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Oct 20, 2015 3:39 PM

Dec 2013

What is YOUR Business Cultural Profile?

I've noticed this link can be a little weird and save your result sometimes but hopefully it works as this is a pretty interesting survey and fits with all the personality threads we have and how global the MAL community is.

Your country might not be there on question 25 but your results are what is more important ^.^.
If you scroll over the circle and triangles you can see your results.

I'm Low Context(6 out of 15) on Communicating but 5.5 questions higher than my country's social norm.
I'm Direct Negative Feedback(6 out of 15) on Evaluating and only 1 question lower my country's social norm.
I'm Applications-First(10 out of 15) on Persuading but 4 questions lower than my country's social norm
I'm Egalitarian(7 out of 15) on Leading but I'm 3.5 questions higher than my country's social norm.
I'm Top Down(8 out of 15) on Deciding but 1.5 questions lower than my countries socal norm
I'm Relationship-based(8 out of 15) on Trusting where as my countries social norm is task based and I'm 7.5 questions higher than my country's social norm
I'm Confrontational(5 out of 15) on Disagreeing but 1.5 questions lower than my country's social norm.
I'm on Linear Time(6 out of 15) on Scheduling but 3 questions higher than my country's social norm.

So the only big difference I have with my own counties business ideology is that I am more relationship-based and I need to spend time with individuals to be able to trust them.


[*b]I'm Low Context/High Context(0 out of 15)[/b] -
[*b]I'm Direct Negative Feedback/Indirect Negative Feedback(0 out of 15)[/b] -
[*b]I'm Principles-First/Applications-First(0 out of 15)[/b] -
[*b]I'm Egalitarian/Hierarchical(0 out of 15)[/b] -
[*b]I'm Consensual/Top Down(0 out of 15)[/b] -
[*b]I'm Task Based/Relationship-based(0 out of 15)[/b] -
[*b]I'm Confrontational/Avoids Confrontation(0 out of 15)[/b] -
[*b]I'm on Linear Time/on Flexible Time(0 out of 15)[/b] -
HibbingtonAug 3, 2016 8:36 PM
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Oct 21, 2015 7:35 AM

Apr 2015
I'm Low Context (4 out of 15) on Communicating. Norm for country: 10.8
I'm Indirect Negative Feedback (12 out of 15) on Evaluating. Norm for country: 10.2
I'm Applications-First (9 out of 15) The norm for your culture is not plotted here, because it is neither principles-first nor applications-first, but holistic. o.o
I'm Hierarchal (11 out of 15) on Leading. Norm for country: 12.9
I'm Consensual (5 out of 15) on Deciding. Norm for country: 10.8
I'm Relationship-based (9 out of 15) on Trusting. Norm for country: 10.2
I'm Anti-Confrontational (11 out of 15) on Disagreeing. Norm for country: 9.3
I got Flexible Time (13 out of 15) on Scheduling. Norm for country: 3.9

Really interesting test. :) I wish the results were given in a more sharing-friendly format though. :/
Forgotten_MemoOct 21, 2015 7:41 AM
Oct 21, 2015 8:19 AM

Dec 2013
Agreed Memo, that is why I tried to make my own format but come on your Harvard Business. You would think they would be above the curve not behind it XD.
Oct 22, 2015 5:32 PM

Aug 2009
High Context: 8/15 7.5 above US norm ((HOW? How is business in the US done with no context? Very few things are cut and dry to the extent that individuals and unique situations don't crop up/don't matter. This must be one of the reasons why I'm so pissed at my current job.))
Direct Negative Feedback 7/15 At norm
Principles First 7/15 7 below US norm ((This is one of my metaphors I use a lot: giving off a gattling gun of colors is not going to help anybody see a color wheel. More things exist as spectrums than as discrete categories, explain the existence of the wheel first, then fill in the colors.))
Hierarchical 9/15 4 above US norm
Top Down 9/15 ((This isn't that I think somebody should be dictatorial, I think everything has to start somewhere, and endless discussions/debates lead nowhere. After a decision is made though, I expect constant editing of that decision as people actually see how the impact is playing out. Club wise, I think this is the biggest difference between Hibs and I, even though we're both rules oriented))
Relationship Based 10/15 9.5 above US norm ((Yeah, I don't trust any of my coworkers to do things correctly. They're nice people, but I've only known them a couple months and we don't really hang out since most of them are middle aged parents of teens/young kids))
Avoids confrontation 9/15 2.5 above US norm ((I'm actually pretty confrontational, but I usually speak to people one on one or go directly to the manager in a work setting. I'd rather save the drama and rabble rousing for my internet life, haha.))
Flexible Time 11/15 8 above US norm ((Yeah, I just...don't pay much attention to schedules.))

