I am really bad in that stuff. [url=]Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch [/url] [url=]Spice and Wolf.[/url] [url=]Katanagatari.[/url] [b]Haibane Renmei[/b] I only read your Spice and Wolf and Haibane Renmei reviews but just reading those I can safely say that you're being modest when you say "I am really bad." Reviewing these I could feel a lot of time was put into writting each one of these because you had your thoughts layed out very well and very organized. I personally dont have anything I could critique for you. If you still want to improve I recommend reading a few of Archaeon's reviews and seeing where you'res varies from his in terms of detail and depth. Over all, good stuff, grusom. |
SpeakssApr 19, 2015 11:32 AM
Apr 19, 2015 2:13 PM
Thanks Speakss for the feedback, still learning to get better and about the characters maybe i should of just done the Lead girl as i like giving a the reader a little character background to see if they like the character, maybe i should add my opinion about each main character perhaps. As for wording this time i had been a wake for over 24 hours when writing the review so it may of been bad, see kids this why you sleep for. Anyways thanks for the feedback and i wanted to ask here to save time, would anyone like to read my reviews before i put the out on here to see what i could add and take out. if so i make a topic in the clubs form if can or do it here. Also thanks to all for taking your time to read it and i hope you all will give it a watch, now the next one is not in till next sunday so i be around and you can leave me questions or just talk on my profile page i on most of the time, Laters |
Apr 19, 2015 9:27 PM
Seto_Masamune said: i wanted to ask here to save time, would anyone like to read my reviews before i put the out on here to see what i could add and take out. if so i make a topic in the clubs form if can or do it here. If you'd like you can post it here and anyone in our club interested in reading reviews will help you out. I included will do my best to help |
Apr 28, 2015 10:15 AM
This is not the final version I like to see if there anything that can be changed before i post the final version Tomorrow Night Psycho-Pass review Just before I start, I like to thank mgronald for recommending Psycho-Pass to me. Psycho-Pass is an Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi anime created by Production I.G., written by Gen Urobuchi and directed by Naoyoshi Shiotani. Plot The plot of the anime is in the year 2113, Japan uses The Sibyl System, a system that can actively measures a person's Mental state, their personality and the probability of them committing a crime by using Cymatic scans of a person's brain. The Crime Coefficient, a measurement of the probability of a person committing a crime, gets too high, the person in question this then called a latent Criminal that then gets pursued by the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division's Inspectors and Enforcers to be apprehended to retrieve treatment or to be killed if there Crime Coefficient is too high to be treated. The Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division is made up of special teams that uses latent criminals that can't lower there Crime Coefficient enough to return to be redeemed that they won't commit a crime but not high enough to be killed, as enforcers to hunt down other latent criminals and Inspectors, who's job is to make sure that enforcers do their job and stop them from escaping. These teams use a weapon called Dominators, a handgun that can do a Cymatic scan on the person that it aimed at. If the person's Crime Coefficient is low enough then the gun can't be fired on them, if it's higher than is acceptable, it will stun the person when fired and if it's too high, it will kill the person if fired. So that's as much as the plot I can explain and you can see that a lot of thought has been into creating Psycho-Pass and as much as l like to continue talking about the plot, I don't want to spoiler anything so let's move on. Main Characters Main Female Protagonist - Akane Tsunemori (Voiced by Kana Hanazawa) - She is a new inspector of unit one of The Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division. She has a calm demeanor, strong sense of justice and doesn't like to kill latent criminals if they can be saved by using treatment. I find her character very interesting because of her sense of right and wrong, and she treats enforcers like people, not hunting dogs like most inspectors. Main Male Protagonist- Shinya Kogami (Voiced by Tomokazu Seki) - He is one of the enforcers in unit one. He unlike Akane is not afraid to to act even if it breaks the law system to stop criminals so no one has to worry about increasing their Crime Coefficient and become a latent criminal. Kogami is a well made character, he's partnership with Akane shows that while they share and work together the same goals, they don't compromise each others ideals as both of them think their own ideals are right. Also Kogami's rivalry with Makishima, the Antagonist, very interesting as each are willing to do anything to achieve their own goals and their understanding of each other. Main Antagonist - Shogo Makishima (Voiced by Takahiro Sakurai) - He is determined to rid the world of The Sybil System, because spoilers i can't say why but it very complex and makes sense. Presentation Psycho-Pass has a very dark color scheme that helps the feel of the world the anime is in. The focus on the character's personalities is great as it makes the viewer interested in the story more. The animation of the characters are beautiful as they move so smoothly and so life like. The voice acting of the characters are well done, specially Makishima as he sounds so calm but scary as he can sound the same while killing people. The music is helps the feel of the anime and some pieces well as it really fit with what going on screen. My Opinion Psycho-Pass is one of these animes that's story is so interesting because of being so complex and not every thing is black and white. The way Kogami and Makishima's rivalry works is amazing, the way they can understand each other and how each other won't back down.The way the world works is interesting but also scary because of once you Crime Coefficient gets too high, your life is over. Verdict Psycho-Pass is one of those animes that are a must watch as it's story as it has so much complex. It's world shows one of the possibles of future of our own world and a scary one at that. I recommend anyone who loves a good story to give Psycho-Pass a try and you won't be disappointed. |
