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Days: 84.0
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Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited
Fugou Keiji: Balance:Unlimited
Mar 16, 4:18 AM
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Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri
Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri
Mar 16, 4:15 AM
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Guimi Zhi Zhu
Guimi Zhi Zhu
Mar 16, 4:12 AM
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Days: 2.5
Mean Score: 8.30
  • Total Entries19
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen
Sep 2, 2021 4:50 PM
Reading -/272 · Scored -
Oyasumi Punpun
Oyasumi Punpun
Mar 5, 2021 5:38 PM
Reading -/147 · Scored -
Oct 19, 2020 11:10 AM
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NextUniverse Mar 18, 2021 6:18 PM
The anime community will always overhype everything, speaking from experience. I plan to write a better review on Anilist and will upload a review for the manga here on MAL. I don't want to say that I am just intentionally trashing the show but there seems to just be no counterargument wherever you go with Horimiya. Thanks for appreciating the review tho.

I am mostly just on the manga for it, they are more or less the same as the anime, and yes, they are bland and one dimensional because they get very little development. The only good character in my opinion is Miyamaru because his development is the most obvious. No one else really gets my attention, they aren't really interesting to begin with. Well hey, I was told Horimiya is supposed to be realistic, you might be onto something, maybe there is just a very simple audience lol. Slice of life doesn't really go beyond boundaries, Horimiya is the same, the exact same as everything else. Not sure how this was overlooked by most people.

Kimi ni Todoke just needed that. I swear Horimiya (may have) stole from it. Like the gloomy person getting into a friend group pretty fast, or how there are a few relationship hints between secondary characters. Idk tho. I will rewatch it myself, it is truly a blessing and is one of my favourite romance anime. LoveCom is good too, would say the same for My Little Monster as well. I quite liked Maid-sama too, but that was more for comedy reasons.
luciojb Dec 7, 2019 4:08 PM
HAKYUU!!!! Don't panic, don't panic, there's only one month left... Aaaand another season confirmed for 2021 (i think)!

Well, about rewatching shows, just today i rewatched Neon Genesis Evangelion (and the end of it), as i watched it some considerable time ago. But i still had to read lots of Fandom Wiki about Rei to understand what she really was (the rest i could understand watching). Yet, watching with another mentality and some maturity made me think about lots of things i haven't thought before.

Vinland Saga is murder. Vikings. Lots of murder scenes. More vikings. Deep philosophy about being a true warrior. More murder. Kings, history and lots of action. If you watched and liked Shingeki no Kyojin, i'm sure you will like this anime. The fighting scenes are top notch and really well developed.

And the OP and ED of the first season are SUPER COOL!!!!

check the OP:

I get excited just remembering the fights. I hope it was useful, have a good day/night and weekend!!!
TyDrian Dec 7, 2019 12:40 PM
I love your anime list
luciojb Nov 27, 2019 4:04 PM
Yeess, I'm liking to watch Babylon. It's rather philosophic. These days i've watched Serial Experiments Lain, and after that i didn't know who, what and where i was lately. But now everything's back to normal. A good seasonal anime is Hoshiai no Sora, very great tennis anime.

Anime i'm watching that are airing as sequels:
- Chihayafuru 3, the best anime airing this season, by far
- Vinland Saga, second best this season
- Kono Oto Tomare! 2nd season, 3rd best this season, surprisingly good music anime, very recommended
- Shokugeki no souma (a little slow)
- High Score Girl - s2, s1 was so good, but now i'm getting tired of it, but i still have hopes tho

I think it's it. If you want you can ask a more detailed opinion of an anime that is on my list.
Today i plan to finish Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!, very interesting anime, i'm halfway done with it.

And you? tell me the anime you are watching
luciojb Nov 20, 2019 3:44 PM
Haha, my favorite from Haikyuu is Nishinoya. I relate so much to him, always the one who roots for the team and cheers everyone XD. So, nice to meet you, and thanks for accepting my invite!
ChlozoBozo Nov 20, 2019 2:55 PM
I appreciate the feedback! Piano no Mori is a show that didn't capture me at all and the only reason I wrote a review for it was because I was in a call with someone who wanted my opinion on the show, so I rushed that review in particular in a short amount of time. I can safely say, it's not my most proud review. However, I'm fully aware these criticisms don't apply to just the Piano no Mori review, and I do find this feedback helpful going forward. That being said, I do not intend to take down any of the reviews I'm not proud of because that just feels like running away. I want to keep them around to see how much I grow from writing reviews in the future.
luciojb Nov 17, 2019 3:53 PM
I found it so cute you like Kenma as favorite character!
EarlAlois Aug 30, 2019 2:11 PM
It has been a very long time owo! I have been doing alright.
My new passion which is K-pop and K-drama has kept me occupied.
I quit my last job and I am now under unemplyment.
Will be taking classes very soon.

