Oct 18, 2015 7:35 AM
After some work and tweaking done in the suggestion thread New Profile Constructive Feedback thread The following list contains tools which have been made to improve the Profile page, in the meantime MAL decides to improve the "Official" profile.. Nothing is final, more suggestions are always welcome, in case of bugs or problems with the current tools, be sure to have the last updated versions before asking for help, please. NOTE as of 8/2020: quite some time has passed, some of the fixes and tools may no longer work as the site itself may have changed further, if even after updating them they still don't work, you can try to contact the original creator of the tools (credited in the following list and also visible in the tool's download pages), or you may be out of luck. The following list is no longer actively maintained. All the tools are individual and acting on a specific part of the profile, that was made on purpose (instead of having a general fix for everything), to allow to choose and pick what to change and what to leave as it is. As if they were profile customization options, that's the logic which was used while making these tools. Since the tools used rely on browser extensions, the changes to the profile will be only visible to you, it's all a client side customization. A quick list of what is currently possible to do with these tools to change the profile page: Scripts
Scripts to use scripts it's required to install a browser add-on to run scripts Moving and Editing panels by scripts • Stats on Top of the page (new order: "Statistics" "About me" "Favorites" "Comments") • Stats on Top of the page (new order: "Statistics" "Favorites" "About me" "Comments") • List Buttons under the profile picture • Stats and Last Updates aligned horizontally (default: Last Updates on top) • Move Favorites on the Left Side (default position: between Friends and Also Available at) (if you want the Favorites above the Friends, or above the Feeds, check the "//" on lines 82-84 in the userscript, colored code should be the active one, turn active the one you want, by removing and adding "//" before the lines of code, keep only one option active, not more, and save after you are done editing, obviously :P) • Edit and Add Buttons back in the LastUpdates (it can help with the Tiles Favorites not placed on the side) Credits to: Cpt_Mathix for the scripts (check out also his profile for more scripts improving other parts of MAL) Changing the Profile Layout, by scripts • Changing the Colors of the Stats and Last Updated Bars • Stat Bars with also the Days as bars Credits to: Annuvin for the scripts Themes to use the following themes (called also stylesheets) it's required to install the Browser add-on Stylish (Firefox version , Chrome version) • Changing the Colors and Sizes of the Stats and Last Updated Bars, using Stylish to make the bars slimmer and with more soft colors (if desired, the colors can be further changed by editing the stylesheet, or there are also other sets of colors in the download page the first version had all the bar's height set as: 5px) Put together by: Steve and Tsiox More Moving and Removing panels, using Stylish • Stats and Last Updates aligned horizontally (compatibility = ??? for Firefox) • Removing the Favorites section Credits to: Steve for the stylesheets • Favourites as Tiles, using Stylish stylesheet download: [it requires the script to move favorites on the side to work, not having it installed can result in the profile page getting broken] it's anyway recommended to use also the script, since with its last update the names and titles are now visible when you hover over the images • if one doesn't want to use the "move on side" script, this is the script-less version: Credits to: Steve for the stylesheets, Cpt_Mathix for the script, Zeando for tech support and AnotherHeaven, sunnysummerday, HaXXspetten, shuryukan(rip, maybe changed nick), Kuromii for the ideas and help! • Fix for the Pixelated Resized Images [it seems MAL finally managed to fix the pixelation, this fix is no longer needed] they become too blurry maybe, but it's a bit better than having them pixelated.. works for both the Favorites Images and for the Last Updates Images Firefox version: @-moz-document regexp(".*!animelist|mangalist).