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Dec 8, 2023
Muriel Rukeyser said that the universe is made of stories and not atoms, and as stories are made of words we can conclude that ultimately the universe is made of words. And with this in mind the anime I am going to review below gives us a beautiful love song to words and how they allow us to connect with others and the world around us.
Fune wo Amu or as it was titled in English, The Great Passage is an 11-episode anime based on the light novel written by Shion Miura, premiered during the fall 2016 season in the NoitaminA block. It was animated
by Zexcs studio under the direction of Toshimasa Kuroyanagi.
The story begins when the head of the dictionary department of the Genbu Shobo publishing house, Kohei Araki, who is about to retire to devote time to his ailing wife, searches for an editor with sufficient knowledge and talent with words to replace him and finds him in the person of Mitsuya Majime, a shy man who, despite his fascination with the meaning of words, is unable to connect with other people and establish meaningful relationships with them.
Throughout its 11 episodes we follow Majime and the other members of the dictionary department in their quest to publish a dictionary very different from those that have been published before. And in addition to the human characters, words also become important protagonists in this story with their ability to build bridges of understanding between people who are very different from each other.
At the beginning Majime, a young, unsure of himself and inexperienced young man is trapped in a job as a salesman at the publishing house that he not only doesn't like but is not very good at, but a chance meeting with Masashi Nishioka, one of the editors of Genbu Shobo will put him on a collision course with his true passion: words.
A recurring theme in Fune wo Amu is the search for that which moves us, a passion to which to devote our lives and Majime, Nishioka and the rest of the dictionary department find it in devoting their time and talent to the development of the Daitokai or a dictionary that acts as a ship to sail the great ocean of words and carry its crew to the safe harbour of understanding and many of the characters refer to words in this way: the ship that carries us through the sometimes turbulent sea of words and their various definitions and uses.
Fune wo Amu is not only about how we use words, it is also a story about finding our place in the world and how difficult it is to communicate with others despite speaking the same language because the words we use not only have dictionary definitions but also carry within them intention and feeling. This is exemplified in Majime and Kagura's relationship, she a passionate foodie on her way to becoming a great chef, he introverted and not yet finding his place among his peers, and it is these differences that initially make me dislike the couple. I don't particularly like how Majime seems to fall in love with her at first sight and decide to make her his wife not only without ever having spoken to her but even worse without taking into account her feelings or her wishes.
These were my initial objections to a potential relationship between Kagura and Majime but upon further development of both characters we see that Majime is not incapable of expressing his feelings for Kagura in a way that she can understand because of the tired trope that men are from Mars and women are from Venus and that there can never be an understanding between the two or because of the fear of women that many anime protagonists suffer from but because Majime feels ill-equipped to make himself understood to his fellow man and despite his great knowledge of women. There can never be an understanding between the two, or because of that fear of women that many anime protagonists suffer from, but because Majime feels ill-equipped to make himself understood to his fellow man, and despite his great knowledge of words and their definitions when using them to make himself understood, they are not enough for him. It is this aspect of his personality and how we later see him come out of his shell a little in his relationships with the rest of the dictionary department and especially with Nishioka, that ultimately sells him as a character.
Fune wo Amu presents us with a battery of characters who in the end overcome the limitations of the medium in which they find themselves and become flesh and blood people with their ups and downs all united by their love of words and their willingness to dedicate their lives to the task of compiling them for the benefit of their fellow man, there is a recurring theme throughout the story that equates words with the thread that connects us all as a species and their importance in good relations between people. We are unable to fully relate to each other if we cannot understand each other, and it is with this mindset that everyone embarks on the creation of this dictionary for modernity.
In the end, Fune wo Amu, like its characters, is an anime that has ups and downs, especially the second half after a time skip that introduces new characters for which there is no time to develop them properly so emotionally you don't feel connected to them but what it does have is a lot of heart and a lot of passion and dedication to the story they want to tell.
Language as with all living creatures changes, evolves and transforms. New words are born and some others fall into disuse but it never ceases to have the same importance in how it serves for individuals to connect with each other and finally recognise that despite all the cultural, social or geographical barriers we are not so different at all.
I recommend that you give this anime a chance, a simple slice of life, which is easily consumed and does not disappoint.
I loved it if you give it a chance I swear you won't regret it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 28, 2023
It was a wonderful experience to have seen this Romance and Drama movie, it was a beauty both artistically and in its script/plot.
Kumiko and Tsuneo's seiyuu knew how to represent that aura of good actors, and for being their first job they did not do badly at all.
I loved the character of Kumiko (mostly known as Josee), she was practically a girl with a thirst for the world, the way in which her disability was represented was exceptional and when her grandmother died, she proved to be strong and independent)
Tsuneo was an enthusiastic young man in love with the sea (and with Clarion's angelfish) dreams
of traveling to Mexico (not bad for a Japanese learning Spanish) and never gave up.
the development of the plot was beautiful, it's a pity I didn't see it when it came out but I was glad I saw it
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 14, 2021
Very good anime but sad at the same time ...
