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Jul 10, 2022
I've watched a lot of anime and I've seen my share of animes just like this one. Many tend to be fairly mediocre and deliver, in my honest opinion, pretty superficial enjoyment. Rarely do I rate animes like this any higher than a 5, this one is no different for a few reasons.
First, the story. Basically it's just a run of the mill slice of life high school life anime. That's it. Nothing else really stands out.
Artwork. Pretty bland. There are so many still shots and panning, kind of tells me they didn't have a great budget for this. Pretty much nothing I haven't
seen a million times before.
Sounds/Music..ehh your typical Jpop music. Nothing stands out to me anyways.
Characters. Honestly both the MC and protagonist are fairly weak characters. They really have no qualities that stand out. Izumi is marred by bad luck (some how it's suppose to be endearing or funny? Shrugs shoulder) and Shikimori is suppose to be like a hero to his bad luck, saving him from whatever tries to hurt him. This wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't done so poorly. Rarely if ever do we see Izumi angry, or lose it when it comes to his luck, he just "accepts" it and moves on..and honestly just makes him a boring person. Shikimori can do no wrong. She's a hero, she's like superman just coming in to save Izumi..while that might work in super hero movies, in this type of anime it's fairly predictable and well, boring. The only episode I really enjoyed was the one with Kamiya who has an air of mystery. What is her feelings, etc towards the main characters, etc. It was a pretty decent episode and kept me interested unlike most of the others. Kind of wish they did more with her, but they didn't do much more than a couple of episodes.
Overall it would've been a poor anime to watch, but Kamiya saved it a bit..other than that. Pretty forgettable. By this time next year I will probably not even remember the name of it because it's that forgettable. I give it a pretty mediocre score of 5 out of 10. Watchable I guess if you're into these types of anime, but for me if I had to do it again, I'd pass. Probably won't get and shouldn't get a 2nd season.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Apr 27, 2022
I thought Ex-Arm was bad, boy oh boy...the animation is a step up from that terrible anime, but wow...I don't know how this was allowed to be created...the story was fine, but it just felt like the typical "monster of the day" anime where they fight a new character or face a new event every day. Honestly by the end it got boring...and the whole story about the main characters family member, etc was so badly played it just had me face palming...it did provide some moments of enjoyment..but that was mostly in the beginning..by the end it became a tired trope. It's bad, very
bad. Don't watch this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jan 5, 2015
Like I usually do, I go to my favorite anime website every season and watch the 1st episode of each anime. If I'm somewhat into it, I usually stick around; and this one caught my attention.
Basically it's your typical good vs evil anime with the good guys primarily focusing on the 3 brothers, while the 1st two older brothers are far more interesting, the third and youngest...well honestly could've done without him. Didn't really do much or affect much of the story except for maybe like 5 or 10 minutes of the story in ALL of the series. Really. Like your typical good vs evil
anime, there are happy times, then tough times and then reunion and then happy time again, gee..didn't see that coming. Honestly it didn't really blow me away or anything. It was a pretty typical setting I've seen a billion times in all the anime I've watched...and trust me I've watched quite a lot. At best it was mediocre. Nothing special.
Honestly, it was pretty average. It's clear they didn't get much to work with or else it might have been better. Seemed very early 2000's low budget standards to me. Lots of stills, little action in the fighting, repeated scenes, etc. The usual in a low budget anime.
Nothing really caught my attention. None of the music did or had me humming (that's when you know you got someone hooked) one of the tunes, nothing. Pretty repetitive as well. The younger brother, Chutaro was annoying as hell. I guess they did an ok job in choosing his VA if that was the intent. The other VA's I have heard of and they did well.
I guess if there's an upside to this anime it's the characters, while Chutaro was annoying, Tenka and Soramaru were probably more enjoyable. Honestly I wished they had developed Soramaru more, but being 12 episodes I guess they couldn't afford it. It felt kind of rushed or forced near the end where Soramaru tries to move on after a tragic event, so therefore I didn't really feel much for his suffering and cause. Honestly, I thought it started off great with the characters, but by the last few episodes, character development went out the window and in came the terrible typical story. I was kind of disappointed in that. They had great characters to work with.
