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Feb 29, 2008 1:19 AM

Jan 2008
Okay.. Well.. I reckon that posting it into groups is kinda annoying and slow.. no offense.. i dont like doing that.. but i did some.. but then i think its too "mendou" so i'll just post all my pics here.. :D

Intro: (wups copy pasted from intro thread :P)

Helo :D I'm uhm.. just call me Rin or.. oorin.. thats what irc people call me.. anyway.. im a college student.. majoring graphic design.. i have a passion for photography.. but i hates studying it.. lol.. no comment.. anyway.. and uh.. i love to take picture but hate being taken picture of.. -.-

My camera(s) :D

Manual Old Fashioned SLR
1st. Minolta SRT 101 - since 1965 :3 (my lovely baby <3)

Digital SLR
2nd. Canon EOS 400D
3rd. Nikon D80 :D with a lovely 18-200 VR lens <3

what i like to take picture of.. :o prolly random stuff.. im not really good at portrait.. or taking pictures of models.. :( more to freestyle shots :D

photoshop or not?
uhm.. sometimes i change the saturation or change abit colours on it.. but thats only it.. i dont like too much edit photographs.. theyre fake D:

Auto or Manual settings?
manual.. -_- not bragging.. but i dont know how to take pictures on auto settings ;~;

Please comment on it <3 O~Ne~Ga~I~ <3 :3 Thanks Lots <3

Taken with Minolta SRT 101 - Film Camera

Taken with Canon 400D

^let it be a silhouette :p

^phail!! :( the focus point wasnt on the face of it.. but the tail!! RIN PHAILS T_T phails-fails

^no its not ur eyes.. it is abit tilted.. hate it.. it turns out good.. just the 'abit tilted' part >_>

^two li'l ducky followin mommie :o

^it is made to be blurry on the girl.. its not ur eyes.. dun worry.. lol.. the focus point is on the tree on the foreground :P uhm.. thats a grave on background btw..

^epic phails.. out of focus.. i wasnt looking at the view finder when i took that.. but turns out pretty nice <3

and there you go.. for now.. XD ill post more later on :3 don't forget to comment me :3 <3
ooRinMay 14, 2008 2:07 AM

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Feb 29, 2008 4:14 AM

Jun 2007
Nice pictures rin :>

I really like this one:

The sun is so biiiiiig :O
Feb 29, 2008 8:00 AM

Jan 2008
Cheesebaron said:
Nice pictures rin :>

I really like this one:

The sun is so biiiiiig :O

WHOA just realised that LMAO.. and i think thats like.. reflection Lol.. the lights around sun D:

Mar 1, 2008 1:11 AM

Jan 2007
nice bokeh, what lens do you have?
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 1, 2008 2:38 AM

Jan 2008
uhm.. thanks lots.. lol.. for the canon.. the original kit lens.. 18-55mm.. :x i dont rlly like my canon.. thats why planning to change..

Mar 2, 2008 5:17 PM

Jan 2007
with regards to photo quality, 400d matches up with d80, d80 just have far more features than 400d but i guess it's ok for it's price, and it's better to invest more on the lenses rather than on the body itself.

but if i'd have to upgrade, i'd definitely pick d300 rather than d80... btw, this thread sure takes up a lot of bandwidth
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 2, 2008 5:21 PM

Jan 2008
x0x0 said:
with regards to photo quality, 400d matches up with d80, d80 just have far more features than 400d but i guess it's ok for it's price, and it's better to invest more on the lenses rather than on the body itself.

but if i'd have to upgrade, i'd definitely pick d300 rather than d80... btw, this thread sure takes up a lot of bandwidth

uhm. i agree with that.. d300.. i would prever that too if i have the money -_-; and also, its not like i hate my canon.. its fun to use it.. and its good too. but then my friend wants to buy 400d but hes kinda on budget also.. i want to get myself d80. so i thought.. why not? .. and also.. im not pro photographer.. and also im not bragging bout myself.. but why does ur words hurts me :( at some point.. T_T

also bout the bandwith.. sorry bout that? should i just delete this thread?

Mar 2, 2008 5:40 PM

Jan 2007
sorry if i hurt your feelings although i don't know what exactly i said to make you feel that way. i was simply stating a given fact that it's better to invest on the lenses rather than the body.

and no, there's no need to delete your thread, the file sizes were just too big for a single photo, since i nearly uses a dial up connection, it took me ages to see the loading finish. so it might be better off if it were resized and compressed or create an external album
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 2, 2008 6:12 PM

Jan 2008
uh oh.. sry bout that :) ill try to post it on DA XD so.. how long have u done photography?

