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May 20, 2008 3:59 AM

Feb 2008
Superb art works! The drawings are greatly in detail from the stains of the buildings to the blood spots on the road. The description of the water splash in the action scene was incredible. The story itself is a bit unkind to those who haven't read the original novel (but this is an OVA, you know. I'm sure all the viewers have read the novel.)

P.S. I felt staff's deep attachment to the ice cream...
P.S. Of course, there includes a clay anime. (Neko Arcueid!)
dtshykMay 20, 2008 5:12 AM
May 21, 2008 9:04 AM
Sep 2007
to be honest, I have a problem with rating this movie. I haven't read the novel, since it's unavailable in English (at least as a whole) from what I know. so, the story itself maybe wasn't that confusing, but I had this feeling I'm missing something. still, it was enjoyable and I really liked the art, sound and characters. I guess it's something along 8-/10 for me.
May 21, 2008 9:12 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Splendid animation, down-right-awesome music and good voice acting. I enjoyed this a lot, and I can't wait to see the other movies. There are a lot of details in this movie, not only visually, which is great. I'm glad some good friends made me watch Tsukihime some months ago. Next episode seems to be very awesome.

9/10, I think I'm going to rewatch it again this week.

I'm glad this got subbed rather quickly, but I don't really like the subs. They were alright and I know that a lot of work went into the subbing. But there are quite a few situations where the subtitles didn't 100%ly fit, with a few slighty changes in wording I would've liked them a lot better. But yeah, still happy it got subbed and it's not like I had to watch this movie muted with only the subtitles if you get me.
cyruzMay 21, 2008 9:19 AM




[H+] ³  
May 21, 2008 9:35 AM

Sep 2007
cyruz said:
I'm glad this got subbed rather quickly, but I don't really like the subs. They were alright and I know that a lot of work went into the subbing. But there are quite a few situations where the subtitles didn't 100%ly fit, with a few slighty changes in wording I would've liked them a lot better. But yeah, still happy it got subbed and it's not like I had to watch this movie muted with only the subtitles if you get me.

Don't worry, I know someone from gg and they're going to release a v2 in a couple of hours. Especially due to the subtitles not being correctly timed at some times.

Unfortunately, I'm only going to be able to watch this either Friday or Saturday.. : <
May 21, 2008 11:17 AM

Mar 2007
Slow torrent.
Getting it through gg bot...
Rebooting computer.
Rizon messing.
Finally getting back on Rizon, continues the xdcc download.
Is finally able to watch the movie; Over joyed.
At 23:02 the screen freezes. I notice that it for some reason have only downloaded 300mb of the movie...
Is raging.
Finds a faster bot and successfully gets it downloaded again.
Watches the rest and is crying at it's beauty.

So, it took me around 5 hours to watch it.

The animation, the music, the voice casting, everything was fantastic.
I've been having a hard time to decide which of Touko's designs I like the most. As I've always been liking her old design, but still been really into the new.
But watching Fukan Fuukei made me think that her new design is great, and I don't really think her blue short hair would fit animated. At least not with the movies' animation.

I loved how they animated the battles and Garan no Dou is looking really good, I wish I had that many TV's.
Now we all know how to eat ice cream, too.

I gave it a 9/10, and I'm going to rewatch this as well. Actually, I'm going to watch all of the subbers to be able to decide which one I like the most.
Looking forward to Satsujin Kousatsu~
Highly anticipating Tsuukaku Zanryuu.

Oh and, Ryougi <3
SobzobMay 21, 2008 12:53 PM
May 21, 2008 1:04 PM

Jul 2007
very good
although... too short.... =(
it just ended too quickly
May 21, 2008 1:35 PM

Sep 2007
Look on the bright side. There's still 6 more movies to see. =x
May 21, 2008 2:59 PM
Dec 2007
Wow, awesome music, background art and character design... Also, the movie totally does the novel justice, I recalled everything I read some years ago when I watched this movie, it's absolutely on par with the original work, even though I think the atmosphere feels a bit darker in the movie !

On a side note, I'm a big fan of Shiki in the novel and I guess she's even more awesome on the movies now ;) Well, I have a lot of spoilers in mind but I'll refrain for now I think ! The only thing you should know (because it isn't exactly explained in the novel or in the games so it shouldn't be included in the movies anyway) is that Touko is the sister of Aoko Aozaki, the girl in the prologue of Tsukihime that saves Shiki and gives him his very special glasses (and who is a magi, one of the greatest wizards in the world of Typemoon but that's another story).