This anime reflects what Japan suffered in an earthquake that hit its cities, killing thousands of people but does not emphasize it with a girl as the protagonist. The anime is very well told, seriously and with that "touch" that characterizes anime. Leaving all this aside, it should be emphasized that it is a sad anime, it will bring a few tears to you throughout the chapters (so prepare the kleenex haha).
In conclusion, it is highly recommended if you want to see an anime themed about events that happened in real life, I give it 9
out of 10.
Muy buen anime pero triste a la vez...
Este anime refleja lo que sufrió Japón en un terremoto que azotó sus ciudades, matando a miles de personas pero no lo enfatiza con una chica como protagonista. El anime esta muy bien contado, con seriedad y con ese "toquecito" que caracteriza a los animes. Dejando a un lado todo esto, cabe recalcar que es un anime triste, te sacará unas cuantas lágrimas a lo largo de los capítulos (así que prepara los kleenex jaja).
En conclusión, es súper recomendado si quieres ver un anime con temática de sucesos que sucedieron en la vida real, yo le doy 5 estrellas de 5.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Oct 14, 2021
A sweet comedy that will make you smile.
Ah ... Where to start, we are facing a sweet romantic comedy in which our protagonists will be Hige and Wakabayashi, Hige is a lover of Marshmallows / Clouds, while on the other hand Wakabayashi is a lover of chubby and reliable people like our dear Hige.
And so Wakabayashi will use any method to make Hige-San notice her and that no one else tries to take it from her.
It should be noted that it is a miniseries, so its chapters are very short, but this series is not for that reason underestimated, as it is full of humor
and sweetness.
Una dulce comedia que te hará sonreír.
Ah ... Por dónde empezar, nos encontramos ante una dulce comedia romántica en el cual nuestros protagonistas serán Hige y Wakabayashi, Hige es un amante de los Malvaviscos / Nubes, mientras que por otro lado Wakabayashi es amante de las personas rechonchitas y confiables como nuestro querido Hige.
Y es así que Wakabayashi utilizará cualquier método para hacer que Hige-San se fije en ella y que ninguna otra persona intente arrebatárselo.
Cabe destacar que es una miniserie, por lo que sus capítulos son muy cortos, pero no por eso mismo se debe subestimas a esta serie, pues está llena de humor y dulzura.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 14, 2021
In fiction, every decision is deliberate. Or in other words, nothing in a work of fiction is left to chance. This is not to say that the author meticulously meditates on all the elements of a story. But their decisions always follow a specific and well-defined line of thought.
From putting a lamp at the back of the stage trying to evoke a critical view of the viewer towards a particular post-modernist ideology; to simply put it on because I found it pretty. Things may be done quickly, but never without thinking about it first and this is part of human nature and like any element
of human nature it is impossible to ignore and we are slaves of it.
Megalo Box is an aesthetically beautiful series, with a simple story. But in my opinion it is not a series that is characterized by paying close attention to the details of its narrative or its fictional world. Since everything is deliberate in a work of fiction, I do not feel I have the authority to attribute this lack of attention to detail to the errors of the writers. Anyone who writes a story with plot holes knows exactly what they are and why they exist.
We as an audience can only infer if some elements were mistakes or successes but we can never know exactly what he was thinking or what the author's intentions were until he makes them explicitly present to us.
By inattention to detail, I mean that Megalo Box specifically does not take into account what boxing really means as a discipline. Here, there is a new sport that corresponds to a variant of traditional boxing where mechanical components have been added to increase the capacity of the boxers.
We do add to the hoya the secret ingredient that the protagonist is an underdog who comes from the streets making a living by losing fixed fights; and that additionally his rival is the world champion with all the money in the world, history basically writes itself.
Everything revolves around the Megalo Box, the name of this event. The communities, the economy and the way of seeing the world were built with this show in mind. That sounds pretty good at first, and leaves me with the idea that the writers really thought about how our world - with marked differences between rich and poor - might react to the mechanical intervention of the world's most popular sport.
But then I thought about the following: In my world, the most popular sport by far is soccer. It moves millions of millions every second and hundreds of thousands of people live it every day in one way or another. In this context, what would happen if, suddenly, we put metal legs on footballers?
I will skip many steps in this exercise, but it gives me the feeling that it will result in a fundamental change in how the players themselves and, consequently, everyone else will approach the sport. Extra strong mechanical legs are synonymous with having to alter the physical properties of the court and the ball, change the internal regulations and explicitly define what is allowed to alter and not alter in a footballer, among other things. Will I be able to alter the height of my footballer? Maybe specialize it millimeter?