Mar 2, 2008 8:05 PM

Jan 2007
i started taking pictures some years ago. within those years, i really have no interest in photography, it's just that, the people around me had so much expectation and figured that i should just live with their expectations. but honestly, my aesthetics never really matured during that time.

it was just last may 2007 when i started to really like photography (i'm already 20 btw) when i was influenced by my cousin. it's true that i had more experience than her but she seems to be more passionate and i was inspired by her passion.. so yeah, now i'm trying to learn more about photography. i haven't been taken pictures of anything other than people though. it's kinda like my greatest weakness so i'm currently practicing on how to take photos on people.

how about you rin? your photos are pretty impressive, seems like you already know your camera so well.
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 2, 2008 8:15 PM

Jan 2008
well hahaha.. btw, why dont we make general chat thread so we wont have to load the damn picture to talk XD ill post there <3

Mar 3, 2008 8:18 AM

Aug 2007
awesome gallery hun <3 keep'em coming.
Mar 5, 2008 8:09 AM

Jan 2008

got me D80! with the 18-200mm VR lens !!! omg its so 'saiko'!!!!! XD here is some of what i took :O kinda crappy tho lol. *still not confident bout her work*

Here's one~

^ I REALLY REALLY LOVE THAT PIC OMG I DONT KNOW WHY BUT I LOVE IT! and i didnt think of it in concept. just random shots.. and wow. btw, thats my friend and my 400D :D

^ this is not a really good picture, but just to show how good D80 and 18-200mm VR lens is!! lol *brags*


tell me what u guys think omgomg <3

Mar 5, 2008 8:21 AM

Nov 2007
Woah Relli Pro Pics Man ^^

Mar 5, 2008 8:22 AM

Jan 2008
PhAzEsHiFt said:
Woah Relli Pro Pics Man ^^

lmao. awesome comment, dude! <3 phaze kun<3 :D thanks lots!

Mar 5, 2008 8:45 AM

Sep 2007
I agree with you I like the first one, she grabs the camera like she is going to kiss it, nice nice red and the out of focus background don't distract the attention from the main theme like in the second.

3rd shot perfect but I feel sorry for the tree, the 4th is that white thing a bird shit? LOL
Mar 5, 2008 9:05 AM

Jan 2008
susonauta said:
I agree with you I like the first one, she grabs the camera like she is going to kiss it, nice nice red and the out of focus background don't distract the attention from the main theme like in the second.

3rd shot perfect but I feel sorry for the tree, the 4th is that white thing a bird shit? LOL

feel sorry for the tree? X_X it wasn't me who did it lol. and that white stuff.. i dont know. i doubt its bird's shit lol.. XD !! i dont know.. it was a random shot.. i see it there. i take pic of it. lol.. and that white thing actually annoys me.. despites how good it turns out.. lols.. well.. atleast it gives a stroke of color .. in it... lmao.. imo! XD!!!

Mar 5, 2008 4:53 PM

Jan 2007
sugoi!!! waaaa you already have a d80.. damn it.. lol

btw, how do you achieve the bokeh like in the first photo.. the one with circles and stuffs.... and mind sharing the settings please... please please please
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 5, 2008 4:59 PM

Jan 2008
oh that one? hahaha.. i dont rlly know.. what i did that time. :P friend was taking pic of me so i take hers lols.. and uhm the setting.. pretty weird one

iso 400
focal length 200mm
1/250 f5.6

im not sure tat'll help lol..
ooRinMar 5, 2008 5:03 PM

Mar 5, 2008 5:05 PM

Jan 2007
i've seen some of your previous phots (the one taken from a 400d) and some of it's bokeh also had the circle thingy. i'll try those settings
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 5, 2008 5:07 PM

Jan 2008
good luck :D i hope it turns out like what you want to be! :D remember, experiments = win

Mar 5, 2008 7:06 PM

Mar 2007
Meh, I'd love to be able to afford even a Canon Rebel XTi. All I have right now is a Canon SD750.

Nice pictures there Rin
Mar 5, 2008 7:29 PM

Jan 2008
lol .. i cant actually state the different between 400D and Rebel XTi.. lol.. and thanks.. :D Zeru kun <3 i never know you like photography too :O

Mar 5, 2008 7:45 PM

Jan 2007
^ there's no difference.. it's just that, it's called Rebel XTi in north america.. mine was bought at north america so mine's called a Rebel XTi.. it's still the same as 400D though
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 5, 2008 10:12 PM

Jan 2008
x0x0 said:
^ there's no difference.. it's just that, it's called Rebel XTi in north america.. mine was bought at north america so mine's called a Rebel XTi.. it's still the same as 400D though

oh cool! thanks for the explaination <3

Mar 5, 2008 11:00 PM

Jan 2007
^ no prob :)
Life without Purpose
blog | multiply | flickr

Mar 6, 2008 9:43 AM

May 2007
me liek ones with clouds o:
Mar 6, 2008 9:49 AM

Jan 2008
which clouds , ZoiQ :o <3

Mar 6, 2008 10:46 AM

Sep 2007

did you use black and white film or is eddited? and do you always use the same film?
Mar 6, 2008 12:47 PM

Jan 2008
gikku.. that is edited. i dont use black n white film. my cousin does. and uhm. no. lol... different films. depends on ISO too.. and uhm. iono. i feel that fuji's crappy film gives out more stronger colour .. and kodak is more.. real life color. so yea. depends on mood too.

