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Mar 14, 2015 8:54 AM

Nov 2011
Heh, there are even mermaids in this series.

World fiction concepts takes this show into pretty interesting directions. Fun episode overall with a decent amount of focus on almost every character. Artwork card:

Dat cliffhanger D:
Mar 14, 2015 10:53 AM

Aug 2011
hope Eclair joins with Milhi going up

Mar 14, 2015 11:59 AM

Aug 2010
Dat action at the end :O
Quite the strong brown loli we got there and she's yandere too XD

No Eclair again though D:
Mar 14, 2015 12:28 PM

Apr 2013
That Verde character is a real douche.
Mar 14, 2015 1:17 PM
Jul 2018
There are mermaids in this series,

That brown haired yandere loli was so powerful.
Mar 14, 2015 1:36 PM

Sep 2011
Barion-Zara said:
Dat action at the end :O
Quite the strong brown loli we got there and she's yandere too XD

No Eclair again though D:

I thought that was a guy. :O
Mar 14, 2015 1:37 PM

Dec 2011
Tohka_Yatogami said:
There are mermaids in this series,

That brown haired yandere loli was so powerful.

If anyone now questions whether S3 has any darkness to it, let this be the nail within the coffin....

At least until next episode.

And why do all the bad people in anime have to be black?

Also, Milhi's singing will have actual PLOT relevance? Idol singing actually SOLVES shit in this world?!

Confound it Japan! You continue to confuse the fuck outta me.
Mar 14, 2015 2:35 PM

Jun 2013
Shipping moments?
Good episode.
Mar 14, 2015 3:32 PM

May 2012
Any possible, though probably highly unlikely, Genoise girl ships just sunk in this episode. lol

Wonder of this Verde guy(?) is corrupted by the demons or something, or just a plain creepy asshole. Just seems like a plain asshole with how these star people were speaking his name sorta outta fear

And dammit, Rico brought just about everything, huh?

Mar 14, 2015 5:06 PM

Sep 2012
man, fucking Verde

no harem for Gaul
Mar 14, 2015 7:12 PM

Aug 2013
damn Verde so OP, and the action also good
Gaul, save your princess!
Mar 14, 2015 8:15 PM

Feb 2013
Even in this one, we still managed to get some boing from Yuki.

Now to wait for episode 11 which will almost undoubtedly still have NO FUCKING ECLAIR.
Mar 14, 2015 8:48 PM

Dec 2011
NTAD said:

Now to wait for episode 11 which will almost undoubtedly still have NO FUCKING ECLAIR

She had MORE than enough screentime in the past two seasons.

Even as an Eclair fan, I'm willing to shove her to the side if it means giving exposure to characters who've had very little (Vert and Jaune being prime examples - hell, the former gets some motherfucking backstory this season, which while I welcome I wish it was Jaune getting that as Bunny Girls are high on my list of "Bitches that are Bland" female tropes).

However, if there's ONE side character that I think hasn't gotten enough screentime, it'd be Godwin. I mean, c'mon - if you're gonna spend the money to hire Wakamoto of all people, you might as well use him often!
Mar 14, 2015 9:31 PM

May 2010
That battle was epic! Man, the new yandere character is BA!

Sent Yukikaze flying, stopping shuriken attack from behind with one hand, breaking out of an arrow shower and then sealing Sharu's bow by destroying the string! Now, that was a fight! Amazing choreography!
Mar 14, 2015 10:42 PM

Jun 2014
Wow another good episode under the belt of dogs days! and a harsh fight too! Its rare to see the characters actually get thrown around like that. Usually its something more fanservicy.

AND I LOVED THE END CARD! With Sinku getting railed in the face with a stalagtite .
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Mar 14, 2015 10:43 PM
May 2014
Sury said:
Barion-Zara said:
Dat action at the end :O
Quite the strong brown loli we got there and she's yandere too XD

No Eclair again though D:

I thought that was a guy. :O

I thought that too.
Mar 14, 2015 10:43 PM

Feb 2013
CujoFoxtar said:
NTAD said:

Now to wait for episode 11 which will almost undoubtedly still have NO FUCKING ECLAIR

She had MORE than enough screentime in the past two seasons.