*") { .profile .user-favorites .favorites-list .list .image, .profile .statistics-updates .image img { image-rendering: initial; } } .profile .user-favorites .favorites-list .list .image, .profile .statistics-updates .image img{ image-rendering: auto; } Credits to: Syrup- for the firefox code, Steve for the chrome code • Fix for the missing plan to watch bar in the statistics (raw code) /*fix for missing plan to watch bar*/ .profile .user-statistics .stats-graph { width: 380.5px !important; } .profile .user-statistics .stats-graph span:last-of-type { border-radius: 0 2px 2px 0 !important; } AdBlock • Removing panels using adblocks parts like the oversized favorites and the friend panels can also be removed with an adblock Elements on the right area: (where there is the "About Me") AdBlockPlus filters for the Favorites are: .user-favorites-outer.js-truncate-outer (^^^ this one is the favorite panel) > H2.mb12 (^^^ this one is the favorite header) (changed it cause the previous one did disable part of the stats too) filter to remove the Statistics header: > .user-statistics.mb24 > H2:first-child Elements on the left area: (under the profile picture) filter to remove the Comments/Message/Request buttons: > .user-profile > .user-function.mb8 filter to remove the Statistics quick link: > .user-status.border-top > filter to remove the History link: > .user-status.border-top > filter to remove the Forum posts, Reviews, Recommendations, Blog posts and Clubs panel as a whole: > .user-profile > .user-status.border-top.mt12.mb12 filters for the Friends panel: > H4 (^^^ this one needs a little more of work cause it also disables the header of "Also Available at", better to use the script above instead) filters to remove the RSS Feeds > .icon-rss > .user-profile-sns:last-child filter for the Big blue footer space at the end of every page with social media links (blocking elements with AdBP "may" require a different suscribing list) Credits to: HaXXspetten for suggesting to use adblock to block unwanted parts and Cpt_Mathix for helping with some filters Thanks also to all the people who made suggestions, requests and helped to improve the current tools. Links and Mentions Useful Mentions: - colourful & minimalistic mal theme by sunnysummerday, is also working on Theme improvements for the Profile - Helpful userscripts by Serhiyko, is an other list of various Scripts for MAL, not only for the profile - ✨Making YOUR MAL experience better again!✨ from the club 🌠「Make MAL Great Again! 」🌠, listing other add-ons from various sources Other Scripts/Themes Unsorted -stylesheet: less space-wasting "Top Anime/Manga" pages -script: re-adds the "Profile" menu and link in the blue bar on top (next to Anime, Manga, Community, etc) by: DakuTree -script: adds a com-to-com link for every profile comment by: Cpt_Mathix |
ZeandoAug 13, 2020 10:56 AM
Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★" |
Oct 18, 2015 7:39 AM
This post on installation instructions for Tiles for Favourites 2 has been copied from post 175. Tiles for Favourites 2 Our 3rd alternative favourites style... → See our second style "Tiles for Favourites 1" here ← → See our first style "Move favourites on left side" here ← Here is another alternative look for your favourites! (only visable by you but affects all profiles!) Should be compatible with all commonly used browsers! (make sure your browser is updated!) Larger image (shows position on left panel better) WARNING Make sure that you follow every step carefully and that both the Tampermonkey userscript and the Stylish stylesheet are enabled, otherwise this could break your profile. If your's is broken... 1. Make sure your Stylish stylesheet and Tampermonkey userscript are enabled, then refresh the page! 2. Reread the instructions and follow the steps again. 3. Either delete the stylesheet you have created and replace it with this stylesheet (which you don't necessarily need the userscript for). Or Replace your code with the following: Firefox code: @-moz-document regexp(".*!animelist|mangalist).