I think I'd align closer to Chinese norms due to my parents...
Oct 22, 2015 10:13 PM

Jan 2015
I'm Mid Context (7 out of 15) on Communicating. Social norm is 14.25
I'm Slightly more Indirect Negative Feedback (8 out of 15) on Evaluating. Social norm is 13.95
I'm Slightly towards Applications-First (8 out of 15) on Persuading. There is no social norm since my country is neither lol.
I'm slightly more Hierarchical (8 out of 15) on Leading. Social norm is 13.65
I'm Top Down (10 out of 15) on Deciding. Social norm is 0.45
I'm slightly more Relationship-based (8 out of 15) on Trusting. Social norm 11.55
I avoid confrontation (9 out of 15) on Disagreeing. Social norm is 14.25
I'm slightly more on flexible Time (8 out of 15) on Scheduling. Social norm is 2.25

For a lot of these, I ended up around the middle with the exception of two. Reminds me of the time I took a test to see whether I was more liberal or conservative and I ended up dead center lol.
Dec 15, 2015 9:58 PM

May 2014
I'm Low Context on Communicating: 14.1 Social Norm
I'm Indirect Negative Feedback: 13.2 Social Norm
I'm Applications-First
I'm Hierarchical: 13.8 Social Norm
I'm Top Down: 13.8 Social Norm
I'm Relationship-based
I avoid confrontation: 14.1 Social Norm
I'm on Flexible Time: 13.5 Social Norm
Feb 26, 2016 12:51 PM

Jun 2015
High Context: 11/15 In my culture it was: 8.55
Indirect negative feedback: 12/15 in my culture it was:9.15
Principles First: 7/15 In my culture it was: 5:85
Egalitarian:7/15 In my culture it was: 8.55
Top Down:11/15 In my culture it was: In my culture it was: 8.55
Relationship based:12 In my culture it was: 12.75
Avoid confrontation:9/15 In my culture it was: 9.3
Flexible time:11 In my culture it was: 11.55
A Gift By: Natsukage
Aug 3, 2016 8:32 PM

Dec 2013
I thought it was a good time to re-take this business psychology quiz again and there has been quite a lot of change in the last 9 months.

I'm Low Context(4 out of 15) A change of -2. I have become more precise. I believe that messages should be expressed and understood at face value.
I'm Indirect Negative Feedback(9 out of 15) a change of +3. I'm pretty perplex that I went in this direction. I would think I'd go the other way.
I'm Applications-First(9 out of 15) A change of a -1. Not a huge change.
I'm Hierarchical(8 out of 15) A change of a +1. This is one of my borderline business traits. So I guess were in a tie now between the two.
I'm Top Down(9 out of 15) A change of a +1. This is a reflection of my Heirachical gain.
I'm Relationship-based(10 out of 15) A change of a +2. I do agree with this. I do like getting to know people more before making them an admin in AG.
I'm Confrontational(5 out of 15) A change of a 0. Though some might say it should be lower XD.
I'm on Flexible Time(9 out of 15) A change of +3. There has been a few people who have said I've become more lenient. Personally I don't see it but here is proof haha.

All together that is 13 points of change, which is a good amount of development shifts in my business philosophy. But nothing too huge.
HibbingtonAug 3, 2016 8:41 PM
Aug 3, 2016 10:35 PM

Aug 2014
I'm Low Context/High Context(7 out of 15) -
I'm Direct Negative Feedback/Indirect Negative Feedback(11 out of 15) -
I'm Principles-First/Applications-First(8 out of 15) -
I'm Egalitarian/Hierarchical(11 out of 15) -
I'm Consensual/Top Down(7 out of 15) -
I'm Task Based/Relationship-based(11 out of 15) -
I'm Confrontational/Avoids Confrontation(7 out of 15) -
I'm on Linear Time/on Flexible Time(10 out of 15) -

△ ▼ △
Anime Guild
Set by coziitsu
▲ ▽ ▲
Aug 3, 2016 11:07 PM

Apr 2015
I'm Low Context (6 out of 15) on Communicating. Norm for country: 10.8
I'm Indirect Negative Feedback (13 out of 15) on Evaluating. Norm for country: 10.2
I'm Applications-First (9 out of 15) The norm for your culture is not plotted here, because it is neither principles-first nor applications-first, but holistic.
I'm Egalitarian (6 out of 15) on Leading. Norm for country: 12.9
I'm Consensual (5 out of 15) on Deciding. Norm for country: 10.8
I'm Relationship-based (10 out of 15) on Trusting. Norm for country: 10.2
I'm Anti-Confrontational (10 out of 15) on Disagreeing. Norm for country: 9.3
I got Flexible Time (12 out of 15) on Scheduling. Norm for country: 3.9

