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Aug 11, 2016
A journey of some young people with hard experiences and pasts seeking to find a place where they could start a fresh new start and lead a better life. when I first read the synopsis of this anime I was expecting a great story full of suspense and thrill, unfortunately I was quite disappointed in the end.
This review might contain some spoilers, or something that could hind to a spoiler, so be alert!
At first it was quite exciting, people arriving at a mysterious place with a bizarre atmosphere and incidences, later on those people starting to lose they temper when they found themselves confronting the
same thing that were trying desperately to run away from. It was indeed quite thrilling for me in the beginning, but a good beginning doesn't necessarily mean a good anime.
In my opinion, the main thing that made a letdown impression on me was the characters of this story, first of all; they were too many of them, about 30 or more, so-without a doubt-it was a struggle to keep up with their names, attitudes, personalities and so on, especially since there's only 12 episodes for this anime, secondly; most of the characters were quite annoying, I know this is a matter of perspective, but I can't help but to have a bad impression on the anime when it's full of annoying characters.
I believe it's fair to say that the main theme of this anime was the psychological part, talking about the psychology of mankind is quite hard since even the greatest scientist have a great deal of problems dealings with this aspect, I'm saying this to be clear that I don't quite understand what a "psychological scar" is, here almost every character has this scar, and they find themselves confronting something like an embodiment of these scars, and for that they give in for fear and horror... even though they realize that what they're seeing isn't actually real. Here I want to point out my point; personally I don't believe that the human psychic can be frail to this extent, but then again, humans' psychic is quite hard to understand, and my positive opinion about this anime is that they are trying to view the psychic of normal persons, not of some serial killers and psychopath, which the general populace is more concerned about.
Continuing talking about the story, like I said before, it was quite thrilling and interesting in the beginning with high suspense, later on they try some plot twist to make things more interesting (or at least make it interesting again)... which I think they failed at, with the progression of the story I just keep thinking it's getting more and more lame, especially with the characters acting more and more childish for their ages, in the ending it seems like they want us to have some feelings and emotions about some incidents we don't know the first thing about, something I would consider to be too forced. At least the conclusion of this series had a deep message for the viewers so I guess it wasn't a total waste of time after all.
The art was good, I believe it could've been better if they made it more dark of gloomy, but it's not a horror anime after all, the audio work was good too but nothing special about it, at least there's nothing special I can point out.
In terms of enjoyment; well I think it was clear from what I previously said, from high suspense to big disappointment in the end, I was expecting this anime to be a hit for the spring season but expectations aren't always met conveniently.
In the end here's my rating for this anime:-
Story: 6/10
Art and Sound: 7/10
Character 3/10
Enjoyment 4/10
Overall 5/10
Thanks for reading!
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Aug 9, 2016
The story of a journey of two brothers who want to restore what they've lost after the "taboo" they have committed, a journey full of thrilling adventures, sorrowful adversities and a bitter sweet ending.
So, lets begin with my modest review:-
Story: this adaptation didn't follow the original story-line, so one could expect a messy story with many plot holes... which is clearly the case here. many things weren't really explicit, especially when it was nearing its ending. At first I could say that they made the story quite convincing, but when I compare it to its alternative version "FMA Brotherhood" then I could clearly tell that
this version isn't really great. My rate 4.5-5/10.
Art: keeping in mind when this anime was aired; I would say that the art was very good, I don't really know how to rate or criticize the art very well, so that's the only thing I could say. I give it 8/10.
Sound: the OST was great, really fitting the nature of the anime pretty well, the OPs and EDs were quite good as well, the voice actors/actresses have done a good job. 8/10.
Character: the depth of some characters really contributed greatly to this anime, one thing that I admire is how some antagonist characters experience much development to the extent that they end up being supporting characters, it might not be really convincing, though I don't think it's bad thing in the emotional aspect. In the other hand; some supporting characters haven't had much development throughout the story, I could say they ended up being useless characters. 6.5-7/10.
Enjoyment: despite the many cons, I really enjoyed watching FMA, I was unhappy about the conclusion tho... especially when I consider "The Conqueror of Shamballa" in mind, it's not like I hate these kind of bad or bittersweet endings, but I just dislike it when many things are left in the dark or are just unconvincing. My overall rate 6/10.
Thanks for reading!
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 28, 2016
As everyone may know, this manga is based on the RPG Final Fantasy XII, this work helped understand me the story a little better compared to the game, especially the beginning. nonetheless; it was bad after all.
