Dec 6, 2009 7:15 PM
Anime Database Guidelines The following guidelines were written as a reference document for both moderators and general users as a standard for anime database entries. For the general user, it should provide both an idea of which edits/additions will be approved and denied, and how to help speed up the approval process from a user's perspective. Please note these have been written as general guidelines only. The site administrator, database administrators and anime moderators reserve the right to append, remove and change the following rules as they see fit to maintain an orderly and consistent database. You are encouraged to report any entries that do not meet the following criteria here. 0. What is "Anime"? There are two common ways to define "anime" in the community. One is based on country of origin. One is based on character design/style. Since the word anime is currently a hot topic, some services prefer to go the "style" route because it offers them more flexibility with marketing. However, from a database perspective, style is extremely hard to define when each service has their own ideas about what should be labeled as anime. On MyAnimeList, a work is considered to be an "anime" if it meets all of the following:
✔️ It's created by professional staff in Japan for the Japanese market. ✔️ It's meant to be an animated work. ✔️ It's not an edit, cut, or promo of another animated work. I. Anime Additions Additions to MyAnimeList's Anime DB must fit within the following scope: I.1 Country of Origin Animated works must be created:
I.2 Production Staff Works must be produced:
I.2.2 Joint productions must have at least one professional animation creator from I.1 in a key position with creative control over the production; e.g. director, script, storyboard, character design. I.2.3 Independent/Doujinshi will be allowed if: I.3 Submissions Etiquette Please observe the following when adding new anime to the database. It will help your submissions be approved faster.
I.3.2 Include links to any supporting evidence for the entry information in the "Additional Info" field. For example, link to official news sources (PR Times, Comic Natalie, Anime Anime, etc.), creator's blog/Twitter, etc. No leaks or secondary sources that do not link an official source. For specials or ONAs released alongside a series, BD/DVD volume content or the official YouTube/Twitter video links should be provided if possible. I.3.3 Censor NSFW images following guides detailed in Section IV.4. Uncensored images may result in an automatic denial. I.3.4 Do not submit the same addition more than once. This will only serve to slow the rate of acceptance rather than improve it. If you received an image error upon submission, don't worry, it has been submitted. II. Anime Entry Type & Division The following determine an entry's type and when entries are split or combined: II.1 Multiple Concurrent Releases
II.1.2 Limited release screenings (e.g. in one theater only, for three days only, etc.) prior to regular distribution will be considered pre-airing events and the anime will not have the Movie type. As the anime industry often trials new marketing methods, it is not always immediately apparent whether a theatrical release is a pre-release or not. This means that an anime may be added to the database with the Movie type, but then later be changed to TV or OVA. II.1.3 Anime which broadcast simultaneously on television and on subscription-based distribution platforms (e.g. Netflix, Amazon Prime) will retain the TV type. (e.g. Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita.) II.1.4 If episodes are batch-released online while airing weekly on television, the anime will retain the TV type if: II.1.5 If the online version of the anime is R18 while the TV version is censored, then the subscription-based platform will be deemed the intended release and the anime will retain the ONA type. (See IV.8.4) II.2 Re-release Edits and Format Changes
II.2.2 Movie series that premiere in theaters only a few months before television broadcast will have an additional entry for the TV version if BD/DVD discs are sold including both Movie & TV versions. (e.g. Wave!!: Surfing Yappe!!, Chain Chronicle: Haecceitas no Hikari) II.2.3 Series that are released in their entirety in one format (TV/OVA/ONA) and later compiled for a subsequent theatrical release will have an additional entry for the movie. II.2.4 Re-releases of the same format will be added only if there's a significant amount of new material added to the story. (e.g. Kono Sekai no (Sara ni Ikutsumo no) Katasumi ni) II.3 TV
