Abe, Shinichi

Given name: 慎一
Family name: 安部
Birthday: Apr 7, 1950
Member Favorites: 2
Birth Place: Tagawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture

Beginning with his first publication in Garo in 1970, his work - typically stories of scraggly bearded young men struggling with love and art - did much to popularize the image of the manga author as a romantic artist. Garo as sole institutional ally of that inspired but melancholic type, and the bohemian neighborhood of Asagaya in western Tokyo as his home-sweet-home. His inky panels, composed of rough and broad brush strokes, are the epitome of an expressionistic language that had become a norm of alternative manga in the early 1970's. Numerous manga publications hence, Abe is now serializing a novel in AX about daily life as an old boho in Tokyo.

His most famous work, That Miyoko Asagaya Feeling (1971) was made into a movie in 2009.

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Manga, 1971
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