And yep Sobzob, I saw that the former design of Touko was with blue short hair, that was probably prettier but I think it made more sense to design her with red hair to match with her sister's, don't you think?

Well, to sum it up : I loved it, it's really similar to the novel, and with great art, voice acting and music on top of that. 9/10

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
May 21, 2008 5:37 PM

Dec 2007
Absolutely loved it.

The visuals were unbelievable, probably the best i have ever seen and the music including the ending theme was amazing. I intended to read the novel before watching the first movie but it didn't happen but now I am going to read it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! And the preview for the next movie looks like it could be better than this one.

Overall a 9/10.
KetuekigamiMay 26, 2008 4:28 PM
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May 21, 2008 6:10 PM

Nov 2007
Great introduction episode. The animation and music were great. Loved the whole color palette used in the background art.

Story didn't get anywhere though, but it's got another 6 movies to make up for that.

And Ryougi has made it to my top 20 favorite characters list. ;-;

May 21, 2008 7:46 PM

Nov 2006
Soundtrack + oblivious = KICKASS.
Liked it but I agree that it was too short.
The art and animation were also spectacular. When Ryougi was walking into the Fujyou building for the first time, I about had a sensegasm from the spectacular soundtrack and the amazing art. My new headphones easily enhanced my experience, but hey.
May 21, 2008 8:23 PM

Nov 2007
Nothing much to say that hasn't already been said. An animation whore like myself obviously loved it xD 9/10

I'll be anticipating the next one a lot D:
May 22, 2008 12:41 AM

Oct 2006
It was great. I definitely need more story and details. Now the problem is waiting until the next episode. I think the shakes are starting already...
May 22, 2008 3:21 AM

Nov 2007
Excellent animation quality. On the other hand, I couldn't really figure out the significance of anything that happened. Why are those girls committing suicide again? Why is Shiki fighting those ghosts? Most of the dialogue sounded vacuous and pretentious as well. Most annoyingly of all, albeit not a fault of the movie, I had problems with jerky animation and the video even froze temporarily a number of times. I guess all that detail took a toll on my computer.

Maybe the sequels will flesh out the plot more effectively, although I'm not counting on it. I'm sure they'll at least look equally pretty.
May 22, 2008 4:04 AM
Jun 2007
barboachtraner said:
I had problems with jerky animation and the video even froze temporarily a number of times. I guess all that detail took a toll on my computer.

One reason could be your computer, another is your player. You're probably using that crappy VLC Player. Try this: - use Media Player Classic
May 22, 2008 4:38 AM

Nov 2007
Rainulf said:
One reason could be your computer, another is your player. You're probably using that crappy VLC Player. Try this: - use Media Player Classic

Well, I'm using Linux so I can't use Media Player Classic... However, I just tested opening Kara no Kyoukai in MPlayer and it played smoothly, so I guess VLC was at fault here. I wish I had known that earlier... I haven't really had any problems with VLC in the past other than rare overlapping subtitles.
barboachtranerMay 22, 2008 4:46 AM
May 22, 2008 4:49 AM

Dec 2007
Now when the first movie is officially out in DVD's, the guys from Baka-Tsuki should continue to translate the novel because it has been stalled forever :<
May 22, 2008 6:23 AM
Jun 2007
barboachtraner said:
Rainulf said:
One reason could be your computer, another is your player. You're probably using that crappy VLC Player. Try this: - use Media Player Classic

Well, I'm using Linux so I can't use Media Player Classic... However, I just tested opening Kara no Kyoukai in MPlayer and it played smoothly, so I guess VLC was at fault here. I wish I had known that earlier... I haven't really had any problems with VLC in the past other than rare overlapping subtitles.

VLC wasn't really made to play soft subs, but if its hard subs, then I would recommend it. Anyway, I recommend you to re-watch it again, you might've missed some important scenes like this:
(my friend missed that part cuz he used VLC.. >.<)

barboachtraner said:

Why are those girls committing suicide again? Why is Shiki fighting those ghosts?

As far as I can remember, she wants someone to "fly" for her sake, and she wants that person to take her away. In the last scene (after the credits), they revealed that she had an incurable disease, and that she's been in the hospital for 10 years. Obviously, those ghosts that Shiki fought are the ghost of the highschoolers who died. Shiki fought the girl because she took that Mikiya's soul.. I think the reason is because Mikiya's the only person who noticed her, and she thought that he could take her away.
giossMay 22, 2008 6:27 AM
May 22, 2008 10:47 AM

Jan 2008
Massaki said:

Don't worry, I know someone from gg and they're going to release a v2 in a couple of hours. Especially due to the subtitles not being correctly timed at some times.

