Dec 25, 2015 2:46 PM
Ok, so this is a pilot chapter of my story "Eon: Crimson Star" (Title subject to change) I'm totally new to this. I'm not even sure if I came close to putting the dialogue in the correct form. I'm pretty much writing this completely off the top of my head. Please read and tell me what you think. In the future, mankind has spread out into the universe forming independent settlements and nations far from earth in the region of space known as Eon. 700 years later, in the year 2989 tensions run high as the The empire of Asar and the Cortanian Kingdom's war threatening to engulf the people of Eon. Lenox Casper, an Asari of the United Stars and Katarine Rheinmetall of Arxkane find themselves smack in the middle of this terrible conflict through a series of events that slowly drag their world into chaos. Together they must brave the horrors of war and survive it's devastating effect on their lives. As they venture on they discover the mystery of Eon, it's inhabitants, it's terrible past, and the cruel fate that lies in wait for them. Genre: Mecha, Sc-fi, science fantasy, action, adventure, romance, war. ~Pilot chapter 01: Crimson meets Jade~ 12/24-25/15 Deep, deep in the black, hidden between stars, a mass of metal and light stands alone. Riddled with ports, buildings, satellites, all pulled into one to make one of the many nests of men and women. The letters etched across spelled "Normad 5". Within it thousands of men and women race past one another, oblivious to one another. One man walks alone, woven in a dark grey military uniform, his boots giving off a slight thud with every step, drawing anxious glances as he slips down the large corridor of this haven among the stars. He approaches a line leading to a checkpoint where a aged groggy-looking man sits. "Name and I.D., please," the guard asked with an unenthusiastic mutter. "Lenox Casper," the young man replied handing over an electronic card with his information. The guard's tired eyes flickered open for a moment. He looked up at the gentleman for the first time. Past the collar of his uniform was mahogany brown skin and somewhat relaxed black hair, well past a buzz cut just barely covering the top of his ears and back of his neck. What actually surprised the older man was the young man's eyes, a now common but eternally peculiar hue, eyes blood red. A dead giveaway to a member of the Asari diaspora. "Hmm," the guard muttered as his eyes fell back on of the I.D. card. The sentry nodded and scanned the card into the registry of the computer mounted on his desk. Lenox turned his head observing the odd looks aimed towards him from nearby checkpoints. He showed an uneasy smirk as he waited for the guard to clear him. "Lenox Casper. Age: 18, United Stars Navy, eh?" The guard said casually. "Yes, sir," Lenox responded uneasily. "Alrighty you check out but-," Here it comes Lenox thought. "Do me a favor and keep clear of the more colorful spots here," the guard said. "They're a little bit on the sensitive side thanks to you-know-what." "No problem," Lenox Said with a tinge of annoyance as he headed down the large corridor, leading him to the main area hall. The main hall was a tall and wide space with several levels crossed with numerous bridges, spanning the length of the hall. Shops and restaurants lined every part of this densely populated area. corridors further ahead lead other areas of the outpost. With a short sigh, he began to wonder what to do first. He wanted to grab a bite to eat before exploring for souvenirs and entertainment. After picking out some cheap food Lenox sat on a bench and began his snack. As he ate, he began to look around the massive structure. He saw many people from all over Eon, the region of space humanity ventured centuries ago. Short, tall, dark, and fair. Oddly enough, this didn't save him from the strange and awkward vibes he received from a few passing by. As with any war with a distinguished other, people are fooled into a sense of distrust and even long-time friendships lie shattered. Of course, Lenox never experienced this transition for himself, only it's aftermath, being adopted in onset of the war with the empire of a Asar. Lenox Closed his eyes and paused before chucking his refuge and heading to the upper levels. On the second level he noticed a group of distinct individuals stepping out of an entertainment store. Clad in military uniforms as well theirs however, were emerald green with gray trimmings concealing a purple undershirt. This was the standard of the Arxkane military. Right before enlisting, his father warned him of the bigotry and prejudice that comes with being an Asari in these precarious times. Even the uniform of an allied nation won't halt the less than reputable behavior. Lenox was a bit on the prideful, mostly because he was in a decent mood, finally being off of that dreadful cruiser he was stuck on for the last few months. He went along his way, keeping a careful eye as he strolled into the store they were standing in front of, conscious of their own weariness. Lenox continued, past all the light novels into a section filled with a news magazines with current events. Most of them were discussing the current conflict between the empire and United Cortania, alongside them were some rather misinformed writings of the Asari culture. "Right-wing idiots," he mumbled as he moved on to the light novels. Here he found some peace, while news and more contemporary works implied the sentiments of the xenophobic elite, literature often trailed behind and shared different, less politically driven plots and views. Here he felt he could dive into the world of the authors free from society and their carefully prepared ideals. One thing he couldn't tolerate, even in these haven spaces were works involving vampires. His rather checkered beginnings left him fearful of the consumption of blood. He himself doesn't understand, rather, he prefers not to. "Wan panchi oujo," he muttered, reading the cover of a book he held. He reached for another, flipping it over to skim through the overview. "Are-are you going to read that?" a soft and heavily accented voice spoke. His eyes leaned to the feet a young woman, leading up to a modestly curvaceous form. As his eyes met hers, he was astounded by her beauty, her flowing green hair draped her soft, perfectly curved yet somewhat angular face. Her pale skin flushed as Lenox turned to face her. She flinched when she saw his ruby red eyes. Her green eyes glistened as she looked away. Lenox's eyes twitched noticing her withdrawn posture, bringing about an unpleasant vibe. "What, this?" Lenox asked holding the small, red, book up. "Yes," she replied nervously. "Is something wrong?" Lenox spoke with a stern tone, turning his chin up. "Uhh, no," she answered nervously, straightening up. Her eyes dancing around his face. Lenox handed the book over to her, observing her jagged movements as she reached for it. "You know you should really look people in the eye when you speak to them," he snapped. She froze in place, sucking in a bit of air, Her face turning a dull pink. Lenox looked down in to the other remaining book, letting off a brief, hard smirk. "Listen," she began. "I didn't mean any-," "No, don't worry about it,it's my bad." he cut her off. "I get a bit touchy when people get weird with me." She shot a frown at the side of his face but he paid no mind. She scoffed, flipping over the book he handed her, her eyes shifting back between him and the book cover. Just as Lenox began to ignore her he noticed her clothes. While they were clearly meant for function, they also brought out her features. He then noticed what he had missed before. It was exactly the same style as those he saw on the men outside, save for the skirt which revealed purple pantyhose. Not doubt it she was in the Arxkane military. Rhein-something, he read off her nameplate in his mind before hearing footsteps coming from another isle. "Rheinmetall!" a similarly accented voice shouted. They both turned to the direction of the voice. A tall, lanky, blond man peered around the corner and started towards them. "Well, goodbye," she whispered in her clumsy accent. "Take care", Lenox responded with a boorish tone. The man met her a few feet away from him. They began speaking in another language. The man briefly looking over at Lenox, who shot back a smug look. They made their way with the rest waiting just out of sight. Before Lenox could resume his browsing he was slapped down on both of his shoulders Startled, he swung around and met with a familiar face. "Yerp," muttered a pasty young man. "Tony, you. Again." Lenox said with slight annoyance. "You're not happy to see me?" Tony asked. "Let's," Lenox said sarcastically. "Well while you were out scoping for hoes, me and the boys were loading up the ship, you know actually working?" Tony complained. "Really? You?" his sarcasm obvious. "Not my fault pilots get to relax more after looking after the rest of you useless deckhands." "Now that's bullshit," Tony responded. "You know damn well the captain spoils you like a baby." "What, you jealous?" Lenox said with a smirk. "Nope. Not at all, considering Shane always makes it a point to rip your ass in two every time you walk away from her," Tony smirked. "Eh, he's just mad. If you ask me he needs to just retire already. How long has he been in? 20 years?" Lenox said. The two walked out of the entertainment store. Lenox sighed in relief as noticed the group from before were nowhere in sight. "Something wrong?" Tony asked as he followed Lenox's lead into the lift for the third level. Lenox peered out of the glass looking down on the crowds. "Did you see a young woman, about my age, long hair and green eyes?" Lenox asked. "I think I saw a chick like that walking around that store." Tony replied. "Didn't see her face though. Why, was she hot?" "She was alright," Lenox frowned. "Got a bit of a problem with her eye contact, apparently." "Did you try to talk to her?" Tony asked. "Nope, she probably wouldn't consider anything with me. Plus she's in the military." "Ours?" Tony leaned in front of Lenox. "No, Arxkane." "Oh." "Probably a right-wing drone or something," Lenox scoffed. "Yeah, I guess," Tony shrugged. The doors retracted, flooding the elevator with people. Leaving Lenox and Tony barely any room to escape. "Jeez, do I have to elbow someone in the nose for common courtesy?" grumbled Lenox. "Relax, champ, no different from back on the ship. At least no one's slamming into you with a broken capacitor," chuckled Tony. "It was broken after they hit me with it." Lenox replied. "You get what I'm saying," Tony said scanning the stores. "Anyway, back to our to what I was speaking of earlier," Tony leaned towards Lenox. "The captain, I mean, Rosado. You, you broke it?" He asked putting his arm around Lenox. "This...again?" Lenox sighed. "You really think I'm dumb enough to mess around with a C.O.?" "Yes," Tony nodded. "Plus I hear that little mix up at the last ceremony wasn't laundry's fault. I mean how do both of you accidentally show up late to one of the most important ceremonies wearing part of each others uniform?" "We already straightened that out" Lenox muttered, turning his head slightly away. "Nah, too convenient. Tony said checking his phone. "Even admiral Wakefield was caught between laughing and blowing up in the middle of the ceremony. I think Rosado almost got demoted because of that little move." The two leaned over the handrail, staring down into the bottom level. "Oh, just drop it," scoffed Lenox. "You're telling me, as a heterosexual male that you didn't try anything?" Tony asked. "Idiot," Lenox snapped I never said I wouldn't screw the cap-," Lenox caught himself, his head pivoting side to side, watching the startled eyes of people passing them. "I never said I wouldn't, of course I would!" He said with a bit of enthusiasm. "So you admit it, then!" Tony smirked. "This is your brain on idiot," Lenox said rubbing his forehead. "Alright, alright," Tony patted his friend on the shoulder. "I'll give you some slack. must be hard, you know, being the 'captains log' and all." He shivered in laughter. Lenox just stood there, nodding in irritation. Tony reached for his phone again to check for new messages. His eyes widened, "Oh, crap." "Something wrong?" Lenox asked. "Nah, just the regular B.S." Tony responded nervously. "Another discrepancy with inventory." "Aww, again?" Lenox said with a smug grin. "I'll head back now, try not to bang a general while your out here," Tony said giggling at a flustered Lenox. Lenox stood by the handrail watching Tony disappear into the wall of shoppers. He stood there, thinking. Of how his life has changed in the last two years, thinking of when he met Tony and the captain. He remembered the icy looks of his fellow comrades, how cold the decks of the Nevada, the ship he was assigned to was. He remembered how disconnected Tony was from the rest of the crew himself being rather new as well. It made it much easier, than basic training, at least. To have someone watch his back until the crew could warm up to him. It wasn't until they made port about a year ago at least, that the crew gave him any slack. On a short holiday, where things were more relaxed, he finally manged to break the ice with a few of the seniors. That opened up the others to where he didn't have to worry about being bulldozed by a broken capacitor, at least, not intentionally. It was also were he spoke to the captain about something that didn't begin and end with "ma'am". He remembered her dragging him along around the outpost. Into shops, stores, jewelry, and clothing departments. The strangest thing however, was how easily the formalities and honorifics vanished. It was simply Lenox and Cat, short for Catalina. Eventually this lead to his first hangover and his first time. He remembered his panic after waking up to her sleeping, nude body. He knew for sure he'd be court-martialed or discharged. But no, she simply said how good it was. This was between him and her only. From there on he took on a tad more relaxed look towards people. In this time he had friends, acquaintances, even a wonderful experience or several to cherish. He began to understand just how easily things could change in such a short time. His phone began to vibrate. The name "Anthony Harris" filled the screen. He answered it. "Len, where are you?" an uneasy voice spoke. "Still inside, Tony. Is something wro-?" "Get back to the ship." Tony answered. The captain just told everyone to drop everything and get back over ASAP," "Wa-,wait. what's wrong?" Lenox asked. Looking back down into the lower level, sensing change in the crowds energy. "No idea, but something's got top spooked. Just head back unless you want Shane on you again. Last shuttle is out in ten minutes," Tony said. "Alright, heading right over." Lenox responded. Lenox sped towards the emergency stairwell noticing the the patches of of tension as he made his way down. As he made his way to the second landing he wonders. What was going on. Emergency deployment? Or was it about the out post itself? Terrorists? It couldn't be the Asari this is neutral space, far from their current positions. The Cortanians aren't even near here. As he approached the exit into main hall's first level, he felt a sliver of fear as he heard the people on the other side. Their indistinct chatter became more frantic as he reached for the door when he felt a very frightening shudder, one that must've been felt from the other side. Shouts and screams filled the air. He creeped slowly to the exit sweating beating Lenox fell to his feet as yet another, even stronger rumble overtook his senses. His left arm began trembling, this was a sign to him something terrible was ahead. His phone rang again, it must be Tony again. He ignored it, as he took a quick breath and slid the heavy metal door aside. His eyes widened with surprise as he looked on into the ensuing chaos. Shattered windows and smoke filled his view. People raced in all directions, trampling one another in the smoke. Lenox hugged the wall to avoid being caught in the panic. He was able to make out the Nevada maneuvering around the base flashes of energy could be seen leaving it's bow where it's forward canon is. An explosion from above sent small debris raining down, further intensifying the discourse that had now gripped the setting. Yellow and white lights activated followed by alarms and and announcement urging evacuation. Within the crowds he saw the same uniforms those men and that girl were wearing scattered through the storm of smoke and chaos. They seemed to be conflicted, tugging and waving at one another before heading to what appeared to be the exit. Lenox scrambled to find the pathway to his own shuttle out of that hell. As the explosions continued, he felt his reactions and movement swell, as if he were underwater. Either he was on the verge of passing out of the gravity controls were damaged. This told him it was most likely a deliberate attack from an organized force to either destroy or capture the structure. But what force would be willing to attack a neutral base with a United Stars cruiser parked right outside of it? And why? What could be of such value to justify that risk? Pirates aren't so stupid and neither have the means anyway. Lenox didn't ponder anymore of it, he would find out once he escaped, if he escaped. His train of though was interrupted as a wave of creams could be heard from above him, overpowered by a deafening rattle and groan. To his dismay haw made out what looked like parts of the higher level tipping over and collapsing. Fearful of his time running out he backtracked towards the escape pods on the lower level. As he staggered towards a service exit a load crash let up above him. The levels above him where crumbling away, finally giving way and sending humongous rubble down towards him. His body froze as his doom slid toward him. Lenox slammed his eyes shut thinking this to be the end. In that moment, he heard an indistinct yet familiar yell as something swept him off his feet. He felt himself being raised off the floor, yanked up by his arms. Blood trickling from his his face, his vision blurred from trauma. Something soft tapped him over and over against his cheek as if trying to get his attention. As the ringing in his ears subsided, he could make out a frantic accent among the shattering glass. He squinted his eyes to focus on a pale face with watery green eyes, surrounded by a face, red with excitement and fear. It, it was her from the bookstore! Her face was bruised and cut, her clothes filthy and tattered. She yelled with words he couldn't understand while pulling on him, barely allowing him to gain his footing. Holding him by the forearm and collar lead him towards the emergency stairwell. Another rumble nearly took them off their feet, the wall next to them to cracking and puffing soot at them. Finally, the two made it inside the doorway. Stumbling down the stairs as they coughed and wheezed from the the smoke and heat. Lenox put his hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?" He asked. She just nodded, breathing heavily. "Pods! we have to- pods," She said hoarsely. "Ok," Lenox shook his head of dust. The two continued down the lower levels where they, at least, didn't have to worry about glass and fire raining down on them. Lenox read the words "emergency apparatus" on the wall with an arrow pointing to the next level. "This way," Lenox pointed. As they made their way down the last flight of stairs, the walls groaned and roared as the entire stairwell quaked. Lenox grabbed onto the woman's collar as