Nov 8, 2020
"(...) It's like Slayers were in the Berserk world besides Gundam with the better of nowadays manga style." - Akane89
Warning: This series depicts abuse and violence against adults and childs in a proper weighted way. This means that the abuse and violence isn't romanticized, apologetic, or exists for fanservice purposes, but is depicted as a sickening although common practice in the world. If you are too sensitive to this kind of content, I can't recommend this series to you.
First of all, I have to say that this manga was random finding for me, pointed out by a meme commentary threw at me by a close
friend. I was expecting an ecchi like story, full of naked girls or wearing skimpy clothes, sexism and misogyny, and male villains wanting to r*pe the female protagonist and all the girls that they can put their hands on. And I got surprised in a very good way.
Don't take me wrong: the manga had all this checked in the first volume already. But it was so well done that I'm enjoying it a lot every bit of it. I'm really impressed with the quality of the author's story to wrap everything together in a good way that doesn't disrespect any gender, doesn't insult the reader's intelligence, and doesn't blatantly resort to lazy/hasted development. All at once.
Now, lets go to my score review:
The author works hard to wraps the genres in a coherent way. The world and the bonded lore seems like a fantasy until now. But it's presented in a logical way that shows very signs of a solid foundation, not blatantly resorting to magical explanations just to put a wanted and not before thought plot device. The other way around happened thought: using logic to explain a former 'magic-like' situation.
The plot is beautifully draw in each chapter, not showing unimportant loops nor being hasted to jump in the action. The goal and the conflict is well established and the plot seems heading to seek it hard, without space to non-guided side-stories in the main-chronology. There is no gratuitous battle or sex until now, and the r*pe has it's proper weight in the story, not being threw as sickening fanservice.
My not 10/10 score is because the structure can't be called original, neither add anything astonishing new until now. It's a beaten structure in some fantasy-like worlds. But the way the author uses it, filling the well known structure with his own mixture is so well done that it's being great to read, and a great example in how to utilize all these elements to tell a story.
Score: 9/10
I have nothing to complain about the art. It's not an original style. But the author uses it at its best. It's like Slayers were in the Berserk world with Gundam with the better of nowadays manga style. I couldn't ask for more...
The best point for me thought is that the characters are well designed and put in the pages. Yeah, we have naked girls in sexual poses, and the protagonist running with skimpy outfit. But they are not gratuitous forced in ecchi poses and angles just for the eye-candy of the male readers. As a female myself, I have to pay my respect to the author. Everything has it's proper weight again in the plot, even the more sexual of the poses until now...
It's an adult manga, with adult art and adult thematic, drawn by adults to adults, and it's outstanding to see it being well done in this genre.
Score: 10/10
I'm loving all named characters presented until now. All them has some personalities that aren't simply plain. There is not blatantly stupid characters. Even the minor villains are minimally developed as soon they are presented, and the reader can catch hints of their motivations and makes sense of them in the world.
Of course the bigger weight is upon the main protagonist's shoulders. And she doesn't let it fall.
As in most nowadays action story with a female protagonist, my biggest fear is that she will be a damsel in distress, useless and dependent, or a mary sue, that can solve any situation without breaking a sweat. And again, this manga remembers me of Berserk in the best of ways...
Mashiro isn't used to battles and she acts according, hitting and failing. She fights with her sheer willpower (and yet-not-explained but not overdid physical strenght) of not submit to the oppressive world she find herself in. Mashiro's second greatest ability is adapting her survivalist skills to the new situations she finds herself. She doesn't wait anyone rescue her, as she is the one going to the rescue. And she depends on the abilities and knowledge of other characters that join her.
Her relationship with the guardian robot that gives his name to the story is awesome from the very beginning, and he is another well written character to help her carry the weight. It's delightful see their initial dialogues and how they come to reach in an agreement about their goal differences.
That's another great point about the characters: There is a "good" and "evil" side, but no character is pure "good" or "evil". The author works well in the gray scale. Obviously that the protagonist seems to start in the white extreme and the villains in the black extreme. But very soon we can see their other sides, and how their motivations and the means they resort, as moral or immoral this can be, paint a grey scale.
And my favorite character is Hibana-chan.
Score: 9/10
I don't think that I need to be too long here. The Story is well wrapped and develops beautiful in this beginning. The Art is delightful and respectful besides the harsh thematic. And the Characters are captivating from the very start. There is everything for a great enjoyable story. I just hope keeps in this way.
Score: 10/10
I gonna bring updates if as I see necessary as soon as I advance more in the series. Thanks for reading!
Reviewerâs Rating: 9
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