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May 9, 2012 4:10 PM

Jul 2008
And that´s it. Goku flies off with Shen Long. And is now immortal... or something.
I had to watch this for closure but I´m glad it´s finished now.
Mitsuhashi_Takashi said:
What are you living for? This is your life, live for the sake of it! Screw what everyone else things! If they get in your way, just blow them away!
Jul 15, 2012 5:17 AM
Jul 2012
I see. So this is the end of Dragonball series? Even though I've already seen it.
Jul 30, 2012 2:47 PM

Mar 2010
Am I the only one who didn't think GT was the second coming of satan or something?
Oct 26, 2012 4:27 AM

Jan 2012
The redeeming part of the series is definitely the last arc which I find to be really good and really short but the ending is so wtf it almost ruins the arc, I think 6 / 10
Oct 8, 2013 6:43 AM

Feb 2013
CureVylash said:
Am I the only one who didn't think GT was the second coming of satan or something?
Lol no, I personally didn't think it was terrible I enjoyed it for what it was and I also liked this ending. I'm assuming Goku like merged with the dragon balls and became the earths new immortal guardian or w/e, its kinda interesting.

But yeah even if it wasn't as good as its 2 predecessors I still thought it was pretty good, so its a 7/10 for me =)
Nov 30, 2013 3:56 PM

May 2012
They managed to make a quite good ending for the ending of the Dragon Ball series, Goku disappearing all of the sudden on some of the occasions was actually quite touching and brought back some interesting and nostalgic feelings! I do wonder what the special has to offer but well so far GT wasn't the best but still was quite lovely to watch as it brought quite some nostalgic moments back from the first season of Dragon Ball!

I especially loved the ending where they showed the last tournament with the offspring of that generation! Did Goku and Vegeta finally managed to fight by the means of their late offspring? Well it sure was a lovely end, the flashback made it all the more lovely!

In general the whole Dragon Ball series was quite lovely to watch and experience and after I've finished some other series I'll come back and watch Dragon Ball Kai!
Jan 29, 2014 1:32 AM

Jun 2009
Okay so that was...really confusing. If you're like me and didn't understand what the fuck happened with Goku, go read this:

But be warned. This will either answer some/all of your questions or make you even more confused. Although, it could just give you some more information on the matter, like it did for me. Either way, it was a very....interesting/weird ending. I'm not sure if I like it or not.

I have finally completed everything that relates to Dragon Ball (except for the GT TV Special and the Manga) and I am very happy about that. Indeed, until we meet again, Goku.
Mar 26, 2014 10:19 AM
Nov 2013
Yes, finally finished watching Dragon Ball GT.
Jun 2, 2014 2:26 AM

Jan 2013
Finished it, I really did not like seeing Pan so old >.<, but I read that one of the movies will be of her so I look forward to that.
I wonder what Kai is all about there's still SSJ7.
Nov 15, 2014 4:49 AM

Apr 2013
I can't believe I managed to watch all 64 episodes of this horrible sequel. It was a the worst anime series I have watched to date and there's only one good thing about it: It was Dragon Ball.

Dec 24, 2014 10:48 PM

Jan 2010
The thing with this show is that it's trying to be both Dragonball and Dragonball Z at the same time, offering that nostalgic feeling of adventure and exploration, along with "save the world/galaxy/universe" plots all over the place. At the same time though, there's a definite feel of awkward care put into it all. As if, it were written by someone who really loved the series, but didn't exactly know how to pay tribute to it all.

It's been years since I've watched this, but after finally finishing it, GT wasn't actually as bad as I remembered. Sure it gets amazingly stupid at times, but it's like watching a grown adult rediscovering and playing with their childhood toys. It's really silly, but by the time the toys go back into storage, it's kinda sad at the same time. I'm not really gonna treat it as a full sequel, but more of an extended send-off meant to pay respect to everything Dragonball, no matter how clumsy it ended up being.
May 3, 2015 3:57 PM

Sep 2011
I saw this ages ago but since I was updating my list I thought I should comment on GT as a whole and the ending.

As much as I want to hate it for what it did to one my favorite series of all time. I can't help but love a few things about it. Pan was great. I loved seeing young Goku and Adult Trunks again. The early adventure episodes were good. After the Baby saga everything goes downhill. For a series that was always lighthearted and never took it self too seriously. It did exactly that towards the end. I mean what the actual fuck where they thinking when they killed off Piccolo for good....Seriously.