he tried to lead her down further. The walls around them exploded blinding the two with smoke. Lenox then heard a frightening scream of anguish as he was thrown down onto the landing. He struggled to turn himself over, bruised and battered. His hands where red with blood, so was one of his elbows leading up to his shoulders. It wasn't his blood, he realized as he turned over to the woman's tattered body. Her face consumed with shock and fear, her mouth gaping, as it was all she could do. Lenox's face twisted in sorrow as he saw this poor woman lie broken before him. Her hand griping the gash on her abdomen. It was deep. "S-sorry," She whimpered as she began to shiver. Lenox sat up, leaning over her. "Don't talk!" Lenox said fearfully. "Just hang on, I'll think of something." He tore a piece of cloth from his uniform to try and tie around her, but it wouldn't make a difference. "Stay with me!" he told her as head became light from the tension. He couldn't bear to see this, not again, not right now. Her breathing slowed, her eyes flickered. The numbness overtook her pain. Lenox paused for a moment. He knew what he could do. He could grab something sharp, make it quicker, she knows she isn't leaving this place alive. She'd probably be grateful or... Lenox sighed, staring at his left arm then closing his eyes in frustration. He has no idea how to use it or if it'll work. Not even knowing the reason why he knows it. Maybe because it's one of the few, tiny fragments of his memory of his early childhood, perhaps? He sighed once more before lifting his leg over her body, position himself directly on top of her. He looked into her tearing eyes, even in this predicament they were still beautiful. He pulled apart her green jacket and ripped open the bottom of her purple button-up shirt and tugged her skirt down an inch, loosening it. She was beyond knowing who she was looking at or what was happening. He reached for a shard of glass, swiping it across his knuckles. His blood poured down his fingers dripping onto her. He raised his elbow and shoulder, his hand and fingers directly over her wound. He had nothing to lose, his heart began to beat calmly now, the rumbling and shattering around them now stifled. She took one last breath, this is it. He launched his hand into her wound, blood splattered across their clothes. Her eyes widened then fell. The world fell silent for Lenox, his sensations disappeared, the ruins around them faded to black. He opened his eyes, all he could see was her motionless body and his hand still pressed deeply into her navel. Finally, he felt a tingle run through his body. It was faint but indescribable. Growing, stronger, stronger, until finally the greatest pain of his life surged through his body. He tried to scream but nothing came out. He could do nothing but endure... ~End Chapter~ ~Pilot Chapter 02: Out of the fire~ 12/26-27/15 His mind was blank, surrounded by muted darkness. This black shifted to faint colors, colors so familiar. He could make out a face of dark brown, two warm red eyes looking down on him. A sensation crept up his back to his sides, drawing him closer and raising just above a feminine smile revealing itself. He could feel his heart shudder as if finding something he long missed, telling him everything would be alright. The colors began to fade to black pulling the figure slowly back into obscurity. A tremor of unease radiated from the darkness. Lenox could feel another present with him. He could see it, an eerie form barely in his sight. He could feel the fear pressing his insides as he slowly made out what was in the dark. A wretched-looking silhouette crouched over, pressed into the neck of someone while they lie slump in its grasp. The figured tightened its embrace, shuddering almost inhumanely, squeezing tighter as its catch jerked and twitched. With a grunt the figure turned its glare in Lenox's direction, its eyes glowing coldly. He felt as its very gaze held him in place, he couldn't turn away or even blink. The figure rose up, the other dangling lifelessly still pressed against their captor. A loud thud could be heard as it fell to the shadowy form's feet, revealing the curvaceous form draped in crimson towering over. It stepped over the lifeless pile, walking towards Lenox. Like lightning it flashed in front of his vision, staring hungrily at him, cracking a twisted, familiar smile, smeared with red liquid, filling up his view. Everything went black again, the smell of smoke and the cracking of fire from a distance could be heard. His eyes sprang open, he felt the warmth of the unconscious woman under him. Everything came back to him. The outpost, the screams, the fire, and... His head shot to her waist, he wiped the blood off, it was gone. Her wound left only a dark scar. She was breathing, but out cold. The wound on his arm was gone as well, but there was something odd about it. His skin felt smooth almost like a baby, he didn't remember his finger being so lean. He didn't have time to worry about it. He noticed the tremors being a lot weaker than before the smoke wasn't as intense, perhaps the emergency damage control kicked in finally. He reached for the stunned woman, cradling her in his arms. She was larger than her first thought, but felt light to the touch He took a deep breath and looked towards the passage leading the escape pods. He rushed down the dimly lit corridor, the damage wasn't as bad here, this being a fortified retreat. He came around the final bend, his heart sank as he saw the near empty room where the escape pods were they were all gone every last one. His phone rang, He rested the young woman against a sturdy metal, crouched over her, answered his phone. "Lenox?! Lenox, tell me you're still there," Tony barked. "I'm still here," Lenox replied. "What's going-" "Bastard!" a woman screeched. "Something wrong with your ears?" "Captain!" Lenox exclaimed. "I tried to-" "No time for that," she interrupted him again. "Just get to a pod." "Can't, they're all gone," Lenox explained. "All of them?" she barked. "Dammit, hang on." The sounds on the other end of the phone became muffled. Lenox spun around the room looking for any clues to another way out. "Alright I think I got it," The captain returned on the line. "There may be some craft or maintenance bots. It connects to the emergency bays and most of the cargo holds. It's your best shot." "Got it," Lenox said crouching over the woman, preparing to raise her. "I have a girl from Arxkane with-," "Just go! Take her with you," the captain cut him off, hanging up. Lenox sped towards the other end of the room, scanning an information panel on the outside wall. Shooting up the stairwells, huffing and puffing with the woman clenched in his arms. The rumbling and alarms echoing around him as he wined through the corridors. Finally, like a peasant among the castle entrance he found two large hangar doors, the numbers "04" etched in yellow. He spotted the personnel entrance at the corner of his eye. The electronic locks still had power and were deactivated. He slipped past the metal door, his face lit up with joy as he spied ship on his far right. It was dated,bulky-looking scout craft but it would do. He dashed to it's side sweating and panting as he flipped the switch for the airlock canopy. He raised the young woman onto its angular wing then climbed up into the seat before yanking the young lady onto his lap. The ship rumbled to life as he sifted through the boot up and control briefings. "Rapid fire rail gun, probes, rockets," he mumbled as he explored the ships controls. "Ha, 'Flight clearance'," He exclaimed. He continued punching commands until he heard a large groan at the end of the brightly lit runway, air and debris racing through the hangar into a widening black hole filled with stars. He tried to line up with the exit, the small ship listed as the giant airlocks parted further. Lenox forced the throttle forward, shoving the ship down the flashing runway. The engine whined as the ship picked up speed. Lenox shuddered as weight disappeared, He groaned with discomfort as the safety tightened around him and the girl, he could barely pilot with her in his way. He adjusted the scanners so, perhaps he could finally understand what was going on. He couldn't make much of the flurry of blips that covered the display, he saw several ships heading off in the distance. His eyes followed them until he notice a much larger silver vessel drifting the base, it was the Nevada. He punched in the cruiser's frequency, praying they'd notice. "This is Senior Airman Lenox Casper to Nevada," He repeated a few times, hoping to get their attention as he flew towards the sleek warship. "Nevada to scout craft, we hear you loud and clear, what's your situation?" a stern voice said of the radio. "Requesting permission to land, I have a survivor with me, do you copy?" replied Lenox. "Permission granted. Proceed to-," the transmission went into a buzz. "hey! Huh," Yelled Lenox as the cruiser's became engulfed in small explosions. "The hell is going on?" Lenox screamed out loud as he saw orange craft zoom past him. "Those look like imperial ships," he exclaimed as the data lit up on the side display. They zoomed past and around him their cannons flashing lighting up the Nevada with fire, dodging it's flak. They swarmed the warship, waiting for an opening. "Casper. Casper, you there?" the Captain spoke over the radio. "Yes, Ma'am," Lenox responded almost joyously. "This girl needs med-" "Can't do it!" the warship's captain cut in. "They came in so fast, docking bay is a wreck. We can't even deploy fighters!" "So what do you want me to do?" a frustrated Lenox asked strafing the besieged ship. "Listen, I saw reports of an Arxkane squadron not too far from us. You should be able to reach them in that ship." "In this antique?" Lenox Stuttered. "I don't know if-" "Don't tell me that!" the captain snapped back. "These guys are waiting for us to drop our shields. jump out now before they jump on you, too." "Dammit! Alright, alright. F.T.L's ready to go." Lenox said. "I'll send you the coordinates," the officer said. "Don't die, kid. Still got a few moves I'd like to try with you," the captain chuckled. Lenox stuttered as he heard mocking hoots and laughter over the radio. "Back to work, ladies!" the captain scolded in the backdrop. Lenox panicked as he saw flashes zip past him. They finally noticed him. Lenox yanked the joystick and shoved the throttle, the ship bursting into motion, leaving the intense firefight behind. Lenox knew the only thing he had going for him was his ship's size and speed but no way could he hold up for long against the menacing craft. He could see in his rear display, their drab orange chassis swerving side to side, trying to keep up with him, the opaque canopy jittering like the eye of a hungry spider. Shells whirled out of the muzzles, rippling past the ship's force field. The very sight of was unnerving, to think another human being was inside that monster. He tried to keep focused, wiping the sweat of his brow as he double-checked and triple-checked the coordinates. He had to be as precise as possible, one mistake and he and his passenger would spend the rest of their lives wasting away in the void. He activated the command for the power up of the faster-than-light drive. The roar of the engine transformed into an almost unbearable high-pitch whine. The countdown for the drive's activation and the dropping of shields appeared on the display. Luckily for him the ship began to fall behind, he would be able to a just his trajectory now. The ship's computer beeped as the last ten seconds past, Lenox took a deep breath, this is it. The ship trembled violently, the stars grew brighter as the colors outside the cockpit melted away, leaving a bleak and unrecognizable scene. His pursuer's ship shrunk into the distance, almost as being swallowed up by the stars. It's signal vanishing for the screens. The nearest star shifted past him like a speeding firecracker as he dove into the pit of stars. He was safe...for a moment. The ship jumped, startling Lenox who frantically scoped his surroundings. It was silent, frighteningly so. The boy's eyes danced around the black, desperately looking for some sign of life. His breath slowed, as saw the endless black around him. Will he become lost forever with this helpless girl his lap? He thought to himself. Come to think of it, he had almost forgotten she was with him. He looked down at her head slung to the side, pressed against his chest, her faint scent tickling his nose. He sighed as he patted her soft, thick hair. "Thank you...from before," he whispered softly. He began to think she may have been cut off after she dove to save him from the rubble. She could've made it back with her comrades if she kept going. Perhaps she felt bad about what happened earlier, an interesting apology he thought pressing his fist on the side of the canopy. He leaned to look over her, her clothes were ruined, hanging off of her, her under shirt was shredded as well partially exposing her undergarments. He reached for her nameplate barely hanging on. "K. Rheinmetall," he mumbled. "Where have I seen that before...?" He nodded and slumped back, he didn't have time to worry about such things. The ship drifted lifelessly in the open, there was nothing out there, nothing but an eerie tranquility. It was pointless wasting power flying in that empty. Weightless didn't keep his eyes from feeling so heavy, he was drained from all the excitement. His head bobbed in weariness, letting out a feeble sigh. The woman's warmth acted like a thick blanket draped over him, almost seducing him into a sleepy surrender. There was no point in staring into space, if anything turned up the scanners wouldn't let him sleep through it. He just needed some rest, maybe he could come up with something then. A short time later he jerked out of his slumber to the young woman's fidgeting. "Oh...Vielen Dank," she mumbled with a drowsy grin. He smirked at the idea he would have someone to talk to soon. Just then a twinkle appeared, it was only for a second, the scanners didn't show anything. His head swerved as he felt a rumble beside them. He looked to the right where the shock came, he didn't see anything. But then the stars seemed to ripple, beams of light spread in the distance. "Rosado?" he thought, recognizing it as a telltale sign of something big passing by. Did they make a break for it? Or was it...them? another flash came, this one closer, Lenox let out a deep breath, "Here we go again..." An incredible crash came following a blinding stream of light, tossing the tiny ship around. Lenox turned to face the source of that incredible force. His screen was filled by an incredible monolith of metal, which arrogantly blotted out the nearby stars. Lenox stared in awe as it towered before the tiny ship like a great whale ascending a calm sea. It's massive form riddled with fearsome, challenging cannons. It's hull sported a drab monster-like green trimmed with grey. "Tirpitz?" Lenox read off the side of it. "Wait!" Lenox exclaimed looking down on his company. "That's...her," His heart raced with excitement. Without thinking, he jerked the controls, sailing the little ship towards vessel. He was saved, it was almost over. He battered the communications system, sending video and audio to all nearby. "This is Lenox Casper, Senior Airman of the United Stars Navy" Lenox stammered. "Requesting permission to dock for resupply, Normad 5 in sect-, oh!" The canopy rattled as bright blue flashes raced past the canopy. "The hell?" Lenox yelled in confusion. His rear displayed filled with much smaller, similarly styled ships. He swung the ship around to buy time, this has to be a mistake he kept thinking. The ships skirted past him towards the main warship as it glowed a frightening blue hue. "Wa-wait! This must be a mistake!" Lenox screamed frantically. Countless beams of light flew past his little ship, rocking it back and forth. The control panel hurled sparks and smoke at the two as a beam of light melted through the wing of the ship. Emergency indicators echoed through the enclosure. Lenox tried to hit the emergency extinguishers, but he was pinned by the still-unconscious woman. He stretched the past her, shoving her almost, barely managing to turn the switch. He looked back out of the cockpit, the bright lights that peppered the mother ship were gone. But it was too late, the smoke had gotten to him, the ring of the sensors drowned out. His eyes became heavy as the strength fled his body. "Why...would you," Lenox slurred. There was no way he could escape, his fate was completely out of his hands. One of the fighters slew ahead creeping slowly towards them like hungry scavenger. "No...don't..." Lenox manged, falling silent. ~End Chapter~ Had a bit more of a drive for this chapter, though I can't say I was very enthusiastic about the "action" scenes. ~Pilot Chapter 03: Lion in the dark~ (Being rewritten)12/29-30/15 Elsewhere in the vast black, a massive ship belonging to the empire lies in wait as many smaller fighter-size ships approach them them like a flock of birds returning to a nest. Whirling around in between it's long protruding arm-like appendages on it's bow and flying up past it's bridge and over it's hull, shaped like a proud lion prone. Amongst the batteries littering it's drab orange hull, hangars wrench open, awaiting the tiny craft. In its bridge a man waits impatiently. His seat surrounded by numerous uniformed men and women working diligently on the panels in front of them. "Captain?", a soft-looking young woman ask. "All scouts have returned safely, they have nothing to report." "If they didn't find anything then why are you speaking?" replied the officer in a haughty tone. "I was just letting-" she stuttered before slumping back to her monitor. "How about you tell me something I wanna hear?" he said, stroking his sleek beard. Her red eyes pinned to the floor,"Yes, sir but-" "Don't dawdle on the useless facts, Lieutenant Mesi." He cut her off again. The helmsman shrugged at the captains words. "Something wrong, Helmsman?" The captain's beady red eyes beamed of the man's head. "No, sir. Captain Nazir, sir," the helmsman sighed. "Good boy," The captain scratched his bronze cheek. "Captain," a man said turning away from the communications panel. "We're being hailed by the captain of the Ramses." "Uhg," the captain pressed his head into his palm. "What does she want now?" "Should I put her through?" the officer asked. "Yea, why not? She isn't half bad looking," the man joked. The main screens crackled showing the face of a sharp-looking woman dressed in a sleek black uniform. "Captain Sanura, how's it going, honey?" a lecherous smirk covered the man's face. "What on earth have you been up? I've been trying to get a hold of you," she scolded. "Whatever do you mean?" he squinted "I've gotten reports of an attack on a neutral settlement, people say they looked like our ships." Captain Nizar leaned back in his chair, "What and you think I have something to do with it? They could easily be a rogue detachment or pirates, you know." The woman on-screen let out a sigh, "I should hope U.S. navy sees that as well." "What?" The captain frowned. "Apparently a cruiser jumped in sometime before it happened," she answered. "It managed to scare off the pirates, but not before taking a bit of damage." "Well that's good to hear." Nizar nodded. The woman on the screen leaned away to someone whispering to her. "We've been ordered to meet up and proceed to the flagship." "Hmm, what for?" he asked. "No idea it may be about this incident." She