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Nov 18, 2020
Before i say anything else, this manga is an adult romance/hentai made for ladies. This means all i will say about this manga is viewed with this label in mind, and comparisons to other manga OUTSIDE this label are futile. Reading this manga is purely for fun and should not be taken too seriously as with this review ;)
So, lets get right to it: ACTUAL REVIEW
As is to be expected of the porn/adult romance genre, there are tropes. And lots of them. And oh boy, it is fun! Right at the beginning we got the hot and sexy firefighter male lead, but oh, surprise! He
is also the main Heroines childhood friend! Some damsel in distress situations ensue and cue the sexytimes.
The rest of the story is predictable, as expected but not as bad as could be in this genre. The artwork is actually quite good and the story and characters get slightly more depth in later chapters. (More romance and relationship than pure sex scenes) Its great fun to read when you enjoy(albeit tropey/cliched) adult romance stories with a good deal of sex scenes. The story is so cliche, its hilarious!
In the later chapters i was surprised at the unexpected seriousness, as the characters actually talk the misunderstandings through instead of just ignoring it and thus creating unnecessary drama like in many,many, many josei.
What makes this story noteworthy is the appearance of the male lead who is: a buff firefighter and not a sleazy s/M office stud or the pale and noodly possessive prince-type.
So why do I bother writing a review about a hentai, of all things? OPINION on the entire genre:
Having read manga for over 18 years now, and being an adult woman, i was looking for some aesthetically pleasing erotic stories geared towards women that are NOT yaoi. With the manga and hentai publications being so vast i thought it should be easy to find an adult romance/erotica/hentai .... or so i thought.
I couldn't have been more mistaken. Although the hentai publications are many and catering to all fetishes and kinks possibly imaginable it is surprisingly hard to find erotica made for women that is not yaoi. On top of that i have some standards, which made it even more difficult. Those being:
1) the sex has to be consensual
2) no incesty-shit, no violence, no creepy shit
3) the woman has to enjoy it
4) the female character must have more brains and text lines than a housefly.
This shouldn't be nearly as hard as it was, maybe i looked in the wrong places, but most of the hentai/erotica i discovered so far is not specifically geared towards women, so i find at leas one or more criteria not met. Which is a shame really. The other matter is the appearance of the male lead. Sure there are some adult romance /josei that also contain sex scenes and some of them are drawn really beautifully, but most of them still feature the two major archetypes: kinky and possessive office-stud or pale-fainty-prince noodle arms. And i like neither.
I mean, anything is possible in art, and hentai for men has allllllll the possible taste one can possibly have (just think about all the boob sizes) so why cant there be more diverse types in male leads?
Yaoi has some beautifully drawn art as well AND athletic body types, but what to do when that's not your kinda jam?
So, here is my conclusion: there is not enough smut drawn for ladies.
And yes, i know the cultural situation, with women in japan being expected to act pure and modest and say "no!" when sex is about to happen as well as the societal idea that a woman over 25 is to be married and should have kids so no time to read.....
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 12, 2020
Before i start: i am a fan of the Manga, and i write about the anime IN COMPARISON to each other = more meta. (TL;DR at bottom)
So, the anime by netflix got a second season. What is different?
The most apparent thing is the story and pacing. It got so. much. better. ( than the first season)
Finally we get some semblance of the character development that the manga is all about, we get the background stories of some characters which should have been explained in the first season.
It really feels like this pacing should have been applied in the first season, which was just a
really bad summary and skipped on all the important parts. ( for reference, see my review on that one on the corresponding page)
The story focuses on the section of the manga where Team Summer B and a part of Summer A meet, and the contrast couldnt be heavier: The goofy weirdos from B vs the overly serious overachievers (and crooks) of team A. The location for the story is mostly a giant ship intended as both a shelter and armory. The combination of the contrasting parties creates occasions for character development and growth on all participating sides.
Overall i am really relieved this season turned out so much better. Sure, there are still things that dont live up to expectations if you are familiar with the manga. But compared to season 1 this is a definitive progress!
I will still and probably forever recommend the reading of the manga, since this anime still doesnt and will never do it justice ( maybe another adaptation in the future? -- the potential would be worth it)
The story and characters just make so much more sense if you have read it.
I can only partly understand why it gets so much hate, i guess some people are just missing the usual slaughter, magic, tits and fight scenes. If you look at it from a more realistic perspective though, its quite close to how a bunch of clueless teenagers would behave in a situation like that.
( that doesnt mean the scenario with a dystopian post-apocalypse world is depicted realistically)
Its much better than the first season storywise: better pacing and more character development. Should have been like that in the first season too. Still doesnt come close to the potential of the Manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 14, 2020
What is this? Basically porn with a little romance and pretty characters. NO rapey or cringey shit. Quite realistic and believable too. If you are a woman, and want to see how hentai/media geared towards women could look like, try it!!!