Apr 28, 2015 10:28 AM
Seto_Masamune, you should check typos in Word, or in any other program. It is also kinda annoying to read a wall of text. What I mean is that your review should look like that: [spoiler] [u]Psycho-Pass review Just before I start, I like to thank mgronald for recommending Psycho-Pass to me.[/u] This part is unnecessary. Psycho-Pass is an Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi anime created by Production I.G., written by Gen Urobuchi and directed by Naoyoshi Shiotani. Plot The plot of the anime is in the year 2113, Japan uses The Sibyl System, a system that can actively measures a person's Mental state, their personality and the probability of them committing a crime by using Cymatic scans of a person's brain. The Crime Coefficient, a measurement of the probability of a person committing a crime, gets too high, the person in question this then called a latent Criminal that then gets pursued by the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division's Inspectors and Enforcers to be apprehended to retrieve treatment or to be killed if there Crime Coefficient is too high to be treated. The Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division is made up of special teams that uses latent criminals that can't lower there Crime Coefficient enough to return to be redeemed that they won't commit a crime but not high enough to be killed, as enforcers to hunt down other latent criminals and Inspectors, who's job is to make sure that enforcers do their job and stop them from escaping. These teams use a weapon called Dominators, a handgun that can do a Cymatic scan on the person that it aimed at. If the person's Crime Coefficient is low enough then the gun can't be fired on them, if it's higher than is acceptable, it will stun the person when fired and if it's too high, it will kill the person if fired. So that's as much as the plot I can explain and you can see that a lot of thought has been into creating Psycho-Pass and as much as l like to continue talking about the plot, I don't want to spoiler anything so let's move on. Main Characters Main Female Protagonist - Akane Tsunemori (Voiced by Kana Hanazawa) - She is a new inspector of unit one of The Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division. She has a calm demeanor, strong sense of justice and doesn't like to kill latent criminals if they can be saved by using treatment. I find her character very interesting because of her sense of right and wrong, and she treats enforcers like people, not hunting dogs like most inspectors. Main Male Protagonist- Shinya Kogami (Voiced by Tomokazu Seki) - He is one of the enforcers in unit one. He unlike Akane is not afraid to to act even if it breaks the law system to stop criminals so no one has to worry about increasing their Crime Coefficient and become a latent criminal. Kogami is a well made character, he's partnership with Akane shows that while they share and work together the same goals, they don't compromise each others ideals as both of them think their own ideals are right. Also Kogami's rivalry with Makishima, the Antagonist, very interesting as each are willing to do anything to achieve their own goals and their understanding of each other. Main Antagonist - Shogo Makishima (Voiced by Takahiro Sakurai) - He is determined to rid the world of The Sybil System, because spoilers i can't say why but it very complex and makes sense. Presentation Psycho-Pass has a very dark color scheme that helps the feel of the world the anime is in. The focus on the character's personalities is great as it makes the viewer interested in the story more. The animation of the characters are beautiful as they move so smoothly and so life like. The voice acting of the characters are well done, specially Makishima as he sounds so calm but scary as he can sound the same while killing people. The music is helps the feel of the anime and some pieces well as it really fit with what going on screen. My Opinion Psycho-Pass is one of these animes that's story is so interesting because of being so complex and not every thing is black and white. The way Kogami and Makishima's rivalry works is amazing, the way they can understand each other and how each other won't back down.The way the world works is interesting but also scary because of once you Crime Coefficient gets too high, your life is over. Verdict Psycho-Pass is one of those animes that are a must watch as it's story as it has so much complex. It's world shows one of the possibles of future of our own world and a scary one at that. I recommend anyone who loves a good story to give Psycho-Pass a try and you won't be disappointed. |
NashetaniaApr 28, 2015 10:56 AM
Apr 28, 2015 10:46 AM
@Seto Everything Grusom said. and, if you want a intro section then you'll have to think of a small creative way to pull the readier into the review. What most do is use some quote, write a silly pun, or give a lighthearted speech. Using that technique it makes people more interested in the story and in your review |
Apr 28, 2015 11:01 AM
Apr 28, 2015 11:18 AM