Even as an Eclair fan, I'm willing to shove her to the side if it means giving exposure to characters who've had very little (Vert and Jaune being prime examples - hell, the former gets some motherfucking backstory this season, which while I welcome I wish it was Jaune getting that as Bunny Girls are high on my list of "Bitches that are Bland" female tropes).

However, if there's ONE side character that I think hasn't gotten enough screentime, it'd be Godwin. I mean, c'mon - if you're gonna spend the money to hire Wakamoto of all people, you might as well use him often!
Genoise gets plenty of screen time, though. Granted it's usually as a team and the difference this season is we learned a bit more about Vert and her origins. Noir also got more development before (the focus being on her demon sealing abilities,) and I agree that we don't know anything about Jaune, but I don't see a lot of potential story development out of them. And of course after this episode, they pretty much shut the door on the Gaul harem with "lolchildhoodfriendzone" so the chances of further development there has pretty much stalled.

But there was certainly lots that could be done with the awkward scenarios Eclair was consistently put in involving the Hero of Biscuit. The Eclair x Cinque ship is an avenue that should be expanded, not pushed aside. IMO, she's too much fun to leave out. I might be just saying that as an Ayana Taketatsu fan, but I for one, desire more of the show's resident tsundere.

Would definitely like some backstory on Godwin though. Any opportunity to hear Wakamoto's voice is a welcome one. The man isn't getting younger, so squeeze every last bit out of him before he kicks the bucket.
NTADMar 14, 2015 10:50 PM
Mar 15, 2015 12:00 AM

Oct 2014
I predict Gaul to wreak havoc next week and successfully win the heart of Aria.
Mar 15, 2015 1:23 AM

Sep 2009
I wonder, features of what animal Farine has? Ibris, maybe.
Nachtwandler_21Mar 15, 2015 1:51 AM
Mar 15, 2015 7:17 AM

Dec 2011
Nachtwandler_21 said:
I wonder, features of what animal Farine has? Ibris, maybe.

Farine? Doubt it. She has feline ears, which makes me feel like she's a cat what willing sent herself into the belly of ol' Galactus Moby Dick.

I'm gonna hazard a guess and say she's a Lynx? But then again, I can't tell.

Also, what the hell's an Ibris? Google Search ain't turning up anything save Ibis (which is a bird, an animal that Farine looks nothing like) and Iblis (which tries to go to "Iblis Trigger" on me, but I've been playing enough DBXV to know that'll lead me to Sonic 06 and that it's just another name for Ifrit, which again is nothing like Farine).

This whole mini-saga kinda gives me slight vibes of "The Little Mermaid", what with Aria being Ariel, Verde being Ursula, and either Gaul/Leaf being the Prince.

In fact, why do I get the feeling they developed Leaf just to ship him with Aria?

NTAD said:
Genoise gets plenty of screen time, though. Granted it's usually as a team and the difference this season is we learned a bit more about Vert and her origins. Noir also got more development before (the focus being on her demon sealing abilities,) and I agree that we don't know anything about Jaune, but I don't see a lot of potential story development out of them. And of course after this episode, they pretty much shut the door on the Gaul harem with "lolchildhoodfriendzone" so the chances of further development there has pretty much stalled.

But there was certainly lots that could be done with the awkward scenarios Eclair was consistently put in involving the Hero of Biscuit. The Eclair x Cinque ship is an avenue that should be expanded, not pushed aside. IMO, she's too much fun to leave out. I might be just saying that as an Ayana Taketatsu fan, but I for one, desire more of the show's resident tsundere.

Would definitely like some backstory on Godwin though. Any opportunity to hear Wakamoto's voice is a welcome one. The man isn't getting younger, so squeeze every last bit out of him before he kicks the bucket.

1)Given that I can't see Gaul shipped with anyone due to his whole stint with Nanami in S2, I had already ruled out Genoise-shipping with anyone bearing a face. I mean, Galette is a very battle-oriented kingdom - if they're going to marry anyone, they'd have to be someone strong. Leaf qualifies, but he's still young.