*") { /* More Compact Left Panel */ .page-common .pb12{padding-bottom: 4px !important;} .page-common .user-favorites-outer.js-truncate-outer .mb8 {margin:1px 0 1px 0;/* text-align: center;*/} /* Removes Titles & Info */ .user-favorites .favorites-list .list .data, .page-common .content-container .container-right h2[class="mb12"]{ padding: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; display: none !important; } /* Fixes Image Sizes and stuff... */ .user-favorites .favorites-list .list .image{ height: 65px !important; margin: 1px 3px 1px 1px !important; } .user-favorites .favorites-list .list{ margin-bottom: 2px !important; width: 45px !important; display: none; float: left; } } /* More Compact Left Panel */ .page-common .pb12{padding-bottom: 4px !important;} .page-common .user-favorites-outer.js-truncate-outer .mb8 {margin:1px 0 1px 0;/* text-align: center;*/} /* Removes Titles & Info */ .user-favorites .favorites-list .list .data, .page-common .content-container .container-right h2[class="mb12"]{ padding: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; display: none !important; } /* Fixes Image Sizes and stuff... */ .user-favorites .favorites-list .list .image{ height: 65px !important; margin: 1px 3px 1px 1px !important; } .user-favorites .favorites-list .list{ margin-bottom: 2px !important; width: 45px !important; display: none; float: left; } Installation Instructions: (for Chrome/webkit browsers and Firefox, but screenshots are taken with Chrome!) Step 1. You need to download and install Stylish which can be found from either of the following links: Firefox download: Chrome download: Step 2. Once Stylish is installed, you can then either, download the stylish stylesheet for Tiles For Favourites 2 here (recommeneded): and then skip to step 5. Or you can do it yourself manually by reading the rest of the instructions in this step and all the others. You will need to create a new Stylish stylesheet. Then put the relevant code for your browser into the "code 1" section: For Firefox: @-moz-document regexp(".*!animelist|mangalist).*") { /* More Compact Left Panel */ .page-common .pb12{padding-bottom: 4px !important;} .page-common .user-favorites-outer.js-truncate-outer .mb8 {margin:1px 0 1px 0;/* text-align: center;*/} /* Removes Titles & Info */ .user-favorites .favorites-list .list .data, .page-common .content-container .container-right h2[class="mb12"]{ padding: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; display: none !important; } /* Fixes Image Sizes and stuff... */ .user-favorites .favorites-list .list .image{ height: 65px !important; margin: 1px 3px 1px 1px !important; } .user-favorites .favorites-list .list{ margin-bottom: 2px !important; width: 45px !important; display: none; float: left; } .profile .user-favorites .favorites-list{ width:225px; } /* Fixes Pixelated Resized Images (for favourites and recent updates) */ .profile .user-favorites .favorites-list .list .image, .profile .statistics-updates .image img { image-rendering: initial; } } For Chrome (webkit browsers): /* More Compact Left Panel */ .page-common .pb12{padding-bottom: 4px !important;} .page-common .user-favorites-outer.js-truncate-outer .mb8 {margin:1px 0 1px 0;/* text-align: center;*/} /* Removes Titles & Info */ .user-favorites .favorites-list .list .data, .page-common .content-container .container-right h2[class="mb12"]{ padding: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; display: none !important; } /* Fixes Image Sizes and stuff... */ .user-favorites .favorites-list .list .image{ height: 65px !important; margin: 1px 3px 1px 1px !important; } .user-favorites .favorites-list .list{ margin-bottom: 2px !important; width: 45px !important; display: none; float: left; } .profile .user-favorites .favorites-list{ width:225px; } Step 3. (only applies to Chrome/webkit browsers!) You will then have to apply it to your desired webpage (this is included in the Firefox code so Firefox users, you don't need to do this step!) You will need to select the option "Applies to: [URLs on the domain], and in the box next to it type in "" as shown in the image below. Step 4. Then name your new stylesheet to whatever you want! (example in image below) and make sure you have the "Enabled" box ticked so that the stylesheet will be enabled! Step 5. For this step you then need to go to the following link to download and install Tampermonkey (if you use Chrome/ a webkit browser) or Greasemonkey if you use Firefox. Firefox: Chrome: Other browsers see here: Step 6. The final and simplest of steps! Now you have greasemonkey/tampermonkey downloaded and installed, you need to download this userscript for it: Yay! Now enjoy your new favourites section! Thank you to... Cpt_Mathix Steve Zeando for creating the userscripts and stylesheet! and TsundereHeart sunnysummerday HaXXspetten shuryukan Kuromii for the ideas and help! would be nice if I could give permission for Zeando or Cpt_Mathix to edit this message if they wanted... |
SteveNov 1, 2015 10:38 AM
Oct 18, 2015 7:51 AM