I highly doubt that someone who haven't played the game would enjoy reading this manga, the story was not explicit so it''s hard to follow, and -for some reason that I don't know- it got axed, so it will stop at a very wrong point, if you're thinking of playing the game then maybe this manga will give you a general idea about what you're going to play and
you get to know the characters... though I wonder if someone would want to play of the PS2 generation now.
The art was bad in my opinion, in some point the author suddenly decided to draw some really violent scenes that really doesn't suit this series, I mean the game was one which anyone with the age of 12+ could play, yet I won't really recommend anyone below 16 to read this one because of some disturbing scene. that aside; the drawing wasn't really clear and many facial expression of some characters were somehow off.
The only thing that I could give some credit for this manga is the characters, they were well-done I would say, especially Balthier and Basch, here you could get to know them better if you already had played the game.
My overall rate is 4/10, I did enjoy reading it but, like I said before, it ends in a really bad point, so I got really disappointing after all.
Thanks for reading! :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 31, 2015
When it comes to a horror-genre anime then I believe this show is one of the best out there, Another is a really thriller that is un-regrettable to watch especially for horror shows lovers.
Another story line simply starts with a mystery…and ends with it! (or lets say it ends with the mystery not properly solved), but that doesn't mean you're going to hate the ending… however you may deduce everything on your own so we can't call it for sure a "mysterious ending", anyways; the plot is really interesting… following the story of Sakakibara Kouichi… a high school student who transfer to live with his
grandparents in a small and strange town…he started to attend school there and (unfortunately) finds himself stuck in a class with a mysterious curse or calamity…everything was going well at first until he met an odd-looking classmate… Misaki Mei… and there everything will start.
The great thing about this show are the sounds, the soundtracks can stimulate your nerves easily so you could be more thrilled and scared… the sound effects were pretty good and the voice actors/actress performance was very well, the art (animation) was pretty good especially the settings… everything was delicate enough.
Overall I really loved this anime, I believe by just watching one episode you'll simply want to complete it to the end… maybe it is a good thing that Another is a short anime with only 12 episode so the show will be as flawless as possible, in case you love horror shows (anime, movies, books…etc.) then this anime is good choice.
Thanks for reading :)
Sorry for any linguistic mistakes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 27, 2015
Good comedy, funny characters, weird school life, great fight scenes… if you you're looking for these standards then Beelzebub is a good choice for you.
Beelzebub was really one of my favorite manga, they were many funny moments that made me laugh for good…the fight scenes were good and interesting , it follows the story of Oga Tatsumi… a junior delinquent student of Ishiyama high school, who (by chance and in a weird way) get to meet baby Beel (most people prefer to call him like that)…who's a son of the demon's lord, strangely baby beel liked Oga from the first meeting (thanks to his vicious
appearance) and this is where everything begins.
Story: the beginning of the story is really interesting…Oga (the protagonist) finds himself obliged to carry the demons' lord baby on his back as he attend his school (hence the name of the "Badass rearing Baby")…since it's a school full of delinquents Oga finds himself in many troubles…later he finds himself dealing with the demons too…which makes the plot really exciting and laughable, sadly because this manga went axed I just had to hate the ending…the series ended quicker than expected so there were many question marks (easily put this way), it's not like it's a bad ending but it's really a disappointment.
My rate for the story 6 out of 10.
Art: the art was really fine since it's a comedy story, I liked the settings, the characters designs were good…well I can't find any flaws and in the same time I can't find anything special about the art, so simply my rate for the art 7 out of 10.
Character: the personalities of the most characters fit well with the background of the story; no matter how serious they seem most of them have a humor side, what strange is that many antagonists will have a twist and turn to be supporting characters throughout the story; I really didn't mind that at all (well same thing happen in a lot of anime&manga stories) since the Ishiyama gang are the ones that keeps this story lively… especially Oga and Baby beel with their random personalities and their main supporter...Furuichi Takayuki, and of course I don't forget the best two female characters...Hilda and Kunieda Aoi.
My rate for Characters 7 out of 10.
Enjoyment: I really loved Beelzebub, I didn't find any arc to be boring and I really enjoyed reading it… but this work went axed (don't know the reasons) so the author somehow was obliged to end the story in a way you must hate (but I guess it couldn’t be helped)… so the only thing I hated about this manga was the ending (and of course the most important things about a story is its beginning and ending).
