Feb 13, 2018
Im going to be brief with this review, cause I don't want to waste to much more of my time than I need to with this stupid manga.
The main problem with this manga would be the MC, he is a creepy, weird, dull, character who obsesses over some girl that likes to eat a lot. His main inner dialogue is about Mogusa-san (the leading girl within the story), he never has any thoughts about himself which leads to know character development - his inner monologues of Mogusa-san are bordering creepy and just plain distressing e.g. "i wonder what mogusa-san has in her lunchbox today,
I hope she shows that (aegyo) face again when she eats". ugh I hate this guy.
Theres nothing more to say about this manga, its legit all about this girl trying to hide her eating habits from the public and this perverted MC frothing over it. For some weird reason though my hate for the MC kept me reading this manga up until now, it was sort of like a situation where people hang around other people that they hate so that they can bitch about them and release their stress, thats what I was going through. Thinking back on it this manga has really affected my life, I have a new life goal now - never turn into a creepy ass piece of dog shit, so I guess I have to thank the MC for that - THANKS MC!
the MC has got a punchable face
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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