replied. "Maybe command's worried about this being pinned on us." "Yea, I guess, captain." "We should reach your position in about thirty minutes," she brushed hair black hair to the side. "You mind if I come aboard to discuss this further?" Nizar shrugged, "Fine. We'll be ready here." "Alright, see you then. End transmission." The monitor switched back to the ship's diagram. The captain started towards the bridge's exit, "Mesi, let me know if anything useful turns up." "Sir," she saluted. ~ The captain sat at his desk shuffling through a pile of messy paperwork. He heard a knock from one of the guards outside of his quarters. "Sir, the captain of the Ramses is here to see you." said the muffed voice. "Let her in," Nizar sighed. The woman strolled through the entrance, sporting a cynical look. "Ah, Captain Sanura, nice to see you again," smirked Nizar. "Can't say I feel the same," she scoffed as she took a seat in front of the metal desk. "So, what brings you here today?" the man slid back in his chair. "I was wondering if you knew anything or had any people scouting around Normad 5," she asked "Don't you think I would've told you that before?" "You have a tendency to omit things when you're around large distrusting crowds. As in them distrusting you. Rightfully so I must admit." "You flatter me captain," the man replied, standing up and walking over to a tabletop littered with awards and portraits of himself. "You told me of it, that was the first I've head of it." "I understand it can be difficult getting leads and information without being tied down by treaties and diplomacy," the woman continued. "But I don't think buying bandits is the smartest choice." Nizar spun around to face the sitting officer, "And how do you manage to tie me into all of this?" "Simple," the woman crossed her legs. "When you buy off info with ordinance and supplies, you allow them to make these things happen. A ranking officer turning a blind eye to thugs and paying them to snitch." "You act like I sanctioned that attack," Nizar replied walking towards her. "I'm only making use of the vermin. It'll speed up of the process of weeding out the Cortanian stragglers in this region by relaying their position without scaring them into a hole." "And in exchange the local reprobates get some shiny new toys to try on the on the natives, huh?" Sanura frowned. "I only gave them the light stuff, plus most of the stuff is second-hand or civilian grade." "Including the ships?" Sanura leaned over staring almost through the slender man. "Expired medium fighters, at best," se laughed. "You really are something," she shot out of the chair in disgust. "You keep it up and they'll be a nice court martial for you at the end of the path you're going down." "I'm sure," Nizar walked back to his seat. The door slid open in front of Sanura who noticed the feeble Mesi waiting in front of it. The frail looking girl stumbled back, giving a wobbly salute. "It's the right hand, Lieutenant. Not the left," chuckled Sanura as she walked down the narrow passage. "Eh, S-sorry, ma'am" She apologized before reaching to enter the captain's quarters. "Umm, captain?" "The next time you forget to knock I'll make you go all the way to the bridge and back before answering." The young lady face cringed in distress. "Well, what do you want?" Nizar rose from his seat. "We've received a coded message addressed to you. But sir, the frequency and address-" "Little girls shouldn't worry about the business of adults," mocked the captain walking towards her. She stumbled back flat against the wall as the man leaned on the wall over her. "What's that? The third time today you've done something stupid around me?" he said with a vile grin. His hand slithered down her waist, tugging at her white button-up. "Now let's discuss your...punishment." ~ Up on the deck the bridge crew moves diligently to prepare the ship's for it's journey. "Captain on deck," said one of the crew members. "Prepare to jump," the captain ordered sitting on his chair. Lieutenant Mesi lumbered over to her station, her face bright red with sweat. "Everything alright Lieutenant?" asked the communications officer. "Eh? Oh, yes," she answered with an uneasy smile. "I think I'm just coming down with a fever." Outside, a ship of the same class draws near theirs. The main screens flickered, filling by Captain Sanura's face. "Captain Nizar. We're all ready on this end." The woman onscreen said. Nizar rested his chin on his arm, "You heard her helmsman, start up the F.T.L. drives." The ship groaned as the main engines came to life, the drab orange hulls fading into gray. The warships exploded into two giant pillars of light. ~ Several jumps and hours later, the two ships bursted through a small system where the flagship Isis and other, smaller warships alike to the Ramses waited. It was a massive ship to behold, batteries heavy and small littered its flat, black upper deck. The orange underside was lined with encased missile ports and smaller batteries. It's triangular bow had six massive hangar airlocks. The three bridges protruded from the sides underneath, leading down a heavily armored cluster of large, sleek engines. The large hangar doors slid open as two shuttles carrying the captains of the Ramses and the Sierra Leone moved towards the flagship, coming to a slow halt inside the airlock. Captain Sanura let out a sigh as she stepped out of one of the shuttles, "I'll never get used to those things." "Let's hope you're not stuck piloting one of those things far the rest of the war," chucked Captain Nizar as he strolled out of the other shuttle, his first officer and Lieutenant Mesi followed behind him. Sanura scoffed at him, "that goes double for you." Several officers in black and grey uniforms rushed over to them and saluted, "Captain Sanura, captain Nizar," one oft them said, "we've been expecting you. this way please." The group walked for what seemed like miles into countless elevators before reaching a large wide orange-walled corridor that lead to two massive double doors. Two of the officers pushed past the doors, revealing a large, well-furnished room occupied by nearly a dozen officers of equal rank sitting around a thick, black table. At it's end was the admiral Gyasi Khan of the third fleet. A round, aging man drapped in an eccentric black uniform with gold epaulets, its cuffs and seams lined with red, and the chest riddled with many decorations of his career. Wisps of hair, barely clung to his head, his red eyes worn and droopy. "Captain Nizar, Captain Sanura, nice of you to join us," he said with an impatient tone. "Please have a seat." "I think this is where we part ways," Nizar said snidely to Mesi, "Be sure to pick me up something to eat by the time I'm done." Sanura scoffed as she walked by the many heads turned to the doorway to find her seat at the table, Nizar managing to find a seat directly across from her. The admiral pulled himself up to the table, "Now, ladies and gentlemen, as I was saying...oh yes. Due to the recent setbacks our sister fleets have suffered during our push into Cortanian space, command has ordered a temporary withdrawal back into Asari space." The table buzzed in shock of the admirals words, their heads turning wildly toward one another, some with joy and others with disgust. Sanura watched as Nizar shrugged in indifference. "But sir, why? Why now?," One of the captains asked anxiously, "I thought things were looking well in the Manchester theater." The admiral turned around to the wall behind him as a large screen descended from the ceiling, "Play footage compilation from the Manchester region." The large screen filled with images of explosions, laser beams, and wrecks floating in a vacuum. It shifted to numerous heavily damaged Asari capital ships advancing towards a star in pursuit of Cortanian ships. The admiral turned away from the flashing, "While we may have inflicted heavy losses against the Cortanians we can no longer ignore the fact the momentum is slowly shifting over to them. They few victories we've gained barely justify the losses we've sustained in the last few years." "I agree, admiral," Sanura leaned forward, facing him. "While we may be able to break deep into their territory for now we may not be able to sustain a position for too long. I think it would be wise to with draw and strengthen our forces." "Yes," the admiral nodded, "What's worse is if Arxkane or the U.S. decides to intervene while we are sorting out this mess we'll be caught fighting a war on two fronts. As much as it pains me we have to prepare ourselves accordingly in that event." Nizar scoffed, "Pardon my rudeness, admiral, but 'captain' Sanura here is the last person who should be advising in military strategy." Sanura turned to him with a stiff frown, "I'm merely stating that perhaps it is best we proceed with caution." "We don't need the insight of a rookie commander to see that," Nizar rolled his eyes at Sanura. "We should keep our eyes on the U.S. and Arxkane and encourage their passivity through policy and commerce." "So now you're a politician?" Sanura chuckled. Nizar cracked a crooked smile, "If a daddy's girl can be the captain of an assault carrier who's to say I can't be?" "You-!" "Enough!," the admiral slammed his fist against the wood. "It is not our jobs to discuss foreign policy." Cheeky bastard, Sanura thought, as she turned back towards the admiral. "The third fleet will move forwards and assist with the retreat into neutral space. We will then focus on securing our supply lines until reinforcements arrive," said the admiral, leaning back into his chair. He gestured to one of his attendant who proceeded to pass out several pamphlets to the officers in the room. "In those documents are a list of rendezvous points and units you will be assisting in the coming months. You will brief your crews accordingly, resupply if necessary, and proceed to your respective areas, dismissed!" The table rumbled as the officers rushed out of their seats to saluting the admiral. Sanura strutted to the door shooting a final irritated look at Nizar before walking past the crowd of officers. "Captain Nizar," the admiral waved to him. "If you will I have some matters I need to discuss with you. ~Incomplete~ ~Pilot Chapter 04: Alone in a Crowd~ 12/30/15-1/1/16 ~Pilot Chapter 05: My Hero~ 1/2/16 |
QWERTYFish25Jan 5, 2016 5:46 PM
Dec 25, 2015 2:57 PM
Is this the same as the other post? I was reading, thought it would be better to read somewhere else. |
Dec 25, 2015 4:36 PM
phmmoura said: Is this the same as the other post? I was reading, thought it would be better to read somewhere else. I ran it through wordpad because I didn't feel like putting it on firefail since it shuts down randomly. Apparently I accidentally Made a new topic rather than just edited the original. Erm, what do you mean by it being better to be read somewhere else? |
QWERTYFish25Dec 25, 2015 4:46 PM
Dec 26, 2015 9:53 AM
It's just that I don't like reading here. The formatting can get a little quirky. About the chapter, it's good. There are some info dumping that, while are well written, could be better if told another time. And better yet, told through actions, not the MC talking. (This is the pesky difference between telling and showing.) Some dialogues could be better if shorter. Like here. "Len, where are you?" an uneasy voice spoke. "Still inside, Tony. Is something wro-?" "Get back to the ship." Tony answered. The captain just told everyone to drop everything and get back over ASAP," "Wa-,wait. what's wrong?" Lenox asked. Looking back down into the lower level, sensing change in the crowds energy. "No idea, but something's got top spooked. Just head back unless you want Shane on you again. Last shuttle is out in ten minutes," Tony said. "Alright, heading right over." Lenox responded. This part could be better (my opinion) if it were shorter, and thus creating a more pressing atmosphere. Maybe something like this. "Len, where are you?" an uneasy voice spoke. "Still inside, Tony. Is something wro-?" "Get back to the ship." Tony answered. The captain just told everyone to drop everything and get back over ASAP," "Wa-,wait. what's wrong?" Lenox asked, but there was no answer. His friend had hung (is this right in English?) Lenox looked down into the lower level. Even from here, he could sensing change in the crowds energy. They were in a hurry, nervous. I know this isn't the best, but like this, it has a sense of hurry. You need a little more attention to the details. (While I say this, this happens a lot to me as well). Or perhaps this place has many light novels sections. Lenox continued, "past all the light novels" into a section filled with a news magazines with current events..... "Right-wing idiots," he mumbled as he moved on to "the light novels". The end is abrupt. I know you're trying to create a hook, but since the readers (at least I'm like this) aren't too attached to the characters yet, it doesn't create a very good hook, since I don't really care if she lives or dies at this moment. Oh, and also, to me, it seemed he was more hurt than her, but then somehow it was her the more badly hurt. Don't know if it was only me (English isn't my native language, so I could be interpreting wrong). |
Dec 26, 2015 12:40 PM
lel I though you had forgotten me. I appreciate the feed back alot. I attempted an alternate starting chapter a few years back and I was worried about being too descriptive. While I will admit it took quite a few hours to wrap this one up I became much more comfortable the further along I went. At first I was planning to stop at the call. But I did want to get out the part where Lenox is back with Katarine and the followed event afterward Just to see how well I may be able to keep the energy. I will say I had a lot of doubts about the format. As I stated in another thread I'm not exactly a consistent reader, so often I find myself feeling like I'm putting way to many commas or breaking for a paragraph too early. If you will, could you show me how a string of dialogue should be compounded? I referenced from a book I read a while ago with some success, I think. As far as the final segment I meant to reveal to a disoriented Lenox the state of his "partner". Being knock around and dazed only to fine the only person you're with with their guts about to pour out leaves for a dire situation. But I do see what you are saying. Even with the obvious implications of what may or may not happen next it would be difficult to keep people on the edge of their seats seeing as they know little about Lenox's core character, even less so about Katarine's. Looking back at it the format came out a lot better than I thought it would and will gladly etch around to make a clearer and more consistent picture. I also would like to know, how would I go about transitioning from one place or group of characters to another? Such as from the predicament of Lenox to say the captain of the ship Nevava or somewhere else. |
QWERTYFish25Dec 26, 2015 1:00 PM
Dec 26, 2015 1:23 PM
It changes from reader to reader. The best way is to read a lot and write as much. But what I can suggest is to take out the mundane lines and replace for more visual. For example in the first dialog. It could be better (again, it's just my opinion) like this. The young man handed over the electronic card with his information before the guard asked. The guard's tired eyes flickered open for a moment. He looked up at the gentleman for the first time (comparing the man with his ID photo). (Here you could describe him). But ,as always, it was the young man's eyes which grabbed the attention. Now it was common, but eternally peculiar hue, eyes blood red. A dead giveaway to a member of the Asari diaspora. "Hmm," the guard muttered as his eyes fell back once again at the I.D. card before scanning the card into the registry of the computer on his desk. Lenox turned his head, very aware of the odd looks he received from the nearby checkpoints. He showed an uneasy smirk as he waited for the guard to clear him. "Lenox Casper. Age: 18, United Stars Navy, eh?" The guard said casually. Lenox nodded. "Alrighty you check out but-," "Here it comes" Lenox thought. "Do me a favor and keep clear of the more colorful spots here," the guard said. "They're a little bit on the sensitive side thanks to you-know-what." "No problem," Lenox said with a tinge of annoyance as he headed down the large corridor, leading him to the main area hall. I know this isn't the best example, but you can take a few lines like "Name and ID" and change "Yes sir" for a nod. But again I'll say it just my opinion. Perhaps someone else would say the way you did is better. |
Dec 26, 2015 2:41 PM
It's definitely a good alternative. One of the things that slowed my progress with the first half was the rigidness of the descriptions. I will say animating the scenes in a more clear be streamline way would definitely help in this, it'll save energy at the very least. |
Dec 26, 2015 2:47 PM
Needs work. dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd |
All self-centered thoughts limit our vast mind. When we have no thought of achievement, no thought of self, we are true beginners. |
Dec 26, 2015 3:03 PM
Descriptions only get better with practice. Believe me. I'm still practicing (I still suck at describing my characters) For now, it's best if you wrote the second chapter and then rewrite this piece. This way you won't get stuck on this part. |
Dec 26, 2015 3:41 PM
im2famous said: Where, exactly...?Needs work. dddddddddddddddddddddddddddd phmmoura said: Ok, I'll do that. Would the "second" chapter be better off as just the other half or is this a suitable segment?Descriptions only get better with practice. Believe me. I'm still practicing (I still suck at describing my characters) For now, it's best if you wrote the second chapter and then rewrite this piece. This way you won't get stuck on this part. |
Dec 26, 2015 3:51 PM
I think it's a suitable segment. Remember, first drafts sucks, so there's no need to worry. At the beginning, it's better to keep writing while knowing your weak points and improving them. Have you thought about the next part? |
Dec 26, 2015 5:12 PM
phmmoura said: Yes, for...years. I'm debating on introducing the giant super special mecha though. I think that part would be a tad cliche' however I do want to put things in motion that would justify him being in control of something so important. And as implied the Asari are pretty much the equivalent of black people or Muslims in the US. While the threat is an empire rather than an unorthodox military hiding under a doctrine. I'd say it'll be more so like Russia to several nations or Nazi Germany for the Cortanians.I think it's a suitable segment. Remember, first drafts sucks, so there's no need to worry. At the beginning, it's better to keep writing while knowing your weak points and improving them. Have you thought about the next part? I think I may postpone the falling robot from the sky until after this scenario, and continue on him having to escape by some other means, bumping into the Arxkane military and Katarine's peeps. That'll perhaps allow me to flesh out her character a bit more. She isn't as strong and knightly as when I first thought about her years ago, but I also don't want her to become a damsel in distress either. Edit: threw the next chapter up. |
QWERTYFish25Dec 27, 2015 4:13 AM
Dec 31, 2015 11:16 AM