Not to mention the ending of Dragon Ball GT is one of the most infuriating things ever. Goku essentially becoming a deity and flying off was not only depressing but ridiculous. It should have ended the same way Z ended. With Goku going off to train his successor. Which by all rights should have been Pan. The one character in GT that admired Goku more than anyone else. Also the closest character in GT to Goku in terms of personality. Oh well what's done is done.

On the bright side GT has the greatest Opening of the entire series.

Shocked said:
The thing with this show is that it's trying to be both Dragonball and Dragonball Z at the same time, offering that nostalgic feeling of adventure and exploration, along with "save the world/galaxy/universe" plots all over the place. At the same time though, there's a definite feel of awkward care put into it all. As if, it were written by someone who really loved the series, but didn't exactly know how to pay tribute to it all.

It's been years since I've watched this, but after finally finishing it, GT wasn't actually as bad as I remembered. Sure it gets amazingly stupid at times, but it's like watching a grown adult rediscovering and playing with their childhood toys. It's really silly, but by the time the toys go back into storage, it's kinda sad at the same time. I'm not really gonna treat it as a full sequel, but more of an extended send-off meant to pay respect to everything Dragonball, no matter how clumsy it ended up being.

Fully agree with this, great way of putting it.
FullmetalRaikouMay 3, 2015 4:08 PM
May 12, 2015 3:37 PM
Sep 2010
This show really was disappointing. The fighting scenes and turning Super Saiyan 4 helped redeemed it a bit, but in the end it wasn't all that great, especially when comparing it to the original Dragon Ball series and Dragon Ball Z. I still don't get what happened to go towards the end. Did he die? Become one with the dragon? The series didn't make me care enough to find out. I don't think I'll ever be watching this again.
Uploader53May 12, 2015 3:42 PM
Aug 19, 2015 8:23 PM

May 2015
well GT is done 6/10 not as bad as i thought i would be but definitely not at the level of DB And DBZ Dragon ball Super here i Come
Jun 8, 2016 6:54 AM

Jan 2015
lol i loved that end but all GT was bad so 6,5/10
Sep 25, 2016 4:57 PM

Feb 2016
Nice ending I suppose, the whole little "bonus" though lost me...

So we see:

Elder Pan
A Kid Goku (Elder Pan's Grandson)
A Kid Vegeta (Bulma's Son..)
Goku as a Adult Again

Like, wut? Well... I guess everyone else died but Bulma managed to live on and be 100~ yrs old but still looks like she's in her 30-40s. So lost. Guess gotta watch the movie.

“Don’t just mindlessly judge people as you please.” – Rin Okumura
“Your past shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals and dreams.” – Rin Okumura
Oct 15, 2016 8:34 PM

Aug 2013
The last four episodes of GT where actually really good, that being said it doesn't change my over all feelings for this series, one of sheer disappointment. I could ramble on and on about what I thought didn't work in GT, but tons of other people all over the interwebs have done a far better job at that, so for me GT was not really all that bad, but not really all that good, just kinda there.
Jan 14, 2017 12:56 AM

Jul 2016
RyanEsau said:
Like, wut? Well... I guess everyone else died but Bulma managed to live on and be 100~ yrs old but still looks like she's in her 30-40s. So lost. Guess gotta watch the movie.
I know this comment is old but wut? That women appeared in the end was Bulma's descendant (Vegeta Jr.'s mother) not Bulma herself.
Jan 14, 2017 3:36 AM

Feb 2016
MahiaErebeaNegi said:
RyanEsau said:
Like, wut? Well... I guess everyone else died but Bulma managed to live on and be 100~ yrs old but still looks like she's in her 30-40s. So lost. Guess gotta watch the movie.
I know this comment is old but wut? That women appeared in the end was Bulma's descendant (Vegeta Jr.'s mother) not Bulma herself.

Well, it's not like they explained anything... so I was completely lost. Movie didn't explain anything either unfortunately from what I remember, (At this point I've seen it now, so..) just was a side story. So I guess it's all "lost to the pages".