They just released it (v2) ~ I'm about to watch it now~!
Hopefully it won't be too hard to follow~

dtshyk said:
The story itself is a bit unkind to those who haven't read the original novel (but this is an OVA, you know. I'm sure all the viewers have read the novel.)

since I haven't =O
May 22, 2008 3:25 PM

Apr 2008
Out of the story, is it just my luck, or the 500 Mb MKV raw version had terribly low sound volume ? I tried Media Player Classic, hasn't confirmed against other player yet.

But the visual is stunning... so this is what difference animation budget could bring...
May 22, 2008 3:34 PM

Jun 2007
wow... just... wow

the animation was awesome, i haven't watched anything this well animated in awhile (of course) the animation was just so fluent. the art helped a lot too, the details were awesome, the quality (of the video) was great, and well, the characters do look like characters from the type-moon universe, which is awesome.
the story is awesome, expected from type-moon as well, even though i also felt that missing thing in the movie, i am pretty sure they might explain it. (haven't read the novels, i will more likely read them someday before the second movie's dvd gets released). things that i felt were missing were what happened to shiki's left arm, how she obtained her power to see the lines of life (she couldn't have been born with them) and well, the whole story of what happening.
i felt like this movie was rather a prologue of whats going to happen next, since now we know that there are beings that want to fly, and they can either float or fly, depending on their reasons to die (suicide much?)
the music was just awesome, the BGM kept my ears listening the whole time, and oblivious is a freaking awesome song, can't wait till the OST or the single get released (wait, they might have been released already *checks*)
voice actors, fantastic. shiki's VA portrayed her emptiness really well.
characters? well, they are all great. touka seems really interesting, Mikiya reminds me of tsukihime's shiki, just because of the looks. and that girl at the end, azaka i believe looked pretty cute to me, she should be an interesting character. everyone else was also great.
too bad i gotta wait another month for another movie, but i believe it will be great, if not greater than this one. the previews looked great. IMO 9.5/10

EDIT: neko arcueid was fun.
TsundereRicMay 22, 2008 3:46 PM
May 22, 2008 4:17 PM

Jan 2007
looked and sounded awesome, but thats about it for me D: gets a 6
May 22, 2008 5:33 PM

Apr 2007
blah blah blah this was fucking badass as shit
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May 22, 2008 5:33 PM

Dec 2007
Epic. Great animation, and a piece of what appears to be a good storyline that will receive further development. I'm honestly much more impressed than I thought I would be, which is always a good thing.
世界は美しくなんかない。 そしてそれ故に、美しい
May 23, 2008 12:47 AM

Oct 2007
Very awesome, need more now.

May 23, 2008 6:35 AM

Nov 2007
Very dialogue heavy, but beautifully animated and an epic score. Brilliant. I look forward to more to tie the story together, so I can fully comprehend wtf is going on. ^^
May 23, 2008 6:57 AM
Go read Medalist
Apr 2007
I can see how people are all over the CGI and the music in this movie, but the actual drawn art (i.e., the characters) is average at best. Not to mention that the whole movie lacked essence for me as someone not having read the novel, and felt dragged on even though it was so short. 5.5/10. :\
May 23, 2008 11:19 AM

Nov 2007
moozooh said:
I can see how people are all over the CGI and the music in this movie, but the actual drawn art (i.e., the characters) is average at best.

I take it you haven't been around much Type-Moon.
May 23, 2008 11:23 AM

Mar 2007
Xjellocross said:
moozooh said:
I can see how people are all over the CGI and the music in this movie, but the actual drawn art (i.e., the characters) is average at best.

I take it you haven't been around much Type-Moon.

Not having read the novel makes it acceptable.
May 23, 2008 1:06 PM

Apr 2008
Style should not be mistaken for quality. To dislike how the characters are drawn is your own personal taste and fine, but to say it as a whole displays only average animation, then you must be drunk or just have poor taste.

Type-Moon is notorious for subtle nuances in just about everything they do, even with Fate and Tsukihime animes (yes that one we're not suppose to talk about because it "doesn't exist"), watching it a second or third time lets you notice things about the character's movements and lines that you missed before. Also, keep in mind that this is a very close interpretation of what the original novel had to offer and Nasu, a philosophy lover, squeezes in a ton of philosophical rhetoric (in this case, regarding living and dying). If you're not a fan of this type of story, then it's best to stay away (and stop dragging a good anime down) as it's only going to get heavier once we dive into Shiki's mentality.