RedUbs said: If anybody still wanted I could actually make a stylesheet that repositions parts of your profile (favourites would be difficult) like this: And if I actually learnt some more about Stylish I could make it so when you download the style, you can choose which position you want them in. Ahhh yes that looks much better! I'd definitely use it. |
Oct 18, 2015 7:53 AM
Kuromii said: RedUbs said: If anybody still wanted I could actually make a stylesheet that repositions parts of your profile (favourites would be difficult) like this: And if I actually learnt some more about Stylish I could make it so when you download the style, you can choose which position you want them in. Ahhh yes that looks much better! I'd definitely use it. But its annoying how the manga stats, as you may have noticed from the image don't align with the anime perfectly. Somewhere in the middle of it they added a margin: 8px !important; which isn't present in the anime stats. Very strange. This is the anime and manga stats ontop of eachother, if you couldn't work out how they weren't aligned in the previous image (everything past the days and mean score is lower on the manga stats by 8pixels... |
Oct 18, 2015 8:05 AM
RedUbs said: But its annoying how the manga stats, as you may have noticed from the image don't align with the anime perfectly. Somewhere in the middle of it they added a margin: 8px !important; which isn't present in the anime stats. Very strange. This is the anime and manga stats ontop of eachother, if you couldn't work out how they weren't aligned in the previous image (everything past the days and mean score is lower on the manga stats by 8pixels... ah yes, noticed that too when had done that example in paint is there anything into the manga stats which adds that 8pixels? is it possible to remove or resize it to 0 ? and yes, having the stats aligned is still something interesting to have "And if I actually learnt some more about Stylish I could make it so when you download the style, you can choose which position you want them in." this is a great idea |
ZeandoOct 18, 2015 8:08 AM
Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★" |
Oct 18, 2015 8:22 AM
Zeando, you deserve a cookie for your work. |
Oct 18, 2015 8:26 AM
Grudge said: Zeando, you deserve a cookie for your work. :3 i'm partly doing this for myself, but thanks (listing work that is, all the credit goes to who actually coded/made those improvements) |
ZeandoOct 18, 2015 8:56 AM
Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★" |
Oct 18, 2015 8:48 AM
RedUbs said: [/spoiler] This took longer than expected...[spoiler] Kuromii said: RedUbs said: If anybody still wanted I could actually make a stylesheet that repositions parts of your profile (favourites would be difficult) like this: And if I actually learnt some more about Stylish I could make it so when you download the style, you can choose which position you want them in. Ahhh yes that looks much better! I'd definitely use it. But its annoying how the manga stats, as you may have noticed from the image don't align with the anime perfectly. Somewhere in the middle of it they added a margin: 8px !important; which isn't present in the anime stats. Very strange. This is the anime and manga stats ontop of eachother, if you couldn't work out how they weren't aligned in the previous image (everything past the days and mean score is lower on the manga stats by 8pixels... After many trail and error attempts, I finally got it working and aligned: Now there is a large gap between the recent updates and the stats :( (especially if you have the Softer Bars stylesheet installed too: Do you guys want me to force them together a little? |
Oct 18, 2015 8:54 AM
RedUbs said: If you could cut the amount of whitespace in-between them in half or so that'd probably be goodRedUbs said: [/spoiler] This took longer than expected...[spoiler] Kuromii said: RedUbs said: If anybody still wanted I could actually make a stylesheet that repositions parts of your profile (favourites would be difficult) like this: And if I actually learnt some more about Stylish I could make it so when you download the style, you can choose which position you want them in. Ahhh yes that looks much better! I'd definitely use it. But its annoying how the manga stats, as you may have noticed from the image don't align with the anime perfectly. Somewhere in the middle of it they added a margin: 8px !important; which isn't present in the anime stats. Very strange. This is the anime and manga stats ontop of eachother, if you couldn't work out how they weren't aligned in the previous image (everything past the days and mean score is lower on the manga stats by 8pixels... After many trail and error attempts, I finally got it working and aligned: Now there is a large gap between the recent updates and the stats :( (especially if you have the Softer Bars stylesheet installed too: Do you guys want me to force them together a little? |