Retook it and there were some changes esp for leading, which I've adopted a more Egalitarian outlook for.
Aug 4, 2016 1:35 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
I'm Low Context/High Context(6 out of 15)
I'm Direct Negative Feedback/Indirect Negative Feedback(7 out of 15)
I'm Principles-First/Applications-First(9 out of 15)
I'm Egalitarian/Hierarchical(11 out of 15)
I'm Consensual/Top Down(7 out of 15)
I'm Task Based/Relationship-based(9 out of 15)
I'm Confrontational/Avoids Confrontation(9 out of 15)
I'm on Linear Time/on Flexible Time(9 out of 15)

Not entirely sure what you're going to do with this information but there you go I guess :s
Aug 4, 2016 1:36 AM

Mar 2015
Ohh~ this looks interesting! :o Lemme~

I'm High Context (8 out of 15) on Communicating — Romania averages at 10.5; unsurprising. I do believe messages should be clear, short, and concise in order to be understood by all, but there are certain circles in which you can only play with a between-the-lines debate. Then again, the country I grew up in is one where people tend to be very elusive and rely on I suppose it comes naturally.

I'm Direct Negative Feedback (5 out of 15) on Evaluating — Romania averages at 4.8; again, unsurprising. I do not like coddling people. Getting the ugly bits out of the way takes priority, because imo the sooner you get that over with, the sooner you can start working towards improvement.

I'm Applications First (8 out of 15) on Persuading — Romania averages at a shocking 1.8. Goddamn. I'm generally a heads-on person (the kind that "would step over dead bodies" as they say) but I did not expect that all-time nation-wide low...

I'm Egalitarian (6 out of 15) on Leading — Romania averages at 12. Considering the amount of political schmoozing going around and my hatred for it, this is hardly a surprising result.

I'm Top Down (11 out of 15) on Deciding — Romania averages at 10.8. I will probably sound like a bitch but honestly, you try to get twenty - I won't even suggest more, it would just get more horrifying - people to agree on something. Then you try to get those people to actually go through with putting it together. It's a goddamn nightmare. (This is probably the reason I didn't mind all that much doing the entire group projects by myself when I couldn't avoid them.)

I'm Relationship Based (11 out of 15) on Trusting — Romania averages at 11.1. Not much to say here; just that when there are two people with similar quality of results, I will always pick the one I instinctively feel I can trust or the one I know enough on a personal and professional level to be comfortable with. Bonus comment: nepotism is a thing for a reason.

I'm Against Confrontation (9 out of 15) on Disagreeing — Romania averages at 4.8; surprising, innit? I'm kind of a fighter, but I do not think conflict itself is productive, especially within a team. Those fights should be nipped in the bud, because latent resentment can lead to messy situations, like sabotage and screaming fits, which you absolutely cannot afford, because A) it gives you bad rep and B) it just ruins my zen. That's a no-no.

I'm on Flexible Time (8 out of 15) on Scheduling — Romania averages at 9.6. I'm honestly kind of eh when it comes to schedules. It really depends on the situation; I can show up to a casual meeting and a party at pretty much any time, but I generally try to stick with the given timeline in professional settings.

well, it was fun.

things I have learned:
— I'd make an (probably) awful, but efficient boss;
— I am both less and more Romanian that I originally thought. Hm.
EMPERATRIXAug 4, 2016 2:56 AM
Aug 4, 2016 2:24 AM
Jul 2018
@Hibbington - This is a really interesting concept!