Although I still confess annoyance with Touko's re-imaging, I do see why having her look more like a woman helps, especially during those glasses off moments.

9/10 just because it could have done better to introduce new people to the franchise.
May 23, 2008 7:17 PM

Feb 2008
You can spit on an OVA only when you paid for it. If you download a copy of $84 DVD and don't like it, just quietly go away.
May 23, 2008 9:55 PM

Jul 2007
Yeah seriously, it was a great movie. Very nice animation, I loved the dark deteriorated look of the city and the action scene was very well done especially with the BGM, I can't wait for the next movie.
9/10 from me^^,
May 23, 2008 11:54 PM

Jan 2008
Wow. Outstanding visuals. Big plus for me. I didn't read the novels so I had to read a bit after the movie to find the the characters' backgrounds, but it wasn't really a necessity. Really looking forward to the rest of the movies.
May 24, 2008 6:23 AM
Apr 2008
I just watched this and as any other type-moon, I loved this one, everything was perfect. I haven't read the novel though
May 24, 2008 10:06 AM

Nov 2007
I haven't read the novel and for me it was, well... Strange.

Animation and musics were wonderful, the chara design was classical as hell (especially when you have already seen some Type Moon works) but well done.
Big plus for the atmosphere, mix of poetry, philosophy and horror ~~~

The script reminds me of one the Tokyo Babylon's stories ^^" It was predictable, but I found it acceptable, especially for a first story which allows to introduce characters and environment.
As they'll do 7 movies, I think script wasn't really a problem.

I'm looking forward the next movie, with, I hope, strong character development :)

May 25, 2008 8:30 AM

Feb 2008
I'll be frank,.. I had no idea what was going on XD
I couldn't find a subbed one so I had to watch the raw version..

If anyone knows where to find a subbed version PLX let me know D:

May 25, 2008 8:58 AM

Mar 2007
xyfr said:
I'll be frank,.. I had no idea what was going on XD
I couldn't find a subbed one so I had to watch the raw version..

If anyone knows where to find a subbed version PLX let me know D:

Two groups have subbed it now; gg-TakaJun and rakkyo. Just go to and search for Kara no Kyoukai.
On another note, I just watched rakkyo's subs and I would not recommend them. I didn't like their subs at all.
SobzobMay 25, 2008 11:02 AM
May 25, 2008 11:17 AM

Feb 2008
Sobzob said:
Two groups have subbed it now; gg-TakaJun and rakkyo. Just go to and search for Kara no Kyoukai.
On another note, I just watched rakkyo's subs and I would not recommend them. I didn't like their subs at all.

I downloaded an ep that said [rakkyo]_Kara_no_Kyoukai_-_The_Garden_of_Sinners_-_01_[softsub-noAFX][091CFE19].mkv, but when I played it I didn't see any subs.
Am I doing something wrong? =/

Gonna try gg-TakaJun's next, hope the subs show this time..

May 25, 2008 11:50 AM

Jul 2007
xyfr said:
Sobzob said:
Two groups have subbed it now; gg-TakaJun and rakkyo. Just go to and search for Kara no Kyoukai.
On another note, I just watched rakkyo's subs and I would not recommend them. I didn't like their subs at all.

I downloaded an ep that said [rakkyo]_Kara_no_Kyoukai_-_The_Garden_of_Sinners_-_01_[softsub-noAFX][091CFE19].mkv, but when I played it I didn't see any subs.
Am I doing something wrong? =/

Gonna try gg-TakaJun's next, hope the subs show this time..

using VLC? or MplayerC?

In VLC the subs are "turned off" by default - you have to select subtitle track from the menu.

K-lite codec pack?

Probably you will have problems with .mkv files as most Klite users.

me recommends CCCP Codec Pack.
May 25, 2008 2:11 PM

Feb 2008
Yay, I got to see the subbed version (I downloaded the CCCP codec pack).
8/10 ^^

May 26, 2008 1:08 PM

May 2008
I was simply astonished by the whole movie atmosphere. Grunge city, big moon and music are beyond expression. Overall enjoyment is 10+ But if there was a little bit more info about characters...
And it's a real headache now - i can't wait for next episodes subbed. 4th movie was aired yesterday (if i'm not mistaken) but we've got only 1st one :( Somebody save me from my impatience

Ukrainian fansub
May 26, 2008 3:36 PM

Aug 2007
Haha its been awhile since I read the first volume of Kara no Kyoukai and watching this movie pretty much reminded me of the whole thing. I enjoyed the fact that they pretty much remained true to the source material with little original material inserted into it. The 'serious' mood they tried to convey works very well with the overall plot of the story. I was skeptical about this since, in my opinion, this strategy utterly failed in the Tsukihime anime. Oh wait...THERE'S NO TSUKIHIME ANIME!!!