Oct 18, 2015 8:55 AM
how does it look if the recent updates are on top instead? otherwise yes, one of the reasons for this alignment was to get back some of the wasted space |
Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★" |
Oct 18, 2015 9:00 AM
Zeando said: I'll work on that after I got this one does it look if the recent updates are on top instead? otherwise yes, one of the reasons for this alignment was to get back some of the wasted space |
Oct 18, 2015 9:05 AM
Oct 18, 2015 9:19 AM
All good? Any other changes (that are relevant)? Its more compact than before (believe it or not) and it puts the both of the stats and both of the recent updates in-line. Do you want it even more compact like this: maybe somewhere inbetween the two above? With Softer Bars, the second looks better for sure: Or when you guys get the code you can edit it yourself? |
SteveOct 18, 2015 9:44 AM
Oct 18, 2015 9:31 AM
ooh, i kind of like how the stats and updates are next to each other rather than on top (◍•ڡ•◍) |
Oct 18, 2015 9:33 AM
RedUbs said: All good? Any other changes (that are relevant)? Its more compact than before (believe it or not) and it puts the both of the stats and both of the recent updates in-line. Do you want it even more compact like this: maybe somewhere inbetween the two above? With Softer Bars, the second looks better for sure: Or I could just give the code for both and you guys can decide... The second one! The second one! :D |
Oct 18, 2015 9:36 AM
MAL looks much better with those scripts ! Huge thanks to everyone who're working on them, I secretly love you. *bows* I also found for myself that profiles feel... more compact, let's say, when the zoom level of he page is set at 90%. Not the best solution though since the 90% zoom tends to grow on other pages as well. I'm still wondering if there would be a way to bring "edit" button back to the last anime updates on the profile. I used that feature ALL THE TIME before so I really miss it now... |
Oct 18, 2015 9:37 AM
The only downside is the gap between the recent updates and the favourites is fairly large... PlzAllow said: I miss it too ;;I'm still wondering if there would be a way to bring "edit" button back to the last anime updates on the profile. I used that feature ALL THE TIME before so I really miss it now... You can download the stylesheet here: I'm working on adding different options on the new positions. + Because the way it is coded isn't very good at all (but can't really be better), I worry how compatible it will be with other stylesheets. |
SteveOct 18, 2015 9:58 AM
Oct 18, 2015 9:59 AM
nice :D Cpt_Mathix was also working on a script for the same thing but it's still a bit buggy for now (or maybe it confliscts with something on my side) it's fixed and working now asked him first actually, but then totally forgot >_< should have told you RedUbs, well in the while, time to try the style version :D @RedUbs "Or when you guys get the code you can edit it yourself?" if there are comments in the code it shouldn't be too hard |
ZeandoOct 18, 2015 10:12 AM
Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★" |
Oct 18, 2015 10:07 AM
Zeando said: [/spoiler] I said it wasn't really possible with CSS in a previous thread before, but that is because I forgot that you can do what I just did (mainly because it is very 'bad practise' for CSS coding)[spoiler]nice :D Cpt_Mathix was also working on a script for the same thing but it's still a bit buggy for now (or maybe it confliscts with something on my side) asked him first actually, but then totally forgot >_< should have told you RedUbs, well in the while, time to try the style version :D @RedUbs "Or when you guys get the code you can edit it yourself?" if there are comments in the code it shouldn't be too hard I have tried it with a few other stylesheets and it doesn't work with all of them, but you guys can edit it to get it to work with your prefered stylesheet if you know what you are doing. It should work with most lesser stylesheets (stylesheets that don't completely change the whole look of the MAL website) For a few examples: I can say it does work with: - 'Modernized' stylesheet by Metricx [and 'Modern Dark' stylesheet by Tsiox (base code by Metricx)] - 'Dark and Flat' by Rsslone Not really sure what happened here: - 'Flat' stylesheet by Metricx - 'Crayon' stylesheet by Sunnysummerday ~ It was caused by userscripts on my end (will not be as bad as in the picture). etc. |