“Don’t just mindlessly judge people as you please.” – Rin Okumura
“Your past shouldn’t stop you from achieving your goals and dreams.” – Rin Okumura
Jul 25, 2017 5:04 PM

Mar 2016
The feels dude... The feels -.-
Aug 8, 2017 11:16 AM

Aug 2016
First half was the best part of GT in my opinion and I considered increasing my rating for it. And then the nonsense with "Mini-Vegeta" and "Mini-Goku" happened...geeez give your grand-grand-grand-bla-children at least different faces OR names.

4/10 and I'm generous and happy it's over
Oct 15, 2017 5:35 AM
Sep 2017
This could have been much better if Toriyama supervised it. Hoping they make a remake of it after Super is over.

Apr 15, 2018 12:53 PM

May 2015
Finally finished with this series, and now I can proclaim that I've seen Dragon Ball GT! What an achievement that is...

This show was a mess, it had times were it was kind of funny, kind of interesting, but then other times were it was soooooo boring and just a slog to watch, I found myself doing other things while watching just to make it through the episodes.

The fights are so boring, they lack the 'oomph' that DBZ had and I really didn't care for them except Baby's. The most enjoyable part of GT for me was the end of Baby's arc, and then after that it returned to mediocrity. Like what happened? I really don't understand how it was this bad. I've heard people go on and on about how bad this show is but I didn't expect this. There's just times were a lot of nothing happens, and when something does happen it's still uninteresting.

Everyone who isn't Trunks or Goku and maybe Piccolo is just so unlikable. They're just bad, especially Pan and Goten.

The ending was good though and tugged at the heart strings, but with Super just finishing (and the manga still going) it doesn't have that much effect on me, if I had watched it earlier it definitely would have made me more sad knowing that it's the end of Dragon Ball, but that's not GT's fault.

Other than that I have nothing else to say, it was a bore overall and kind of a waste of time, but I'm glad I watched it.
Mar 17, 2019 12:21 PM
Feb 2019
Gator said:
I can't believe I managed to watch all 64 episodes of this horrible sequel. It was a the worst anime series I have watched to date and there's only one good thing about it: It was Dragon Ball.


I disagree. There are a lot of things to like about GT. It's FAR from the worst anime show of all time. Could it have been better? Yeah, but not bad overall.
"Don't forget my name, Soul Reaper, and you better pray that you never hear it again! Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez...because the next time you hear my name, you'll be a dead man...I promise."
May 27, 2019 4:09 AM
Jul 2017
alright! after 25 years of acting like i knew what was going on, i watched the show myself! when i was in 4th grade DBZ was airing on tv for me and my Oklahoma friends and we watched it everyday until the series started over again back at the raditz saga. somewhere along the line, we all had to know about the extra lore with SSJ3 and SSJ4 and the golden ape, pan, black star dragon balls, super 17 and all that but GT hadnt even aired in our country. surely my peers were in a similar position to me and had only tertiary knowledge through and emphatic cousin or something.

all my life i had heard this show was this or that, most negative, and i never saw for myself. i even would repeat the things i had heard without really knowing..

the show was fine. some parts were better than others. i wish the side characters werent all throw away characters, which is why my favorite episodes were when Baby started ravaging earth. The Shadow Dragon concept is a perfect way to round out the series with a conclusion to the warnings of dragon ball abuse. Personally, id guess that goku is going off to become a dragon? idk. i will say, i noticed a sweet little detail in the end: when his body absorbed all the dragon balls, the last one was the 4 star that went into his head, which is where it all started being his original ball.

5.5/10 im going to rate it a 6/10. probably wont watch again.
Jan 25, 2021 2:11 AM

Jun 2019
That was a great ending montage. Made me realize I'm actually grown up now.
Feb 15, 2021 12:54 PM

Jan 2015
That was so depressing tbh. I feel happy that there is Dragon Ball Super because that ending is very sad. Even though it's excellent. This is the best anime ever, even though GT is not as good as the other seasons. Rewatching it made me appreciate a bit more. Until I rewatch it again then!
Mar 16, 2021 12:25 PM

Jun 2020
This was really bad. I'd heard it was bad but I thought I'd maybe find it entertaining personally but no, that was kinda wack. Fuck Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr.
This anime shit is addictive
May 15, 2021 3:33 AM
Jan 2021
The ending song of DBGT still one of the best
Jun 12, 2021 4:16 AM
Jan 2010
This is good trash to watch on the side during workout.
It's definitely not good enough to completely focus on though.
Dec 5, 2021 3:41 PM
May 2021

What a waste of time it was to watch this.

