Every year the flowers bloom. Mysterious Cherry Blossoms blooming all over a crescent shaped island. That island is the island of Hatsune...
The main character who goes to Kazami Academy, Asakura Junnichi, has the power to see the dreams of other people in his sleep. He was also taught magic by an old lady that allows him to create sweets.
One day, Junnichi seems to have seen someone`s dream again while he was sleeping. Inside that dream, a girl who was a childhood friend of his appeared. But, he was woken up by his sister Asakura Nemu, forcing him to come back to his regular life. Nemu doesn`t actually have any blood relation to Junnichi but their bond is deeper than other real brothers and sisters. So deep that it gives the illusion that they`re lovers.
It was another peaceful normal day waking up early in the morning and going to Kazami Academy. Together with childhood friend Amakase Miharu, the academy idol Shirakawa Kotori, the two sisters Mizukoshi Moe and Mako who prefer eating nabe on the school roof for lunch. Going through their day as usual, their childhood friend, Yoshino Sakura, who they thought had moved to America suddenly appears. It was a surprise for Junnichi and Nemu. Sakura tells them, "I came to finish the promise we made during our childhood"...
(description from AnimeNfo)
Ah, Da Capo...I put off watching the anime for the longest time, and after reading the manga in about an hour, I can safely say I probably don't need to watch it now.
Story - 6
Junichi Asakura is a pretty normal Japanese teenager in a typical harem world. He will encounter various girls, and eventually have to make a decision on one of them, whether the read likes the outcome of said decision or not. The day-to-day antics can be amusing; the personalities of some of the girls gel together well. Other than that, there's nothing special at all here, so don't expect anything out of
...the ordinary for a harem series.
Art - 8
I did enjoy the artwork quite a bit. All the female designs are quite KAWAII I would say. It kept me going through some of the dull parts.
Character - 7
Da Capo features a mixed bag of characters: the typical set of five or so females to choose from, with an encouraging male friend who is usually hit or miss in every harem series (Hell yeah Sunohara...?). Kotori easily stands out as the series' best character, and you'll be glad to know she has quite a few pages dedicated to her in the second half of the series. As far as archetypes go, it's fairly typical...sister who isn't blood-related, osana najimi, etc.
Enjoyment - 7
I read this on a whim while browsing through short completed manga, and didn't expect much at all. The end result was a mildly enjoyable, although typical, harem series. I would recommend this for people with an hour or two to kill and an itch for a harem series.
Having watched the anime, and gotten some enjoyment out of it, I was pretty keen to get hold of the manga version - which was based on the anime (or game).
Sad to say, I was disappointed - as I usually am when the manga is produced after the anime.
Squashing 24 of anime related plot into 2 volumes is ill advised to say the least - the manga rushes from beginning to end so fast you nearly develop a severe case of whiplash. Apart from the two main protagonists, Nemu and Junichi, the rest of the characters are effectively side-lined, making no more than cameo appearances,
...if that.
Character development is zero, plot development is rushed and has gaps big enough to sail a tanker through.
If you're interested in the title - rather watch the anime.
I randomly picked this manga to read last night and read through the series in about an hour. Time-wise, it was exactly what I needed, something random that I could just read quickly. However, I was not impressed with this series. From the minute I started reading it, I felt like I was missing something crucial and important.
To me:
-There was no real character development in the series.
-There was no actual storyline.
-The chapters flowed only by the fact of reoccurring characters and the school. The rest gave off the feel of "Oh lets throw this in because it
...fits the genre."
This was labeled as a supernatural - and as a MAJOR fan of supernatural series, I didn't see much of anything in terms of the supernatural. The only thing was the sweets thing, and to me it was just again, a "Let's throw this in just because!!"
I don't think this is a series worth reading. I may check out the anime simply because the few reviews I have read now, say that the anime is much much better than this manga. But even then, I'm not going to go out and search in earnest for it.
Thanks for reading, and let the onslaught.... BEGIN!