Honestly, I wanted to enjoy it, but there is just so much lacking that I found myself just kind of yawning at times. It was exciting at times, but at times it was boring. It felt like your typical filler anime and probably was. A pretty mediocre anime with ok characters, easily forgettable in my opinion. I give it a low 6/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 6, 2013
I really do not know what to say about this one. It never really blew my mind or made me want to dump it after a few episodes. For the most part, it was a pretty decent anime, but nothing great or crappy, it's just kind of in the middle.
Story wise it's pretty simple. There is really no twists or turns, etc, it's kind of your typical bad guy shows up, new hero is born and they try to stop them. In this case the new hero is Hajime, who is somewhat unique in some sense. She rarely tries to resort to violence, instead she
like to talk it out or try to figure out why the villain, thing, etc is doing what it's doing. For most of the anime the group of "Gatchaman" try to stop the villain, Berg Katze, from causing mayhem. It's not really a terrible story line. Yes it is used often, but they somehow managed to make it enjoyable and watchable, even though it's not some kind of super great story we've never ever seen before. One thing I didn't like was the ending, It was just a big WTF moment and left me and probably lots of other people with a lot questions. I felt it left a lot of loose ends opened that probably should have been closed. Just felt rushed imho.5.
Art work was enjoyable. Reminded me some of Mawaru Penguindrum with it's bright and happy colors. It really helps create that relaxed mood that the show seems to perpetrate. The transformed Gatchaman are CGI I believe, but they look pretty darn cool if I say so myself. I give it a solid 7.
I love that ending theme. One of my favorite songs this past season next to the Rozen Maiden ED by Annabel. Music for the most part is moody. It's usually some kind of techno pop stuff. 7.
Characters were pretty enjoyable. The interactions of Hajime with Berg Katze are somewhat funny. Berg isn't really a pleasant guy and hates everyone. In fact several times he mentions he is disgusted by Hajime and wishes for her to die, but Hajime just completely ignores him. Some times I feel ike Berg Katze is just one moody fool who likes f*** people's s*** up for no particular reason..or maybe he enjoys destruction...either way the characters were pretty good especially these two. There were more characters, but they aren't that important other than Rui who is the one who runs Galax. She wink wink is pretty smart and wishes to use Galax as a system for people to help each other out, but Berg...like always ends up screwing that up...anyways if you watch it you'll understand. For the most part, I enjoyed the characters.
Overall I enjoyed it, but I wasn't really blown away by it, neither did I think it was terrible. I felt like somethings could've been better, but hey I'll give it a fair score. It was decent enough for me to watch 6.5 imho is what it deserves.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 5, 2013
When I first saw this I really didn't think much of the artwork and I bet that probably turned a lot of people off, TRUST ME, don't walk away from it. It will grow on you, like it did for me. In the end the art work really complements the story telling and mood of the anime. It kind of provides a sort of surrealism to the whole think. It seems real, but really isn't, kind of feel.
Kasuga, the main character, lives in a pretty boring town. He wakes up goes to school, reads books, etc and dreams about his "muse" Saeki. That's all
he does, but Nakamura, the deviant, has other plans for him. Kasuga like I said is a pretty boring guy, until he does something that draws the attention of Nakamura. Nakamura is pretty much a deviant. She hates the town she lives in, hates her life and is bored out of it. So she needs some amusement and "freedom", so she tries to turn Kasuga into something that he isn't so sure about. Saeki plays the love interest of Kasuga. She's smart, pretty and very well liked by everyone. By the end of the anime, that boring feeling in the beginning turns into something else; it pretty much turns into despair and darkness.
The way this anime is directed is incredible. They provide us with such a dark mood at times, you even get depressed watching the characters do their things. It definitely is not an anime for kids. A lot of adult and dark themes are explored. From sex, perversion, etc. The characters while not many are enough to garner your attention. Before you know it the episode is over and it didn't even seem like the 20+ minutes passed by. Heck even the ending music is creepy, but delivers a message of what the anime is pretty much about. "The Flowers of Evil." Definitely recommend it. Ignore your first intuition to dump it because of the artwork. You won't be disappointed. Trust me! 9/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 5, 2013
Wasn't sure what to expect with this anime when I started watching it, but glad I finished it. It was certainly one of the better animes of last season and I looked forward to watching it every week.