Here's chapter 4. I guess I hit the text limit. ~Pilot Chapter 04: Alone in a crowd~ 12/30/15-1/1/16 Lenox awakened atop a cold, hard mattress. The room was dark and cold with only single light in the middle of the ceiling. He slowly raised himself up, his head pounded as he staggered towards the the cold metal door across from him. He tried to open it but it was locked from the outside. He pressed up against the rugged iron, trying to scope through the tiny window. "H-hello? Anyone there?" He banged against the door. "Is anyone out there? Is any-" "You sure are a noise one," a thickly accented voice answered. "You could try to be grateful, though it's not like we did it for you." "But what's going on?" Lenox yelled. "Prisoners should shouldn't be so demanding," Th unseen man chuckled. Prisoner? The word ran through Lenox's head as he stumbled away from the locked door. "But, why?" he stammered. He paused as he noticed the swab of dust on his uniform, then it hit him. Everything that came before, the outpost, the fire, the massive battleship's attack, and... Lenox ran up to the door. "What happened to the girl, I was with? There was a woman with green eyes and-" "Shut up, 'sar!" Yelled the voice. "You'll find out when the captain's ready to see you." The footsteps faded away from the cell. Why did they lock me up like this? he asked himself. Isn't this an Arxkani ship? "Dammit," Lenox banged his fist against the wall. He vaguely remembered being hauled from the ship, surrounded by yells and screams. Did they think of him as a saboteur or some kind of spy? Why would they detain him? He stumbled back falling on the bed. That man mentioned a captain, surely this was just a misunderstanding. Either way, he had to be very careful with his words. ~ A man dressed in a sharp green uniform stands over an unconscious woman in the medical bay. He turns to a pile of tattered clothing near at the bedside. His hard, angular features clashing with his softening green eyes. "Katarine...," he said softly, his voice nearly cracking. "No need to worry, captain Rheinmetall", an older man assured, staring at the monitors nearby. "She should be up and about in a few moments." The man leaned over reaching for the tattered garments "Thank you, doctor," he replied humbly. The doctor picked up the woman's torn clothes. "It's amazing," "Your daughter doesn't have any open wounds on her. There is a strange dark streak of pigment running along her abdomen down to her pelvis. I would've at least expected a few scratches, but nothing. Her vitals are all normal." "You sound almost happy," the captain said, walking away from the bed. "Just happy my work hasn't increased today," the doctor chuckled. "And I got a chance to see such a work of art up close!" "Thank you, doctor," Rheinmetall said pulling the doctor away from the bed. The doctor swept his hand away, "Oh, have sense of humor, captain." "Sorry, I checked but those were all sold out." Scoffed the captain. A man rushed in the room, giving a stiff saluted. "Well, what is it?" the captain swung around. "The prisoner is awake. He won't keep quiet." The captain sighed, shooing the soldier away with his hand, "Fine bring him to my office in ten minutes. Handcuffed please." The man saluted turning to the sliding door. "You shouldn't be so rude to our guests, captain," the doctor nodded as he watched Captain Rheinmetall walk to the bedside, leaning over his daughter. "After all if it wasn't for him, she might not have made it back." "It's too convenient," Rheinmetall responded, brushing the girl's rumpled hair to the side. "We get a report of an attack by what seemed like imperial forces and at the exact same time that boy shows up with my daughter in his lap." "But the U.S. cruiser-," "I'm aware of that," he cut the off doctor. "But who's to say he wasn't conspiring with them in some way. Maybe a local sympathizer?" The doctor rolled his eyes, "It's not impossible, but I seriously doubt it was him. Besides, you said he was waiting in the next sector for a while. Waiting for known military patrols a hop away from a scene like that? Doesn't seem smart." "Maybe," the captain strutted through the door. "We'll find that out one way or another." ~ Lenox laid strewn across the cold mattress, his face consumed in frustration. He just couldn't believe how things turned out. After all of that he still found himself in yet another miserable situation. He turned over to face the dull gray door. The shadows coming from the other side were more frequent now, the light was nearly blotted out. A brief chatter could be heard on the other side. Lenox shot up with anticipation as a soft series of beeps filled the stale air and the small room flooded with light. "Hey, Asari," a guard stormed into the room toward him. "The captain is read to see you." The man tackled the Lenox onto the mattress, tightly binding his hands with with elastic restraints. "What the hell is-" Lenox stammered as he was dragged sideways out of the dim room where another uniformed man waited. "Keep it down, hate to see you lose your balance on the stairs," the man chuckled in his thick accent. Lenox struggled to keep his balance and composure as he was dragged through the dingy cell block. The stairs felt like a rocky mountain trail as the two lead him with an awkward pace. As he went into the higher sections of the immense ship he was bombarded by curious and somewhat hostile stares of neatly uniformed men and women. They strayed from their path to allow him and his escorts through, their cold whispers like the jeers in a gantlet. It reminded him of his final days in school after the wave of anti-Asari propaganda hit the media. He never truly became used to it, furthermore his helpless situation didn't relax him any further. Lenox was pushed towards a small elevator entrance, his anxiety rose as the mechanical wiring drew closer before ending in a metallic thud. The guards lead him inside before shoving their way past him, flanking his rear. "I think I saw him back there..." a voice murmured before before the cold, silver doors slammed shut. The guards fidgeted as Lenox turned his head slightly over his shoulder, he could almost feel their eyes pinned to back of his head. He let out a sigh as the elevator rumbled to a halt, swinging it's doors open. The guards shoved him out of the elevator their grasp grew tighter as they turned down a well-kept hallway. They stopped him at a recess in the wall where two tall, hinged double doors stood. To the right of them was a metallic framed nameplate. Inside were four words, Kapitän Dietrich Gunther-Rheinmetall. The guards traded glances at one another before knocking. "Yes?" An older voice said behind the doors. "We've brought the prisoner as you requested, sir," one of the guards said nervously. "Bring him in, ordered the man behind the door," The guards slowly ushered Lenox past the heavy wooden door one of them turned his back against wall inside the room as the other brought Lenox in before saluting and exiting to stand guard outside. Inside the room, a modest chandelier hung in the center of the off-white ceiling. numerous bronze vintage-looking light fixtures spaced across a deep blue wall complete with portraits and paintings hanging over dark wooden dressers and cabinets. In the center towards the far end of the room sat a somewhat broad man with dark brown hair staring at a computer monitor behind a large desk filled with papers neatly stacked. His eyes flicked up at Lenox. "Please, have a seat," gesturing at the wooden chair in front of his desk. The guard tugged Lenox towards the small chair to sit him down. Lenox fidgeted trying to adjust his posture as the handcuffs rattled against the wood. A moment passed as his eyes drifted across the room before landing on the captain, whose eyes were still pinned to the screen. Aren't you going to say something?! Lenox thought as frustration clouded his face. What lame excuse are you going to feed me for- "What is your name, boy?" The man asked, turning away from the monitor. The Asari's nose shriveled, "Senior Airman Lenox Casper." "That uniform," the captain continued. "Where did you find it?" "It was issued to me by the supply officer of the U.S.S. Nevada," he said leaning back. "'Nevada'? Isn't that a destroyer?" the captain said cocking his head, looking at the young man in a suspicious manner. "No, it's a heavy cruiser." Lenox corrected him. The captain turned to the monitor, typing something into the terminal. Lenox squinted at the man's desk, He doesn't believe me, no surprise there, he thought. "Who's the captain," the captain stared almost through Lenox, his ready over the keypad. "Catalina M. Rosado," Lenox replied swiftly. "She's Hispanic with long black hair-" "I didn't ask you all of that," Rheinmetall's voice rose slightly. "Age twenty-eight, her birthday is April the second," Lenox continued, ignoring the man's flustering. The man looked over Lenox's shoulder towards the guard in the background, "Would you like another day or two back in that cell?" the captain said smugly. Lenox's forehead wrinkled. "Good," he said leaning back. "Now what was I was going to say? So where were you heading with that tiny ship of yours?" "Coordinates 76, by 532, by 12 of grid Ontario kappa." Lenox sighed. The captain turned to his right, his eyes softening to a small picture frame on his desk. "You had a passenger with you, right? Where did you snatch her from." Lenox rolled his head in annoyance, "I rescued her from Normad 5, something attacked the base. It was a wreck we made off in that scout ship you found me in." "That's awfully lucky for you," the captain scoffed. "Be more specific." "When I met her, she was at the bar," Lenox smirked. "Man she can wiggle, I was like-," The captain gestured the guard to come over which preceded to yank Lenox by the collar to stand. "Fine! Fine!" he hissed at the guard. "I first saw her in a bookstore in the shopping district. She asked me about a book I was holding." "And!?" the irritated captain rested his elbows on the desk. "Next time I saw her, she saved me from some falling rocks after the attack started, we tried to get-" "How did she fall unconscious?" Rheinmetall's voice hardened. "She hit her head on a pipe," Lenox stammered. "A pipe? Nonsense. Katarine didn't have a scratch on her. Besides, a pipe wouldn't have ripped her clothes half open." The captain's accent muddled his words. The hell are you trying to say? Lenox pondered. "Your clothes don't look like you ran from an exploding base," Rheinmetall said as he observed the young man's attire. "They are dirty but that's only expected with someone like you." Lenox gritted his teeth, he couldn't tell whether he was genuinely suspicious of him or what. His eyes drifted briefly to a life-like painting up on the wall behind the captain. It was a beautifully made picture of the man before him in his youth, beside him was a pale, curvaceous woman with green hair and blue eyes. She had a hand pressed against her abdomen. Rheinmetall! The name lit up in his mind as his eyes shot back back to the captain. Dammit, this guy isn't just suspicious about me because of that, Lenox thought. He thinks I did something to his...daughter? "Well? What happened?" Rheinmetall said impatiently. A hot sensation poured from his stomach down his legs and up his arms. He instantly regretted that joke about the bar. "I-I don't know," Lenox stuttered. He couldn't exactly tell him what happened back there. He probably wouldn't believe it plus it may still enrage him, knowing he nearly disrobed his child. "Listen closely," Rheinmetall squinted Lenox, his body tensed. "If I fi-" "That's enough, Dietrich," another older, accented voice said over Lenox's shoulder. "You're not going to get anywhere acting like that." "Second lieutenant Gunther," the captain looked over to the entrance, "Didn't anyone teach you to knock?" The man chuckled, "That's one thing our mother didn't get through to me." Lenox twisted his body around to get a look at the man who walked into the room. He saw tall slender man with his hands tucked into his pockets, his uniform was a lazily buttoned green field outfit over a white undershirt. As he walked closer his hardened features and wrinkles gave of a somewhat relaxing impression on Lenox. His green eyes weren't like the captain's, they were softer, more compassionate. "Can't you see I'm busy, Eugen?" the captain said with an annoyed look. "With what?" the lieutenant said stopping beside Lenox. "Interrogating a soldier of another country?" The captain leaned back, "Yes but there's been some unsettling events as if late. And the attack on Norma-" "And you think he had something to do with it? Why?" the Eugen sneered at the captain. "Considering the recent terror attacks in-" "Don't give me that, Dietrich," Eugen cut him off turning to Lenox, staring him in the eyes. The awkward stare felt like an eternity, the worry and fear in Lenox's eyes began to fade. He felt as if a weight was slowly being raised from his chest, the energy this man gave off was similar to His father. He didn't feel he needed to worry of a stare of shock or discomfort, the looming feeling unwanted of his shoulder. "I say he's a good man, he deserves to be treated properly before that changes," he said as he turned gesturing the guard in the room to take off the restraints off. The guard looked to the captain for approval before continuing, "Fine," the captain sighed, watching the restraints come undone. Lenox rubbed his aching wrists, sighing as he looked back to the captain who continued to stare harshly at him. His eyes softened for a moment as he looked on the small portrait on his desk, "I supposed I should show gratitude for saving my daughter." "Your daughter?" Lenox said, pretending to have not noticed. "Yes, Katarine, my youngest." He said with a humbled tone. Lenox paused for a moment, "I see..." "I'll have my brother escort you to temporary quarters, for now," he said nodding to a smirking Eugen. "You said were stationed on the Nebraska, right?" Lenox corrected him, " Nevada. Nebraska's a carrier." "I see. We'll try to get in contact with them and have you shipped back over," the captain said. "Second lieutenant Gunther, see this man to a proper bed and boarding, he may be with us for a few days." "Yes, sir," the rugged man saluted with a smirk before nodding at Lenox to follow. Lenox stood to stretch, stiff from all the tension. "Away from the marines and you-know-who," the captain finished, turning back to his monitor. "Thank you, captain," he said reluctantly, turning to follow the lieutenant past the double doors. ~ Lenox and Gunther stood impatiently in front of the elevator. The young man brushed off his still dusty uniform, "Thank you sir, back there." "It's fine, son," The rugged man responded, "It's only natural, seeing as you did save my niece." "Oh, excuse me, I am Senior Airman Lenox Casper," said Lenox looking towards the older man. "Second Lieutenant Eugen Gunther. Pleased to meet you," Gunther said reaching to shake the young man's hand. "So you are his brother?" Lenox blinked, grasping the outstretched hand. "Correct, my friend," He answered, leaning closer to the arriving elevator. "I see," said Lenox, following him past the silver doors. "The older one, would you believe?" He said, quickly tapped the elevator's panel. Lenox leaned back on the cold metal plating, "Yea, still can't believe he locked me up back there. Did he really think I was up to something?" "Even some of the crew was surprised with the he was acting," Gunther said fiddling with a strap on his uniform. "As you probably noticed, it was a mixture of over-the-top vigilance and his nannyish fatherly habits." "I guess I can understand," Lenox shrugged. "Almost forgot, how long have a been here?" "About three days, maybe?" "Three days?!" Lenox spun off the wall. "Well maybe more. That's when I heard about you, at least," Gunther responded stroking his stubby chin. "They kept talking about how you kept crying all night. So maybe longer?" Lenox pouted, looking away with slight embarrassment. The doors swung open to a narrow hallway lined with fluorescent lights. The two strolled out of the elevator down the narrow path lined with automatic doors evenly spread out. Around them people payed almost no heed to the two as the continued down the passage, "Thge mood's totally changed," Lenox said. "What's this," Asked the lieutenant. "Well, when I first went to the captain I felt like I was gonna be executed or something," Lenox chuckled nervously. Across from them stood a group of soldiers similarly dressed to the lieutenant chatting among themselves. They spun around, saluting the lieutenant as he approached. One of them, a redheaded man of them cracked a smile "So the captain was just paranoid again?" he chuckled. "Seemed that way, Hans," said Gunther, reaching to shake the man's skinny hand. "He's always like that when it comes to Katarine," Hans shrugged, turning to Lenox. "Hey sorry about tossing you in that dump below. Captain's orders." "Yea, sure, at least I still have all my teeth," Lenox turned away. The redhead reached over, patting Lenox on his shoulder, "If we bump into each other in the future I'll by you a drink as a sorry." "I'm only eighteen, I don't think I can-" "Oh, nonsense. In Arxkane you can drink as long as you can drive for as long as you can stand." Hans winked. Lenox flashed a sheepish grin, "I'll have to see about that. Lenox Casper's the name by the way." Hans smirked, "Like the beer?" "Well now," the lieutenant interrupted. "If you'll excuse us." "Alright, alright," Hans turned back into the crowd. "Time to get back to work, whatever that is." Lenox and Gunther left the crowd around the corner, following another long stretch. "Things have been getting tense in Arxkane," the lieutenant said, massaging his shoulders. "While things aren't definite, we're not sure if peace, if you can call it that, will last much longer." "Yea, and after what I've been through it may be a matter of time for us ,too," agreed "Have you ever been in combat before?" the lieutenant turned to Lenox. Lenox scratched is cheek and nodded, "No, not exactly unless you count a few scraps in the engine room." "Bloody business, I assure you. As I was saying," Gunther added. "Since things haven't been looking good with Asar a lot of people have taken to seeing guys like you as the enemy." Lenox crossed his arms, his eyes drifted to the floor as the elder's words buzzed in his mind. "But don't worry," the lieutenant said, tapping Lenox on the forearm. "Most of the people here are new recruits. And apart from the career soldiers and bootlickers most of the people on this aren't really into the, how do you say it? Hype." "That's assuring," Lenox replied, stopping behind the lieutenant, short of a dead end. "Here we are," The lieutenant pointed to an inconspicuous metal door to his left. "You'll be staying here until things are settled." The door slid open revealing a cozy room with a plain metal desk and lamp with a stool tucked to the side. On the other end was a narrow sheet-less pull-out bunk with shelves and racks above it. The walls were a drab tan lined with grey and metallic panels spotted across them. In a deep recess were broad, metal cabinets littered with dents and scratches. The lieutenant walked in wiping off a coat of dust with his hands "I'll see about getting some clean linen for you. Is there anything else you'll need?" Lenox looked down on his dusty uniform, "A shower and some laundry detergent?" The lieutenant continued to look through the room,"I'll arrange for that, also the showers should be empty in about an hour. You can use-" Lenox's stomach let out a load moan, "And maybe some grub," he chuckled, holding his gut. "I'll see what I can find in the mess hall," the lieutenant smirked, walking towards the entrance. Lenox let out a