- Last OnlineOct 25, 2010 12:29 PM
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Apr 25, 2010
This nearly made me cry. Kuso Miso Technique is the yaoi manga that spawned the "yaranaika" Internet meme(google it for a laugh). It was probably the most hilarious and DISGUSTING thing I have ever read, seen, smelt, felt, tasted, whatever.
Essentially we have a gay schoolboy as our protagonist. Gay schoolboy needs to empty his bladder, and is walking to the restroom. As he is walking he spots an attractive man on the bench, wearing a jumpsuit. The man unzips the jumpsuit, shows our protagonist his genitals and asks "yaranaika", meaning, do you want to do it? They walk into the bathroom and have sex.
it I was nearly dying of laughter and gagging at the awful dialogue and disgusting sex acts they did. This may come as a SPOILER, but Kuso Miso means "Shit Soup". Our gay protagonist may be swept up in lust for a random stranger, but he still needs to empty his bladder. Where? Jumpsuit guy's ass. So appealing. Oh and also, he needs to take a shit. Guess what happens? It's horrifying but at the same time amusing!
Abe's (the man with the jumpsuit's) facial expressions are iconic. He probably has the most famous expression of ecstacy. For anybody who googled "yaranaika" you know what I mean. The art is horrible. We have shots of naked men, naked men colliding, etc. but the backgrounds are awful and not detailed at all, and the main characters have no effort put into them.
It's gay man and older gay man colliding in a bathroom, with shit and piss. Yum.
Probably the most amusing manga I've read since Michael Jackson's Bad from Shin National Kid. It's disgusting, horrifying, awful, and I pity whoever reads it, but I can't deny it's hilarious and I will always use this as an inside joke within my circle of friends. (And yes, I did make my friends read this. They loved it.)
I don't think this manga was even TRYING to be good, let alone succeeding at it. For spawning awful facial expressions and a hilarious Internet meme I give Kuso Miso Technique a glorious shit-covered 10/10.
For the lulz
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 17, 2010
I really have a lot of bad things to say about this show but I'll warn you if it gets too spoiler-laden. Here starts the review.
STORY- 2 (Dreadful)
Lovely Complex is about two high school kids, Risa and Otani. They are a comedy duo because whever they're together they fight, argue, make fun of each other, and cause a scene, which makes bystanders laugh. Risa is taller than most guys and that's a problem for her because she's desperately searching for a boyfriend. Otani is sort of a dumb jock/trouble maker. He's shorter than almost all the girls and he's also self-conscious about it.
So two people with height complexes.
Well the first 5 or so episodes of this are just filler-type comedy episodes which is pretty nice. Then Risa starts to like Otani for who knows what reason. He picks on her, argues with her, but the creators expect us to believe they're a match made in heaven because they both like this one rap group, Umibouzu.
For the next handful of episodes Risa tries to confess her love to Otani but Otani is just SO DENSE he thinks it's a joke when she confesses to him. This is where the show takes a nose-dive in quality. Lovely Complex starts going in circles. Something along the lines of this: Risa confesses, Otani rejects her, Risa cries, Risa beats him up. Risa stops crying and says she gives up on Otani, but then Otani does something Risa finds sweet, so Risa cries, and beats him up. She says she's going to keep loving Otani. Does it sound stupid? Yes it does! It's very long-winded, it goes in circles, Risa must've cried 30 times in this show. The show also shifts from comedy to drama around this point. You may or may not like this, depending on your preference, but you sure as hell don't want to see Risa cry again. Episodes 1-5 were okay, but around episode 6 it was a steady decline to the awful, unbearable, disgusting episodes 8-12. The show became a chore to watch because everytime I finished an episode I was so frustrated, and multiple times I logged into MAL and almost clicked "Dropped". I couldn't bring myself to do it. I would have rather never laid eyes on Lovely Complex then drop it at 12 episodes. I will explain why later in this review.
Episodes 13 on were watchable to my relief. Not as good as the first five but no where near as awful as 8-12. There is still the cycle of crying, beatings, motivations and what not, but their romance progresses slightly and new characters are added to the mix (which I will talk about later). I'm not going to dwell on the story any longer since I will spoil it for you.
