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Jan 11, 2022
I really thought season two was the peak of Scissor Seven, but this is the mountain top and it keeps the momentum. Season 3 is the kid with straight A's/high marks on their report card.
Everything you love about Scissor Seven: the fluidity of its animation, the infinite crackhead energy, the seamless balance of humor and action, and Seven's mysterious past. It all gets developed further or improved. The tone gets slightly darker as well. Don’t worry it’s not an edgefest.
Seven is ready to get down to business. He's gotten back some of the memories of his past life, but now there's a steep bounty on
his head. The whole first half of the season explore the worldbuilding/different locations, but it all leads to a countdown to Seven's destination, Xuanwu Kingdom.
This is one of my favorite recently animated shows and definitely one of the best Chinese animations. It's lighthearted and easy to binge-watch due to the short run time and digestible storylines. You also don't have to worry about weird fanservice (save for some titty shots in ep 5), so, yes, you can watch this in front of people!
Also, the development of the Seven + Thirteen relationship is so good! <3 I hadn't thought too much about them before, because gag comedy and all, but I want these two together now. He can be serious and goofy with her.
As a nitpick, this show introduces more questions than it answers. While we do get a nice chunk of Seven's past life, the majority of the time is spent introducing new one-off characters or spending time with side ones.
I enjoy the cast of characters, and I love the little spotlight Dachun gets here. He’s one of my favorites and oh-so wholesome. We get to learn a little bit more about some of the other side characters too.
If it were possible, the animation seems to have gotten even sleeker. The fight scenes are still visually-appealing and fast-paced. There are a lot more dynamic angles and exploration of locations than before. Character designs are appealing though I wonder when Asian artists will tire of the Sambo-looking bloated lips. I adore the design of Qingfeng and the Thumbs Up guy.
The music has also improved, and its presence is more noticeable. A few of the tracks take on a godly orchestra sound and heighten the tension. The ending theme still takes on the same lullaby sound as previous seasons.
There was no Japanese dub this time around, so I listened to the original Mandarin Chinese. Very good! I’ve no qualms.
Rating: 10 | 100% | :)
Overall, I have high praises all around for Scissor Seven's third season. And episode 9 was just startlingly beautiful. Can’t wait for the movie. If you're looking for something quick and enjoyable, go start with Season 1!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 21, 2021
This show upset me, and I’m usually lenient on most things I watch. I generally enjoy any media about ninjas, and this “supposedly” had a Romeo x Juliet love-story. Of course, I was sold! Unfortunately, the execution, flat characters, and the general angst and unwarranted bloodiness the show is drenched in turned me off. For starters, I was surprised by the ninjas' zany, X-Men-like abilities, but I let it go. Some historical fantasy can be fun.
First, I fully understand a show about ninjas could (and probably should) get bloody/realistic, but, here, the deaths hold no weight. Characters die gruesomely (some worse than others), but I
feel nothing. The show doesn’t develop any of the characters, save for one flashback at the most, so no amount of blood splatter, shocked faces, or sad music in the background can save a lifeless corpse of a character. The death toll kept rising, and I kept shrugging.
Admittedly I liked Gennosuke’s bushy eyebrows and mysteriousness, but there wasn’t much to him. He didn’t want any more war, and he seemed kind. Great. Oboro, the female love interest, is utterly useless. All she does is CRY, and the one ability she has gets locked away by her own doing. Bruh.
This show doesn’t deliver on the romance either. Where is the yearning? The kiss scene(s)? I need to believe these two are in love, but their only moments together are Gennosuke playing the flute and Oboro dancing around. Perhaps, the time period and arranged-marriage makes them so chaste and distant, but you could at least hold hands. Or look into each other’s eyes, or something substantial. Is this the woman you love so much you would defy a centuries’-long resentment, or is she a lampshade with lipstick? Answer quickly.
Also, I don’t care if the creator never admits to it. A character that consists of raw demon trash is the show’s favorite character/creator’s pet. There are definitely heinous characters who would try to sexually assault a character. My problem is the continual parading him around in our faces. This character literally tried to raped his own comrade, not just a woman from a rival clan. He had no limitations. I hated seeing this character be a part of the main cast. Usually, rapists in anime are filler characters or outright villains, and usually it’s one and done. There were too many rape scenes here. His death is so prolonged it feels like torture.
In addition, the way female ninjas were handled bothered me. One character has such a sexist suffering. She’s tied up, fully naked, has been raped, and brutalized. No other ninja is treated like this (maybe Okoi to a lesser extent). I'm not so naive to think women, who are prisoners of war, don't get treated as such, but it felt majorly gratuitous. Akeginku’s titties stay out for no other reason than fan service too. Yes, I’m aware female ninjas often used seduction tactics/sex, but the execution here felt cheesy.
The pacing seemed unbalanced. Clan A has the upper-hand for over 7-8 episodes. Talking. Clan B eventually finds out, but they already have a huge deficit. Clans try to outdo each other. Oboro cries. Filler episode that should have been in the beginning. Flashback. People be dying. Rapist dude doesn’t get his comeuppance. People be dying. Rinse. Repeat until the last two episodes.