BUT! hear me out:
Adult content that is geared toward women (be it in manga, anime or even games) is EXTREMELY rare. At least the content i am looking for. ( Not yaoi) In my judgement i have some standards similar to the Bechdel test although wayyyyy less strict and not as thorough considering we are dealing with a rather sexist culture producing our content
The standards are:
- no rape/Violence whatsoever
- consent (especially from the woman)
- pleasure/love/romance must be evident
- resemblance of plot and believable healthy/non abusive adult characters ( the woman has to have more character than a common fly)
its not much, right? So why then is it SO hard to find content like this?
But first lets be real. It is hentai /porn. So what do you expect story wise? Shakespeare? The dialogue and story really is what is to be expected in porn, creating a fleeting illusion of plot but enough to still be believable. At least i got the impression while watching although according to porn standards its was really not that bad, and i had a lot of fun watching the hilarity of porn dialogue rattling off every cliché possible.
Sexy firefighter rescues damsel in distress who turns out to be childhood friend?
i mean, come on! its like those super cheap novels you probably heard of. Great fun! Just watch it for shits and giggles.
Animation is decent and sound ok too i would say. Also, this was the first work where the woman had more orgasms than the man, which in itself is also quite rara in this type of genre.
its really amusing to watch, its nice and short, the characters look good, we got some buff dudes, girls with normal bodies, no incest - whats to complain about?
Now to the REAL ISSUE:
the scarcity of good content that an anime like this sets the standard. I almost couldn't believe it! Finally there is ONE work where the woman actually enjoys sex, the dude is actually hot and attractive and the sex is consensual!--- Obligatory "no! dont!" (although countered by her thoughts that she enjoys it) lines added in for cultural approval - it seems that no matter how sexualized women are in japanese media, the front of a proper, pure,chaste, demure classic woman must never, ever be broken.
So? Why so much rant?
Because this is a rarity and it shouldn't be one. its rare to find adult het manga that have believable, realistic sexual content without the male lead being a total asshole or possessive shit/ complete psycho. (What the hell is attractive about that anyway?!?! Ever heard of healthy relationships???)
I wish for more adult manga/media for women, with attractive and buff men. Not yaoi. Het couples. With healthy relationships and great sexual content.
With real women as main characters. Strong women who wont be molested, who enjoy having sex, who are honest and not demure, just really good characters! Jeez, it can' be that hard!
Also i just don't enjoy yaoi - not for lack of trying.
So far i have only encountered said desired content in some fandoms, so only fanmade works.
Prove me wrong, tell/show me please if there are other manga/anime that match this content !
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 6, 2019
Tsukikage baby is a manga about a small provincial town and its traditional dance, Kaze-no bon.
THe STORY is about Romance and dancing, beginnings and ends, letting go and finding a new home. The dance itself is depicted and discussed in such a way that it appeares to be more than plot, almost as a charcter. Its the binding element in this story and gives it cohesion and also rounds off the story and ties in every character.
The manga is rather short, the romance is quite simple or lets say conventional, but the main focus is the small towns community and the tradition of dance.
This is intentional by the author as it takes away the focus of the other characters, who just happen to take part in the annual festival. I think the manga is beautifully done with an almost documentary aspect about the tradition of Kaze-no-bon.
for everyone interested in traditions, dancing or culture im sure this is a short and entertaining (sprinkled with romance) read.
The ART is clean and beautiful, not too much of effects, not overbearing, perfect for the topic. characters are well drawn and porportionate, easily distingushable.
The CHARACTERS are likeable, even though not as finely protrayed as in the authors other work, Sakamichi no apollon (Kids on the slope). This is because the story is altogether shorter, and the author tends to convey feelings much more between the lines rather than oviously in your face. The main character is Hotaruko , a city girl who recently lost her mother and returns to her grandparents on the contryside. The story follows her progress of letting go and finding a new place to call home as well as find closure with her mothers passing.
I ENJOYed it a lot! the dance focus is what drew me in first, as i learned traditional dance (nihon buyo) at a point. Kaze no bon is a quite famous festival in northern japan and the dance is unique to the area. The characters are well done and i found teh portrayed dynamics interesting and well executed.
Overall this is a simple romance without much shenanigans, or clicheed tropes like a hateful girl rival, harassment in school or some such. its a story about growth and tradition, about dancing and different forms of love.
Its a gem among shoujo romance because so so so many other fall into the same old tropes and cliches, this one here is refreshing and realistic and sweet.
I recommend it for people who are fed up with the same stuff that always happens.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 30, 2019
as a fan of the manga, i can only say: READ THE MANGA!!!!!!!!
so TL;DR : the anime doesnt do the Manga justice. AT. ALL.