A great example is: He starts with a quote, and then leads into a short story about how he mistakenly let his first impressions get to better of him. Gives the read the idea that "don't judge a book by it's cover" type of feeling. |
Apr 29, 2015 2:56 AM
Well i like the idea of adding a short story, i think of talking about how i found out the anime in question. So what you think about this. Two weeks ago, i was talking to someone about things when they brought up Psycho-Pass, I hadn't hear much about it, so after we talked i looked it up thinking it be like some animes where it sounds good but in reality it's not, and i was surprised it wasn't one. I want to post the finish one tonight so i can move on to the next one this sunday so i like some peoples opinions. |
Apr 29, 2015 5:22 AM
[spoiler] NEVER mention your persona in your review. Time is money; no one will ever want to read your biography. You can start your review by introducing “In a nutshell” version. In a nutshell implies that you should write a summary, which will be like a mini review. (~60-80 words.) Will people like it? Of course. First of all, it is pretty difficult thing to do. Secondly, it will help the users to save their precious time. Feel free to show your final version one more time, I will be glad to help you. |
Apr 29, 2015 5:57 AM
For People who like short reviews Psycho-Pass is an Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi anime that uses the concept of a world where you mental state is always being checked and finding criminals is easy, until someone beats the system and wants the same system that society depends on destroyed. The story is one of complex but pleasing stories ever made, how the unlikely partnership of Akame and Kogami tries to save the system but not everything is what is seen to be and the rivalry between Kogami and Antagonist is the most interesting part of the story . The art style is do the story justice as if fits it's dark themes, the action scenes have been beautifully made and the voice acting is one of the most satisfying thing about the anime. Psycho-pass is a must watch as it won't disappoint as it has one of the most interesting i seen i a long time and i would recommend Psycho-Pass to anyone looking for a good story. For people who want to see the full review Psycho-Pass is an Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi anime created by Production I.G., written by Gen Urobuchi and directed by Naoyoshi Shiotani. Plot The plot of the anime is in the year 2113, Japan uses The Sibyl System, a system that can actively measures a person's Mental state, their personality and the probability of them committing a crime by using Cymatic scans of a person's brain. The Crime Coefficient, a measurement of the probability of a person committing a crime, gets too high, the person in question this then called a latent Criminal that then gets pursued by the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division's Inspectors and Enforcers to be apprehended to retrieve treatment or to be killed if there Crime Coefficient is too high to be treated. The Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division is made up of special teams that uses latent criminals that can't lower there Crime Coefficient enough to return to be redeemed that they won't commit a crime but not high enough to be killed, as enforcers to hunt down other latent criminals and Inspectors, who's job is to make sure that enforcers do their job and stop them from escaping. These teams use a weapon called Dominators, a handgun that can do a Cymatic scan on the person that it aimed at. If the person's Crime Coefficient is low enough then the gun can't be fired on them, if it's higher than is acceptable, it will stun the person when fired and if it's too high, it will kill the person if fired. So that's as much as the plot I can explain and you can see that a lot of thought has been into creating Psycho-Pass and as much as l like to continue talking about the plot, I don't want to spoiler anything so let's move on. Main Characters Main Female Protagonist - Akane Tsunemori (Voiced by Kana Hanazawa) - She is a new inspector of unit one of The Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division. She has a calm demeanor, strong sense of justice and doesn't like to kill latent criminals if they can be saved by using treatment. I find her character very interesting because of her sense of right and wrong, and she treats enforcers like people, not hunting dogs like most inspectors. Main Male Protagonist- Shinya Kogami (Voiced by Tomokazu Seki) - He is one of the enforcers in unit one. He unlike Akane is not afraid to to act even if it breaks the law system to stop criminals so no one has to worry about increasing their Crime Coefficient and become a latent criminal. Kogami is a well made character, he's partnership with Akane shows that while they share and work together the same goals, they don't compromise each others ideals as both of them think their own ideals are right. Also Kogami's rivalry with the Antagonist, is very interesting as each are willing to do anything to achieve their own goals and their understanding of each other. Main Antagonist - ????? (Voiced by Takahiro Sakurai) - He is determined to rid the world of The Sybil System, because spoilers i can't say why but it very complex and makes sense. Presentation Psycho-Pass has a very dark color scheme that helps the feel of the world the anime is in. The focus on the character's personalities is great as it makes the viewer interested in the story more. The animation of the characters are beautiful as they move so smoothly and so life like as best shown in the action scenes making them some of the best parts of the anime. The voice acting of the characters are well done, specially The Antagonist as he sounds so calm but scary as he can sound