So you may be asking, looks like you hated the plot...why not give it a 1? 1 is what Lovely Complex would be if it weren't for some great moments later in the series that just made me go "Awwwwwwwwww :3". They weren't anything worthy of bringing my score up past 5 but they were cute sweet shojo moments, and I was happy Lovely Complex included them. But the story is still a horribly low 2, and that's fair. The last episode, though I won't spoil it for you, is horribly contrived and way too unrealistic and convenient for the main characters.
All in all, Lovely Complex's story is a frustrating, long-winded, tedious, and boring one with not enough good humour for a romantic comedy. All of it is slapstick which isn't even funny. Risa kicks Otani probably as much as she cries her eyes out. It's a crappy story.
CHARACTER- 1 (Pathetic!)
Characters are unlikable and underdeveloped. The main characters...okay let's discuss them. Risa, awful as stated before. No redeeming qualities, just an all around annoying person. Otani, he's probably the best in the whole show, and that's actually sad. He's underdeveloped, stereotypical and dense. Side characters...well the main one here in Nobu-chan who is Risa's best friend and side kick. She's alright, nothing really irked me about her. She had no personality, she just loved her boyfriend and provided motivation and chances for Risa to meet alone with Otani. She wasn't awful but nothing was good about her. I'm not even going to talk about her boyfriend he's so underdeveloped and useless to the story.
Also on the topic of side characters, Chiharu was friends with Risa in the beginning but never mentioned past the first episode. She's just a shy girl.
The biggest problem, bigger than the character's being flat, is that they weren't put to good use. These names may mean nothing to people who haven't seen the show, but to those of you who have, Maity-sensei, Haruka, that blonde transvestite, Mimi, the red and black haired kid, and Otani's ex-girlfriend recieved no character developement and were brought into the series only to be forgotten. Ok, Mimi, red head kid, and Otani's ex weren't that important to the story, but all the other side characters were! Haruka most particularly, had brought a bunch of drama in the series and created tension between Risa and Otani in the beginning, only to be forgotten and useless to the plot, and never developed. He could've had a story arc about him but the creators didn't choose to go that route which was dissapointing. In the end, no side characters got any actual closure.
Character in this show is pathetic, Risa is the worst mainly because she cries too much.
Sound- 5 (Meh.)
The "sad moment" music just made the scenes too melodramatic. The "happy, funny moment" music did it's job and fit in well with the scenes. The "good moment" music (ie, when something romantic happens between Risa and Otani) is probably the best. It makes the seens just that much sweeter and it puts a smile on my face. The OPs and EDs were forgettable and just not special. That's all I reall have to say.
Art- 8 (Nothing to complain about here)
The art I actually quite liked. The character designs were nice, the colour palette was bright and colourful, sometimes Risa's fish-face bothered me but overall I liked the art in Lovely Complex. It was nice to look at, I would probably call it unique but from what pictures I've seen from Kimi ni Todoke and Bokura ga Ita, the art is all the same. But still, it's good.
Enjoyment- 2
Had some sweet moments but in the end this frustrating tedious mess of a romantic "comedy" made me want to bang my head against the wall and had little to no redeeming values. A MAJOR dissapointment.
Overall- 3
Lovely Complex was a terrible, horrible, nauseating show that I wouldn't recommend to anyone. Unless you have a strong fetish for slapstick humour, you won't be able to sit through half of this.
But seriously, it's a bad show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 15, 2010
*You can read what it's about in the synopsis*
Exciting all the way, original, unique, you might be bored the first 15-20 minutes or so but when the "crash" happens this movie goes full-force into the action, drama, sci-fi, and environmental philosophy. It's really good. Miyazaki is a known environmentalist, this was his first movie, and his first smash hit. He does talk about the environment but he doesn't shove it down your throat. It's just a really good sci-fi adventure that doesn't get the appreciation it deserves these days.
Let's face it. Nausicaa is from the 80's. It is not going to hold a candle to
newer anime like Princess Mononoke, Gurren Lagann, and Death Note. The character designs are a little on the simplistic side (and Nausicaa isn't a size 0 like so many other modern anime heroines) but the attention to detail in the scenery, backgrounds, the jets, and the insects (oh! THE INSECTS!!) is just fabulous. The settings and the machinery all look great but the INSECTS! are amazing. Giant insects of all shape and form. Very nice.