This is done to organize currently airing series that have large gaps between seasons so entries are not left as currently airing for months on users' lists (e.g. White Album, Asura Cryin). Thus, if a similar gap occurred with a series that has already finished airing, that entry will not be split now (e.g. Cardcaptor Sakura, Big O). II.3.2 If there is no gap between seasons, but the continuation of the series is indicated as a separate season with a new title, it will get a second entry. (e.g. Shugo Chara, Shikabane Hime) II.3.3 TV anime which are planned for more episodes than 1 cours but less than 2 cours will often need to distribute the final episodes online due to seasonal programming block schedules. These extra episodes will be included in the main entry. (e.g. Bakemonogatari, Satsuriku no Tenshi) This does not apply to bonus episodes included in Blu-rays/DVDs. II.3.4 Extra unnumbered episodes broadcast at the end of a TV series to fill out the programming block schedule will be included in the main entry. (e.g. Clannad: After Story) II.3.5 TV series which are later re-edited or remastered for a subsequent TV broadcast will not have a new entry. (e.g. Psycho-Pass, Gundam SEED) However, if the TV series is re-edited with fewer episodes and overall less duration, they may be added. (e.g. Kyojin no Hoshi Tokubetsu-hen Hanagata Mitsuru, Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Special Edition) II.4 Movies
OVA episodes will be combined into one entry unless: II.6 Specials
TV specials include: • Episode 0 airs the week before the TV series begins. • Episode 8.5 airs between episodes 8 & 9, summarizing the story so far (recap). • 2+ episodes are compiled into a 1+ hour special broadcast. • Full length features that aired on TV. (e.g. Aya to Majo) DVD specials include: • Unaired episode 13 included on the final BD/DVD volume of the TV series. • Short animation specials included in the main series' BD/DVD volumes. • Picture dramas included in BD/DVD volumes. Other specials include: • Short animations or episodes shown at special events and distributed later under the event title (e.g. Jump Festa, Ribon Festa). II.6.1 Recaps are only considered specials if the episode numbers are not whole and/or sequential. For example, if Episode 14 is a recap and Episode 13/15 airs before/after it, then the recap will not receive its own entry. II.6.2 Recaps associated with one anime entry will be combined into one entry (e.g. JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 5: Ougon no Kaze Recaps). II.6.3 DVD specials associated with one anime entry will be combined into one entry, so long as they are the same type. For example, an unaired episode 13 would not be combined with 3 min. shorts (e.g. Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!: Kirameki no... Slapstick Noel, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!: Depth of Field - Ai to Nikushimi Gekijou). II.6.4 Furthemore, if the sequel has a new entry, its associated specials will also have a new entry, even if the format/title continues (e.g. Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Specials). II.7 ONA
Specifics to be decided at a later date. III. Anime Titles The following describes how the title fields are to be utilized on Anime entries: III.1 Main Title [url=soon]MAL's romanization[/url] of the official title, including subtitles.
III.1.2 TV/ONA Seasons III.1.2 Movies III.1.3 OVA/Specials III.1.4 Unknown sequels/spin-offs III.2 Japanese Title Official title, as written on the official site's announcement news, official PVs, or official news sites. Always cross check in case of inconsistencies. Include the hiragana or katakana reading in parenthesis if applicable.
III.2.2 Korean/Chinese series should have their original title, not Japanese. III.3 English Title Only one of the following official titles, listed by precedence where all three titles exist: (i) English distribution (physical release) title; (ii) English simulcast title; (iii) English version of the title, as it appears in the official logo or on the official Japanese website (urls don't count).
III.3.2 Misspellings of English words in case (iii) will be corrected (e.g. Total Eclips of the Etarnal Heart → Total Eclipse of the Eternal Heart). III.3.3 Official English titles from the prequel will be added to the English title field of the sequel at the time of announcement, rather than waiting for the new license title. III.3.4 If it is not possible to identify one season from another using the English title only, then "2nd Season" will be added to the English title. III.4 Synonyms Only the following will be included, listed by precedence in the case where the field runs out of characters (max. 225): • Official English title given by the creators or streaming sites when superseded in the English title field • Official shortenings/acronyms of the title • Included episode names for compiled specials/OVA • Series Title OVA or Series Title Special(s) or Series Title Recap(s) in the case of unique titles • Traditional title readings if any kanji include unconventional furigana (e.g. Ao no Exorcist) • Alternate romanizations of the title used by fansubbers (excluding special characters with macrons and circumflexes) IV. Anime Information
V. Anime Background Information This section is for encyclopedic information on the entry, written in full sentences, which expands upon the existing database information. Data which is better suited for tables, lists, and/or point-form notes should be added to More Info. A non-exhaustive list of points which should (not) be included are as follows: V.1 Sources & Adaptations If the entry is a:
V.1.2 Anime/Manga/Light Novel adaptation: Information about the source and subsequent adaptations should not be listed. V.1.3 Other adaptations (e.g. visual novel, web novel, rpg): Source information should be given, omitting irrelevant details. Other adaptations should not be listed. V.2 Source Material Coverage