the same while killing people. The music is helps the feel of the anime and some pieces well as it really fit with what going on screen. My Opinion Psycho-Pass is one of these animes that's story is so interesting because of being so complex and not every thing is black and white. The way Kogami and the Antagonist's rivalry works is amazing, the way they can understand each other and how each other won't back down.The way the world works is interesting but also scary because of once you Crime Coefficient gets too high, your life is over. Verdict Psycho-Pass is one of those animes that are a must watch as it's story as it has so much complex. It's world shows one of the possibles of future of our own world and a scary one at that. I recommend anyone who loves a good story to give Psycho-Pass a try and you won't be disappointed. I tried to make a short version of the review while still keeping the full review for people who like to read long reviews. I also edited out the name of the Antagonist to not ruin the story for people, but spoilers (I don't know how to spoiler thing) you see him and he name is said in the first 5 mins of ep1 so do you think i should say he's name. P.S i did some more editing like i forgot to add about the action scenes as they are some of the best parts of the show. |
Seto_MasamuneApr 29, 2015 6:20 AM
Apr 29, 2015 7:49 AM
[spoiler] For People who like short reviews delete Psycho-Pass is an Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi anime that uses the concept of a world where you mental state is always being checked and finding criminals is easy, until someone beats the system and wants the same system that society depends on destroyed. The story is one of complex but pleasing stories ever made, how the unlikely partnership of Akame and Kogami tries to save the system but not everything is what is seen to be and the rivalry between Kogami and Antagonist is the most interesting part of the story . The art style is do the story justice as if fits it's dark themes, the action scenes have been beautifully made and the voice acting is one of the most satisfying thing about the anime. Psycho-pass is a must watch, as it won't disappoint you and it has one of the most interesting i seen i a long time and i would recommend Psycho-Pass to anyone looking for a good story. It has one of the most interesting what? (Psycho-pass is a must watch, as it won't disappoint you; the show has one of the most interesting story-lines that I have ever seen in my life. If you want to see a good story-line, you will surely enjoy PP. Something like that I guess? [u]For people who want to see the full review[/u] delete Psycho-Pass is an Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi anime created by Production I.G., written by Gen Urobuchi and directed by Naoyoshi Shiotani. Plot The plot of the anime is [u]set[/u] in the year 2113; Japan uses The Sibyl System, a system that can actively measure a person's Mental state, their personality and the probability of them committing a crime, by using Cymatic scans of a person's brain. The Crime Coefficient, a measurement of the probability of a person committing a crime, gets too high, the person in question this then called a latent Criminal that then gets pursued by the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division's Inspectors and Enforcers to be apprehended to retrieve treatment or to be killed if there Crime Coefficient is too high to be treated. The Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division is made up of special teams that uses latent criminals that can't lower there Crime Coefficient enough to return to be redeemed that they won't commit a crime but not high enough to be killed, as enforcers to hunt down other latent criminals and Inspectors, [u]whose[/u] job is to make sure that enforcers do their job and stop them from escaping. These teams use a weapon called Dominators, a handgun that can do a Cymatic scan on the person that it aimed at. If the person's Crime Coefficient is low enough then the gun can't be fired on them, if it's higher than is acceptable, it will stun the person when fired and if it's too high, it will kill the person if fired. So that's as much as the plot I can explain and you can see that a lot of thought has been into creating Psycho-Pass and as much as l like to continue talking about the plot, I don't want to spoiler anything so let's move on. Main Characters Main Female Protagonist - Akane Tsunemori (Voiced by Kana Hanazawa) - She is a new inspector of unit one of The Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division. She has a calm demeanor, strong sense of justice and doesn't like to kill latent criminals if they can be saved by using treatment. I find her character very interesting because of her sense of right and wrong, and she treats enforcers like people, not hunting dogs like most inspectors. Main Male Protagonist- Shinya Kogami (Voiced by Tomokazu Seki) - He is one of the enforcers in unit one. He unlike Akane is not afraid to [u]to[/u] act even if it breaks the law system to stop criminals so no one has to worry about increasing their Crime Coefficient and become a latent criminal. Kogami is a well made character, he's partnership with Akane shows that while they share and work together the same goals, they don't compromise [u]each other’s[/u] ideals as both of them think their own ideals are right. Also Kogami's rivalry with the Antagonist, is very interesting as each are willing to do anything to achieve their own goals and their understanding of each other. Main Antagonist - ????? (Voiced by Takahiro Sakurai) - He is determined to rid the world of The Sybil System, because spoilers i can't say why but it very complex and makes sense. Presentation Psycho-Pass has a very dark color scheme that helps the feel of the world the anime is in. The