And remember, there's still doujins - if canon doesn't provide shipping material, then those guys will MAKE shit up. Trust me - they've done it before, they can do it again.

2)Eclair is the ONLY Taketatsu-voiced char I can stand (okay, that's somewhat of a lie - Io from PSO2 is a close second); I see her and her tsundere-typecast the same way I see Kugimiya and her god-mode tsundere tendencies. Effectively, Taketatsu is Kugimiya's disciple in Kugyu-Style Tsundere-ism.

In other words? "Punch on sight" would be my reaction upon realizing that a character is voiced by Ayana AND is a Tsundere.

However, Eclair breaks that pattern. Which is odd - I totally expected myself to find her being yet more punch-fodder.

3)That is EXACTLY why I suggested having Godwin get more screentime - unless (and I'd be totally shocked if he actually did this) he requested less lines due to his age and wanting to mellow his work down.

WolfehLol said:
I predict Gaul to wreak havoc next week and successfully win the heart of Aria.

I actually anticipate it'll be Leaf. Throwaway side-char fodder seems fit to just insert and dispose - it suits Japan to do this kind of bullshit anyways.
Mar 15, 2015 4:34 PM

Feb 2013
CujoFoxtar said:
Eclair is the ONLY Taketatsu-voiced char I can stand (okay, that's somewhat of a lie - Io from PSO2 is a close second); I see her and her tsundere-typecast the same way I see Kugimiya and her god-mode tsundere tendencies. Effectively, Taketatsu is Kugimiya's disciple in Kugyu-Style Tsundere-ism.

In other words? "Punch on sight" would be my reaction upon realizing that a character is voiced by Ayana AND is a Tsundere.

However, Eclair breaks that pattern. Which is odd - I totally expected myself to find her being yet more punch-fodder.
Well it's probably due to her not pouring it on like she does with Kirino or Isurugi Mio. Eclair is also, while hot-tempered, supposed to be a character that represents leadership in a nation, so I suppose she had to take on a more reserved personality to really make her shine. Eclair has so much potential, but I think she's just flat-out being wasted as a supporting character. I'm not saying that she should be the primary focus, but her character should definitely continue to be explored. As you say, doujin may be my only hope.

Not sure how you are about harems in general, but if you can put up with Eclair, you should see how Ayana does as Kotori in Date-A-Live. I think that's also one of her more mellow approaches.

You only need to look at my favorite people list to know my stance on tsunderes in general though, lol.
NTADMar 15, 2015 4:45 PM
Mar 17, 2015 3:50 PM

Sep 2008
Eh... When they start talk about singing
I was like "YAY! I hope Nanami (Mizuki Nana) will sing that song! But I don't mind if this will be Shinku (Miyano Mamoru)" and then... Princess!
Damn it!
You have Mizuki Nana right there and you go after Horie Yui? ;(
Why?! ;/
There is so many good voices there and they don't have chance to shine!
Maybe in next episode...

I was wonder why Rebecca go with Shinku and it was like creators heard my thoughts and reply to me xD (she will ask Cou for help)

About mermaid... I thought maybe Aria lose her voice, because she asked for legs (just like Little Mermaid) and then remembered "oh, right... people can heard her thoughts" xD
Apr 26, 2015 12:11 PM

Jan 2011
Haven't watched this is a while, but I liked this episode quite a lot.
Pretty cool action and some sort of a story.
Looking forward to more!
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Oct 25, 2017 11:53 AM

Apr 2013
Seems like things got a bit serious for a change, that Verde guy must be pretty strong to beat Yukki that easy.
Jul 22, 2023 12:46 AM
Jul 2021
Now that's one big woman! Yikes!

Why is it that villains are so frickin' cool?! Case in point, Verde! This dude came out of no where, didn't even had 3 minutes of screen time and boom, one of the coolest, bad asses characters of this season! This lil dude puts to shame Gaul! He comes in, does what needs to be done and gets the girl😅
DawizzJul 22, 2023 1:15 AM
Me every time I hear the word "reparations": 🤣🤣🤣

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