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Aug 21, 2008
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! is a shoujo manga, but it's not a very original one. The story, and the situations, have been used and reused in countless other stories. So, if you're looking for something with a lot of depth, or a lot of action, or just something a little different, this ISN'T the manga for you. However, if you want a cute story to pass the time, or are in love with shoujo, then you will probably enjoy this.
STORY - As I said, this is just another shoujo. Nothing is really special about the story, but, unlike some others, it isn't totally abominable. It's cute,
generic, not very fast-paced, but quite enjoyable.
ART- Usually, when i start off with a manga, the art is... not so great. The mangaka's skills get better and better as time goes by. But, with Kaichou, even though it seems to be the mangaka's first work, the art is quite nice. There is quite a bit of chibiness and face-faulting in this manga, and I think it was portrayed quite nicely with just enough humour. The cases when the characters are being serious are quite nice as well. One thing I especially like about the art is how the male lead is portrayed. His chibis make me giggle (they're just too cute and appriate), but it's his serious face that I like most. When he smiles, his eyebrows are raised, making it seem like a mocking smile, which fits his personality. Then, on the rare occasion or two when he smiles without raised eyebrows, he seems all the more sincere and easy to fall for. I don't know if this was done on purpose or not, but it's just something I picked up on. The reason I give the art a nine and not a ten is because it's not always consistent. The art focuses mostly on people, not scenery or anything like that, and I sometimes notice a weird-looking eye or hand. But it's such a small thing, not worth taking out more than one point.
CHARACTER - This, I feel, is what the manga offers that makes it special. There are two main characters, a girl and a guy. The male lead is very likeable, very funny, and very nice, but he IS a touch shoujo-ish. He just seems too perfect for real life, as likeable as he is. So, even though he's a good character, he kind of generic, and not very special. I DO like his 'wtf' attitude, and I'm sure you will too, so he's a def. win! The FEMALE lead on the other hand is... wow. Okay, so you know how anime/manga girls are almost ALWAYS annoying? Like, how they just let themselves be protected by their guys, get all flustered around the ones they like, how their "assertiveness" is more "bitchiness" than assertiveness, how they want a boyfriend oh-so-badly, etc, etc? This heroine is SO not like that. She is assertive, to be sure, and sometimes puts a toe on the line of bitchiness, but she does try to imrpove her character, which I think is quite nice. But the thing that gets me about her is how NOT annoying she is. In fact, she makes me laugh quite a lot with her thoughts about the male lead, and that gives her bonus points. She's strong, and she protects herself, but she's also not bitchy. She's really great! And I hate most female characters, but the way... she's like, the second out of all the anime and manga I've seen/read that I actually like.
So, the two main characters really stand out here, and I like them a lot. The one thing that I'd like to see ore of is better backup characters. The other girls in the manga seem to be typically annoyingly sweet, and the other boys seem to be typically annoyingly weird/disgusting/b*stardish. But, it's okay, since the mangaks doesn't give them too much of a spotlight.
ENJOYMENT - As I already said, this is just another shoujo. Although it has certain redeeming features, like its art and characters, it is stil just another shoujo. If you like these sort of cute reads, like me, then you will definitely enjoy it. If you're looking for something more fast-paced, I would advise you to look elsewehere. I, personally, enjoyed it very much. It had moments that made me laugh out loud, smile knowingly, squeal, and pity the characters. That's what we're all looking for, right?
OVERALL - A cute manga. Story is merely ordinary which lowers its overall mark, but the art and characters really stand out, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. So, it gets an 8 - very good. :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 19, 2008
The only reason the Ouran anime is worth a watch is because it sets the stage for the manga. Yes, this series has to be the best I've EVER seen. The whole thing has a perfect layout, which gives us our fair share of both drama and comedy relief. It's fantastic.
The story is a 9. Because there are so many main characters, all introduced at around the same time, the beginning takes a bit of time to get into. It is full of filler chapters that set the stage for what's to come. You see, in these introductory chapters, you learn a little bit about
every single character - what they say, how the act, their relationships with one another... It is perfectly laid out with a great balance of the 7 main characters. The story starts to pick up the pace at around chapter 40 - At this point, you know everyone well, do not get confused with the names, and maybe even have your favorites. Complicated stories begin to spread out before the host club, and while some try to solve their problems, others are devoted to ignoring them. Each character is different from the last, meaning that they all need each other's help. The story will most definitely make you cry around these chapters... After the twins fight, the trip to France, the Ski Trip, when Haruhi gets sick, when foreign exchange students walze in... It gets to be an emotional roller coaster, perfect for any story. Do not let the shoujo category alarm you. This isn't your regular romantic comedy. It is much, MUCH more than the usual girl meets boy, girl loves boy, boy has dark past, girl fixes everything, the end. You will be kicking yourself if you miss out on this.
The art is outstanding. While some pictures are so cute you find yourself giggling, others are so touching you find yourself tearing. Also, this manga has one thing that MANY lack: Clarity. You can ALWAYS tell who's talking, and you're never left with "...What?" being the only thought in your head. The usage of space in here is outstanding, and I have never found myself less confused after reading an manga.
Ouran has seven main characters - ALL with incredible development. They are wonderfully huggable from the very beginning, and no matter what kind of character you prefer, you'll find him/her in here. Do you like the strong silent type? You've got Mori. The cute, childlike type? Hunny. The dangerous type? Kyouya. The excessivly silly/stupid character? Tamaki. The pranksters that make a joke out of everything? Hikaru and Kaoru. Maybe you're into the characters with dark pasts? All seven cover this. The ones with bad attitudes? The twins, again. Delightfully dense characters? All of them, except for Hunny and Mori. See what i mean? And if you're missing something in there, you've always got the supporting cast to back you up. The families of the host club, the obsessive Renge, the slightly mean Mei, the Lobelia group, Casanova, the class rep... there's someone for everyone! Also, Haruhi, the heroine, has a really REALLY different attitude compared to the girls in other shoujo mangas. She doesn't have a "change the world" attitude, or "I wish I had a boyfriend" attitude, or "little miss sunshine" attitude... she has the more original "what the f*ck" attitude. She doesn't CARE. Which makes her adorable. Now, all characters have their own personalities, but the amazing part is, they all develop. Not for the worse, either. They keep their original charm while still becoming better people. They're wonderful.
Certain chapters will have you laughing out loud, others will have you crying your eyes out. All of them will have you begging for more, because there is no manga like THIS manga. The comedy, the romance, the drama, the development, the twists, the art, the plot, the beauty, he simplicity, the clarity, the EVERYTHING! It will all have you wanting more more goddamn MORE Ouran High School Host Club. This is the ONLY manga I have ever stalked, constantly checking MangaFox for updates, forums for cool topics, LiveJournal for icons, deviantART for fanart, YouTube for mmv's...
You can't go wrong with this manga. Read it, read it, read it. It will have you contemplating issues that you will need in your life.Stuff like...
How much are you willing to give to a brother? To a friend? To a lover?
What sacrifices are worth making?
and of course...
Can anything really last forever?
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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