focus on the character's personalities is great as it makes the viewer interested in the story more. The animation of the characters are beautiful as they move so smoothly and so life like as best shown in the action scenes making them some of the best parts of the anime. The voice acting of the characters are well done, specially The Antagonist as he sounds so calm but scary as he can sound the same while killing people. The music is helps the feel of the anime and some pieces well as it really fit with what going on screen. My Opinion Psycho-Pass is one of these animes that's story is so interesting because of being so complex and not every thing is black and white. The way Kogami and the Antagonist's rivalry works is amazing, the way they can understand each other and how each other won't back down. The way the world works is interesting but also scary because of once you Crime Coefficient gets too high, your life is over. Verdict Psycho-Pass is one of those animes that are a must watch as it's story as it has so much complex. It's world shows one of the possibles of future of our own world and a scary one at that. I recommend anyone who loves a good story to give Psycho-Pass a try and you won't be disappointed. I tried to make a short version of the review while still keeping the full review for people who like to read long reviews. I also edited out the name of the Antagonist to not ruin the story for people, but spoilers (I don't know how to spoiler thing) you see him and he name is said in the first 5 mins of ep1 so do you think i should say he's name. |
Apr 29, 2015 8:27 AM
Apr 29, 2015 9:00 AM
idk if you've posted your final presentation of the review here's a few changes I'd personally recommend everything in Bold is my fixes. everything with a line should be removed. [spoiler] in paragraph 1: >The art style does the story justice as it fits the dark theme's of the anime, the action scenes have been beautifully made and the voice acting is one of the most satisfying thing about the anime. You could also re-write the sentence to something alone these lines: The dark, sharp art style and animation make the fight scenes and overall art of Psycho-Pass visually beautiful. The voice acting complement the art to a excellently and is one of the most satisfying aspects of the show. Plot section: I'm assuming >It has one of the most interesting what? Is Grusom's question toward the sentence bolded in your first paragraph. So, be sure to correct using aspects of his example. >So that's as much as the plot I can explain and you can see that a lot of thought has been into creating Psycho-Pass and as much as l like to continue talking about the plot, I don't want to spoiler anything so let's move on. this is, in my opinion, doesn't need to be added. Should be omited. Presentation section: (Art/animation section?) >Psycho-Pass has a very dark color scheme that helps the feel of the world the anime is in. can be reworded to be more vivid like this Psycho-Pass, with its sharp dark colour scheme, draws the viewers into it's world of anguish and helps to symbolically portrays the horror that Akane is forced to endour thoughout the series Verdict section: >Psycho-Pass is one of those animes that are a must watch as it's story as it has so much complex. adding "as it's story" makes the sentence hard to follow. removing it still allows your messsage to be portrayed. |
SpeakssApr 29, 2015 9:04 AM
Apr 29, 2015 9:12 AM
Apr 29, 2015 9:31 AM
Feel free to show me your reviews whenever you want. I am not really a fan of writing my own reviews; however, I really like to check other people’s reviews. |
Apr 29, 2015 9:59 AM
Psycho-Pass is an Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi anime that uses the concept of a world where your mental state is always being checked and finding criminals is easy, until someone beats the system and wants the same system that society depends on destroyed. The story is one of complex but pleasing stories ever made, how the unlikely partnership of Akame and Kogami tries to save the system but not everything is what is seen to be and the rivalry between Kogami and Antagonist is the most interesting part of the story . It’s dark, sharp art style and animations makes the fight scenes and it’s art design overall visually beautiful. The voice acting real complements Psycho-Pass’ excellently, making one of the most satisfying aspects of the show. Psycho-pass is a must watch, as it won't disappoint you and it has one of the most interesting story–lines i seen in a long time and i would recommend Psycho-Pass to anyone looking for a good story to enjoy. Psycho-Pass is an Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi anime created by Production I.G., written by Gen Urobuchi and directed by Naoyoshi Shiotani. Plot The plot of the anime is set in the year 2113; Japan uses The Sibyl System, a system that can actively measure a person's Mental state, their personality and the probability of them committing a crime, by using Cymatic scans of a person's brain. The Crime Coefficient, a measurement of the probability of a person committing a crime, gets too high, the person in question this then called a latent Criminal that then gets pursued by the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division's Inspectors and Enforcers to be apprehended to retrieve treatment or to be killed if there Crime Coefficient is too high to be treated. The Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division is made up of special teams that uses latent criminals that can't lower there Crime Coefficient enough to return to be redeemed that they won't commit a crime but not high enough to be killed, as enforcers to hunt down other latent criminals and Inspectors, whose job is to make sure that enforcers do their job and stop them from escaping. These teams use a weapon called