Mar 6, 2008 2:07 PM

Sep 2007
I'm curious because I only used one kind of film so I really don't know how it would turn using a different film.

if I'm not able to buy color slide film at a decent price I will buy agfa (because I found an online store and is really cheap).... but I really want to shot color slide to see the photos super size. XP
Mar 6, 2008 4:09 PM

Mar 2007
o0RiN0o said:

got me D80! with the 18-200mm VR lens !!! omg its so 'saiko'!!!!! XD here is some of what i took :O kinda crappy tho lol. *still not confident bout her work*

Here's one~

^ I REALLY REALLY LOVE THAT PIC OMG I DONT KNOW WHY BUT I LOVE IT! and i didnt think of it in concept. just random shots.. and wow. btw, thats my friend and my 400D :D

^ this is not a really good picture, but just to show how good D80 and 18-200mm VR lens is!! lol *brags*


tell me what u guys think omgomg <3

wao is that the girl that i had the "failure to communicate moment" with on MSN or was that another one of your friends :P

...she has nice hair btw :P

...also i have a feeling u 2 are gonna be grandma stalkers when u get suppa old ;)

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Mar 6, 2008 4:11 PM

Jan 2008
lol yes thats her.. XD she just cut her hair XD

Mar 6, 2008 4:11 PM

Mar 2007
grrr where u at school?

AND WHY!?!? she has pretty hair :P

EDIT: well my photography skills is limited to cosplay girls AND anime figures... if u look at my profile, you'll see the limits of my camera abilities
RanivusMar 6, 2008 4:18 PM

"What happens when we die?" I know that the ones who love us will miss us.
Mar 10, 2008 12:28 AM

Feb 2008
sweet photography ;]

got a deviantart?!
Mar 10, 2008 12:30 AM

Jan 2008
majeddy said:
sweet photography ;]

got a deviantart?!

lol majeddy, i have one. should update it. then ill link u >_>;;; lol.

Mar 10, 2008 3:06 AM
Aug 2007
o0RiN0o said:

I absolutely love this one! Such a beautiful shot.
Mar 12, 2008 8:01 AM

Feb 2008
Wow, I often find clouds always to be the best source for photography. lol, I know that's a very controversal statement.

I'm gonna have to go home and whip out my camera again ^_^

Mar 12, 2008 8:02 AM

Jan 2008
Virgil said:
Wow, I often find clouds always to be the best source for photography. lol, I know that's a very controversal statement.

I'm gonna have to go home and whip out my camera again ^_^

lol. camera is the best thing ever created. :D

Mar 16, 2008 3:53 PM

Sep 2007
I really don't know why but many people love take pictures to the sky or the clouds, may it's because here 25% of the year is raining and the rest of the year is cloudy that I don't find nothing special about clouds...
Mar 16, 2008 9:05 PM

Jan 2008
susonauta said:
I really don't know why but many people love take pictures to the sky or the clouds, may it's because here 25% of the year is raining and the rest of the year is cloudy that I don't find nothing special about clouds...

well for my case is, i just love the sky.. its mysterious.. like.. whats there behind the sky and others.. XD i just love them.. so yea :3 clouds are fuwa fuwa.. XD!! i also love how blue and white can combine into one really beautiful oclor combination..

May 13, 2008 12:22 PM

Dec 2007
nice gallery you have here.. oorino chan... if you have deviantart please state the link.. i will watch your gallery... hehehe

I like your automotive BW photos, the angle and composition for the background is matched well...

nice one for the sky photos and waterscape... i like that too. ^^ keep the good work..

note : don't throw away your 400D , it nicer than my D70 lol >_<
May 13, 2008 6:42 PM

Jan 2008
LOL.. i sold it.. btw, i do have dA, but im too lazy to post in there. @_@ so yea..

May 13, 2008 9:14 PM

Dec 2007
lol, you've sold it.... so maybe you will take EOS 1D Mark III as replacement for your 400D

May 14, 2008 1:11 AM

Jan 2008
Got D80.. :|

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