Now, how does the world of Megalo Box react to the implementation of mechanical arms? His answer is deeply depressing to me: ordinary boxing. I am not saying that boxing is a good or bad sport, that is not the case here. But what is relevant is that I expected a more substantial alteration compared to what was presented as a proposal.
The fights obey the same rules as always depending on the strategies used, the atmosphere in the fighter-coach relationship, the attitude of the sponsors and the marketing. Everything remains identical to our world as a concept. Only now they all have metal on their arms and they behave like they were in the 60s for some reason.
This would not be so serious if the end result of everything was a faithful representation of the spirit of boxing. But like I said, Megalo Box stands out for poor attention to detail and boxing as a discipline in action is what gets the worst of it. And remember, everything is deliberate in a work of fiction.
Therefore, I have the luxury of speculating that someone within the staff realized what I am going to say and did not change it because, perhaps, they were short on time or had other priorities in mind that I disagree with. a fundamental level.
As a concrete example I will cite an event that occurred after the first 8 minutes of the first chapter. In this scenario, our protagonist is given a hearing aid with the underlying message of listening to the instructions of his coach that are related to getting lost over money issues in a clandestine combat. The million dollar question here is: Why would it be a good idea to wear a headset in combat?
Why would it be a good idea to have a small electronic object tucked into your ear for a fight? Doctors do not even recommend using the sticks to clear the wax from the ear canal within the comfort of my home, where I will most likely not be attacked by a boxer gorilla with mechanical arms. Why here would be a good idea? Boxing is a sport where, despite its self-destructive nature, taking care of the health of the fighters occupies a large part of the resources. Dental guards exist for a reason.
This would not be a big deal if I was not reminded in each episode how this work commemorates 50 years of a series that probably almost no one would see today because of not very friendly animation and like a million episodes. However, neither that has prevented its subsequent historical relevance nor has it allowed to deny the love that this work dedicates to boxing.
Does it sound very finicky to complain about a hearing aid, the presence of which reveals to me that the writers had among their immediate priorities the progression of the story rather than building a consistent fictional sport, when one of the main marketing resources was the promotion of said sport?
While the hearing aid incident only repeats one more time, the same logic applies to many other questionable decisions. A logic based on the representation of the lowest common denominator of what we know as boxing, rather than the real and tangible sporting event known as boxing. The animation of the blows has no weight nor are they accompanied by sound effects that generate the illusion of it. The fighting is only limited to two-dimensional shots as if it were a fighting video game instead of the spiral-shaped dynamics characteristic of a round. Nobody uses any type of extra protection and everyone uses the pants and the jacket they want.
The staff made the decision to build a classic, simple and intense story without major surprises or detours. Good drawings and a soundtrack that give to speak in the near future, but not very durable, were prioritized. However, I'm not just looking for pretty pictures, not an intense story, or a long list of nice things that have been done "well." I am looking for a set of fragments that are closely related to each other, that reinforce each other and that in their entirety make a story.
And I did not find that here.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 3, 2021
Review in English and Spanish
Who do we recommend Made in abyss to?
This question has a difficult answer. It is not that we are facing a bad series, but the type of drawing is very deceiving. We found a line that reminds us of Studio Ghibli but much sweeter, with very curved lines and a very bright image. The characters are children and have very soft features. You would give them a good stew to see if that way they wake up. The series at first glance makes you think that you will see an adventure story, an anime where they will fight monsters with a
simple and easy to digest plot. However, contrary to all this, you find yourself in a quite thick series with a plot that leaves us quite cold and with some scenes too explicit for our liking.
Made In Abyss seems like a children's story, at least in the synopsis, but it gives a script twist to an adult series, maintaining a children's drawing and generating a lot of confusion. We explain ourselves: we have Riko, an underage girl who wants to save her mother from the abyss. However, this boils down to the fact that the chapters continue to be a monster event, fight, they hurt, heal, monster again, fight, and so on ad eternum. Also, since they are children, there is a lot of crying, a lot of Reg sad because Riko suffers ... But, let's see, you are going down into the abyss! What did you expect? Daisies?
anime made in the abyss
In short, if you want to see a visually very beautiful series, Made in Abyss is undoubtedly your series. You may like the plot more or less, but if you go with the idea that it is a very adult series and that more than adventures you are going to see the characters suffering a lot, you will be able to enjoy it. We insist that visually it is a joy. About the future of the series, for now, the only thing that is known is that we will have Season 2 for 2022. We will see if we still want to see its characters suffer.
¿A quién le aconsejamos Made in abyss?
