Hana Yori Dango (Boys Over Flowers) is a excellent example of why not all things popular are good. (In fact, they're usually the furthest thing away from being good).
Hana Yori Dango is long running manga considered to be the cream of the crop of Shoujo series in Japan. It has spawned several TV dramas in different countries, an anime series and three movies, one of which is an anime. It's story is very well known in many Asian countries, and is very much beloved and popular as well.
It is also the best selling Shoujo manga of all time in Japan, having sold 54 million
copies in Japan alone as of 2005.
...A title however, which it utterly does not deserve in the slightest. Why is that? Well, read on and see.
★ Story (1) - If there ever was a plot built entirely upon Shoujo manga cliches, this would be it. What starts off deceivingly about bullying in an outrageously top-tier school and the lone girl who rises up against it very quickly falls into a bubbling little mass and mess of one cliche after another.
As bullying is a serious problem in many parts of the world, but more so in places like Japan where the suicide rate is very high, the bullying aspect of this manga should have been treated seriously, and not used as a "romantic" plot device as the author makes it to be. The main female of this manga starts off strong and independent, promising to "take down" the bullies of the school and not give in to them whatsoever.
Guess what? She does, and very easily as well. What I find sickening and annoying, is how she feels she is constantly at fault and how she always apologizes to the bullies of the school who treat her pretty badly. Even after she dates one of them, when he treats her badly (physically abusing her far more than once, and really putting her down in other ways over the course of the series) she STILL feels like SHE and not him is in the wrong. The number of times she apologizes to him is too many to count. How many times does he say sorry to her? About two times during the entire 36 volume run of the series.
Other than how lightly the grave matter of bullying is treated, there is also the main plot problem, a plot (as I have said earlier) is built entirely upon cliches. Here's a list of what happens during the course of the series:
- Good girl falls for bad, abusive boy who bullies her to show his "love".
- Bad boy is outrageously rich and the good girl is dirt poor.
- There's attempted rape.
- Stolen first kiss, que cliche line, "Omg that was my first kiss oh noes I will never forgive him!!!"
- Other member of the bullying group falls for main girl.
- Main girl loses her house and *le gasp* then works as a maid for the male lead.
- Main male lead's mom hates his girlfriend, so she makes life a cliche hell for them.
- Relationship woes. Slap slap, kiss kiss, fight, kiss, break up. Rinse and repeat 50 more times please.
- Male lead rescues girl several times throughout the series in the nick of time.
- Male and female lead see each other in underwear/naked due to stupid series of events like getting locked in a cold cabin. "How should we keep warm?" "Let's take off our clothes and lie down together to preserve body heat!" Where have I heard that before.
- Every single other cliche you can think of. I'm dead serious.
Seriously, this is the entire story. You do not even have to read this manga to know what will happen, it's THAT cliche and predictable.
★ Art (8 and 5) - The artwork of this manga really needs two different scores as it is such a long running series, the artwork changes very significantly and obviously over time.
(8) The earlier volumes of this series feature quite detailed, unique artwork that pretty much screams 90's, so perhaps that is an acquired taste for some. Everything about the character's clothing, hairstyles, even makeup is very much individual to that character and well done. Shading, textures and detail are added on to all the characters and even the world they live in making everything stand out vividly.
(6) Later volumes of the series however fall rather short of the uniqueness that the earlier volumes had down to a T. While the lines are very clean and neat, the artwork is incredibly washed out and dull. There's no texture, no detail, no nothing. The pages look very neat and smooth, but very plain and boring. Not one thing stands out or is memorable. Everyone and everything is drawn much more sleekly, but unfortunately the author seems to have gone for clean, simplistic lines over artsy, original art.
★ Character (1) - Remember how I said the story was so cliche? The characters are pretty much reflections of that. Take whatever crappy stereotypes of Shoujo manga characters there are, group them all together, and you have the entire cast of Hana Yori Dango in a nutshell. There is not one unique of interesting personality among the lot, and every single character (even the side ones!) fall into already per-appointed characterization.
★ Enjoyment (2) - Really nothing is enjoyable here unless you love cliche, stereotypical, predictable series. If not, move along.
★ Overall (2) - Do yourself a favor and don't read this manga. Sure, it is not the worst series out there but it comes close to it.
If you want a series with a unique, wonderful cast of characters in a school (or rather, college) setting, check out something like the beautiful and bittersweet Josei series, Honey and Clover.
If you want a manga where a good girl does fall for a troubled boy BUT it is done very well and also features very realistic problems like abuse, drugs, etc that is handled well, check out the Josei manga, Mars.
If you want a comedy manga about an outrageously high class high school and a girl who becomes part of a group of filthy rich guys, check out the Shoujo, Ouran High School Host Club.