Dominators, a handgun that can do a Cymatic scan on the person that it aimed at. If the person's Crime Coefficient is low enough then the gun can't be fired on them, if it's higher than is acceptable, it will stun the person when fired and if it's too high, it will kill the person if fired. Main Characters Main Female Protagonist - Akane Tsunemori (Voiced by Kana Hanazawa) - She is a new inspector of unit one of The Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division. She has a calm demeanor, strong sense of justice and doesn't like to kill latent criminals if they can be saved by using treatment. I find her character very interesting because of her sense of right and wrong, and she treats enforcers like people, not hunting dogs like most inspectors. Main Male Protagonist- Shinya Kogami (Voiced by Tomokazu Seki) - He is one of the enforcers in unit one. He unlike Akane is not afraid to act even if it breaks the law system to stop criminals so no one has to worry about increasing their Crime Coefficient and become a latent criminal. Kogami is a well made character, he's partnership with Akane shows that while they share and work together the same goals, they don't compromise each other’s ideals as both of them think their own ideals are right. Also Kogami's rivalry with the Antagonist, is very interesting as each are willing to do anything to achieve their own goals and their understanding of each other. Main Antagonist - ????? (Voiced by Takahiro Sakurai) - He is determined to rid the world of The Sybil System, because spoilers i can't say why but it very complex and makes sense. Presentation Psycho-Pass uses a very sharp and dark colour scheme that draws viewers into it’s world of anguish and helps show the symbolism of the horror that Akane is forced to endour all though the story. The focus on the character's personalities is great as it makes the viewer interested in the story more. The animation of the characters are beautiful as they move so smoothly and so life like as best shown in the action scenes making them some of the best parts of the anime. The voice acting of the characters are well done, specially The Antagonist as he sounds so calm but scary as he can sound the same while killing people. The music is helps the feel of the anime and some pieces well as it really fit with what going on screen. My Opinion Psycho-Pass is one of these animes that's story is so interesting because of being so complex and not every thing is black and white. The way Kogami and the Antagonist's rivalry works is amazing, the way they can understand each other and how each other won't back down. The way the world works is interesting but also scary because of once you Crime Coefficient gets too high, your life is over. Verdict Psycho-Pass is one of those animes that are a must watch as it has so much complexity. It's world shows one of the possible futures of our own world and a scary one at that. I recommend anyone who loves a good story to give Psycho-Pass a try and you won't be disappointed. So what you guys think about the changes i put in you two suggest i should do? |
Apr 29, 2015 10:38 AM
Fixed some mistakes. Psycho-Pass is an Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi anime that uses the concept of a world where your mental state is always being checked and finding criminals is easy, until someone beats the system and wants the same system that society depends on destroyed. The story is one of complex but pleasing stories ever made, how the unlikely partnership of Akame and Kogami tries to save the system but not everything is what is seen to be and the rivalry between Kogami and Antagonist is the most interesting part of the story . It’s dark, sharp art style and animations makes the fight scenes and its art design overall visually beautiful. The voice acting real complements Psycho-Pass’ excellently, making one of the most satisfying aspects of the show. Psycho-pass is a must watch, as it won't disappoint you and it has one of the most interesting story–lines i seen in a long time and i would recommend Psycho-Pass to anyone looking for a good story to enjoy. Psycho-Pass is an Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi anime created by Production I.G., written by Gen Urobuchi and directed by Naoyoshi Shiotani. Plot The plot of the anime is set in the year 2113; Japan uses The Sibyl System, a system that can actively measure a person's mental state, their personality and the probability of them committing a crime, by using Cymatic scans of a person's brain. The Crime Coefficient, a measurement of the probability of a person committing a crime, gets too high, the person in question this then called a latent Criminal that then gets pursued by the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division's Inspectors and Enforcers to be apprehended to retrieve treatment or to be killed if there Crime Coefficient is too high to be treated. The Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division is made up of special teams that uses latent criminals that can't lower there Crime Coefficient enough to return to be redeemed that they won't commit a crime but not high enough to be killed, as enforcers to hunt down other latent criminals and Inspectors, whose job is to make sure that enforcers do their job and stop them from escaping. These teams use a weapon called Dominators, a handgun that can do a Cymatic scan on the person that it aimed at. If the person's Crime Coefficient is low enough then the gun can't be fired on them, if it's higher than is acceptable, it will stun the person when fired and if it's too high, it will kill the person if fired. Main Characters Main Female Protagonist - Akane Tsunemori (Voiced by Kana Hanazawa) - She is a new inspector of unit one of The Public Safety Bureau's Criminal investigation Division. She has a calm