sigh of relief as he fell back on the shallow mattress. "What a day," he mumbled as he tugged his collar and pulled off his wrinkled jacket. He laid back on the bed with an exhausted expression, raising his left hand over his face. He felt a strange numbing tingle coming from it. He compared it with his right arm, it was slightly lighter than his right and seemed more slender. His fingers gave a more docile impression and the nails had a pleasant sheen to them. He didn't remember the birth mark at the base of his thumb, either. He didn't think much of it, throwing arms across the bed staring into his distorted reflection on the base of the rack above him. "I must be bugging," he murmured, closing his eyes. ~End Chapter~ ~Pilot Chapter 05: My Hero~ 1/2/16 In the medical bay a sleeping Katarine nods to the incessant buzzing of monitors and other electrical equipment. Her eyes slowly part revealing a blurred metal ceiling. She slowly raised herself from the bed, looking around the sterile room. She turned to a chair with her tattered clothes on it, she reached over, stumbling of her bed. The cold floor sent a shiver through her bare body. The door slid open to the captain with the ship's doctor behind him. "Katarine!" he stuttered. "You're awake! Are you alright?" He rushed to her bedside, tossing the thin white sheet over her, and helping back on the bed, "Please sit here." The doctor took out a small device waving it along her body, "Everything seems normal. But I'd advise you to stay in bed for the rest of the day." "Father? Where am I, what happened," she stuttered reaching for her ripped shirt. "You don't remember?" her father asked. "Not much," She nodded softly. "Last thing was being with Jan and the others. I was at a bookstore...and there was a man...he." Katarine cupped her head in her shivering hands, "He had red eyes and..." "It must've been that Asari boy we found with her," the doctor interrupted. The captain leaned closer to, adjusting the sheet over, "Do you remember anything else?" Katarine sighed, "Everyone started screaming, me and the others ran...we got separated..." The doctor turned to the medical equipment, punching in commands. "It was terrible," Katarine continued. "I saw that strange man again...we tried to find the escape pods. Then something hit me and I fell. I was cold, so cold...I remember him...being on top-" "Bastard!," the captain barked. "Settle down, captain," the doctor said, stepping in front of the furious man. "But, he..." the captain swung around to Katarine. "My inspection didn't show any marks or injuries towards what you're thinking," the doctor said, accessing a report from one of the computer monitors. "Besides I don't think he'd do something so stupid at a time like that. "Like I said, there is nothing wrong with her, in fact she seems healthier than the last time I saw her." The captain scoffed, "Fine, I understand." "You must be hungry I'll arrange for some food," the doctor smirked, walking towards the exit. "I'll see about getting you some actual clothes as well," the captain said, patting his daughter on the head. "For now just get some rest, Katarine." "Yes, father," Katarine said feebly, wrapping herself tightly in the blanket. The captain stepped away, "I was going to tell you this after you got some rest. But Garrick...he didn't make it back, I'm sorry." A hot rush ran through Katarine's chest as the words swept past her ears, "Oh, I...see." "We held a ceremony a few days ago," he said, turning away with a grim look. "It was a nice farewell. When we get back to the capital I'll take you to his shrine." Thank you, father," her eyes fell to the floor. "Please don't dwell on it, my child. There was nothing you could do," he said, walking through the exit. Katarine fell back on the mattress. She didn't know what to feel, such an innocent day turning into that nightmare. Her head throbbed as she thought about it. How many others didn't make it out? she thought. She remembered the doctor's words, That Asari boy... What happened to him? Is he still on the ship? she asked herself. She rolled back onto the bed as exhaustion took over. ~ Lenox sat in front of the metal desk in his room tinkering with his phone struggling to find a signal. "This ship must use a different protocol," he mumbled. "I can't get anything. Hope it didn't break." Another two days had past since the lieutenant placed him in this room. He had kept himself busy with calisthenics and skimming through manuals and pamphlets that were hidden throughout the room. They were mostly written in another language so couldn't make out most of them. He leaned over the desk letting out a bored sigh. He was glad he was out of that dreary cell, but he couldn't exactly roam the ship freely. But just how long would he stay holed up in this tiny room? Apart from the very drab meals the lieutenant brought him and his trip to the nearby restroom he hadn't left this level. His ears pricked up to the sound of surprised voices coming from the halls. A knock sounded at the door, "Lenox?" a muffled voice said on the other side. "Uh, yes?" He answered. It was the lieutenant. "Mind if I come in?" the muffed voice said. "Yea...Sure," Lenox stuttered. It is your ship I'm on. The door flung open to a waving Gunther with a mischievous smirk on his face, "Good afternoon. How are you, my friend?" "Better than before," Lenox nodded, holding up his phone. "Just fighting boredom here. You wouldn't know why I can't get a signal, would you?" "Hmm, I'll see about getting you the ship frequencies," the lieutenant said turning over his shoulder to the door. "But first, I think someone would like to see you." Katarine stepped nervously into the room past the Lieutenant, her face bashfully red. Lenox's eyes danced around her form as he remembered her face and eyes, still veering slightly away from him, "Oh, it's you." "Good afternoon, s-sir," she stuttered. "This is Lenox, Katarine," He said, patting her back, "He's the one who saved you and brought you here." "Thank you, Lenox," she fidgeted, "for saving me." "No problem," Lenox said, his eyes drifting down her uniform. "Glad your alright, you gave me a scare back there." "Lieutenant Gunther, sir," a voice came from a distance, "There's a problem with the filtration system, could you help me here?" Gunther backed through the exit, "I'll be just a moment." Katarine and Lenox both flinched as the door slid to a close. Lenox stood and faced the bashful Katarine, "You feeling better?" he asked, looking towards her waist. "Yes, just a little shaken," she answered in her thick accent. Lenox drew closer to her, "Do they look scary to you?" he asked curiously. "What does?" she leaned back. He pointed to his face, "My eyes. You looked away back at the bookstore, too." "No...actually, I think they're somewhat cute," she brushed her hair back. "Haven't heard that before, most people just stop and stare like they just seen an alien." "Well, the truth is," she said in a low voice. "I'm a little embarrassed by my accent, I can barely speak English, see?" "I guess, not really much too it," Lenox nodded, walking to sit on the bunk. "All that matters is I understand you. Not an English teacher." "Do you mind if I sit?" "Help your self," he said as he watched her shuffle to the desk. "Do you remember what happened back there?" "Not much. I remember the book store, the fire," "Anything else?" he said, he glanced nervously drifted around the room. "That's it," she turned to him, struggling to look at his eyes. Lenox glanced at his left arm, Good, he thought. As he noticed thin dark marks running down his forearm up to his elbow now, they were barely visible. He turned back to her staring deeply at him. "This isn't a staring contest, you know," Lenox shrugged, "Don't stare into my soul here." "Yes, but." "It's alright. By the way, I'm sorry I got at you in the bookstore. Just I'm kinda used to know..." "You're forgiven, you didn't leave me back there," Katarine said, "I can't really complain about that now," her accent thickening she was becoming more relaxed. "Oh, that reminds me!" she said reaching into her green uniform jacket, I found this in in my other clothes when I woke up." She handed a small, red book over to him. It was the one from the bookstore. "I remember this," Lenox said flipping the book over and over. "This is that book you asked me about, Funny, I don't remember seeing you at the register," he chuckled. Katarine flinched, "You're saying I stole?" "Well I never said that," he grinned. "It's just that...the line was too long, I-I was going to go back there but-" "So you admit it!" Lenox mocked. Katarine growled, rushing towards his face, "Just why would a lady of the glorious Rheinmetall house steal a simple book?" "I don't know...maybe because the long was too long for her majesty?" Lenox grinned at her. "But, but I-." "Don't worry, I'm not gonna run to your daddy," he said, shrugging. "Take a step back, you're breathing on me." Katarine stumbled back onto the stool having realized how close she was to him. Her pouted face turned into a sigh, "So where are you from? Asar?" "Well my family is as you can tell but I was adopted as a kid, my father saved me," setting the book down. "He did, but from what?" he said with a puzzled look. "No idea, he says he found me in an escape pod around the border worlds while out on patrol." "And your mother? Father?" she leaned forward, absorbed by his words. "I don't know what he even looks like and my mother, my..." his mind cut in between the warm smile and horrific figure he dreamed of when he saved Katarine. "Umm, Lenox? Are you alright?" her worlds cut into his thoughts, "did I say something wrong?" Lenox's rubbed is fingers against his eyes, "Nah, it's nothing." It was strange his eyes were watery, he didn't know why, he never really thought about his mother, let alone his father. As far as he was concerned they were alive and well back home. "Like I was saying," he continued, "I was adopted by my father about twelve or so years ago. I didn't remember much, not even my name." Katarine leaned back on the stool, "So, where does 'Lenox' come from?" "It's my step-mother's middle name and her father's first name." "I see, Len-ox," she said, her accent giving a slight twang. "Uhh, yeah," Lenox gave off a sheepish nod. "Len-ox," Katarine continued a few times. "I like it it's strong but beautiful." "I think the word you're looking for is handsome," Lenox correct her. "Well, guess you are," she chuckled, her eyes rolling around the edges of his soft and somewhat rigid brown face, landing on his mildly thick lips. Lenox turned away nervously, "You pretty nice-looking your-" The door shifted open to the lieutenant, his uniform was wet and filthy, "My goodness that's the last time I play handyman." "Uncle, what happened?" Katarine spun around with a surprised look. "Your father can't seem to remember the lower decks need maintenance too," he scoffed. Gunther walked near Katarine, picking up Lenox's phone, "I also figured out the problem you had, I'll take care of it now." "Thanks," Lenox said, watching him as he punched in a few commands. Gunther chuckled as he put down the phone, "don't go snooping around my niece's Spacebook account now." "Uncle!" Katarine blushed. "By the way, your father asked about you. Don't keep him waiting you know how he gets," said Gunther as he walked out of the room chuckling. "The captain's your father," Lenox said standing to reach past Katarine for his phone, "and he's your uncle?" "Yes, my father's side of the family has served in the military for nearly two-hundred years." "Two-hundred-? Wow. that's something." Lenox replied with a surprise. "But where does Gunther come from?" "It was my father's name before he married my mother," Katarine nodded. "My mother's family owns one the largest companies in Eon. I guess she wanted to make sure we would inherit no matter what." "Either that or she didn't wanna fork over cash for changing all of those signs," Lenox joked. "Oh, you," she giggled softly,"And yours?" "Oh, mine? Well my step-father's been in the navy for about twenty years. Think he's gonna retire this year, to look after my niece." "Your niece?" "Yea, I might not look it but I'm an uncle, too," he said with a grin. "My step brother's a little older than me, guess he got started early." Lenox tapped his phone and handed to Katarine with a photo on its screen. "The girl biting me is my niece, Liberty or, Samantha. Her mom's the redhead with the knife that look's like she's ready to catch a case. And the guy on my left is my step-brother." Katarine's face lit up with a smile, "You have a wonderful family." "What about the rest your family?" Lenox asked, reaching back for his phone. "My family...well," she stuttered, "I have two older brothers, one is in the military like me and the other, I think is trying to help my mother with our company." "Any sisters?" "Well...I--yes. I have a sister. But..." Her words began to trail off along with her eyes. "I bet you could pass for twins," Lenox smirked. "Yes, well...but," Katarine's face flushed. "What? is she bossy? Sometimes in a family there a playful one and a very serious sis-" "It's not that," Katarine shot at Lenox with a tense glare. Lenox paused for a moment, worried he may have asked too much, "Umm, sorry if I-" "No it's alright," Katarine interrupted folding her arms, "It's just that she's not...well." "I see, sorry I brought that up," Lenox apologized softly. "It's alright," Katarine's eyes softened as they fell to the floor. She raised slowly off the stool, "Well I think I have to go. Before father sends out a search party." "Ok, it was nice chatting with you," Lenox said as he stood up to stretch. Katarine reached to shake his hand, "Perhaps I can show you around before you go back?" The color began to return to her face. Lenox grasped with her smooth hand, placing his left hand on top "Sure I'll look forward to tha-" Lenox choked on his words as the room slanted, he began to quake in agony. "Lenox! A-are you alright?" Katarine anxiously asked, their hands still clasped together, before being overtaken with a similar sensation. Her knees buckled as the room began to swirl. Her mind filled with the images of a warm smile cracking to darkness, with a crazed feminine shape hunched over someone, then creeping slowly with it's demon red eyes before going black. Lenox's mind shifted to a a fierce blizzard-like scene. Deep within he saw a thin and somewhat curvaceous figure. The figures long green hair whipped through the wind, revealing a pale, youthful face, and two icy blue eyes, cold as death. A fierce blast of wind rushed from behind her, with it, a freezing, almost omnipresent voice shouted with a cruel but familiar accent. You will never escape from me... Lenox's eyes sprung open to a flurry of green hair, his face peppered with sweat as he wondered what had just happened. Katarine raised herself over him,her face red and damp with sweat. "Wha-what...happened?" Katarine said, catching her breath. "I...don't know," Lenox said raising himself up with her in his lap, "I was standing in front of you and-" "Oh, my!" Katarine said, sliding herself off of him, "I'm so sorry, I don't...know wha-" "Me neither," Lenox brushed the sweat off his brow, "But...let's just keep this between us. I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea." Katarine tugged her shirt and fanned herself, "Umm, alright...Bu-" Gefreiter Katarine Rheinmetall, please report to the captain's quarters immediately. The ship's intercom rang in their ears, repeating itself several times. "I have to go now," Katarine said in a feeble voice, stumbling towards the exit. "Yeah...ok," Lenox stumbled to the desk, almost falling over. "Should I call for someone?" she said, rushing back near him, "I can-" "No!" Lenox snapped, "I'll-I'll be fine. I just need to lie down." "Alright, please...don't force yourself," Katarine said softly. She slowly walked to the exit, leaning against the frame, still shaken. She looked over to Lenox still perched over the desk and with a worried sigh stepped out of the room, the door shutting behind her. Lenox fell back onto of his bed, breathing heavily as he pulled off his clothing. The sweat kept pouring down his body, but he wasn't hot, in fact, he was freezing. The chill flush through his weary body as he remembered those eerie words. You will never escape from me... ~End Chapter I'm a tad pleased with this chapter, though I hope the interaction between Lenox and Katarine didn't seem too forced. Still a bit unsure with or not I was too under/over-descriptive. ~Pilot Chapter 06: ~ (Pending) |
QWERTYFish25Jan 5, 2016 1:16 PM
Feb 27, 2016 10:58 PM
You still writing this? |
Feb 28, 2016 8:33 PM
Yea took a bit of a brief break cause of life and trying to organize things that are important for the flow of the story. Was working in the means of transportation in space as well as involvement of certain factions for when and where. And the political nature of certain space (freespace, nation space, noman's land type of space etc.) Would gladly hear feedback. |
QWERTYFish25Mar 1, 2016 1:18 AM
Feb 29, 2016 7:33 AM
Nice nice, take your time :) I'll post my feedback once I have any idea what to say ^^; |
Feb 29, 2016 8:44 PM
Revvie-chan said: Anything is fine.Story development, organizing characters, backstory, questions about them etc. TBH I'm still learning about the characters and I have a tendency to "learn" more about my characters and the story line as I answer questions about them. Any questions/advice is fine. I may rewrite a few big portions of the chapters but feel free to comment ion them if you like.Nice nice, take your time :) I'll post my feedback once I have any idea what to say ^^; |
QWERTYFish25Feb 29, 2016 8:50 PM
Jun 13, 2016 3:39 PM
This is a really intriguing story. I'm a pretty big fan of sci fi and futuristic stories as well as anime and tv series that fall into that category. You've definitely put quite a bit of time into this but you still have quite a ways to go. I recommend you reread your work from the beginning and make the necessary grammatical corrections to start and see if there are any particular places where you would like to change things or describe them better. Out of curiosity as well, what is the picture from of the boy in futuristic armor and gun? very fitting for the story you've been writing so far but doesn't seem to match with anything i have read so far. Also if you're going to keep working on this story so in depth i would recommend befriending an artist to get some concept art or something going unless you're not quite at that stage. |
Jun 14, 2016 8:59 AM