SteveOct 18, 2015 2:50 PM
Oct 18, 2015 10:12 AM
Oct 18, 2015 10:43 AM
Oct 18, 2015 11:06 AM
I've updated the Stylish stylesheet! You can now choose between the 2 variations with the drop down menu. |
Oct 18, 2015 11:14 AM
mmm, wonder why, but none of them is working for me have reloaded the browser, disabled everything(styles, scripts, adb) but still nothing unless it'll start to work after a while like it happened for the thin bars xD (cache related?) the only visible effect i have is the manga statistics getting fixed about those 8pixels |
Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★" |
Oct 18, 2015 11:16 AM
Zeando said: Strange... I just tested them again and worked for me.mmm, wonder why, but none of them is working for me have reloaded the browser, disabled everything(styles, scripts, adb) but still nothing unless it'll start to work after a while like it happened for the thin bars xD (cache related?) the only visible effect i have is the manga statistics getting fixed about those 8pixels Tried deleting and installing again? (I say they work, but they really aren't great if you have another style...) |
Oct 18, 2015 11:24 AM
So the drop down menu isn't working for you :( ok well here is the code for the stats ontop: @-moz-document url(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") { .updates.anime{ position:relative; top:204px; right:405px; } .updates.manga{ position:relative; bottom:45px; } .stats.manga{ position:relative; bottom:249px; left:405px; } .stats-graph.mt12{ margin-top:8px !important; } .page-common .mb24{ margin-bottom: 0px !important; } .stats.manga, .stats.anime{ padding: 0px 4px 0px 0px !important; } h2.mb12{ margin:0 0 4px 0 !important; } } and the recent updates ontop: @-moz-document url(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") { .updates.manga{ position:relative; bottom:249px; right:405px } .stats.anime{ position:relative; top:249px; } .stats.manga{ position:relative; left:405px; } .stats-graph.mt12{ margin-top:8px !important; } .page-common .mb24{ margin-bottom: 0px !important; } .stats.manga, .stats.anime{ padding: 0px 4px 0px 0px !important; } h2.mb12{ margin:0 0 4px 0 !important; } } They are for Firefox^ If you remove the following lines of code, it will work for Chrome. at the start of the code = @-moz-document and remove the last line of codeurl(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") { } Is everybody having the same problem? |
SteveOct 18, 2015 11:27 AM
Oct 18, 2015 11:31 AM
Oct 18, 2015 11:33 AM
ok, deleted and replaced the code, still nothing :( (but still need to reload so who knows) maybe the moving things around doesn't work so well in firefox? what you mean the drop down doesn't work? it doesn't change the sheet being installed? i'm seeing it and selecting it fine "(I say they work, but they really aren't great if you have another style...)" currently i'm using only the soft bars and this repositioning |
ZeandoOct 18, 2015 11:38 AM
Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★" |
Oct 18, 2015 11:39 AM
If you want to reduce the whitespace in-between the updates/stats and the favorites section, you can set the margin to be negative in the code, like this for example: .page-common .mb24{ margin-bottom: -40px !important; Here's what mine looks like atm, think it's pretty fine really: |
Oct 18, 2015 11:40 AM
Zeando said: what you mean the drop down doesn't work? it doesn't change the sheet being installed? i'm seeing it and selecting it fine Yeah it seems to not be changing the sheet for you guys, but for some reason it does for me... (even after deleting and installing again) Zeando said: I guess so? maybe the moving things around doesn't work so well in firefox? There must be different things I need to edit for the firefox one maybe. So basically I don't know how to do this part ;; |
Oct 18, 2015 11:50 AM
well, it's not a problem, we can use the script version of Cpt_Mathix for who uses firefox (it works like the "updates on top") |
Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★" |
Oct 18, 2015 11:59 AM
