Since we were talking about it in the comments, I thought to move it to a post, this way no one will be spoiled :)
On one had I can see her choosing Takanari, considering it was his story she read and him who she's been with since high school. He also is the character that has the worst situation, and she's helped him overcome that.
However, how she reacted to Shizumasa when she ran away from her family, and was being self-destructive?? Even Takanari couldn't stop her, Shizumasa had to step in (and get a cut on his hand too!) It also isn't Shizumasa's fault that the Togu (sp?) family is that way, so maybe he has even more issues than Takanari xD
I wonder if it'll be a cop out ending. She'll go with Shizumasa, but he's only going to live a year, and then she'll go to Takanari. On one hand I hate endings like that because they're so wishy-washy, but on the other hand, I guess it's nice.
I could list at least 3 examples off the top of my head where this has happened, but I don't want to ruin the ends to any series no one has read ^^;
Takanari - no's easy to predict that >_< (no wonder, the wayhow Shizun acts one likes him anymore and I even saw a Shizun despiser's club...I hope that we will soon see his "other side"...)
With him going to die soon unless he gets the bone marrow of Takanari.. His last request (that Haine stays with him until the end) isn't exactly a selfish one... I mean... after he dies (if he does o_o) Haine is going to end with Takanari anyways...
Takanari, of course. Shizumasa thinks only about himself and he thinks that he can get Haine even if she wants to be with Takanari.. just because he's the koutei! Idiot!