I'm Low Context(6 out of 15) on Communicating. Norm for my country is 4.8
I'm direct Negative Feedback(5 out of 15) on Evaluating. Norm for my country is 7.8
I'm Applications-First(9 out of 15) on Persuading. Norm for culture is 11.4
I'm Hierarchical(10 out of 15) on Leading . Norm for my culture is 6.9
I'm Top Down(8 out of 15) on Deciding (just barely) . Norm for my culture is 6.9
I'm Relationship-based(11 out of 15) on Trusting. Norm for my culture is 4.8
I avoid confrontationl(9 out of 15) on Disagreeing. Norm for my culture is 8.25
I'm on Linear Time(4 out of 15) on Scheduling. Norm for my culture is 4.5

That is a really interesting test! I know for sure some apply to me in both work and also in my own youtube channel that i have started so it does make sense
Aug 4, 2016 9:26 AM

Jul 2015
I'm Low Context(5 out of 15) on Communicating. Norm for my country is 10.5
I'm Direct Negativ Feedback(5 out of 15) on Evaluating. Norm for my country is 4.8
I'm Principles First(7 out of 15) on Persuading. Norm for my country is 1.5
I'm Hierarchical(8 out of 15) on Leading. Norm for my country is 12
I'm Top Down(8 out of 15) on Deciding. Norm for my country is 10.8
I'm Task Based(7 out of 15) on Trusting. Norm for my country is 11.1
I'm Confrontational(7 out of 15) on Disagreeing. Norm for my country is 4.8
I'm on Flexible Time(9 out of 15) on Scheduling. Norm for my country is 9.6

Almost all of the scales have me basically being dead-center and for a lot of them I am not even close to what my country's average is.

I am surprisingly Low Context considering most people in the media or even just regular people you meet around here like to beat around the bush and tell you things without actually telling you. I don't know if this means I am thick-headed or what.

Direct Negativ Feedback and Confrontational go hand in hand here and I can definitely see the influence of the country here. Even if I am not nearly as confrontational as the norm, that's probably because I am an introvert and communicating is hard.

I would have thought I was Application First but I just barely missed the mark. However Romania's average on that is 1.5 so I think I am more Application minded than most people.

On Hierarchical I am a little bit of a free spirit only barely missing the threshold, I blame the polite pronouns I have to use all the time.

I am all for Consensus based decision making which might explain why I barely missed the mark here aswell. Blame the fact that no one over here seems to know what consensus is.

Trusting is the one where I thought I'd score lower than I did. Being Relationship based takes an amount of social effort I am frankly unable to put in so being basically center for this one aswell surprised me.

Romania and Flexible Time go hand in hand. What do you expect when you have most buildings are completed a good few months after their original deadline? Not just that, people really like taking breaks around here, and apparently I do too.
Mar 17, 2017 11:05 PM

Jan 2017
Nationality: Australia

EnZanity: 10 out of 15
Australia: 0.6 out of 15

EnZanity: 6 out of 15
Australia: 4.8 out of 15

EnZanity: 6 out of 15
Australia: 12.9 out of 15

EnZanity: 6 out of 15
Australia: 2.7 out of 15

EnZanity: 6 out of 15
Australia: 7.2 out of 15

EnZanity: 13 out of 15
Australia: 2.4 out of 15

EnZanity: 5 out of 15
Australia: 5.1 out of 15

EnZanity: 11 out of 15
Australia: 3.9 out of 15

Kept jumping between similar to my country and completely opposite views. It all seems pretty accurate to how I want things done
EnZanityMar 17, 2017 11:13 PM
Apr 6, 2017 1:48 PM
Sep 2015
[*b]I'm Low Context/High Context(6 out of 15)[/b] -
[*b]I'm Direct Negative Feedback/Indirect Negative Feedback(8 out of 15)[/b] -
[*b]I'm Principles-First/Applications-First(8 out of 15)[/b] -
[*b]I'm Egalitarian/Hierarchical(9 out of 15)[/b] -
[*b]I'm Consensual/Top Down(10 out of 15)[/b] -
[*b]I'm Task Based/Relationship-based(8 out of 15)[/b] -
[*b]I'm Confrontational/Avoids Confrontation(6 out of 15)[/b] -
[*b]I'm on Linear Time/on Flexible Time(11 out of 15)[/b] -

It seems i belong to the other group
Feb 12, 2018 7:16 PM

Feb 2017
I'm Low Context/High Context(5 out of 15) - Country: 8.4
I'm Direct Negative Feedback/Indirect Negative Feedback(12 out of 15) - Country: 8.4
I'm Principles-First/Applications-First(9 out of 15) - Country: 6.6
I'm Egalitarian/Hierarchical(10 out of 15) - Country: 9.75
I'm Consensual/Top Down(9 out of 15) - Country: 9.75
I'm Task Based/Relationship-based(11 out of 15) - Country: 11.7
I'm Confrontational/Avoids Confrontation(9 out of 15) - Country: 7.5
I'm on Linear Time/on Flexible Time(3 out of 15) - Country: 11.4

Surprised my country was on the list.
It seems I'm a little bit more structured than I should. And maybe I should improve my communication skills.

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