For those of us that did watch this, Dragon Ball Super is out and overwrites this poor mess of an anime.

I guess it's the silver lining.


7/10 that eventually became a 4/10.

Not the worst anime, but there's no need to re-watch this. I guess they were trying to go back to their roots, but it just became a mess after the Baby Saga.

If this were food, Chef Ramsey would've spat it out "What is this garbage?", while slamming this against a wall reactions.
SlimsithDec 5, 2021 3:52 PM
Jun 29, 2022 2:25 AM
Jul 2018
Although this season is worse than the previous ones, but the ending is beyond praise. I had a void in my soul after just 64 episodes of DBGT. I cried like a baby. Thanks, Goku.
Jul 4, 2022 2:59 PM
Sep 2016
Slimsith said:

What a waste of time it was to watch this.

For those of us that did watch this, Dragon Ball Super is out and overwrites this poor mess of an anime.

I guess it's the silver lining.


7/10 that eventually became a 4/10.

Not the worst anime, but there's no need to re-watch this. I guess they were trying to go back to their roots, but it just became a mess after the Baby Saga.

If this were food, Chef Ramsey would've spat it out "What is this garbage?", while slamming this against a wall reactions.

I mean, Super is equally complete trash.
Aug 13, 2022 11:26 AM
Aug 2022
i didnt mind it as much as people make it out to be but it wasnt great either. its a great watch if you havent seen it and watched ee7verything else dragon ball related. plus i kinda liked the first ark, the black star dragon balls.
Sep 9, 2022 4:26 AM
Sep 2022
Well the story was not greater than Dragon Ball but it was fun to watch
Sep 30, 2022 5:34 PM

Aug 2014
This is for DBGT and its sequel Goku Jr. movie

DBGT is what you call an anime with a great premise but a bad presentation.

Think about the great premise, in that it actually does relate to the Dragon Balls and their usage history, and the Baby Saiyan history, and Android 17, and even Nappa.

But its presentation was just bad. Everything felt useless. The characters whom you love are now pointless and, well, older and weaker, which really gives you a melachonlic feeling, a sad feeling.

No one cares about Pan or present-Trunks.

Only reason why DBGT is not scrapped is because of Super Saiyan 4. It is just epic, especially with how it relates to the Saiyan's tails and all that.
oooo3333Oct 15, 2023 4:19 PM
Sep 26, 2023 12:32 AM

Nov 2012
let's end it on a series of flashbacks to remind everyone why they love dragon ball lmao.

I had hoped rewatching this now after years and increased nostalgia for certain aspects of GT that I'd find it more enjoyable, but honestly seems like all the criticisms hold true. Bothered me in most of the same ways and again just feels like such a stark drop off in quality to go from the amazing DB & Z to this, just about barely passable series that takes huge dumps on well established and much beloved characters.

I should probably finish this comment without mentioning Super....but....I have noticed a huge uptick in the "GT>Super" rhetoric and honestly the rabid GT apologists (who hide behind victim mentality towards any genuine criticisms of GT) seem to love thinking they can now punch down on DBS atm, and claim GT superiority. But after recent rewatches I'm firm in a position that DBS is easily the better and more faithful continuation, which at least shows more respect to the established canon and characters. Not that DBS is perfect by any means, it's riddled with it's own flaws too, and I can certainly appreciate both for different things. As a DB superfan I can say I'm glad the canon exists as it does, with DBS the official continuation and GT a non-canon side story. GT has some cool things sure, and like everyone I'll be happy to see them show up in the heroes anime, video games or whatever....but DBS is the future of Dragon Ball.
JVskunkapeSep 26, 2023 12:35 AM
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
Nov 27, 2023 5:41 AM
Nov 2023
great ending, very sad
Feb 15, 2024 11:34 AM