ThaddeusDrakken said: This is a really intriguing story. I'm a pretty big fan of sci fi and futuristic stories as well as anime and tv series that fall into that category. You've definitely put quite a bit of time into this but you still have quite a ways to go. I used to dwell on this when I was at work and even before that. Sadly I'm not one for taking things down so a lot of ideals I'll probably never even remember since they may have been sparked through circumstance. When I do envision the world I think of it as an anime, or at least like the Avatar series in terms of general appearance I recommend you reread your work from the beginning and make the necessary grammatical corrections to start and see if there are any particular places where you would like to change things or describe them better. Definitely I'm redoing the first few chapters again. They've grown about four times in scope and take a on a very different chain of events. It's still definitely a draft but it expands on the characters a bit as well as adds some that hold significance from different points of view regarding the climate of the setting. A most notable change at this point regarding the two main characters is keeping the male lead (Lenox) from seeming like a "LN guy". I guess I'm trying to make him seem more selfish and human rather than middle/good leading character. The female lead (Katarine) is far more resourceful and active than her previous role. Which is to say she isn't simply there to be saved and thank the MC in a long winded conversation. Despite her background, (which I think you can find in a topic a little older than this one) she has no reason to not actually have skills pertinent to her situations. In summation she is much more tech savvy, considerably talented but not obnoxiously so. Out of curiosity as well, what is the picture from of the boy in futuristic armor and gun? very fitting for the story you've been writing so far but doesn't seem to match with anything i have read so far. I'm assuming you're are referring to my signature. That's actually a girl from the series "Chaika: the Coffin Princess" It doesn't really have anything to do with the story, but I'm glad the stuff rubs you like that, at least its apparent premise does. I simply linked this thread to the pic for ease of access. But I'm still looking for an acceptable standard of "practicality". Phmmoura can testify to that since I sent him some stuff regarding the mechanics of space travel (which I'm still working on. Since I think travel and obstacles can play a pivotal role in the out comes of wars and even determine the rise and fall of a people (like 300's hell's gate [was that the name of that place]). The story kinda stumbled and I lost a chunk of confidence after working on it for like a week. There is still a general direction the new chapters I'm editing on my computer have in common with what was written here. But I think it fleshes out the characters a bit more, and adds more understanding as to what led to what. I think it'll also intrigue some regarding the relationship between the Asari and others, as well as another group I don't think I mentioned in this version. Also if you're going to keep working on this story so in depth i would recommend befriending an artist to get some concept art or something going unless you're not quite at that stage. I'm not sure which stage that will be but I have thought of that. I would do it myself but my struggle with confidence and self-esteem has prevented me from trying to draw in spite of my echoing an interest nearly ten years ago. I remember having something a panic attack when a similar task was requested by an instructor at a program I was in. That aside I guess it could help to envision things if/when I find myself at that point. My trouble with detailing through text, makes it tiresome to try and describe something so intricate. BTW what does make the story seem intriguing? |
QWERTYFish25Jun 14, 2016 9:04 AM
Jun 27, 2016 5:43 PM
On chapter 3, gonna continue reading it in a bit, but as for feedback most of what I have to say has been addressed already in terms of showing more than telling which you have done really well in the 3rd chapter and little grammatical errors that don't really impede the story. Great job with Nizar I hate him and thats a good thing so far in terms of characterization. Good job and keep it up! Gonna go work on my story as well. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Jul 2, 2016 9:03 AM
LaxusAK said: On chapter 3, gonna continue reading it in a bit, but as for feedback most of what I have to say has been addressed already in terms of showing more than telling which you have done really well in the 3rd chapter and little grammatical errors that don't really impede the story. Great job with Nizar I hate him and thats a good thing so far in terms of characterization. Good job and keep it up! Gonna go work on my story as well. Ah, thanks. Sadly I plan to revise his character a bit and the chapter overall will probably be push and mold differently. For instance it won't be outlaws using scrap imperial hardware but rather a separate group I am characterizing in the second draft I have yet to release. His overt disdain for them can probably show the extent of how comfortable the Asari are with dehumanizing their enemies. He probably won't be so abusive towards Mesi but I'll still hint at how he uses people within his authority. His character though will generally be the same. Conceited, obnoxious and cruel. |
Jul 8, 2016 4:16 AM
Jul 14, 2016 11:14 AM
Thanks for your feedback. I've slightly improved on some of the naming schemes since then. |
Dec 18, 2016 3:26 PM
Hyper-bump, not dead yet for anyone who may have taken interest. Just been a really trying year, Overall. |
Dec 27, 2016 1:29 PM
Helloooooo. I'm interested so I'll be dropping a few thoughts. I'll pick things out paragraph by paragraph (if I feel there's anything off/strange) Deep, deep in the black, hidden between stars, a mass of metal and light stands alone. Riddled with ports, buildings, satellites, all pulled into one to make one of the many nests of men and women. The letters etched across spelled "Normad 5". Within it thousands of men and women race past one another, oblivious to one another. One man walks alone, woven in a dark grey military uniform, his boots giving off a slight thud with every step, drawing anxious glances as he slips down the large corridor of this haven among the stars. He approaches a line leading to a checkpoint where a aged groggy-looking man sits. Okay so my first issue lies in visualizing the settlement. The problem is, I can't. I'm told it has satellites, ports (space-ship ports I presume?) and is made of metal but I don't think that's enough (for me. Might be different for others). What's the shape of the settlement? Is it a giant, planet-like one like the death star from Star Wars? Is it a spinning ring like in Elysium (the movie)? Is like a giant stadium-like spaceship with a dome like in Macross? Are the buildings in the settlement like the ones on earth? Where exactly are is the name printed? Now, explaining all this at once is an obvious no-go. Huge amounts of description might end up confusing people. But I think you could be a bit more descriptive about this. Actually, I had an idea. Why not describe the inside of the settlement first without explicitly stating that they're inside a settlement? You'd picture how the protagonist wades through the mass of people and buildings (while describing the buildings/roads/people he passes). Of course, you're not trying to hide that he's in a settlement. You're just explaining that without explicitly stating so. Then in later chapters you can give the settlement's shape from the outside as we have almost no business with that right now.. Of course, I write too so I know that changing all that based on some stranger's recommendations isn't particularly easy (or welcome). Just thought I'd share my two cents. It might seem like I found it unreadable but that's really not the case. You use language nicely at some points (e.g "all pulled together to make one of the many nests of men and women.") and I like how you described the MC's eyes using the guard's reaction. Edit - On a second read it flows a lot better, but that might be because I formed a random image in my head. The first go was somewhat jarring. "Yes, sir," Lenox responded uneasily. Another issue I had (bear with me plz. I'm sorry) is how you missed a good opportunity to show at this point. One of the things I've learnt, or rather been advised to do when writing is to avoid adverbs as much as possible. The reason being that they "tell" rather than "show". Why not describe how his tone was shaky, or how he stammered, or how he avoided eye contact with the guard and looked at the pretty woman passing next to him? Rather than just telling us that he was uneasy, describe something that shows/implies his unease. "Wan panchi oujo," he muttered LOL. Nice one. "What, this?" Lenox asked holding the small, red, book up. "Yes," she replied nervously. "Is something wrong?" Lenox spoke with a stern tone, turning his chin up. "Uhh, no," she answered nervously, straightening up. Her eyes dancing around his face. Lenox handed the book over to her, observing her jagged movements as she reached for it. "You know you should really look people in the eye when you speak to them," he snapped. She froze in place, sucking in a bit of air, Her face turning a dull pink. Lenox looked down in to the other remaining book, letting off a brief, hard smirk. "Listen," she began. "I didn't mean any-," "No, don't worry about it,it's my bad." he cut her off. "I get a bit touchy when people get weird with me." I like how you've already started portraying his character here. "Jeez, do I have to elbow someone in the nose for common courtesy?" grumbled Lenox. "Relax, champ, no different from back on the ship. At least no one's slamming into you with a broken capacitor," chuckled Tony. I think it's better to split the dialogue into one line for each turn of speech. Lenox gets his line and Tony gets his as well. Like this: "Jeez, do I have to elbow someone in the nose for common courtesy?" grumbled Lenox. "Relax, champ, no different from back on the ship. At least no one's slamming into you with a broken capacitor," chuckled Tony. You might also want to change the descriptors for their dialogue a bit. If you read the above section you'll see that having "grumbled Lenox" followed by "chuckled Tony" doesn't flow so well. How about something like Lenox grumbled, "Jeez, do I have to elbow someone in the nose for common courtesy?" "Haha relax, champ, no different from back on the ship. At least no one's slamming into you with a broken capacitor," What do you think? As he made his way to the second landing he wonders. What was going on. You've written in past tense so far so changing to present tense for this particular part feels rough. Lenox scrambled to find the pathway to his own shuttle out of that hell. As the explosions continued, he felt his reactions and movement swell, as if he were underwater. Either he was on the verge of passing out of the gravity controls were damaged. Me likes this. Sadly, I don't know exactly why. Edit - I see why now. Rather than just telling us that the gravity controls were damaged, you made it seem like the MC was seriously contemplating as to what the problem was. It didn't feel like an infodump but it did the job. "This way," Lenox pointed. As they made their way down the last flight of stairs, the walls groaned and roared as the entire stairwell quaked. Lenox grabbed onto the woman's collar as he tried to lead her down further. The walls around them exploded blinding the two with smoke. Lenox then heard a frightening scream of anguish as he was thrown down onto the landing. Too many "Lenox"s. Use "he". Also why not change "frightening scream" to "bloodcurdling scream". Not that it's necessary. Just an after-thought really. "Don't talk!" Lenox said fearfully. "Just hang on, I'll think of something." You might want to specify what part of his uniform. Also, change "fearfully" to something more descriptive. Remember to avoid those adverbs. And that's that for chapter one. Was I too nosy? I hope not. Sorry if that's the case. Your story is interesting and I can learn from it too so I didn't hold back. |
SodiumChlorideDec 27, 2016 2:53 PM
Wohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo |
Jan 1, 2017 10:45 PM
The citicism is 100 percent appreciated. Continue when hou have a chance that way I know what to watch out for when I resume. |
Jan 6, 2017 2:00 PM
Now for Chapter 2. I might not be able to do this again for a while though. School has me super busy. His mind was blank, surrounded by muted darkness Not too sure what this means. Do you mean that it was quiet (in which case it would be a fairly strange way to say so) or that the darkness around him was somewhat soft (in which case I still don't know what exactly you mean as I have trouble picturing it). I tried closing my eyes and picturing the darkness as soft but it didn't come to me. His mind was blank, surrounded by muted darkness. This black shifted to faint colors, colors so familiar. Another issue I saw on a reread. On the first go my brain probably filled in the details and so there wasn't a problem but on the third I realized that you said : "His mind was blank, surrounded by muted darkness". You probably (I think) mean that his surroundings were filled with nothing but pitch black. But the problem is that you said his mind was surrounded by perfect darkness. Key note. MIND. How can his mind be surrounded by perfect darkness? It'd make more sense if you said consciousness but even that feels a bit weird (imo). It isn't apparent on the first read, but if I swap "perfect darkness" for "the smell of roast corn" then I find out that the expression doesn't make much sense. After all the mind isn't a sensory organ. Sorry for blowing this out of proportion though, it might not matter much but I think it's better to change it. He could feel his heart shudder as if finding something he long missed, telling him everything would be alright. Why not swap "shudder" with "tighten". Not saying you need to though. I just haven't seen "shudder" being used to describe someones heart. Of course, I understand the idea behind that expression. Everything went black again, the smell of smoke and the cracking of fire from a distance could be heard. I think "crackling" is a more appropriate word. Also you might want to change your wording a bit. What do you think of : Everything went black again. he could smell smoke and hear the crackles of fire from a distance He came around the final bend, his heart sank as he saw the near empty room where the escape pods were they were all gone every last one. You might want to split that sentence. ... So I've finished reading the rest. I'd say it's a bit of a power down from the last chapter. Your use of language wasn't as elegant and things didn't flow as nicely as before. Certain points could have used a bit more description too. The action scene, was sadly not very engaging. |
Wohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo |
May 14, 2018 10:42 AM
I appreciate the feedback. Yes, I know this thread is pushing three years now and I should've ast least completed these chapters or at least reviewed but sometimes I find I am not motivated to really sit down and ponder out a scene or such. I have to change that. I have however done a terribly long rewrite of the first two chapters which somehow transformed into 5 chaspters pushing at least 20k words if I remember. I think those improved on detail and structire through that may be responsible for the length and the drawing out of simple scenes I'll have to accept that the drafts of mine aren't going to best selling as I am sure that's a big reason I haven't put out new content or attempted such. If you are still watching this through (which I doubt) are there any quick pointers you could pass along, even if it is merely for the sake of getting a proper draft out only for format or style or narrative |
May 19, 2018 4:14 PM
Interesting fact. No country is allowed to claim sovereignty to a land not of earth. Not that it's relevant to you though (as your sypnosis says independent settlements) P.S. I'm sorry, this random fact just came into my head whilst reading your story synopsis and I was compelled to mention it... By the way, you spelt synopsis with two "Y's" there's only one in the word |
May 19, 2018 4:45 PM
Okay, I thought I should give some feedback 'cause of my random fact earlier. I'm a keen writer myself but right now I'm focusing on giving my world and characters the best structure from the start so I haven't written the story itself. I've only read the first chapter but I gotta say; if had me compelled to read more as I wanted to know the environment they're in -more than anything really, and that's down to your synopsis. So, there are subtle nuances which make a character and right off the bat I got the vibe of a cocky American coming off of Lenox, but his speech pattern was unnatural. I could see that his relationship with Tony is much closer than what is initially perceived but the interaction between the two didn't justify that e.g. Lenox sarcastically goes "let's see... No" but the response would've been better as a quick "Nope" Again, later on they're talking about the girl it would better to keep with the informal American by saying "she's military" instead of she's in the military which would have also implied the depth of Lenox's and Tony's relationship. That's it really, you can disregard what I said if you've already rectified the issues in the succeeding chapters, but if not... you got this |
May 19, 2018 8:35 PM
tambi33 said: Okay, I thought I should give some feedback 'cause of my random fact earlier. I'm a keen writer myself but right now I'm focusing on giving my world and characters the best structure from the start so I haven't written the story itself. I've only read the first chapter but I gotta say; if had me compelled to read more as I wanted to know the environment they're in -more than anything really, and that's down to your synopsis. So, there are subtle nuances which make a character and right off the bat I got the vibe of a cocky American coming off of Lenox, but his speech pattern was unnatural. I could see that his relationship with Tony is much closer than what is initially perceived but the interaction between the two didn't justify that e.g. Lenox sarcastically goes "let's see... No" but the response would've been better as a quick "Nope" Again, later on they're talking about the girl it would better to keep with the informal American by saying "she's military" instead of she's in the military which would have also implied the depth of Lenox's and Tony's relationship. That's it really, you can disregard what I said if you've already rectified the issues in the succeeding chapters, but if not... you got this Much appreciated. Right now I've been focusing on describing some of the characters that appear in the story even the ones wh don't appear in these chapters or in the rewrites. I often find myself kinda fleshing out the world a bit better through the fragments describing the characters lives. This however often leads to other characters that precede when these chapters take a few decades even. Nonetheless it kinda leans into tye now. Unfortunately I don't really know how to tie it all together. I can talk about the characters and mention a war that shapes their lives now but not actually about the war itself. It's really weird. You had mentioned a story you're writing , what's a good method yo nailing these things together? |
May 20, 2018 6:07 AM