I watched the Japanese dub, and I have no qualms about the voice acting. It’s very good. One character sounded like literal gargled death. Very talented performance from his voice actor, but I definitely muted him.
The music was forgettable. I didn’t pay attention to it.
The animation was fine. No wacky in-between shots and it looked pretty fluid. Because the show is SO angsty, the coloring appeared ashy at night. Very dark gray or blue. Again, I liked Gennosuke’s bushy eyebrows. He looked very dashing. Hyoma had an interesting design. The ladies of the show were pretty. The more mutant-like ninjas weren't cool to look at, but they served their purpose.
I liked Saemon. He was a ninja who had some empathy. As the show progresses, he doesn’t stop killing, but he’s able to see the other clan as human beings. A nice touch to show both clans had desires/dreams/loved ones, but they were too fixated on a dumb war.
Gennosuke and Hyoma had nice designs.
Koushiro had a fun power. I would’ve liked to see it more.
Overall, I don’t recommend. For me, I had no enjoyment from this show, and I shouldn’t have wasted my Saturday binge-watching it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Sep 27, 2020
I could watch this foolishness over and over all day. Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo has infinite “crackhead energy.” This is a show that is equally as fun in both the dub and sub. The first season actually has a semblance of a plot and multiple callbacks to random flashbacks. Nothing here makes sense, and that is its true beauty.
I like light-hearted, quirky characters, so watching this show has always been a blast for me. If you don't like slapstick and zany characters, your enjoyment will probably skew much lower than mine.
Bo-bo-bo turns common anime tropes on its head while cracking an egg and frying two strips
of bacon on it as well. I have re-watched this anime 5 times just for the ridiculous antics and lovable characters.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 31, 2020
Scissor Seven is a funny, quirky show with excellent animation. I feel like this might have been adapted from a webtoon or something because the pacing is break-your-neck fast. I still know next to nothing about any of the characters, but I would not mind seeing more of them either. (I see there are some OVAs, so hopefully, they flesh out the story). By the time, we find out some interesting character backstory, it’s the last episode ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, the last-minute world-building felt abrupt. Just bam! Here’s the guy who has come to take you out, and it is because of xyz! Still, that was a
good fight scene tho, so I am not complaining.
If you’re here for a bunch of blood and guts, this ain’t for you. For a show about assassins, there is not a bunch of killing, which is certainly no problem for me, but I can see where someone else would be disappointed. Instead, the charm of this show is the gags and the animation. It’s wonderfully dumb. Despite this show’s slapstick nature, you can find some heartwarming moments that might tug on your heartstrings too.
There’s so much personality shown through Wu Liuqi/Seven’s stupid expressions or how he scurries away or fights back. All of his body movements are smooth and fluid with barely any wacky in-between shots. I also think Wu Liqui/Seven’s skill with the scissors is executed nicely!
Wu Liqui/Seven cannot remember too much about his past, but it does not stop him from being a goofball. He's my favorite character here.
I like the contrast between his true personality as a no-nonsense, gallant assassin vs the goofiness we are used to seeing from him. When those bangs come down, he means serious business
Ji Dabao was fun. I like when money-hungry or tough-as-nails bossman type characters have a genuine soft spot for their workers/protege/whatever (let's go Western for a second: like earlier Spongebob season's Mr. Krabs or Mickey with Rocky).
The rest of the cast of characters was okay as well. Even though each supporting cast character was featured as the kill-of-the-week or person hiring Seven for his services, I was surprised to see the majority of them return. So, they were not one-off characters as I originally thought.
Oh yeah, as far as the voice-acting, I was very indifferent among English, the original Mandarin Chinese, and Japanese though I chose Japanese in the end. The ending song sounds like a lullaby to me. I like it.
I enjoyed watching it, and I think 7 out of 10 is fitting. Like, I mentioned earlier there are four OVAs for this series out, so I am going to watch them. I'm eager to see where this story goes. I want to know why [redacted] betrayed him.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 3, 2018
Yeah, you really can't force a heartwarming story. Could be due to the length. That's why this short movie fails for me, even though it had all the makings for a good story/my favorite tropes:
1. Morally gray, anti-hero only cares about himself until he finds something, cute, plucky kid he begrudgingly protects.
2. A mixture of bumbling and competent villains
3. Ninjas and/or samurai
SN: The fox boys' voices are annoying to me. Too cutesy.
Overall, this is the equivalent of a children's' Saturday morning cartoon. No real character development but cute animation and a seemingly fun story (though I was pretty bored). Again, I think if this had
a longer format, whether an anime or full-length movie, it would have been more compelling.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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May 26, 2018
Maybe this movie just didn't appeal to me.
Sure, the animation was cute with that Studio Ghibli flare, but I found the characters pretty paper thin. I didn't feel anything emotionally for Mary or Peeta or Mary's weird-necked great aunt.