Are you a loner? If you are you can probably relate to the main character Hachiman as people like to call him. He's pretty much given up on people, thinks they are just leeches for attention and view their relationships as superficial and pointless. That's usually how he approaches everything and people hate him for it, but deep down inside he's a pretty nice guy...in his own way.
In comes Yukino and Yui who turns his and their worlds around.
I rather not spoil it but to put it simply the characters are great. They resemble a lot of the childhood and young adult relationships many of us may have experienced or are experiencing. How many of us can say (those that are older) we keep in touch with high school "friends" or people? Probably not many. Did you ever wonder why? This anime sort of gives you an idea. This anime pretty much explores those relationships through the Volunteer Service club. They (Hachiman Yukino and Yui) come across all sorts of issues, from a bullied child to a superficial relationships between so called friends. They pretty much help solve peoples problems. Sometimes they require unorthodox methods which Hachiman of course takes care of. His rather negative attitude does provide us with some laughs, but as well just plain tells the truth of relationships that people have in their young lives. The anime pretty much explores this all throughout the entire season and I must say it never really disappointed. Of course much more information is given about the main characters to make them more relate-able and likable.
In the end this anime doesn't disappoint. It has drama and provides some laughs while giving us great thoughtful messages. There aren't any robots, etc whatever, but if you're looking for something more than just action, this will certainly do. I definitely recommend you watch this one. 8/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 5, 2013
While the concept in this anime is pretty cool, the characters and story line fall short. It's kind of mix of digimon mixed with yuigoh except people summon with their phone instead of cards, etc. Seems less childish and corny that way I guess. While the summoned demons are pretty cool, the characters are ehh.
The main character is such a goody too shoes I just can't ever relate to him. He's just TOO good to be true in my honest opinion that it makes him seem unrealistic, childish and foolish. They did show us a bit of his past as it being a rough
childhood, but it just wasn't enough to really give us any relation. The rest of the characters are just your typical run of the muck characters you find in a ton of anime. I really didn't get the relationship with the main character and the main antagonist at all. The Main (Hibiki) referred to the antagonist (Haruto) as his friend when I never really saw any sort of relationship whatsoever in the anime between these guys other than "Hey you Hibiki do my bidding or else..." and like a moron Hibiki complies. It seemed more like a bully pushing around people instead of trying to understand each other. So the way they ended it was just plain dumb.
Story wise it just seems to just pop out of nowhere without explain certain characters, monsters, etc. It just seems to have left so much unclear. Just a small minor explanation with no certain motives on why the Septenriones and their master wants to destroy humankind other than the typical "humans are destructive" moniker.
In all I thought this could've been much better. Music and artwork was pretty good, but just like Guilty Crown it completely falls flat in the characters and story departments. In the end it just ends up a mediocre anime at best. 5/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 25, 2013
If I had to recommend an anime from this year or the last, I'd recommend this one. Shin Sekai Yori or "From the New World" is truly a great piece of work.
A lot of effort was put into the story and it showed on the anime. It flowed almost flawless, that you didn't even realize that you just watched 20+ minutes of it. The subtle clues, the main characters progression from young to older, everything was done so well. As for the premise of the story? It's very simple. The value of human life. If you've seen the entire anime you'll know what I mean
because you watched that last episode and if you haven't seen it, just keep watching. I promise it will get you hooked. The art work might turn you off, but like they say "don't judge a book from it's cover"; the art work is the least important item in this anime and guess what? It makes no difference in the high quality of this show.
Like I said, it isn't great, neither is it terrible. It's pretty average, but it just doesn't seem to matter when you have a great story line and characters. In the end isn't that what's more important? Still I enjoyed the ending sequence from the 1st part of the season. Loved the whole fire works show.
I really enjoyed the 1st ending song. It just seemed to fit in with this anime. As for the other stuff such as voice acting and the such, just superb. I don't think they could have come up with a better seiyu than the one they came up for Saki. Her voice convey's the feelings just right and you can really feel the emotion.