Esta pregunta tiene difícil respuesta. No es que estemos ante una mala serie, pero el tipo de dibujo engaña mucho. Encontramos un trazo que nos recuerda a Estudio Ghibli pero mucho más dulce, con líneas muy curvas y una imagen muy iluminada. Los personajes son niños y tienen las facciones muy suaves. Les darías un buen potaje para ver si así se espabilan. La serie a simple vista te hace pensar que verás una historia de aventuras, un anime donde lucharán contra monstruos con una trama sencilla y fácil de digerir. Sin embargo, al contrario de todo esto, te encuentras con una serie bastante espesa con un argumento que nos deja bastante fríos y con algunas escenas demasiado explícitas para nuestro gusto.
Made In Abyss parece un cuento infantil, al menos en la sinopsis, pero que da un giro de guión a una serie adulta manteniendo un dibujo infantil y generando bastante confusión. Nos explicamos: tenemos a Riko, una niña menor de edad que quiere salvar a su madre del abismo. Sin embargo esto se resume a que los capítulos no dejan de ser un suceso de monstruo, pelea, se hacen daño, se curan, otra vez monstruo, pelea, y así ad eternum. Además como son niños hay mucho lloro, mucho Reg triste por que Riko sufre… Pero, a ver, ¡que estáis bajando al abismo! ¿Qué esperábais? ¿Margaritas?
anime made in abyss
En definitiva, si quieres ver una serie visualmente muy bonita, sin duda Made in Abyss es tu serie. El argumento podrá gustarte más o menos, pero si vas con la idea de que es una serie muy adulta y que más que aventuras vas a ver a los personajes sufriendo de lo lindo, podrás disfrutarla. Insistimos en que visualmente es una gozada. Sobre el futuro de la serie, por ahora, lo único que se sabe es que la 2 Temporada la tendremos para el 2022. Veremos si nos quedan ganas de ver sufrir a sus personajes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jul 25, 2021
As always it is a short Hentai with version (both censored and uncensored +18)
I must say that the introduction of Ryou's ex-boyfriend brought tension and jealousy to Souma.
History: 6/10
it is basic in this type of short story.
art: 8/10
the art is well done (stage).
sound: 7/10
I really like your Ending for the animation it has. and I have no complaints about the sound of the series.
Character: 8/10
it has a good design and outline, in the previous season I loved the festival episode.
Enjoyment: 7/10
you can enjoy it since in my case I see it to hang out.
Overall: 6.50 / 10
As I said, I don't have much complaint, the story itself is enjoyable, and I like her character.
I watched her 1st season recently.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 25, 2021
What a good short hentai.
I loved how their short story unfolds in an orderly fashion.
I adore the redhead and that its female protagonist is one, UwU I also like glasses, I love girls who wear glasses I call it a fetish of mine hehehehe.
Rena Yukuhashi is very cute, in both facets she is beautiful when dressed (makeup, hair, contact lenses and clothes) or without dressing (without makeup, disheveled, glasses and large clothes) she is still a Charming.
Very soon I will read your Manhwa.
she is like an ugly duckling, but when she fixes up she is a beautiful swan
Hentai does not have a very good story
to follow but it is worth following. or as he usually says to this genre: Vanilla
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 26, 2020
This is a short duration Hentai (6 minutes in its uncensored version), it is an interesting and rewarding hentai.
With a simple plot about Mashima, Shuuji who has not had sex in a long time and Sudou, Mio who has not had sex in a while both are in a meeting which he leaves and she too, ends up meeting in the street and you go to a motel and do it and see that there is chemistry and compatibility between them.
the Hentai is enjoyable for those who want to have a good time
from what little I have seen I give it 7/10 for now. XD
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 29, 2020
Oh good short hentai I loved it.
her story is simple, it seems like Overflow (in which in both Hentai the girl penetrates herself by accident)
[This is a Hentai Disguised as an Ecchi]
The male and female character designs are pretty good. The girls appear very attractive, mature, and erotic; they all have large, voluptuous breasts and asses with great body proportions, especially their excellent curves. The character facial expressions are also on point and provide a wide range of emotions.
Although, most of the animations are solid with the majority of it dedicated to sexually explicit content, there were moments, where still shots would replace the actual
sex scenes, while still retaining the sound effects. And in typically fashion, the camera shots / angles like to focus on specific body parts, such as the breast, ass, and groin areas.
There is no opening and ending song, however who needs that, when we can watch and listen to two people fuck and commit other sexual acts to the beautiful sounds of classical music. Also, the voice acting is good, despite the dull and cliche dialogue.
If you're expecting character development, then you're asking too much. Sousuke is your part-time worker, who gets to live in a rundown apartment with a sexy landlord named Yuki Shimizu. He is somewhat bland, but that’s to be expected with a series like this. Yuki Shimizu is a sexy landlord with huge breasts and likes to “take care” of people, if you know what mean. Sunao Unyū is the beautiful girl from the 2nd floor, who aspires to be a performing actress. And finally, Yuzuko Hanazono, who was introduced later in episode 7, is Sousuke’s busty childhood friend and hyperactive.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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