The story just really dragged on for me, and dare I say it... I thought Mary was being a bit of a Mary Sue at first. Thankfully, that got a bit deconstructed. Now, the last 15 minutes of the movie started to spark my interest, but who wants to wait that long?
Overall, a cutesy film but not one that leaves you fangirling or thinking about it
too long afterward. I took a huge effort not to compare it to any Studio Ghibli films. But for Studio Ponoc's first film it shows they have a lot of talent to go in the right direction
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 27, 2018
TLDR: Ouni is the best part.
Children of the Whales is ridiculously angsty. I mean there is some heavy stuff that happens early on with a character death that we're SUPPOSED to care about *eye roll.* It's like nachos but there's only one tortilla chip submerged in a sea of cheese.
The story finally picks up around episode 7, but who really wants to wait that long? Not me usually...
To be honest, for a story centered around emotions it took too many episodes for me to feel anything.
On top of that, the slice-of-life element leaves a serious mood whiplash.
SN: WHY IN THE WORLD DO WE NEED AMPLE FOOTAGE OF A DUMB DANCE!?! She looked so stupid. (this will make sense to those that have watched it).
The characters are really flat, and I couldn't stand Chakuro, the main character. He just seemed too cookie-cutter like many other anime male leads.
Ouni was my favorite though you could argue that he's a cardboard cut-out of an anti-hero. Still, I would've liked this show much better with him as the MC.
Lykos was boring. I've seen this character too many times. Nothing about her stands out.
It was good. I think the style made some characters look a bit cutesy, but I liked it overall.
SOUND: (English Dub)
Music is forgettable.
Voice-acting was meh/average. I feel like some voices fit the characters well but they had no passion for dramatic scenes or they were too weak like Suou's.
If you don't mind waiting a LONG TIME to pick up interest in a story, then you should try watching it. It was a real struggle for me to get past ep 2., but it's not the worst show. I thought Ouni was the gem of the show.
Still, I will watch a season 2.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 5, 2018
An excellent story with characters that aren't grating! I enjoyed reading this story from beginning to end though the ending is majorly lackluster. #sorrynotsorry :p
I adored Ukyou greatly, and his and Kureha's cat-and-mouse (better yet rabbit) relationship sets a great foundation for the story. Honestly, I enjoyed finding out about his familial background a lot!
Also, I liked Kureha. At first, I thought she was going to be annoying, but she is an actual shoujo female character that can stand up and protect herself. Since entering this school, she is able to form real friendships and romantic relationships (come on now, it's shoujo. we live
for this stuff).
Besides Kureha's main romantic relationship, the rest of the romantic relationships are held together with freshly-squeezed glue that hasn't dried yet. Needless to say, they are a bit rushed.
I'm kind of rambling, so this isn't a truly cohesive review. Still, READ IT! I was pleasantly surprised :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 31, 2017
Absolute trash. This is emotional abuse the shoujo.
Our shoujo lead had no self-esteem, and the so-called love interest disrespected her constantly! All Fumi does in rebuttal is cry and keep loving this piece of trash. And makes sure not to listen to anyone who tells her to leave him. Bruh.
Shoujo-lovers, we are all used to angsty or playboy tsunderes, but this guy, Hayato, is basura (read: trash). He constantly disrespects and cheats on Fumi countless times, and only sees her as a sex toy.
This isn't worth reading. Others have read ahead, and their verdict is the same as well.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Dec 13, 2017
I didn’t enjoy this show, but it had some redeeming qualities. The best way I can put it is that The Seven Deadly Sins is like a strawberry smoothie with a little mucus mixed in. Ban and Gilthunder and King’s past are some of the absolute best things about this show. I enjoyed the slow development of who the big bad bosses really were and some information about Meliodas’ true origin. Fight scenes are nicely-executed as well.
However, I was really turned off by the copious blood vomits/spit-takes (it's like the blood spews out in two forms: bite-sized nuggets and water hose pressure DX), Meliodas’
gropey-grabby hands (the fanservice feels icky and too contrived; sorry not sorry), and Elizabeth’s utter uselessness (I swear her personality is “best girl”; I don’t care too much about moe chicks). The piggy character runs its mouth too much for me, but it fulfilled the animal sidekick role well enough.
Now, I love romance as I’m always reading a good shoujo, but I didn’t care for Elizabeth’s undying love for our golden boy. I actually preferred Ban’s thinly-developed love more even though I can’t stand lolicon stuff.
The story moved too slowly in certain episodes before picking up an exciting pace toward the 20’s.
As far as the English dub, I thought the voices were good. I think each voice fit its character well though Elizabeth’s voice is sickly sweet and her crying leaves a lot to be desired.
The animation is very fluid and smooth, but some of the bodies look weirdly proportionate (i.e Griamore and Elizabeth).
The music is beautiful and empathy-inducing.
Is it worth watching? For me, I would’ve dropped this show much quicker if it weren’t for Ban and the interesting build-up to a satisfying end. But for something I found on Netflix, it is pretty entertaining. For all its stupid moments, there is a lot of heart, great characters, and foreshadowing. Give it a try!
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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