demeanor, strong sense of justice and doesn't like to kill latent criminals if they can be saved by using treatment. I find her character very interesting because of her sense of right and wrong, and she treats enforcers like people, not hunting dogs like most inspectors. Main Male Protagonist- Shinya Kogami (Voiced by Tomokazu Seki) - He is one of the enforcers in unit one. He unlike Akane is not afraid to act even if it breaks the law system to stop criminals so no one has to worry about increasing their Crime Coefficient and become a latent criminal. Kogami is a well-made character, he's partnership with Akane shows that while they share and work together the same goals, they don't compromise each other’s ideals as both of them think their own ideals are right. Also Kogami's rivalry with the Antagonist, is very interesting as each are willing to do anything to achieve their own goals and their understanding of each other. Main Antagonist - ????? (Voiced by Takahiro Sakurai) - He is determined to rid the world of The Sybil System, because spoilers i can't say why but it very complex and makes sense. Presentation Psycho-Pass uses a very sharp and dark color scheme that draws viewers into its world of anguish and helps show the symbolism of the horror that Akane is forced to endure all though the story. The focus on the character's personalities is great as it makes the viewer interested in the story more. The animation of the characters are beautiful as they move so smoothly and so life like as best shown in the action scenes making them some of the best parts of the anime. The voice acting of the characters are well done, specially The Antagonist as he sounds so calm but scary as he can sound the same while killing people. The music is helps the feel of the anime and some pieces well as it really fit with what going on screen. My Opinion Psycho-Pass is one of these anime that's story is so interesting because of being so complex and not everything is black and white. The way Kogami and the Antagonist's rivalry works is amazing, the way they can understand each other and how each other won't back down. The way the world works is interesting but also scary because of once you Crime Coefficient gets too high, your life is over. Verdict Psycho-Pass is one of those anime that are a must watch as it has so much complexity. Its world shows one of the possible futures of our own world and a scary one at that. I recommend anyone who loves a good story to give Psycho-Pass a try and you won't be disappointed. >Seto, don’t write long sentences. For example writing something like “She soon realizes that the town and the entire world they live in are confined behind the Wall, a tall, impenetrable wall that none except the mysterious Toga are allowed to exit”. is pretty difficult;however, if you write something like “She soon realizes that the town and the entire world they live in are confined behind a Wall. The wall is tall and impenetrable for other people. And only the mysterious Toga are allowed to exit it.” I don’t know if it will be a good idea for you, but it was pretty helpful for me in the past. EDIT:YES, it is. |
Apr 29, 2015 10:40 AM
May 4, 2015 3:45 AM
Well here i am again with the next review, this is it's first draft so i like if people could tell me if there anything that can be improved. Also good day Gru and Speakss, how you guys have been? SoniAni: Super Sonico the Animation Review SoniAni: Super Sonico the Animation is a music, slice of life anime co-created by Nitroplus (The creators of Super Sonico) and White Fox (The creators of the anime), and aired 12 episodes between in January - March 2014. Plot The plot to SoniAni is very simple, each episode showcases the life of Super Sonico as the show was designed as a marketing tool for Nitroplus to sell Super Sonico brand to people. With that said, Sonico gets into a different situation each episode and one situation doesn’t get carried other to the next episode. Main Characters Main Protagonist – Super Sonico (Voiced by Ayano Yamamoto) – She is a 18 years old college student that works as a model, a waitress at her grandmother’s restaurant and is in the band First Astronomical Velocity with her two best friends as the band’s vocalist and guitarist. She always wearing headphones as she never seen without them. She is easy to get embarrass in front of lot of people, she sleeps so much that it requires someone to help her wake up and she loves macarons. I find her character enjoyable as she tries her best at everything, even when it gets her in to problem and she enjoys helping people with their problems. Suzu Fujimi (Voiced by Mai Goto) – She is one of Sonico’s best friends and part of First Astronomical Velocity as its bassist and leader. She normally wears a pink nurse uniform and tries to get Sonico to wear crazy outfits for concerts. I like Suzu as she always has a plan to solve problems and tries to help Sonico with her problems when she can. Fuuri Watanuki (Voiced by Mami Ozaki) – She is another of Sonico’s best friends and a part of First Astronomical Velocity as its drummer. She is shy about most people and if not playing in the band, she normally is sleeping or most often eating. I enjoy Fuuri as no matter how bad something is she always is think about food and that sometimes causes problems for her friends. Presentation SoniAni has a very bright colour scheme to drawn the viewer into the life of Super Sonico that is nice and fun, but not without the problems she encounters. The shows focus on Sonico is great but because the show focus so much on Sonico, the other characters feel like they are in background and aren’t explore enough to the viewer to be interested long enough. The animation of the characters on the other hand is very well created and looks great, except when switch to a different style for the song parts of the