Zeando said: Probably for the bestwell, it's not a problem, we can use the script version of Cpt_Mathix for who uses firefox (it works like the "updates on top") Sorry guys. If only I knew how to work stylish like this: Still weird how it works for me though even after removing the style and installing it again (for either of the position variations). I edited it 1 final time, if you want you can see if it works, just tried something I didn't think of before. |
SteveOct 18, 2015 12:13 PM
Oct 18, 2015 12:20 PM
Steve said: I've updated the Stylish stylesheet! You can now choose between the 2 variations with the drop down menu. without looking at your code (because it'd just confuse me!) i'm gonna make my stylish theme like that (ง •̀_•́)ง though i might regret it >_> ._. |
Oct 18, 2015 12:36 PM
^Steve? o_O ok, updating the credits.. anyway, tried the new version, still nothing |
Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★" |
Oct 18, 2015 12:37 PM
sunnysummerday said: One that changes the positions of the 'Stats' sections and the 'Recent Updates' sections?Steve said: I've updated the Stylish stylesheet! You can now choose between the 2 variations with the drop down menu. without looking at your code (because it'd just confuse me!) i'm gonna make my stylish theme like that (ง •̀_•́)ง though i might regret it >_> ._. Zeando said: Thanks and sorry again ^^"^Steve? o_O ok, updating the credits.. |
Oct 18, 2015 12:57 PM
found a curious glitch with the bars sheet (dunno if it shows only on firefox or not) it's clearly visible on this profile: in the stats bars sometimes the "Plan to watch" or "Plan to read" bar becomes very very light instead of being grey on instead, they're both light sunnysummerday did have a similar problem with bars moving to an other line, maybe it's for a similar reason talking about other things of the requested things, the bigger one which still needs to get addressed is finding a way to resize and move the favorites on the side |
ZeandoOct 18, 2015 1:03 PM
Fixes to make the Profile more bearable after "the Modern★Profile★Update★★Rip★Profile★" |
Oct 18, 2015 1:16 PM
Steve said: sunnysummerday said: One that changes the positions of the 'Stats' sections and the 'Recent Updates' sections?Steve said: I've updated the Stylish stylesheet! You can now choose between the 2 variations with the drop down menu. without looking at your code (because it'd just confuse me!) i'm gonna make my stylish theme like that (ง •̀_•́)ง though i might regret it >_> ._. yeah! like this.. it'll be weird getting used to "anime updates" not being on the top right though ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ |
Oct 18, 2015 1:19 PM
Zeando said: Yeah that is weird. It doesn't show on Chrome and found it on Firefox when trying to work out what you were saying ;)found a curious glitch with the bars sheet (dunno if it shows only on firefox or not) it's clearly visible on this profile: in the stats bars sometimes the "Plan to watch" or "Plan to read" bar becomes very very light instead of being grey on instead, they're both light It seems to me that the "plan to watch/read" just doesn't show sometimes (on firefox), instead you see the background for the bar behind it? Zeando said: sunnysummerday did have a similar problem with bars moving to an other line, maybe it's for a similar reason Whenever I use that Stylesheet (including the Chrome fix) it seems that all the profile 'About Me' sections extend dramatically... Zeando said: Yeah but good luck making that work with CSS... It might work with a userscript, but I think we'll have to hope for an update from MAL themselves.talking about other things of the requested things, the bigger one which still needs to get addressed is finding a way to resize and move the favorites on the side |
SteveOct 18, 2015 1:26 PM
Oct 18, 2015 1:22 PM
sunnysummerday said: I hope it works out better for you than it did for me and I'd like to know if it works out! (extremely likely?) :)Steve said: sunnysummerday said: Steve said: I've updated the Stylish stylesheet! You can now choose between the 2 variations with the drop down menu. without looking at your code (because it'd just confuse me!) i'm gonna make my stylish theme like that (ง •̀_•́)ง though i might regret it >_> ._. yeah! like this.. it'll be weird getting used to "anime updates" not being on the top right though ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ Steve said: Zeando said: I just tried it on Firefox (previously only done on Chrome) and it works there :/ anyway, tried the new version, still nothing Steve said: Strange... |