QWERTYFish25 said: tambi33 said: Okay, I thought I should give some feedback 'cause of my random fact earlier. I'm a keen writer myself but right now I'm focusing on giving my world and characters the best structure from the start so I haven't written the story itself. I've only read the first chapter but I gotta say; if had me compelled to read more as I wanted to know the environment they're in -more than anything really, and that's down to your synopsis. So, there are subtle nuances which make a character and right off the bat I got the vibe of a cocky American coming off of Lenox, but his speech pattern was unnatural. I could see that his relationship with Tony is much closer than what is initially perceived but the interaction between the two didn't justify that e.g. Lenox sarcastically goes "let's see... No" but the response would've been better as a quick "Nope" Again, later on they're talking about the girl it would better to keep with the informal American by saying "she's military" instead of she's in the military which would have also implied the depth of Lenox's and Tony's relationship. That's it really, you can disregard what I said if you've already rectified the issues in the succeeding chapters, but if not... you got this Much appreciated. Right now I've been focusing on describing some of the characters that appear in the story even the ones wh don't appear in these chapters or in the rewrites. I often find myself kinda fleshing out the world a bit better through the fragments describing the characters lives. This however often leads to other characters that precede when these chapters take a few decades even. Nonetheless it kinda leans into tye now. Unfortunately I don't really know how to tie it all together. I can talk about the characters and mention a war that shapes their lives now but not actually about the war itself. It's really weird. You had mentioned a story you're writing , what's a good method yo nailing these things together? I've only read the first chapter, so I can only give you a general context of what should be done (my story has a similar genre but the dynamics of it are different) The protagonists are the ones that lay the foundation of the world; so having a concrete protagonist gives you the chance to explain the story through their eyes... You can't go about explaining a war from eagle eye view, that never works. So keep with the characters shaping their lives as a result of the war. E.g. •The main protagonist explores the world youve built, only through meeting other individuals will he be able to carve out an image of the war... It's usually short anecdotes like "so and so was here, did this" (yeh, it's a bit common) •if you're the type of person who wants to remove a peotagonist from the fray to give a sense of that ever present danger in this war ravaged universe then it's gotta be by someone who has been beside the initial protagonist who will also feel the loss of their friend etc. •But the best way to bind a universe is by introducing multiple characters with varying beliefs because there's more than one argument to be fairly proved I.e. Some who want to justify a war. So take a look at the MCU which recently attempted that with infinity war (not its story, just how the characters are bunched together) and for characters you should see how Rick Riordan created a fray of characters on equal footing in his Heroes of Olympus sequel books -albeit with them all being on the same side. •I should've written this first... When writing about a war you have to lay down the results of that war before writing what happened in the war, that's so you can build towards that; even so, when talking of war, it's almost always reduced to two sides fighting each other thus allowing the scale of it to be drastically reduced - which is why in literature and media it is very common to see them preferring to portray specific campaigns of a war rather than the entire war. So if your war has several nations, you can't have them all fighting each other... That leaves you with a massive mess; so allies are a big key I portraying the dynamics of the war as it will also show the most affected depending on the way it goes; thy will also justify the differing of opinions, give reasons for any rebellions etc. and set up the underlying truth which I think in the synopsis says that Lenox will be exposed to. Having those allies allow for you to bring the war closer to their hearts |
tidoesstuffMay 20, 2018 6:11 AM
May 20, 2018 11:03 AM
tambi33 said: I've only read the first chapter, so I can only give you a general context of what should be done (my story has a similar genre but the dynamics of it are different) The protagonists are the ones that lay the foundation of the world; so having a concrete protagonist gives you the chance to explain the story through their eyes... You can't go about explaining a war from eagle eye view, that never works. So keep with the characters shaping their lives as a result of the war. E.g. tambi33 said: •The main protagonist explores the world youve built, only through meeting other individuals will he be able to carve out an image of the war... It's usually short anecdotes like "so and so was here, did this" (yeh, it's a bit common) This sounds sounds solid. It prevents the info dump that happened when I described Lenox and the captain's relationship. At most I should've tried to nod at there being something more than a C.O. Since this mini-draft I have considered more characters whose state and existence is a result of another war by the same Asari empire. Refugees and pockets of resistance of the former Shanatan alliance that make a living ambushing the aforementioned empire's force as well as teaming up with less than reputable groups for passage and support. There are numerous groups who have an uneasy relationship with the empire and its expansionist actions. On the other side of the spectrum there is the Libretonians (name still kinda in the works) who in recent decades has seen a massive decline in military and political power. This is due to being displaced by other nations economic wise as well as the "Orion confict" Which is basically the American revolutionary war. In a bid to regain their stature, they too are rapidly expanding and inserting themselves in minor conflicts offering diplomatic support to make allies and bolster their presence. Another nation, Cortanian/Arthuria (name still in the works) has had a bitter relationship with Asar and with or already is in the process of conflict with them (I'm still unsure when I should commence the conflict. Before or during the story?). Asar was once a colony during the onset of colonization of "Eon". This gives me a few perspectives to work with. I'm guessing a solid billion people not affiliated with any nation (pirates unrecognized states or colonies or refugees like the Shanatan are reasonable with 600-800 years in a particular part of space) tambi33 said: •if you're the type of person who wants to remove a peotagonist from the fray to give a sense of that ever present danger in this war ravaged universe then it's gotta be by someone who has been beside the initial protagonist who will also feel the loss of their friend etc. Hmm, I'm not sure I am following. But if you're saying to have another person, a supporting character or deuturagonist there are a few I have. The two main protagonists Katarine and Lenox are not in nations that are directly engaged in war. They've seen the news, they've heard the cries from support and Lenox, in particular has felt the affect of good old fashioned propaganda aimed at ethnic Asari (red eyes and dark skin, thought not necessarily required. Their predicament is similar to the xenophobia middle-eastern people have experienced in the post-9/11 world. except their mother country is winning and is not a backwater country to be bullied by larger forces.) As I mentioned before there will be quite a few characters who have experienced the war first hand (from either side) or as a spectator with little or no involvement. tambi33 said: •But the best way to bind a universe is by introducing multiple characters with varying beliefs because there's more than one argument to be fairly proved I.e. Some who want to justify a war. So take a look at the MCU which recently attempted that with infinity war (not its story, just how the characters are bunched together) and for characters you should see how Rick Riordan created a fray of characters on equal footing in his Heroes of Olympus sequel books -albeit with them all being on the same side. This was a source of concern in the past when I was still thinking of this story. Why is there a war? What's the history? I've thought of a number of reasons, some dating back early on into the days of colonialism in space and some more recent. A war for the death of the princess or empress seems shallow, maybe the last straw but not the end all, be all. I think some in the empire will have different reasons, some out of fear of history exemplifying abuse of the wear or the too-trusting. Possibly bigotry and concern of foreign influences. Or perhaps even a manifest destiny brought about by the realization that the people of the empire will never be safe without unifying the entire human race or at least subjecting their historical enemies. Perhaps that will be the facade while some lobby the goverment to line their own pockets. I've mentioned why a war would be in the best interests for the Libretonians. I don't plan to have them directly go to war but in stead pull the strings, offer support possibly broker support to instigate conflict. tambi33 said: •I should've written this first... When writing about a war you have to lay down the results of that war before writing what happened in the war, that's so you can build towards that; even so, when talking of war, it's almost always reduced to two sides fighting each other thus allowing the scale of it to be drastically reduced - which is why in literature and media it is very common to see them preferring to portray specific campaigns of a war rather than the entire war. So if your war has several nations, you can't have them all fighting each other... That leaves you with a massive mess; so allies are a big key I portraying the dynamics of the war as it will also show the most affected depending on the way it goes; thy will also justify the differing of opinions, give reasons for any rebellions etc. and set up the underlying truth which I think in the synopsis says that Lenox will be exposed to. Having those allies allow for you to bring the war closer to their hearts I think I will after all have the conflict with Asar vs Arthuria already in progress but escalate at the onset of the story. I think a key victory for the Asar will also be the prime time for usurping the throne. I've been thinking of a character who is tied to the royal family, who claims right to the throne. They were ousted years before the start of this story but through the use of key allies throughout the years to keep safe and bide their time until the can take back the throne. I know it's very hard to follow all of this since what you know about this story is basically two people escaping a space station and these drafts are horribly outdated and don't even allude to 90 percent of what I am saying not but bear with me. I think the current reigning empress will be used by several parties in there government to achieve this agenda. Not willingly and in a very roundabout way. A way that was initially meant to protect her from this but those wishes were used to forward others' agendas. Think a total psychological and partly physical makeover. Blank her memories, fabricate a story and ship her to a completely different country posing as the most unlikely suspect. This programming also function as surveillance and activates certain knowledge and memories to force her unknowingly (at least consciously) to lay the groundwork for others to reach their goals. I wish there was a common story we could use to better get you to comprehend what I have in mind, especially since I'm on a bit of a timer and can't fully express what I am getting at at the moment. Final question: what justification does a space faring society have to install a monarchy as their head of state? I've seen it before in media but I always felt it kinda stuck out. |
QWERTYFish25May 20, 2018 7:10 PM
May 20, 2018 11:51 AM
@QWERTYFish25 That question you asked at the end, well... Since this matter is all hypothetical I'll use history as my inspiration. To be honest, they have no justification; as I said in another comment, "no one can claim a land that's not earth," but historically there hasn't been a case where land has been taken unjustly -on earth. A guy named Oliver Cromwell ousted the monarchy through revolution but eventually create a pseudo-monarchy with him at the helm; the Balfour declaration which gave Zionist leverage in the colonising of Israel was done by the British, this giving military backing. The common factor of this is military influence; so if any monarchy is set up in space then it's origins would have had to be in a stratocracy (military run government) and/or military dictatorship. The only other plausible way to go about installing a monarch is to have a patriotic country with a monarchy to extend their rule to conquered space domains (in whatever way they've somehow conquered such an area). P.S. Does your story involve extraterrestrials, as I'm writing from the perspective that there are only humans in this story |
May 20, 2018 1:04 PM
tambi33 said: @QWERTYFish25 That question you asked at the end, well... Since this matter is all hypothetical I'll use history as my inspiration. To be honest, they have no justification; as I said in another comment, "no one can claim a land that's not earth," but historically there hasn't been a case where land has been taken unjustly -on earth. A guy named Oliver Cromwell ousted the monarchy through revolution but eventually create a pseudo-monarchy with him at the helm; the Balfour declaration which gave Zionist leverage in the colonising of Israel was done by the British, this giving military backing. The common factor of this is military influence; so if any monarchy is set up in space then it's origins would have had to be in a stratocracy (military run government) and/or military dictatorship. The only other plausible way to go about installing a monarch is to have a patriotic country with a monarchy to extend their rule to conquered space domains (in whatever way they've somehow conquered such an area). P.S. Does your story involve extraterrestrials, as I'm writing from the perspective that there are only humans in this story I have been thinking heavily on adding extra terrestrials. some centuries after colonizing this region in space small pockets of the population have gained superhuman abilities. To simply this I'll just give implicit terms regarding these powers. 1)Hemokinetic = power over blood and flesh 2)Photokinetic = power over light and some forms of radiation 2)Echokinetic = power over sound and acoustics 4) Telekinetic = (or more precisely power over inertia) = objects already in motion or who have kinetic energy. Think if a windmill being slowed down by the absorption of kinetic energy and redirected offensively or converted into another type of energy (I have a character I want to have shoot lighting at her sister Katarine. Oh, yeah, if you haven't reached that part Katarine has an twin. She isn't as nice as her sister. Short of it as I am thinking of it before is basically humans have origins far beyond what we currently accept as the dawn of homo sapiens, and that they were created by some other race. hundreds of thousands of years ago.The extra terrestrials battled against the humans of that time, they were not like you and me, however. But rather different ranging in size (some as large as sky scrapers even) they no social structure or "consciousness" and operated similar to keepers, terrformers or, even machines acting out iterations at the behest of their creators (I'm still thinking of their origins and motives to creating humans and their precursors). They had the powers listed above (albeit ALL of the and not just a few and they were vastly overpowered by comparison) The time after when the creators "abandoned them" they gain sentience, scattered across the universe and, like humans IRL do formed empires and once again battled against humanity, they were struck down but not without nearly laying waste to the civilizations that encountered them. They ones who survived this conflict (both humans and aliens), and are still aware of the true origin of humanity still lurks about, biding their time waiting to overtake the universe (cliche I know but I am still working it out). I think for some it'll be a well known fact for others it may be something of an ancient legend. Hell, perhaps some of those groups will have conflicting views on what to do about the humans of eon. The humans of earth and in extension, Eon, no nothing of it. However I am thinking of them possibly having a hand in all the conflict that happens in my story. Perhaps instead of reigning down on them and forcing them into a galactic war they're sizing them up, admiring our history of struggle. Perhaps they're waiting out the results of the wars in Eon to choose which nation will lead the others into a greater fray. Maybe some simply interfere to prevent humans from advancing too far into space and being noticed. Maybe they want to help them, or prepare them for incoming aliens who want to wipe humans out before we take up old habits. I'm kinda doodling what I've been pondering for a while and I have a terrible habit of not writing down ideas (some of which were damn good). But I'm digressing (af). I don't think I'll have (all) of the extra terrestrials ever present in the story, perhaps implied and reverence before revealing them. Me being left to fend off boredom has kinda resulted in thinking of an inter-generational tale. I've to date thought of Lenox, his mother, her parents, and their parents. It does give me a shot to flesh out the world that will lead to this story. I guess you can say it has that in common with star wars though I hope to share the focus through out all of them adding context in the way you suggested. I have no clue on how I am going to tie this together but as of now I have written down brief biographies of a few characters that exist or have existed in this universe. Perhaps this is what you call "maldaptive daydreaming". Sorry again This stuff is muddled and rushed and it must be hard to figure out given how I haven't even a clear consensus about some of the major avenues of my world. I've been thinking as a way to inspire myself and introduce myself to this world perhaps I should start writing out snippets of the story (whether they happen or not to better get a picture of what kind of world I am trying to build. Like a level in a demo or beta test that doesn't make it into the final game. |
May 20, 2018 2:09 PM
@QWERTYFish25 The notion of extraterrestrials in terms of the creators has been expressed in various other stories -some notable- big they just aren't coming to mind; for now revise their potential introductions and see if they're truly necessary to the story. However, the idea of having some of the humans developing abilities isn't all that far-stretched since adapting to environments, inevitably evolving (having this thesis will contradict the purpose of the "creators"), will mean that there can be an anomaly I their genes -capable of causing mutations. Just take care not to create powers that are too out there, otherwise it'll wreck the vibe of the story; and if it does take off it can be critically observed as "desperate attempts" of trying to attract alternative audiences. Back to the powers, the most feasible ones were "photokinesis" (namely, radiation) and "hemokinesis" And remember, if you decide to incorporate alternative extraterrestials (essentially those not originating from earth) then that will change the entire dynamic of the story... Think remnants of civilisations, active civilisations I.e. Inhabited worlds; and there may also be advanced technology that could be stumbled upon (a race cannot be perfect, they must have shortcomings otherwise these would be the ones who perfect the universe) But hey, that could just be the organisation-extraterrstials running the story behind the scenes -especially when It's to the underlying secret I.e. The ones who cleanse the universe of corruption etc. (also binding to the motives of the intergalactic war) At the end of the day, it's your story. |