show. While these look great, it feels very forced as they could have been done in the same style of the rest of show. The voice acting is well done as each voice of every character helped that them seen more believable. Lastly the music was is one of the finer points of the show as the songs really fit the context on the episode it is played in and the animation shown on screen while the song is playing are well made. My opinion SoniAni is one of the animes where while I don’t hate it, I find it hard to like as it feels it was coping other animes like K-on, Love Live and Idolmaster. Its music scenes try to be like Love Live, but where it works well in Love Live, in SoniAni it feels very forced and not need. While I know the show was a marketing tool, they could have done a better job of marketing Super Sonico to the public. While I didn’t like the story because it was heavy lacking any interest, I found a few of the episodes very boring and style of animation for songs, I did enjoy the Sonico’s, Suzu’s and Fuuri’s characters a lot as they really carried the show for me as well as some other characters like Sonico’s grandmother and her manager. I also found the songs enjoyable as the sound very well written and made. The Verdict SoniAni is an anime that can really only can be enjoyed by a fan of the brand. Its lack of a story, the focus on Sonico and the lack of focus on the rest of the cast, and it’s attempts of copying other shows without add anything big of its own makes it hard for most people who watch to like SoniAni and leaves you disappointed because It could have been so much better than it is. |
May 4, 2015 4:28 AM
[spoiler] SoniAni: Super Sonico the Animation is a music, slice of life anime co-created by Nitroplus (The creators of Super Sonico) and White Fox (The creators of the anime); the anime has 12 episodes and aired between January and March 2014. Plot The plot of SoniAni is very simple: each episode shows cases of the life of Super Sonico, as the show was designed as a marketing tool for Nitroplus, to sell Super Sonico brand to people. With that being said, Sonico gets into a different situation: each episode and each situation doesn't get carried other to the next episode. Main Characters Main Protagonist – Super Sonico (Voiced by Ayano Yamamoto) – She is an 18 years old college student that works as a model, a waitress at her grandmother’s restaurant and is in the band First Astronomical Velocity with her two best friends as the band’s vocalist and guitarist. She always wears headphones and is never seen without them. She is easy to get embarrassed in front of other people, she sleeps so much that it requires someone to help her wake up , she also loves pasta. I find her character enjoyable, as she tries her best to get the job done, even when it gets her into problems; she enjoys helping people with their problems. Suzu Fujimi (Voiced by Mai Goto) – She is one of the Sonico’s best friends and a member of the First Astronomical Velocity as its bassist and leader. She normally wears a pink nurse uniform and tries to get Sonico to wear crazy outfits for concerts. I like Suzu, as she always has a plan to solve problems and tries to help Sonico with her problems whenever she can do it. Fuuri Watanuki (Voiced by Mami Ozaki) – She is also one of the Sonico’s best friends and a member of the First Astronomical Velocity as its drummer. She is very shy, always sleepy, or hungry. She was a very interesting character for me, as her indifference has always caused problems to her friends and it was really funny. Presentation SoniAni has a very bright color scheme to drawn the viewer into the life of Super Sonico that is nice and fun, however, there are also some problems; the show focused on Sonico well, but the other characters didn’t receive enough time, and it was a real problem of that show. The animation of the characters, on the other hand, is very well-made and looks great, except when it switches to a different style for the song parts of the show. While these look great, it feels very forced as they could have been done in the same style of the rest of show. [u]The voice acting is well done as each voice of every character helped that them seen more believable.[/u](It sounds really weird) Lastly the music was is one of the best things about the show, as the songs really fit the context on the episode: it is played in and the animation shown on screen while the song is playing are well made. My opinion SoniAni is one of the anime where while I don’t hate it, I find it hard to like as it feels it was coping other anime like: K-on, Love Live and Idolmaster. Its music scenes try to be like Love Live, but when it works well in Love Live, in SoniAni, it feels very forced and not needed. While I know the show was a marketing tool, they could have done a better job of presenting Super Sonico to the public. While I didn’t like the story because it was heavy lacking any interest, I found a few of the episodes very boring and style of animation for songs, I did enjoy the Sonico’s, Suzu’s and Fuuri’s characters a lot as they really carried the show for me as well as some other characters like Sonico’s grandmother and her manager. I also found the songs enjoyable as the sound very well written and made. The Verdict SoniAni is an anime that can really only can be enjoyed by a fan of the brand. Its lack of a story, the focus on Sonico and the lack of focus on the rest of the cast, and it’s attempts of copying other shows without add anything big of its own makes it hard for most people who watch to like SoniAni and leaves you disappointed because It could have been so much better than it is. |
May 4, 2015 4:30 AM
May 4, 2015 4:32 AM
The only thing that I can tell you is that your reviews look much better now. |
May 4, 2015 4:35 AM
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