There are so many mangas out there that are truly worth your time. So don't waste it reading garbage like this.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: HYD, Boys Over Flowers: Jewelry Box, End of the Century Japanese: 花より男子 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 37
Chapters: 244
Status: Finished
Published: Oct 1992 to Apr 2008
Margaret Authors:
Kamio, Yoko (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #10022 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #731
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Your Feelings Categories May 9, 2013
Hana Yori Dango (Boys Over Flowers) is a excellent example of why not all things popular are good. (In fact, they're usually the furthest thing away from being good).
Hana Yori Dango is long running manga considered to be the cream of the crop of Shoujo series in Japan. It has spawned several TV dramas in different countries, an anime series and three movies, one of which is an anime. It's story is very well known in many Asian countries, and is very much beloved and popular as well. It is also the best selling Shoujo manga of all time in Japan, having sold 54 million ... Sep 5, 2008
I read this after I watched the drama, and having watched the drama - which I liked a lot - I didn't think the manga would be as good.
My expectations were blown away; the manga is absolutely fantastic, and despite its age compared to the newer dramas, the newer films etc... it still shines. The characters are absolutely fantastic - Kamio Yoko managed to turn around the high school genre on its head, and managed to produce a female teenage protagonist that actually WORKED. She was a brilliant character, with her own flaws, and her own strengths, and is definitely a character I and others ... Nov 6, 2010
To be honest, I was really expecting more out of this manga. I had heard so much ranting and raving from the readers, but the art was very disturbing (epecially domouji's hairy) and the story was shallow. It's hard to explain, but i felt as if the characters were being developed too quickly, and there were too many problems all piled up at once.
The japanese show turned me on more than this manga did May 25, 2013
Hana Yori Dango is the first shoujo manga I read, therefore it always hold a special place for me. If you have seen the anime or any of its drama adaptations, you should definitely check out this manga as well.
In the times when feminism is yet to conquer Japan, Makino Tsukushi (the heroine) retaliates against the F4's bullying. Yes, I'm aware that she doesn't have the fighting skills of Wonder Woman but what makes her strong is the strength of her spirit. She's spunky, independent, hard-working, refuses to be a subject of social humiliation and stands up for what she believes is right - traits ... Mar 22, 2009
At 37 volumes, Hana Yori Dango first seemed like a daunting read for a strictly-shoujo-reader such as myself. However, I won’t hesitate to say that the length of the series plays to its strength. I don’t think that the manga would have had such an emotional resonance if it had been a short series.
Starting out, HYD is very much like your typical shoujo. It features this seemingly meek heroine who, in fact, is much tougher than her exterior suggests. I would daresay that it’s Makino Tsukushi that really keeps the manga afloat for some of the early volumes. At times it felt like much of a ... Aug 14, 2011
What can I say? I absolutely adore this manga. I love it so much that I decided to write my first review for it.
I should start by saying that in order to read Hana Yori Dango, I feel like I had to overcome a few crucial things. First: the art: I'm a stickler for pretty drawn manga (I'm shallow, hah), so when I first saw HYD, i was skeptical. It was a bit dated, with the characters all looking kind of...heavy? But the story was so funny and so engaging, that I kept going. Second: the shoujo "cliches". Yeah, they are to be expected of ... Feb 16, 2022
I hate this manga. I hate it so much. I read the first half of it Christmas 2020 and had to take a 6-month break from it to free myself from the endless suffering it caused me. But just like Tsukushi, I love toxic boys so I had to finish it. I love them. All of them. ur all terrible people. objectively bad. "oh they're teenagers tho" yeah ok but when I was in high school I wasn't plotting a fake rape prank on a girl who slightly scorned me. I don't even know if I am remembering that part right. all I remember is
Apr 24, 2017
This is my first review and not intended to be a review but a way to express my burning hatred for this series:
NOTHING happens in this godforsaken manga. All we get to see is the genuinely wonderful and likeable people that Makino COULD'VE ended up with but of course, she had to be with the arrogant, selfish, egocentric brat that had NO reedeeming qualities which the other characters try to explain why the way he is with wishy washy garbage. I just LOOOVEE boys who causes everyone in school to bully and humiliate me in public. nearly rape me and walk away when I'm being ... Mar 28, 2018
Ugh I am so disgusted beyond belief. I could not believe a manga of this popularity and seemingly the "classics" of manga, anime, and dramas was such a flop. This was probably the rise for the cliche tropes we see in the other shoujo mangas today. In the first few chapters you think the MC will be a strong, stubborn woman who doesn't take shit from no one. THE ONLY THING SHE IS IS STUBBORNLY STUPID (as well as everyone around her). Not only does she pine after this guy who walks all over her, she forgives others for almost FUCKING RAPING HER. This manga
Aug 12, 2008
Well, what can i say i didn't first read the manga i watched the anime then the live-action show then i thought you know what i'm going to read the manga. It is like the anime but more detailed stuff.