The music. Wow. Okay. Just wow. You have to hear it to believe it. There is some wierd techno and world beat stuff in the first quarter of the movie, and it makes some of the earlier scenes sound like a video game. That was kind of annoying but it did fit well with what was happening on screen. For the rest of the film you get to hear really really nice orchestral pieces and creepy eerie background music and it's all just so enhancing! But the real stand-out is this one "song" in the movie. I will not tell you anymore, because this "song" plays quite an important role in the storyline and in Nausicaa's life. But it's a pretty, somewhat haunting, child-tune...definetely memorable.
Oh and the voice-acting. It's great. If you watch the 2009 re-release of it (which is the full uncensored and uncut movie with better voice acting) you will like it. Shia Labeouf, Uma Thurman, Alison Lohman...they all do a really good job. And Mark Hamill plays a small role in the film. You might no him as the Joker from Batman.
You won't be doing facepalms. Because the characters behave rationally and realistically. No one's shallow. Nausicaa...is amazing. She's a true heroine. She's actually my favourite female anime character but that's besides the point. She's a great person to look up to. Why? I can't say, it would spoil the movie. Lord Yupa is pretty kick-ass though. The villain is pretty awesome. She has a good motive behind what she is doing. She's a worthy antagonist to someone as cool as Nausicaa.
I like to watch Nausicaa as much as I can. It's a very enjoyable movie. You go on an adventure everytime you watch it. I think this is Miyazaki's best film.
The ending I have mixed feelings about. Don't get me wrong, it was a satisfying end but I was a little bit confused by it and I didn't think it was like an awesome amazing ending. The ending doesn't compare to Miyazaki's other movies like Spirited Away and Porco Rosso. But I noticed that anime-movies and series-seem to be bad at tying up their stories. I don't remember the last time I watched an anime with a good ending. But I don't think I would have changed Nausicaa's ending.
Watch this movie. It's very good and it's a classic. I am extremely looking forward to reading the manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 15, 2010
Mamotte! Lollipop is a typical shojo manga with magic in it. It's pretty cute. You would really only like it if you want a sweet love story aimed at young girls, or if you want fluffy artwork.
It was a quirky premise, girl swallows a pearl by accident, turns out that was the object of a magical final exam, now she has two cute bodyguards, but as it progressed it turned pretty cliche. Love triangle. Villains chasing her. Well there was some clever writing and funny gags and you could really feel Nina's anxiety over having to chose between Zero or Ichi, but some chapters were
absolutely pointless and the author threw in a lot of out-of-place cliches. In this manga you will find: a bathhouse chapter, an Alice in Wonderland chapter, a Snow White chapter, a love potion chapter, a game show chapter, a beach chapter, a gender-bending chapter...you get the idea.
It was pretty cliche but the main storyline was alright and this would be good to show little girls(not really, there's some mild nudity), or someone who is just getting into shojo manga. I especially enjoyed the side-stories added into the volumes, series-related or not. This is the only way you get a back-story on the characters. Kind of sad really.
Really bad at first. Too dark, very little shading, butt-ugly faces, and I couldn't tell what was happening in the action scenes. This was the mangaka's first manga so.....
But even though it started out poorly the mangaka really practiced and in volume 5-ish it was really beautiful! Still too much frilly effects and screens, but it was very nice to look at and sometimes I will flip through the manga because I love the art so much!
Not much character developement for a 7 volume series. I don't have much to say here but you do learn little bits about the characters pasts. There are a LOT of characters introduced but the series' main characters, Ichi and Zero, are the most interesting. If you don't like them there are secondary characters that are pretty fleshed out. It's kind of nice because you WILL have a favourite by the time the series is through. Nina is a lackluster heroine who only gets kidnapped.
It was enjoyable. I did like reading it and I mentioned I like to flip through once in a while to see the art. I ordered the volumes becuase I couldn't find them in the store-that's how much I liked it.
Cliche but pleasant plot, a wide cast of diverse characters, art that only gets good in the last few volumes, and an undeniable cuteness make me give Mamotte! Lollipop an 8. You probably won't love it to death but it may be worth a spot in your collection. Especially if you are a little girl.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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