V.2.3 Some embellishments or omissions are expected for adaptations; these are not worth detailing and should not be included. V.3 Licenses North American licensing information should only be given in unusual circumstances (e.g. only a selection of episodes were licensed, not all). Worldwide licenses should not be given. Expired license will be placed in More Info. V.4 Impact
V.4.2 Significant sales achievements, such as placing 4th on Oricon's Yearly BD Rankings, are also acceptable. For movies, final box office earnings in Japan should be noted. V.4.3 Numerical data, such as viewership ratings or cumulative sales, may be included when highly notable. V.4.4 Reviewer opinions, fan/community polls, and other non-industry related rankings should be omitted. VI.5 Concept, Production Information Only statements which can be sourced to the creators will be accepted. Please provide links to the source(s) at the end of each background submission for easy moderator verification. VI.6 Broadcast/Re-masters
V.6.2 Unusual broadcast information, such as a series not airing chronologically, may be noted. V.6.3 Pre-airing information, episode delays, and other broadcasting changes should be reserved for More Info due to their commonplace and time-relevant nature. V.6.4 Re-masters or director cuts should be included. VI.7 Seiyuu of Source Material If the original seiyuu from the source material reprise their roles in the anime, this can be noted in one sentence. For example, "The original cast from the visual novel reprised their roles in the anime." If they differ, this should also be noted. Seiyuu names should be omitted. VI. Episodes Information VI.1 Episode Titles
VI.1.2 The Japanese title should be included when possible. Episode titles are often at the start of an episode and/or on the anime's official website. VI.1.3 Romanize the Japanese title using MAL's house style. VI.2 Synopsis The same rules apply here as for section IV.1 (Anime Information, Synopsis). VI.3 Episode Type
VI.3.2 Filler episodes are extra side-story episodes added to pad out the space between adapted and source content. If only half of the episode is filler, don't check this type. VI.3.3 Recap episodes with a full episode number (not half) should be indicated if the recap portion is more than half of the episode. See also II.6 Specials. VI.4 Duration Episode durations should be given exactly, using an official streaming service, its disc (DVD/BD) release, and/or official website. VI.5 Air Dates The same rules apply here as for section IV.5 (Anime Information, Air Dates/Broadcast). VII. Promotional Videos VII.1 Automatic Denial
VII.2.1 No music videos (MVs), anime music videos (AMVs) or whole episodes are allowed. VII.3.1 Promotional videos are not allowed for manga or music entries. Specifics to be detailed at a later date. |
tingySep 10, 2023 2:47 PM
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
Jan 12, 2010 2:59 PM
Added a few clarifications to what is allowed into the anime database and what is not. What entries in anime database are allowed? + This means the show must be created and released in Japan/Korea/China. Joint productions are allowed as long as the animation is not outsourced to the above countries with all other major work (directing, script, etc.) completed elsewhere. What anime entries are not allowed? * Shows not intended for the Japanese/Korean/Chinese market. For example, when a Japanese studio is involved in the production of the show for the American release. + Shows where apart from the animation everything else (directing, script, etc.) was done outside of Japan/Korea/China. Thus, if a US company hires Japanese animators solely to work on the animation this work will not be included in our database. * Trailers/ads of upcoming or aired anime. Animated commercials produced for the Japanese market will be allowed only if they are of decent length and have substantial plot. Example: Superflat Monogram. Other things you should keep in mind when submitting/editing an entry: + The first release of an anime is the most important one, as long as the majority of it was released that way. For example, if only the first episode was pre-aired online and the rest is released on TV, that would make the entry a TV series and not an ONA. * If a TV series is split into two parts and at least one season (~12 weeks) falls between the last episode of the first part and the first episode of the second part, the second part will be treated as a second season and the anime will be split into two entries. Note: This is to organize currently airing series that have large gaps between seasons so entries are not left as currently airing for months on users' lists. Examples: White Album, Asura Cryin'. Thus, if a similar gap occurred with a series that has already finished airing, that entry will not be split now. Examples: Cardcaptor Sakura, Big O. + If there is no gap between seasons, but the continuation of the series is indicated as a separate season with a new title, it will get a second entry. Examples: Shugo Chara, Shikabane Hime. Edit: March 24, 2010. A few minor typos fixed. |