At first i wasn't really going to read it since i had watched the anime but now i'm glad that i read the manga also. What i liked about this manga was that the story line was different from your typical boy meets girl and they fall in love.In this manga you will find many different things love triangles, fights,some things make you sad, other ... Jun 26, 2009
When I first was recommended this manga, I thought to myself "Wow...why would anyone want to read this story? For one thing, it's too long. And for another thing, one of the guys in it has the weirdest-looking hair I've ever seen in a shoujo manga." However, I would soon find out that I would have to eat my words.
Hana Yori Dango is by far the best manga I have EVER read, and believe me, I read tons of shoujo manga. The storyline is typical, but the characters are so unique. Here's a girl, Tsukushi, who isn't afraid to say what she feels. She isn't ... Mar 30, 2009
I entered this manga having little to no experience in involvement in a long-term series. Before finishing Hana Yori Dango, the longest series I had ever finished was Hana-Kimi with twenty three volumes. Hana Yori Dango, or Boys Over Flowers as it is known in the U.S., is a shojo manga by Yoko Kamio, who mostly had small works published in the weekly shojo magazine Margaret prior to HYD. The thirty-six volumes of HYD show Kamio's eleven year progression with the series, beginning with the transformation in artwork early on to the development of her characters, which began unfocused and one-dimensional to relatable and understandable.
Apr 9, 2011
Don't underestimate old manga!
I myself avoided it, because it seemed so old fashioned and out-of-date. First several chapters, if you are not accustomed to the old style, you'll feel almost disgusted. Save your dissatisfaction for the later to be completely swept away. I don't remember the point when I got hooked on this manga. Tell you one thing. After reading it I reread it two months later. Even with more pleasure. One of the strongest points of this series is a very composed and consistent development of characters. Story----> 10: May seem quite ordinary due to the pattern setting, of a girl falling for her savior. However this manga ... Aug 14, 2013
I tend to stay away from long mangas, just because of the time consumption. After realizing that I had limited options left within my comfort range, I decided to pick up HYD. To my surprise, it was a quick read, but not in the sense that it was lacking plot. The character development was fantastic in all the characters, which is something you don't always see in a shoujo manga. I was thoroughly impressed with the constant pace and overall plot. Basically, I would recommend this manga to anyone, because it fits most manga cravings. I plan to watch the drama next!
May 18, 2010
Hana Yori Dango is probably the most perfect shojo manga and anime series ever created haha! I read the manga series first and was immediately addicted to the crazy drama and romance. It is by far the manga that is closest to my heart and I think if anyone is a shojo-lover (like me
Feb 28, 2010
I'm so happy to finally write a review on this one!
I started it last week and finished it at the end of it(this Friday).All I have and want to say is that it's a magnificent manga.If you haven't read it then you should.Sure it might like a bit old but don't let it fool you.I too was fooled.I would have read it earlier but the cover just wouldn't inspire me enough to do so.I had come across this title many times but always thought it was not worth it,until a decided to try it a few days ago.After all I didn't have anything to lose,right? It ... Jan 10, 2020
Hana Yori Dango, or Hanadan, as I call it, may seem like a stereotypical shoujo manga, UNTIL you realise it set half the stereotypes followed by shoujo manga today. It is internationally famous and has spawned countless dramas in different parts of Asia and also has an anime adaptation. This, right here is what started it all.
Story- 10 This manga follows the story of Makino Tsukushi, a middle class girl going to a school for rich people. All she wants to do is fit in and graduate, but then enter the F4, the group of popular and rich boys in the school. They are well ... Feb 15, 2016
Hana yori Dango is a cautionary tale of what happens when a manga is allowed to live for too long. After finishing it, I'm just left feeling depressed. Not because the story was especially moving, but because it had a lot of potential that was ultimately wasted. I got the feeling that Kamio had a fairly good vision of what the manga should be in the beginning, but over the years that intent got lost.
First of all, the manga was being serialized for over a decade, yet the story itself took place over the course of about a year. I think ... Aug 15, 2009
At the beginning of the manga, u think the art looks lame, but later on it gets better 100%! The story line is great. This is hilarious. The characters are great. Definitely a must read for shoujo/romance manga-lovers. This is my favorite. At times u may get annoyed by mixed feelings like yelling "OH SHUT UP! Just go with it!" but we all have those moments while reading manga. This is just fantastic/cute/funny/lovely.
Feb 8, 2013
Hana Yori Dango. What an amazing manga to read. This manga seriously is outstanding, and words aren't enough to describe the true beauty of the entire story. So, basically the story is about a poor girl named Makino Tsukishi (however you spell her name) and she happens to enroll into this really prestigious school. Along the way, she meets the F4 (Tsukasa, Rui, Sojiro, & Akira), a group adored by almost all the girls at the school. Incidents start to happen between Makino & the snobby rich kids; but the culmination of the story is when Tsukasa "the all mighty leader," aka