How have you been?
I am sorry for the late reply, I don't use MAL all that much.
Tbh, I am so late on my anime watching. I have a huge backlog.
EarlAlois Aug 9, 2019 12:37 PM
I havent been on forever LUL!
I am alive.
somewhat XD
KannoSugako Aug 4, 2018 12:40 AM
Finally took some time off to address all the super delayed replies I had accumulated. Part of it was MAL’s breakdown, thanks to which it was impossible to access your profile and comment section, another one was exams and later on the fact that I found a job, so yes, I am currently working and now my time management issue has just gotten worst, lol.

I know I know, even thou it can get really tiring and everything, at least when you’re studying you’re kinda just following: following your uni schedule, following classes, studying what you are told to, etc. After uni is when u finally have to start figuring things out on your own, like, for real.

Mine is anthropology, yeah I do remembered you are with psychology, like, you were the first person ever with whom I talk on MAL, and I kinda have a good memory for silly things haha.

So how have you been? You’re currently on vacation or you have classes or smth? I’m kinda following some shows this season like, Banana Fish, Free S3, still BNHA S3, SnK S3, Hataraku Saibo and Hanebado, what about you? :3

I hope you’re doing wonderfully and hang in there, you’re missing nothing in uni so you’ll see a year goes by pretty quickly.

A big warm hug!
electromagneto May 21, 2018 11:42 PM
Sorry for the (very) late reply :(
Now that you mention it, we are indeed around the same age (only days apart actually haha).

Regarding Sasaki, I'm not really sure. It's often hard for me to describe the reason to why I prefer something in general, but I'll give it a try anyway.
I think Sasaki is more balanced and stable compared to Kaneki. To me, he is like a combination of the kind-hearted Black Kaneki and the badass White Kaneki. Also, I find his relationships with his fellow CCG members (especially the Quinx) to be somewhat colorful and fueled with sincere feelings.

Don't worry, it was an interesting question to answer.
By the way, the anime adaptation does its job quite well according to the source material, so I'm sure we are in the same frame already.
Now I wonder what should I ask you as a get-to-know-you question...
FawnAutumn May 19, 2018 6:20 PM
Life is treating me okay, how about you? ^-^
FawnAutumn May 16, 2018 7:44 PM
Thank you for accepting my friend request ^-^ Nice to meet you! (^w^)/
KannoSugako May 16, 2018 5:47 AM
Oh hello there! Such a pleasure hearing from you! How have you been doing? I hope it has been crazy busy with uni and live overall. I am doing great, thanks for asking. Some periods were i wanted to die cause i had lots of stuff to do and no time whatsoever but i managed to get through them, thou as i am writing this i probably should start doing many things i've been postponing but i always fall into this circle of lateness and despair. That's just me, i have some serious time management issues. I guess you could say i like the drill and adrenaline of being late with everything in life? lol.

You? What have you been doing? How's psychology treating you? A big hug!

Hope you have are having wonderful week!
wheatsquares33 May 11, 2018 12:20 PM
Haha that's kind of a lot, but that's alright, thanks for the comment! (bear with me here, I'm not sure how to do line breaks without making a list :p)

  • Yeah V3 is easily my favorite game in the series (and arguably my favorite "anime", like if it had a MAL page it would be #1 above HxH, both because of the quality of the game itself and because I have really fond memories of actually playing through it). Like, the characters, art, and overarching story are easily my favorite of the series. Shuichi and Kokichi are both perfect (and probably my favorite ship in anything), Shuichi is such a sweetheart <3 Kokichi maybe not so much but he's still my favorite character in anything at the moment.

  • Uhh I think my first like "husbando" guy was Manami from Yowamushi Pedal, right when I was getting into anime and hadn't seen very much, then he was replaced by Nagisa after I finished Free a few months later (and he's still pretty near the top). But for like my #1 husbando it has to be Kurapika, he's been #1 for almost two years I guess and I don't think I'd ever have the heart to displace him from that spot (though Kirishima has been a very close second as of late), he's just too good and deserves better ;__;

  • I'm watching all kinds of random shit this season, like I usually watch ~7 shows seasonally on average and I'm like at something obscene like 18 this season for whatever reason. I'm not feeling too incredibly strongly about any of them though. Just in terms of non-sequel stuff though I'm liking Inazuma Eleven Ares no Tenbin, Last Period (the show the guy in my avatar is from), and Hisone to Maso-tan a lot (I give all three ~8 from what I've seen, which are my highest scored shows of the season I think, just off the top of my head, but like I'm more detailed with everything and have scores in my actual list).

  • Best guys of the season are Ryohei Haizaki from Inazuma Eleven, Gajeru from Last Period, and Snow & Tanis from Shiyan Pin Jiating (just in terms of new stuff & not including sequels, because then I'd have to include like every single guy in Boku no Hero & Food Wars)...not sure how much staying power any of them will have in my memory but I mean Gajeru debuted top 20 in the husbando list and I've really really liked Ryohei from the like 10 minutes I've seen of him on screen so maybe he'll grow on me a lot too.

But yeah thanks for stopping by I appreciate it!
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