KinetaMar 24, 2010 9:14 AM
Nov 19, 2010 5:31 PM
Improved allowed and non-allowed anime entry rules; of note, doujinshi. Furthermore: * Doujinshi/independent anime can be allowed only if it has been published by a reputable publishing company or if the author of the work has been critically acclaimed, for example won a significant award (ex. Tokyo International Anime Award). + Doujinshi/independent anime is allowed if:
* DVD/BD specials and introductory animation (pilots, prologues, episodes 00) are allowed only if they contain animation not used in the parent show. ... * OVA/special episodes bundled with games are acceptable. What entries are not allowed? ... * Game cut-scenes (OVA/special episodes bundled with games are acceptable). * Live action shows. + Manga panels with voice acting. Added clarifications on type, synonyms and ratings. + The OVA series type is reserved for episodes that are released independently from TV series or movies. This contrasts with the Special series type, which is reserved for extra episodes that are released alongside TV series, movies or OVAs; these are usually released with the progenitor anime on DVD, BD, etc. + Only official English titles in the English title field (i.e. licensed titles from Funimation etc. or official English titles used by the Japanese creators). + Japanese and English synonyms only. Furthermore, no special characters in romanized synonyms or titles (i.e. ō, ô etc.). * English synopses only. Synopses taken from other sites must be credited in the format: (Source: source). They should contain no external urls. MAL News synopses need not be credited. + The R+ rating is reserved for non-hentai anime with exposed female nipples. The Rx rating is reserved for hentai anime, so the ones with exposed (censored with mosaic) genitalia. Sex scenes alone don't make the anime an R+ or Rx anime. |
KinetaNov 19, 2010 5:42 PM
Nov 28, 2011 3:19 AM
Added a couple of rules for consistency and a rule regarding OVAs with inconsistent release schedules. + Airing dates follow Japanese Standard Time (JST) while converting 24+ hour days into 24 hour days. For example: a series reported to begin at 25:40 JST on the 5th will have a start date of the 6th. + When multiple anime entries share the same title but are of a different type, the title of the most recent entry will include the type in parentheses. When they are of the same type, the most recent entry will include the year. (Examples: Black Rock Shooter, Kaibutsu-kun) + OVAs & ONAs will be set to finished after 18 months of inactivity (i.e.: no new information or releases). If a new episode is subsequently released, the entry will be re-opened. |
Mar 28, 2012 10:57 AM
Re-organised Guidelines for readability. Also added: I.2: + Manga panels or visual novel style stills, with and without voice acting. II.c: + Series that are released in their entirety in one format (TV/OVA/ONA) and later compiled for a subsequent theatrical release will have an additional entry for the movie. III.c: + Episode counts are taken from official information. When this is unavailable, number of airing slots will be used in lieu of. If ambiguity still remains, the episode count will be at the discretion of the moderating team. |
Jun 3, 2022 9:59 PM
Re-organized, expanded, and rewrote large sections of the guidelines. Please read through the top post as if it were entirely new guidelines; the changes are too numerous to list in full. This is a working copy. I expect minor revisions will need to be made in the short-term to account for undocumented processes or improve clarity. Only major additions/changes will be documented until the new guidelines are in full effect. Anime Database Guidelines The following guidelines were written as a reference document for both moderators and general users as a standard for anime database entries. For the general user, it should provide both an idea of which edits/additions will be approved and denied, and how to help speed up the approval process from a user's perspective. Please note these have been written as general guidelines only. The site administrator, database administrators and anime moderators reserve the right to append, remove and change the following rules as they see fit to maintain an orderly and consistent database. You are encouraged to report any entries that do not meet the following criteria here. Section I: Anime Additions 1. The following entries are allowed in the anime database:
Doujinshi/independent anime if: 2. The following entries will be automatically denied:
3. To help your submissions be accepted faster, please:
Section II: Anime Types The first release of an anime is the most important one, as long as the majority of it was released that way. For example, if only the first episode was pre-aired online and the rest is released on TV, that would make the entry a TV series and not an ONA. Furthermore:
b. OVA/ONA/Specials c. Movie d. Music Video Section III: Anime Information
b.Synopsis c. Episodes d. Dates e. Rating f. Pictures Section IV: Fansub Groups
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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