As it was mentioned before, too many chapters of the original got stuffed into 12 episodes of half-heartedly done animations.
This means the main strength of the original story - character development, depth, details and relationships/interactions within a group in a dangerous environment- got thrown out the window.
Many events that would further explain the characters and their motivations, have been left out or haphazardly summarized so all the development and understanding of said characters gets lost to the
The whole life of team summer A has been crammed into one short summary! to the anime viewers they have to come across as totally bonkers. Also the cliffhanger makes no sense, only if there was a season2 or even 3 planned, as it is relatively early in the story. The environment and creatures get oversimplified too, Hanas disease even turns into a bubbly mess? The pacing is really out of whack, when the respective parties have already been traveling for quite some time.
Also some of the lines certain characters are spouting are really off. every minute of watching it really heightens the discrepancy between original and adaptation. Its too bad the quality of the original gets warped so badly that it gets classified as shojo. it truly isnt just that.
Sure it doesnt have those shonen typical fight scenes, there are no superpowers or villains. its more of a depiction of different young people being thrown together in a tough situation left to deal with on their own. And all this is completely neglected by the anime.
its such a shame really! the manga is so great and detailed, be it plotwise or character depth or-interactions. It hurts my heart to see this great potential the Manga has being thrown away.
i guess at this point its not much more use saying anything more about the anime, for those wanting to know more about the MANGA, read about it on the Mangas page.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 20, 2019
this series is not completed yet and i write this review as i have finished reading chapter 127.
About the story: The setup is fairly sweet but things start to rapidly develop and i promise its thrilling! I have until now rarely seen this level of analyzing, strategies, deducting, attention to details and psychology. There are also later on survival elements, the setting will shift to a dystopian world and society and its structures i assume at this point will come more into focus. It is gripping, thrilling and challenging. This story so far has all the things i appreciate in a well written
About the artstyle. it is always about personal preference, but it is fairly deecent and even though it seems a bit childish its accurate as the main heroes are also more children than teenagers at this point of the story. I could understand tough if the style is not to everyones liking.
The characters are well thought out and you will meet a variety of them over the course of the story. there are some im sure everyone will find something to relate to. As the main heroes are also still very young, things still have room to develop and grow and im excited to see where things will go as the story progresses.
Enjoyment : it really is an amazing story! as i mentioned before all the components i enjoy are present (maybe some romance could be added for my tastes, but its still ongoing and they are kids so my hopes in the future ;)
Overall this story does everything right: good characters, thriller/horror/survival elements, lots of strategy/analyzing/psychology some fights and gore, society and philosophical problems. I can recommend reading this if you liked Golden Kamuy (even though Promised neverland is not humorous/funny ) or one of my alltime favourites 7 Seeds -here are many elements shared and im so glad i found this!
I wouldnt ever compare it to Bleach though, as Bleach is just a "next-stronger-opponent" kinda shonen and promised neverland is not at all like this. sure the challenges get harder but on a entirely different plane/scale and there are so many more elements in the story even though its not complete yet.
TL;DR : read it if you like: psychology , analyzing, strategies, thrillers, survival, horror, dystopian worlds, mystery, philosophy, jailbreak, plot twists,
7 seeds, Golden Kamuy, Eden no Ori, ES (eternal Sabbath), Death Note and the likes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 19, 2019
Are you tired of all the old boy meets girl romance stories? The neverending fight-another-villain of shonen? Sick of stories that seem to have only one main focus?
Then read 7 Seeds!
Story 10/10 : The setting is unusal for shoujo/josei comics and its a shame there are only so few. The main focus is survival, life and death, adventure,mystery, but also social interactions, relationships on different levels,wirking together, overcoming ones weaknesses, discovering what happened, self -reflection and growth. 7 Seeds is so layered and treats each topic with an earnest approach, the research on scientific topics is well done. The story keeps the reader
focused and eager to discover more. Sure there is romance and a good deal revolves around the main pair and drives some of the plot but it pales in comparison to the other topics and themes this story also covers. The pace is nice between action and light hearted conversations as well as dramatic events or plot twists. I found it to be one of the best manga i have read so far and it is a story you can read over and over again because it is so faceted.
Art 8/10: Art and style are very much about taste, so if the style doesnt suit you i can see it taking some of the enjoyment from the whole experience, but as it is shoujo/josei, i think it still works well. It would be interesting to see the same story drawn in a different style though. just to see if it had the same effect on readers.