Dec 2020
finally finally fiiinally finished

the beginning was horrible

the Baby Saga made it somewhat better

Super 17 Saga also missed

& felt like the Dragon Saga just dragged on at times
not to mention half of the finale was just the entire series wrap up. 6/10
Mar 20, 2024 11:17 AM

Dec 2018
Well here I am, at the end of GT for the first time because my initial watch years ago did not make it this far, and not because I didn’t like it, it just kinda happened lol. But this finale was pretty good, the only thing I think that leaves a sour taste in my mouth is that Goku decided to leave his family and friends to be with Shenron, and I’m not sure exactly what happened to him but I’m guessing based on the time skip that he’s a protector of Earth somehow, and perhaps when the time comes he’ll come back again. But man, idk I just feel like that wasn’t the best decision or most satisfying conclusion, but I guess it works, I don’t think it’s a bad ending, just leaves a bit to be desired imo, it’s also a shame Goku never grew back up outside of becoming Super Saiyan 4 but it is what it is.

And that time skip was a bit funky with Pan being up there in age and who I’m assuming was a descendant of either Trunks or Bulla, and of course there was Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. as well which was also a bit jarring, however I do like the inclusion of this since it does tell you that despite Goku leaving, the world continues to turn and the generations beyond will carry the torch, I think that is satisfying myself. And I don’t think the flashbacks to old scenes was really necessary but since this was the final episode of Dragon Ball for a very long time it is kinda fitting, I didn’t mind it. And I’m glad we got the final ED one more time, for it is a banger and very fitting for the end of the series.

Now that I’m here at the end I gotta put my thoughts out there. I really like GT, both on my first watch and this rewatch, and I’d say it was enhanced by the nostalgia this time around, I really did enjoy every step of the way. But I’ll say I did notice more issues with it this time, and this was partly because I watched it alongside someone that has never seen it before, and I especially noticed some things in the final arc of the show, I know a lot of people like to say the Black Star Dragon Ball stuff is the worst but I would argue that was a point where the show was its strongest. But, in the end, despite the issues it has I do love Dragon Ball GT and I’m glad it exists alongside Super, that way those who weren’t happy with GT have something else and those of us that do like GT have it. And now for my ranking of the arcs after finishing the whole thing, and as of of rn it looks like this: Super 17 (biased), Baby, Planet M2, Shadow Dragons, Lord Luud, and in last is of course Planet Imecka, and yes I divided up the Black Star Dragon Ball saga because I think each arc is different enough. And keep in mind I did enjoy all of these arcs, but looking at all that came after Imecka it’s hard to not put it at the bottom lol, and really I’m a big fan of Lord Luud for its Temple of Doom vibe but once again, look at what came after so it’s near the bottom too, and I know the Shadow Dragons is a fitting final arc but I did feel some that came before it were better. I also want to rank the EDs, as there was only one OP lol, and I think it goes: ED2/ED4 (both tied), and ED1 and ED3 (once again, tied), it’s honestly really hard to rank these because they’re all bangers but I do think I can at least put EDs 2 and 4 slightly above the other two.

And with that, it’s now time to put GT to rest until I decide to rewatch it again one day, I still have the special/movie to check out too but this is the end of the main show, and weirdly that special came out before the show ended but I think it’ll work checking it out after since it is within the time skip we saw here. And after this me and my buddy plan to watch all of Super together, since he has seen it and I haven’t so this should be fun too. And lastly, RIP Akira Toriyama once again
TheColonel76Mar 20, 2024 11:25 AM
Apr 5, 2024 5:42 AM
May 2021
RIP TORIYAMA SENSEI. Finally picked up GT after all these years & seeing the goat passed away makes the ending even sadder.
Oct 13, 2024 10:15 AM

May 2015
Although DBGT was overall mid, it was a beautiful end for the Dragon Ball saga. It's even stronger to watch this after Toriyama living us.

Goodbye Goku, see you later.
Dec 24, 2024 3:12 PM
Aug 2022
Kind of a drag to get through and is noncanon but was still fun anyway
Feb 22, 9:33 PM
Dec 2024
Gostei muito de Dragon Ball GT principalmente da Transformação de Super Sayajin 4, mas odiei algumas sagas finais, como a do super 17 e a dos dragões maligino, esse ultimo em especifico, só odiei que a origem dos vilões é as esferas do dragão, mas os visuais deles era muito massa!

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