SteveOct 18, 2015 1:41 PM
Oct 18, 2015 1:52 PM
Zeando said: talking about other things of the requested things, the bigger one which still needs to get addressed is finding a way to resize and move the favorites on the side Challenge accepted! |
My Userscripts: • Show anime/manga info inside your animelist/mangalist • Other Scripts |
Oct 18, 2015 1:54 PM
Oct 18, 2015 2:02 PM
Oct 18, 2015 2:14 PM
Zeando said: talking about other things of the requested things, the bigger one which still needs to get addressed is finding a way to resize and move the favorites on the side I tried moving around some elements with the chrome console: (These are only my anime and manga favorites) It should be possible to create a userscript for this. It is possible that this script will break your current userscripts/userstyles and I will try to avoid this. If you have suggestions, don't hesitate to tell me! |
Cpt_MathixOct 18, 2015 2:27 PM
My Userscripts: • Show anime/manga info inside your animelist/mangalist • Other Scripts |
Oct 18, 2015 2:15 PM
Steve said: I hope it works out better for you than it did for me and I'd like to know if it works out! (extremely likely?) :) it worked fine! *updated* i hope it looks nice for others too.. i had to widen mal on profile pages again for it to be symmetrical >_< Steve said: shuryukan said: Oh thanks! Is everybody supposed to do that when they install the style? Or do people just like having a massive gap.^ use your remove favorites script, unless you want it there /o/ (for sunny's theme) @steve what's this about a gap in my theme!!? or am i reading this wrong >_> |
Oct 18, 2015 2:16 PM
Steve said: shuryukan said: Oh thanks! Is everybody supposed to do that when they install the style? Or do people just like having a massive gap.^ use your remove favorites script, unless you want it there /o/ (for sunny's theme) @steve Looks pretty good! So far I think everyone does, unless they had your script installed. Though I don't like the favorite tabs anyways, so prob gonna remain hidden ahaha |
Oct 18, 2015 2:19 PM
sunnysummerday said: Steve said: I hope it works out better for you than it did for me and I'd like to know if it works out! (extremely likely?) :) it worked fine! *updated* i hope it looks nice for others too.. i had to widen mal on profile pages again for it to be symmetrical >_< Steve said: shuryukan said: ^ use your remove favorites script, unless you want it there /o/ (for sunny's theme) @steve what's this about a gap in my theme!!? or am i reading this wrong >_> The favorite section, there's a large white space under i'd screenshot but puush is malfunctioning edit: could it perhaps be another script we installed causing the problem? |
Oct 18, 2015 2:21 PM
shuryukan said: The favorite section, there's a large white space under i'd screenshot but puush is malfunctioning edit: could it perhaps be another script we installed causing the problem? weird! is that with all mal scripts disabled? what browser? |
Oct 18, 2015 2:23 PM
sunnysummerday said: when i disable all scripts, fav falls under about me '-' wow strangeshuryukan said: The favorite section, there's a large white space under i'd screenshot but puush is malfunctioning edit: could it perhaps be another script we installed causing the problem? weird! is that with all mal scripts disabled? what browser? I'm using chrome |
Oct 18, 2015 2:25 PM
shuryukan said: when i disable all scripts, fav falls under about me '-' wow strange that's how it should look :) |
Oct 18, 2015 2:25 PM
shuryukan said: Ah! It was the userscripts. Thanks!sunnysummerday said: when i disable all scripts, fav falls under about me '-' wow strangeshuryukan said: The favorite section, there's a large white space under i'd screenshot but puush is malfunctioning edit: could it perhaps be another script we installed causing the problem? weird! is that with all mal scripts disabled? what browser? I'm using chrome I should have guessed there'd be a clash with 8 Stylish stylesheets and 3 Tampermonkey userscripts |
SteveOct 18, 2015 2:28 PM
Oct 18, 2015 2:27 PM
sunnysummerday said: oooh oki ahahashuryukan said: when i disable all scripts, fav falls under about me '-' wow strange that's how it should look :) Has a script to realign favs to the left like old mal been released yet? Think that'll be my only reason in keeping favs |
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