For the most part they were great. Saki is a great main character with depth and looks. Yakomaru was a great character who represents a difficult situation in the story line. For the most part the main characters of this show really delivered. They are not boring or dull. They all have their issues, problems, etc and they are not generic at all.
I enjoyed this anime a lot. It has such great depth and character that it doesn't need fancy artwork or a bunch of jpop to make it great. It stands solely on the story and characters who are by far some of the best I've seen in all my years of watching anime. You know those tv shows, movies, etc that really make you think? Well this is that kind of anime. I give a 10 because it is just a great piece of work. A masterpiece imho. Definitely recommend.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 7, 2012
I heard some things about this anime so I decided to give it a shot. Here's my review:
Basically it's a boy meets girl love story of sorts mixed in with some sci-fi drama and comedy. There's really nothing wrong with that format, but it gets overused and many of times, it's always the same. In this anime it's no exception. The love story part would have been nice if they actually made better characters, but the characters just plain suck. Hikari is your prototypical goodie two shoes with a "dark" side (yeah didn't see that one coming..rolls eyes) and Takaru the male lead is just
a moron who just does whatever he feels. I mean this girl literally falls out of the sky and a freaking monster attackers her and they Takaru and his friends don't even seem the slightest bit scared or consider this to be a strange situation? I mean seriously? It's just hard to believe that the characters just go along with everything; makes me feel like I'm getting trolled. Anyways, just a bad story and bad characters overall 3/10. BTW did I mention it goes by really fast. I mean the girl is literally in his house the next day like nothing ever happened. Yeah right.
Not particularly great. It's very simplistic, no high details any where, it's just mediocre to be honest.
Ehh I watched the English version and it was just plain bad. I mean freaking terrible. Half the time I couldn't understand jack squat they said. Maybe I'll watch the Japanese version, but..it's a pretty below average anime so I think I won't waste my time on it. The music at times was very please. For example when they contemplate things it gives you this very good piano or strings music that fits the mood just right. Can't really say the music was bad, it was pretty decent.
Overall I was like "ehh" watching this show. I never really laughed, never felt anything for the characters, it was just ehh..By the end I was like wow that's it?..terrible. I pretty below average anime and that's not good. Ugly definitely, beautiful...hell no!
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 17, 2012
I really wanted to like this anime. The first episode I watched gave me hope that this would be a good anime and so I decided to stick around, now I don't know if I should have.
Basically there are 3 main characters. Nova, the katana wielding special forces guy in the Arcana family, he's a pretty serious looking guy from the outside, but he's got his soft spots for certain people. Probably the more mature one of the 3 mains. Next is Liberta who is your typical goofball that always ALWAYS follows his heart and doesn't really think things through. He's impulsive, but hides
a secret apparently. Then you have Felicita who's kind of independent, feels a sense love towards her comrades, but we're not really told if she has some kind of love interest in the other main characters. There's a number of other characters, but they're not explored deep into so they're not really that important.
If I had to choose the most interesting one, it would probably be Nova? Why? You can relate to him to an extent that makes you care for him. Liberta is probably the weakest imho, his reasons just seem rather shallow so you end up (I did) rooting against him. Felicita well..she ends up being the love interest let's just say.
The storyline is somewhat strange to be honest. It tries to focus on this Duello or Duel that would reward the winner with Felicitas hand and of course any wish they want. This sounds great to start. Heck I love duels, who doesn't? Well from there you get to know the main characters better. A few episodes are spent on developing their chemistry, histories, etc, but then there seems to be some fillers in between in my opinion which detracts from the story, though I really like the focus on the characters, still the story line didn't really seem solid. I felt like it was missing something. It felt more like a harem with just better characters, if I could explain the feeling when I watched this anime. The Duello? That? It was plain garbage. I was so disappointed in the battles (they didn't even show all of them and the important ones they just put up crap), I was like man that's it? So disappointing. To top it off through out the episodes you were being let on to believe that Felicita would choose who she liked....well let me just tell you you're gonna be disappointed with the outcome. Hell I was. A LOT of people were.
In the end the anime had some potential. I thought the main characters were good, but that terrible story line and ending just completely bring down this anime. I really wanted to like it, but it just plain disappointed me. It ended up being almost garbage. 3 out of 10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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