I fail to see the reason as to why the Kara no Kyoukai movies were separated into (from what I saw) 5 entries when the preview clearly states 'Next Episode'.

Also, the summary for the anime is beyond spoilerish. Some of the details listed doesn't happen until the later volumes of Kara no Kyoukai.

May 26, 2008 8:41 PM

Feb 2008
-Houkiboshi- said:
4th movie was aired yesterday (if i'm not mistaken) but we've got only 1st one :( Somebody save me from my impatience

4th movie is not "aired" for free, it's available only at one theater. Even I can't go there coz my town is quite far away from Tokyo. Don't claim excessive fairness.
May 26, 2008 11:20 PM

May 2008
dtshyk said:
4th movie is not "aired" for free, it's available only at one theater.

i didn't know that's theatrical premiere. searched a little bit more and found dates of DVD releases
2008-05-21 (Japan DVD 1: 俯瞰風景 - Thanatos)
2008-06-25 (Japan DVD 2: 殺人考察(前) - ...and nothing heart)
2008-07-23 (Japan DVD 3: 痛覚残留 - ever cry, never life)
so it's still several monthes to wait :(

Ukrainian fansub
May 27, 2008 2:47 AM

Feb 2008
-Houkiboshi- said:
dtshyk said:
4th movie is not "aired" for free, it's available only at one theater.

i didn't know that's theatrical premiere. searched a little bit more and found dates of DVD releases
2008-05-21 (Japan DVD 1: 俯瞰風景 - Thanatos)
2008-06-25 (Japan DVD 2: 殺人考察(前) - ...and nothing heart)
2008-07-23 (Japan DVD 3: 痛覚残留 - ever cry, never life)
so it's still several monthes to wait :(

oops, sorry. My words are too harsh. Kara no Kyoukai is an OVA. There are only two ways to watch this anime: go to a theater (only two or three play this movie across the country) or buy extremely expensive DVD. I don't wanna say "Don't download illegal copy of DVD." but I want you guys to keep it in mind that Kara no Kyoukai movies are made with enormous amount of time, money and human resources, and the price of the DVD is incredibly high as a consequence. This anime is not something we can taste and throw away like we do for many TV anime.
dtshykMay 27, 2008 2:51 AM
May 28, 2008 2:19 AM

Apr 2008
I think it will be a great movie-series. I read the book and know that the chapters are not chronological. That means, it is impossible to understand the story and plot at this point of development.

A little bit of a timeline:
1995 - Part 2
June 1998 - Part 4
July 1998 - Part 3
September 1998 - Part 1 (that is what you watched)
November 1998 - Part 5
January 1999 - Part 6
February 1999 - Part 7

Now you know that you cant unstand everything. Even the writer of the book Kinoko Nasu told in an interview, that he knows, that it is only possible to understand the story after watching all the Chapters.
May 29, 2008 6:50 PM

Dec 2007
I finished Kara no Kyoukai: Fukan Fuukei last night. Splendid art and awesome characters and character design, magnificent animation, and great music. I really enjoyed it so far. It may be short, but I loved it enough. The visuals are very stunning. I'm looking forward to second movie. 10/10 from me
gameoffreak8May 29, 2008 6:59 PM
May 30, 2008 5:26 PM

Jan 2008
I liked the movie very much. The animation and the soundtrack are awesome and I can't wait to watch the next movie.
I would like to ask the ones who have already read the novels whether they would recommend me to read the novel before watching the next movies. o.o
May 31, 2008 1:24 AM

Mar 2007
Zhao_Yun said:
I liked the movie very much. The animation and the soundtrack are awesome and I can't wait to watch the next movie.
I would like to ask the ones who have already read the novels whether they would recommend me to read the novel before watching the next movies. o.o

Not necesserily, as the other movies shouldn't be as hard as this one may have been to follow, with the next one being the first movie in the timeline order.
But I would still recommend you to read it as it's a fantastic novel.
Jun 6, 2008 3:36 AM

Dec 2007
Okay, just finished with this one.
Even though the visuals and music were superb, the story was too hard to understand(haven't read the novels), so it gets a 7 from me. Still going to watch the second one in hopes of understanding the point.
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