My rate for Enjoyment 7 out of 10.
Overall I rate this manga with a 7 out of 10, I can't say I hated this manga just because of its ending, I really enjoyed and laughed a lot while reading this work so I guess this rating is fair.
Thanks for reading :)
Sorry for any linguistic mistakes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 25, 2015
A story that views the Japanese history (Meiji era) in a really fun, exciting and entertaining way…as anime&manga fans we always think of Japan as a dreamy land but in this story it shows you some of the dark sides of this country back in the 19th century, even though this manga has a historical background that non-Japanese readers wouldn't understand completely…it doesn't really mean that you won't enjoy reading it.
Rurouni Kenshin did start and end in the golden decade (the 90th) so I think those the of the same age as me will really enjoy reading this manga, the anime&manga world
is really wide now days but it's good to look back to the (g)old times…even if the art isn't as delicate as the ones now days.
Story: the beginning was really good, the plot about how the main characters meet each other (i.e. the top 4 characters…Himura Kenshin, Kamiya Kaoru, Myoujin Yahiko and Sagara Sanosuke) are really exciting and entertaining…and it isn't devote of many funny moments, as the context of the story goes on…they were many characters with little development I say…and some antagonist weren't even worthy opponent for the protagonist…Kenshin, Kenshin was taking the villains easily in the first chapters so they wasn't much excitement…until the start of the Kyoto arc...
The Kyoto arc was the best part of this story (from my personal opinion), you could see the protagonist in real troubles and complicated situations…the supporting characters have more decisive roles…more supporting characters takes part in the story and strong foes that are worthy to be opponents for the main character, everything was really good in the Kyoto arc from its beginning to its ending.
The last arc (I would like to called it the "Jinchuu" arc) did start in a really good and interesting way (maybe what made it interest is that they were many flashbacks), even though the end of this arc somehow disappointed me…it's not like it's a bad ending but…say you are playing on a piano…surely you have to use both the "white" and "black" keys to create a melody so I think any story line should be like this kind of melody (I know it sounds complicated a bit, if you didn't understand what I mean then you have my apologizes).
Well that's it for the story, my rate for it is 7 out of10.
Art: as for the settings (i.e. the drawing of the buildings, trees, landscapes…etc.) then I say it's really suitable for the background for this historical story…sometimes I just take my time admiring the art rather than focusing on reading the context, as for the characters designs…most of them were really good but sometimes (especially the designs for some antagonist characters) were really off…some are buffed in an exaggerating way (or the opposite) that makes you how can they walk like this?...sometimes I just simply disliked the features of some characters…I can understand since it's a "fantasy"-genre manga but still…
My rate for the art 7 out of10.
Character: I really liked the personalities and ideals of the main characters (especially the protagonist…Kenshin), the supporting characters had really good development throughout the story…in the same time they are some supporting characters who lacked development (actually you won't see them again in the story once they role in the plot is over though you could be sure that they would appear again in the story), as for the antagonists characters…the only ones worth mentioning are "Shishio Makoto" and "Yukishiro Enishi"…don't expect much from the others (I didn't include the antagonists who turned into supporting characters throughout the story).
What's funny is that they are some characters who were mentioned in the story but didn't make their appearance at all (really disappointing)…my rate for character 7 out of 10.
Enjoyment: even though I don't have a slightest background about the Japanese history and sometimes I find it a bit hard to follow the context of the story…I really enjoyed reading this manga (well it's not like it's all about history though), as I read I really learned some lessons that I might find useful in my life someday, enjoyment rate 7 out of 10.
Overall: well don't know if you noticed…I rated everything above with (7 out of10) so naturally the overall rating will be same, if you're interested in an old shounen manga with a good story then Rurouni Kenshin is a good choice, if you're planning to read it then I believe you will really enjoy it.
Thanks for reading :)
Sorry for any linguistic mistakes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 25, 2015
Assassins; just hearing this word makes anyone thinks of nothing expect evildoers whom kills people in shadows (some may say a cowardice way of killing), but this anime wants to give the viewers another way to understand the assassins and presents them as justice delivers.
Even though this anime is supposed to be a 'dark fantasy' show it really is funny, the main characters and the supporting characters all have a really good side with many laughable moments even though they are 'assassins', still this show has its' dark side with many bloody scenes that really may loathe the watcher.
