Mar 13, 2009
I watched the Blue Drop anime a few days ago and fell completely in love with it, and have thus been searching out all other material I can find on this world.
This manga is the second series - if two volumes count as a series - of manga that are set in this futuristic world, where lesbian space aliens (great premise, isn't it? XD) are ruling the Earth.
Though this is longer and has one single plot, I'm afraid to say I enjoyed the first Blue Drop manga more. The art in this is quite good and of a consistent quality, however the story is quite
disjointed and an odd mixture of silly and serious that works occasionally (Ma-chan), but falls flat at other times (the stripping gun); the sudden changes in pace can also be a little jolting.
It also, in my opinion, comes uncomfortably close to being homophobic on several occasions, what with its silly Strawman Feminazi villain, for example.
Nevertheless, it was still a relatively entertaining read, I can't deny some of the fanservicey bits pleased me, and the look at how alien rule affected the local human population was interesting, even if it seemed just a little too unrealistic for me to completely suspend disbelief. Lesbian aliens invade and everyone turns gay? Nah. Perhaps with a little more exploration in that direction it could've convinced me, as I can see how a ruling force made entirely of women could cause some gender-strife, but as it is neither that nor the personalities and emotions of the main characters were explored enough to really engross me.
Of course I could have enjoyed it just for the fanservice, but somehow it didn't seem to be aiming for that, and aforementioned mild homophobic tendencies kept distracting me.
Some parts were entertaining, though, so I wouldn't recommend to steer clear of this entirely. Read the other stuff, too, though. It's better.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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