May 20, 2018 5:55 PM
tambi33 said: @QWERTYFish25 The notion of extraterrestrials in terms of the creators has been expressed in various other stories -some notable- big they just aren't coming to mind; for now revise their potential introductions and see if they're truly necessary to the story. However, the idea of having some of the humans developing abilities isn't all that far-stretched since adapting to environments, inevitably evolving (having this thesis will contradict the purpose of the "creators"), will mean that there can be an anomaly I their genes -capable of causing mutations. Just take care not to create powers that are too out there, otherwise it'll wreck the vibe of the story; and if it does take off it can be critically observed as "desperate attempts" of trying to attract alternative audiences. Back to the powers, the most feasible ones were "photokinesis" (namely, radiation) and "hemokinesis" And remember, if you decide to incorporate alternative extraterrestials (essentially those not originating from earth) then that will change the entire dynamic of the story... Think remnants of civilisations, active civilisations I.e. Inhabited worlds; and there may also be advanced technology that could be stumbled upon (a race cannot be perfect, they must have shortcomings otherwise these would be the ones who perfect the universe) But hey, that could just be the organisation-extraterrstials running the story behind the scenes -especially when It's to the underlying secret I.e. The ones who cleanse the universe of corruption etc. (also binding to the motives of the intergalactic war) At the end of the day, it's your story. True a big concern when thinking of these powers was the "balance" a photokinetic ian't going to absorb an entire star and redirect the light like some kind of death star. Neither is a Inertakinetic going to be able to in any fashion halt something like an asteroid and redirect that power. Every last one of those "powers I have mention have existed in some capacity somewhere in media. But the strengths and limitations of these powers are the only real think that stands a chance of making this unique (also the story it's in and the relevance to the plot.) The short of it is basically very few humans are ever born with these powers. There are entities (let's just call them that for not) in every cell of our being that is responsible for these abilities, for some strange reason they have been dormant for the past few thousand years [save for some people affiliated with the supernatural, perhaps?]. Now they are beginning to awaken throughout the population. Not all humans, very few actually. There are methods, most of which are ineffective at inducing or awakening these entities and tons of theories. Usually one is either naturally born with them, they are latent [on set of puberty or personal trauma can trigger them] or they are induced through an assortment of often deadly means. Hemokinetics generally can only control their own blood safely. Attempting to utilize other blood can cause corruption (insanity, rabies like symptoms and even death). Their ability to project (form shapes, maintain composure and control) and their resistance to the afforestation corruption varies from person to person. Some are prodigious while others are mediocre. Some have abilities that others don't and so on. And then of course there's that pesky human body that can't function with too much blood loss so there's that to consider. I do want others to be able to utilize blood from others (as a team, for instance). But much like a blood transfusion, you have to be tested to see if there will be a negative reaction and a chance for corruption other wise you're gambling with turning feral or dying a painful death. Also only human blood can be used. Animal blood is like any other liquid and is useless in that regard. I'm still forming a list of what these "blood-benders" will be capable of. Out of the four they are the first I thought of. I their will be the typical blood healing, blood swords or shards being able to beef up their own strength and endurance (like Raiden's cyborg suit beefing up to perform feats of strength from MGS4). Ultimately I want it to be "believable" to some extent almost scientific with respect to the story's logic. The won't be able to use their blood to summon demons or anything of that nature. Sorta like bio-weapon vs. zombie curse. I want to apply similar constraints onto the other three powers. I want them to lean more towards logical rather than supernatural. If the human body is ancient tech, an ancient bio-weapon in my story possibly it can seem feasible from a standpoint. I mean we have machines that can alter light, sound, possibly gravity in the near future. I could write it off as just the inhabitants of Eon being lucky enough not to bump into the descendants of these aliens just yet. And also depending on the ancient civilization's tech and what tech in particular the idea of surviving tens of thousands of years is awfully slim, especially given the volatile nature of space (meteor showers etc.) But I guess that depends on what and how it is being preserved, how advanced it is and what it's made of. I guess maybe a piece of tech or at least a relic of non functioning one is reasonable but nothing to bump the tech of a nation in 3 months, I kinda feel like that's a bit of a cop out. I would rather they just point the characters in the right direction at most but not necessarily give them any major advantage aside from knowledge. But these two things are definitely one of the harder things I need to figure out in my story. Question: how could I better "introduce" myself to my story? I mean sure I could start at the beginning and just keep perfecting drafts but part of my feels like I should kinda write snippets with only general context to the story in order to better know and feel around with both the characters and in the plots. Kinda like Anthony and Katarine talking about politics or Lenox asking the CO of his CO (general Wakefield about his prime-time and in Libretonia). Like maybe even a prequel that bears significance to the story but is kinda standalone? A few paragraphs even. |
QWERTYFish25May 20, 2018 10:19 PM
May 21, 2018 5:24 AM
@QWERTYFish25 When I picked out photokinesis and hemokinesis I felt that they were the most feasible as for the following reasons: •Photokinesis- the human body having adapted so that they can actively control the radiation their body would usually absorb; this particularly makes sense I nuclear warfare (where they can nullify the mutational damage collateral to nuclear explosions etc.). The adaptation of humans to do this could be down to living in close proximity to the star (not dissimilar to the sun) •Hemokinesis- again, following information that we already know (of hot and cold blooded animals) the likelihood of developing the ability to actively regulate one's temperature and blood circulation seems to be probable; furthermore this could be down to settling on a planet with conflicting temperatures, necessitating for humans to regularly alter their temperature levels to cater for those sudden changes. Going one further, these sort of people can possibly be fine tuned for black ops and covert operations due this unique ability of being able to alter their temperatures e.g. Undetectable by heat seekers, thermal cameras etc. their overall equipment requirement will change entirely and in terms of the type of clothing -minimal, since they don't need to worry about environmental temperatures. Now, about you wanting to "introduce" yourself into the story. Do you want to literally be a recurring character or....? |
tidoesstuffMay 21, 2018 5:32 AM
May 21, 2018 5:51 AM
tambi33 said: @QWERTYFish25 When I picked out photokinesis and hemokinesis I felt that they were the most feasible as for the following reasons: •Photokinesis- the human body having adapted so that they can actively control the radiation their body would usually absorb; this particularly makes sense I nuclear warfare (where they can nullify the mutational damage collateral to nuclear explosions etc.). The adaptation of humans to do this could be down to living in close proximity to the star (not dissimilar to the sun) •Hemokinesis- again, following information that we already know (of hot and cold blooded animals) the likelihood of developing the ability to actively regulate one's temperature and blood circulation seems to be probable; furthermore this could be down to settling on a planet with conflicting temperatures, necessitating for humans to regularly alter their temperature levels to cater for those sudden changes. Going one further, these sort of people can possibly be fine tuned for black ops and covert operations due this unique ability of being able to alter their temperatures e.g. Undetectable by heat seekers, thermal cameras etc. their overall equipment requirement will change entirely and in terms of the type of clothing -minimal, since they don't need to worry about environmental temperatures. Now, about you wanting to "introduce" yourself into the story. Do you want to literally be a recurring character or....? No, more so familiarize myself with the world first hand. Sure the solution is sit there and think about what you wanna write. But I was also thinking about writing little snippets. Small pieces, several paragraphs long, related to the story that may discuss or describe the settling. Lenox and Katarine talking about the war, Maybe Lenox discussing his choice to join the military with his adopted parents and them expressing concern for his safety given the current situation. Literally scrap work or sketches figuratively speaking that is related to what I want to make. I was just wondering if that would be straying too far or it seemed reasonable as an exerciser to accustom myself to descriptive writing, spelling of uncommon names or phrases, and, on the fly coming up with ideas for the things I want to be in the story. Like mentioning a past historical battle from the word of one of the characters, making a note of that and then possibly describing that at a much later time in the story, or even making it an upcoming event. |
May 21, 2018 6:39 AM
QWERTYFish25 said: tambi33 said: @QWERTYFish25 When I picked out photokinesis and hemokinesis I felt that they were the most feasible as for the following reasons: •Photokinesis- the human body having adapted so that they can actively control the radiation their body would usually absorb; this particularly makes sense I nuclear warfare (where they can nullify the mutational damage collateral to nuclear explosions etc.). The adaptation of humans to do this could be down to living in close proximity to the star (not dissimilar to the sun) •Hemokinesis- again, following information that we already know (of hot and cold blooded animals) the likelihood of developing the ability to actively regulate one's temperature and blood circulation seems to be probable; furthermore this could be down to settling on a planet with conflicting temperatures, necessitating for humans to regularly alter their temperature levels to cater for those sudden changes. Going one further, these sort of people can possibly be fine tuned for black ops and covert operations due this unique ability of being able to alter their temperatures e.g. Undetectable by heat seekers, thermal cameras etc. their overall equipment requirement will change entirely and in terms of the type of clothing -minimal, since they don't need to worry about environmental temperatures. Now, about you wanting to "introduce" yourself into the story. Do you want to literally be a recurring character or....? No, more so familiarize myself with the world first hand. Sure the solution is sit there and think about what you wanna write. But I was also thinking about writing little snippets. Small pieces, several paragraphs long, related to the story that may discuss or describe the settling. Lenox and Katarine talking about the war, Maybe Lenox discussing his choice to join the military with his adopted parents and them expressing concern for his safety given the current situation. Literally scrap work or sketches figuratively speaking that is related to what I want to make. I was just wondering if that would be straying too far or it seemed reasonable as an exerciser to accustom myself to descriptive writing, spelling of uncommon names or phrases, and, on the fly coming up with ideas for the things I want to be in the story. Like mentioning a past historical battle from the word of one of the characters, making a note of that and then possibly describing that at a much later time in the story, or even making it an upcoming event. Okay, if you're looking for approval to do so, no you didn't need to ask. If you just wanted to know whether or not that this is something to be done, then yes, you must. Anything and everything that you have an idea of should always be noted; I, personally, have devoted an old phone just to be there for whenever I have to make some notes. They should all contribute to your world and when it comes to compiling you'll have so many pieces to work with and it'll shape the world that you're trying to build |
May 21, 2018 10:34 AM
tambi33 said: QWERTYFish25 said: tambi33 said: @QWERTYFish25 When I picked out photokinesis and hemokinesis I felt that they were the most feasible as for the following reasons: •Photokinesis- the human body having adapted so that they can actively control the radiation their body would usually absorb; this particularly makes sense I nuclear warfare (where they can nullify the mutational damage collateral to nuclear explosions etc.). The adaptation of humans to do this could be down to living in close proximity to the star (not dissimilar to the sun) •Hemokinesis- again, following information that we already know (of hot and cold blooded animals) the likelihood of developing the ability to actively regulate one's temperature and blood circulation seems to be probable; furthermore this could be down to settling on a planet with conflicting temperatures, necessitating for humans to regularly alter their temperature levels to cater for those sudden changes. Going one further, these sort of people can possibly be fine tuned for black ops and covert operations due this unique ability of being able to alter their temperatures e.g. Undetectable by heat seekers, thermal cameras etc. their overall equipment requirement will change entirely and in terms of the type of clothing -minimal, since they don't need to worry about environmental temperatures. Now, about you wanting to "introduce" yourself into the story. Do you want to literally be a recurring character or....? No, more so familiarize myself with the world first hand. Sure the solution is sit there and think about what you wanna write. But I was also thinking about writing little snippets. Small pieces, several paragraphs long, related to the story that may discuss or describe the settling. Lenox and Katarine talking about the war, Maybe Lenox discussing his choice to join the military with his adopted parents and them expressing concern for his safety given the current situation. Literally scrap work or sketches figuratively speaking that is related to what I want to make. I was just wondering if that would be straying too far or it seemed reasonable as an exerciser to accustom myself to descriptive writing, spelling of uncommon names or phrases, and, on the fly coming up with ideas for the things I want to be in the story. Like mentioning a past historical battle from the word of one of the characters, making a note of that and then possibly describing that at a much later time in the story, or even making it an upcoming event. Okay, if you're looking for approval to do so, no you didn't need to ask. If you just wanted to know whether or not that this is something to be done, then yes, you must. Anything and everything that you have an idea of should always be noted; I, personally, have devoted an old phone just to be there for whenever I have to make some notes. They should all contribute to your world and when it comes to compiling you'll have so many pieces to work with and it'll shape the world that you're trying to build Thanks. I guess I get a bit intimidated when taking up a new task and look to others for confirmation, I guess that bled through the words in my posts. I did, hover, wonder if it would just be better to go straight for it rather than as I felt "beat around the bush" (I've been feeling this way at times while doing character descriptions. I know now that it wasn't futile, heck new characters and perspectives popped up just last night. I will do this. I can hone my skills at writing, build bridges for my story and keep my mind off of others things. Thanks again. If you have any further questions at any times feel free. |
May 21, 2018 12:10 PM
@QWERTYFish25 Likewise, if you wanna ask me anything, I'm happy to help |
May 22, 2018 11:44 AM
I have a question about descriptive writing. Say I'm writing a paragraph and I have to describe someone's face, the shape of their eyes, nose, lips so on and so forth. How do I go about doing that? Like I've found myself using terms like "angular" or round" or "full" but how would I go about putting that in a book that is, I'm guess supposed to "flow?" I'm guessing that something like "She has brown eyes, a big chin, a pronounced jawline, long dark hair, and beady green eyes" isn't really gonna cut it. Or at least not always. I mean it's one thing if a character is looking at another vs if you're trying to describe a character from an omnipresent POV. Another thing is what is an acceptable way of describing someone in the context of a profile versus the middle of the story? Like an "Appearance" section of a profile? Also would it be acceptable to write analogies that pertain to modern tech to describe something in the story to the audience? Like for instance comparing thge humming of the fusion reactor to a microwave running? |
QWERTYFish25May 23, 2018 8:29 AM
Jan 16, 2019 4:53 PM
QWERTYFish25 said: I have a question about descriptive writing. Say I'm writing a paragraph and I have to describe someone's face, the shape of their eyes, nose, lips so on and so forth. How do I go about doing that? Like I've found myself using terms like "angular" or round" or "full" but how would I go about putting that in a book that is, I'm guess supposed to "flow?" I'm guessing that something like "She has brown eyes, a big chin, a pronounced jawline, long dark hair, and beady green eyes" isn't really gonna cut it. Or at least not always. I mean it's one thing if a character is looking at another vs if you're trying to describe a character from an omnipresent POV. Another thing is what is an acceptable way of describing someone in the context of a profile versus the middle of the story? Like an "Appearance" section of a profile? Also would it be acceptable to write analogies that pertain to modern tech to describe something in the story to the audience? Like for instance comparing thge humming of the fusion reactor to a microwave running? Personally, I prefer if you don't describe the character too much. Just the general idea and let the reader imagine. About the analogies. I don't mind how you said it. But the character themselves must know that a "microwave running" (imagine a medieval story and has that) |
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