To the real business; about the story:
well, I bet anyone who watched this anime to the end would be really dissatisfied and irritated with the story line, the pacing was really fast and they were many unreasonable and vague things in the last episodes, the plot was messed up from the end of Kyoroch arc, this is an anime review so I will not bring up anything from the manga (since I follow the manga of this story too) but still…story 4\10.
Art: the art was good, especially at some fighting scenes the animation was really good, characters' designs were fine , the view of the city and the empire was also good, but in the end I don't find anything really special about it so my rate for the art 7.5\10.
Sound: they were good, I really liked the 1st ED theme, the voice actors\actress performance was very good. not really expert with this stuff but my rate for the sound 7\10.
Character: shortly;lack development, what strange is that the anime was named clearly for (Akame) but she did get less scene action than the other main character (Tatsumi), I know about the ending but when we talk about it throughout the whole story then I think it was better if they named it (Tatsumi ga Kill)...well just kidding, about the villains; some of them were really stupid who play with people lives like toys so you can't do anything but hate them, even though the main antagonists were different at least. Character rate 6\10.
I really loved the anime from the first two episodes, I really become obsessed later and consider it one of the best anime I watch in my little experience, but afterward I was really disappointed, the plot was messed up with many unreasonable and illogical scenes, so enjoyment 4\10.
Thanks for reading :)
sorry for any linguistic mistakes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Dec 30, 2014
Breath of Fire IV was one of my favorite RPG games,I really used to be addicted to it back when I was a child and I'm still are actually,when I found out about this manga I was really happy,to be more precise this is actually the first manga i read,so it was like a starting point for me to a great world.
Of course it follows the story of the game,which was very unique,A young named named Ryu who was founded naked in the desert by two travelers who were looking for a lost princess,Ryu joined them as he was totally lost and didn't know what
to do or where to go,the only thing we wants was to meet a person he he doesn't know who he is,this person was Fou-Lu (the first emperor),unlike Ryu;Fou-Lu is aware of his goal and determination but he doesn't know where to find Ryu (he was unaware of his name) so he decided to go to the capital so Ryu will go there eventually with time.
I don't want to say anything furthermore about the story so I could avoid posting spoilers,but I have to say that they were many scenes and events that were in the game but skipped in the manga,this work could've been longer but the progression of the story is well.
Nothing really unique about it,could say your average manga art,I'm not really expert in this judgment so I couldn't say much about the art.
You may hate the main protagonist in the beginning of the story till the middle of it,since he doesn't do anything worth admiring and he seemed like just a push-over guy by the others,but things change at a specific event in the story,the antagonist's personality is great (i.e Fou-Lu),a cold-blooded guy who doesn't care much or less about humans until he meets a person that will open his heart.
The personalities of the other main characters are good,but the story concentrate mainly about the above mentioned characters,so the other could be seen as just supportive characters to these two.
Since I'm a big fan of the game I really enjoyed the manga,brings back my childhood memories which make my eyes teary sometimes,simply love it.
In the end I just have to say that it isn't necessary to play or read the other series of Breath of Fire (BOF) to enjoy this work,but if you didn't play BOF IV before I don't think you would really enjoy reading the manga,so the best decision is doing both if you have time.
Thanks for reading :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 25, 2014
I have to say that you can't write much about this ONA in a review,since every episode is only 1 min. and few seconds long.
Without much to say about the story and art...etc,I could only recommend to every Akame Ga Kill anime\manga fan to watch this series,it's really funny (though I find some episodes really poor) and don't take much time,just try it out and I'm sure it isn't really a waste of time,the personalities of the characters aren't far from that of the main series so the jokes can be really funny as if you were watching the main story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 19, 2014
Horror and tragedy genre fans should try this manga,it isn't one of the best out there but it was good.
1-Story (7):-
Though it's a short manga,the pacing didn't seem too fast for me,it was ok but some events really did suddenly escalated (especially in the last chapters).
i liked the story but i was i bit upset from the last volume.
2- Art (6)
Suitable art for a tragedy story,the terrified facial expression of the characters were very good,but some panel seemed to be unclear for me...especially in an battle panel,i couldn't exactly tell what is going on until i read the next panel or page.
3- Character (7)
well i
don't want to talk much about this,but the personality of the main characters was pretty good,especially Aiko.
4- Enjoyment (5)
Honestly speaking i was focused on completing this series as soon as possible so i didn't enjoy this work so much but i didn't hate it
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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