Charactes 10/10. 7 Seeds comes with a wide variety of characters. Some are more focused on, some less. There is diversity from shy to bold, cunning to naive, talented to awkward, alltogether everyone is on some point relatable. there is no real evil/good as each has their own motivation for their actions. A great plus is that we have a diverse cast of well written female characters. Its so annoying to always be served the usual shy, crying, good girl character that is weak and cant decide for herself. Here we have one character that starts as this kind but she is the one you see grow and evolve a lot. Another welcome surprise is that there are no catfights among girls over boys. its is so refreshing that the topic doesnt revolve about some dude but the real problems at hand, like getting food or water.
Enjoyment 10/10. I really liked the mix of topics and themes as in comparison to other shoujo/josei i had to deal with. This one keeps you on your toes as the story unfolds, the characters are diverse and authentic, to each drama there is some lighteharted scene to balance it out, it is just a well rounded, hidden gem !
Overall 10/10. as i mentioned before, this manga is in all aspects outstanding. If you are here for romance, you will like it, if you are here for survival and adventure you ´ll get your fill. if you´re here for philosophy or psychology you wont be disappointed.
Its such a shame that this doesn´t get the credit it deserves. There are some shonen that pick up similar topics like eden no ori, but that never reaches the level of balance and completeness 7 Seeds conveys. It just is the whole package and i cant think of a thing to add. In true fashion of her other renowned epic work Basara, Tamura Yumi created another great masterpiece.
Ill always love and recommend this masterpice . i truly wish there were more works with qualities like this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Feb 19, 2019
There are already a ton of revies about this, so ill keep this as short as possible. I was wandering around Mars since its been published in my country, however i avoided reading it when i was a teenager as at the time it wasnt my main interest. I had heard good and bad things about it, but i never really bothered.
Now roughly 15 years later, i am looking for good josei and come across this one again and i decide to give it a go.
Honestly, i didnt expect too much. I was pleasantly surprised however, (and ended up bingeing the whole
manga in 2 days) as the story gains some traction around book 3 or so. It starts out really cliché bad boy meets good girl and it seems pretty predictable. however as the story progresses, and more background is uncovered it gets interesting.
I didnt expect the manga to reach to those levels of psychologic entrapments or situations. Although never explained scientifically but rather understandable for teenage readers, the main focus is healing from difficult experiences and learning to cope. it shows different approaches to how people handle their respective experiences and for a manga that has romance as a genre its surprisingly deep and more faceted than some other josei ive read. it is also fairly well done, the characters still seem believable and quite authentic with their respective problems/past. it is also visible how their past experiences influence their daily behaviour. Although you might have to read quite far into the story for some people to make more sense, since some past events get uncovered fairly late.
The characters -although flawed (main hero is overly brutal, main heroine cries wayyyy to much) are still progressing and evolve to cope with their past experiences all the while some quite standard romance genre stuff happens.
All in all i can recommend you give it a try, the art is very nice -90s style but quite clean and not loaded with effects. The story is good overall, and gets better the more you contiune reading. the end was a little short or rather abrupt for my tastes, i like full closure and the good chapter "some years later".
i will give it an overall 8 rating, as it is for the genre still exceptionally good. The focus being mainly romance though and some minor flaws that make me give it not the full 10. It is however a very good josei and im sure it deserves its place in the top 5 of josei.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 18, 2019
First off, this manga is from the 80s. so there is a difference in behaviour and societal norms depicted then in comparison to now.
The story starts our fairly common, boy meets girl, something happens, they fall in love maybe, etc.... BUT! Its what is around the primary objective of just romance that makes this story different. The family situations, the past of the characters as well as their own thoughts/reflections. The way the story is told also makes the characters relatable to the reader.
The pacing is relatively slow, sometimes things are omitted and some things may be seen differently today as they were
back in 80s Japan. Some of these elements is for example how families were supposed to be, what was expected of girsl/boys in that time, what was seen as conforming to societal norms, what was seen as rebellious.
As seen under this light the lead characters are both authentic and relatable. The hero is impulsive and abrasive at times, but he learns to open up to others and feel more connections to his classmates. The heroine is a typical "good girl" but not entirely. There are sides to her, that still feel honest and flawed as is necessary for a good reader connection.
Overall i would recommend reading this Manga if you like the genre, appreciate good character writing and nice and fluffy 80s art style. I enjoyed it more than i thought i would as i continued reading it. When i reached the latest chapter, i was surprised i couldnt stop reading and wanted more.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 18, 2019
As a fan of Tamura Yumi, i checked it out in hopes of another epic story like 7Seeds or Basara.
As this work seems to be unfinished or abandoned, i write this for the potential it had.
Story: the setting is a slightly fururistic tokyo, and our main heroes belong to a special forces team to help save civillians and take on special missions. Its quite an unusual setting for josei, but all the better for it, i think the category needs so much more diverse content than just romance . The story stars with action and is really promising, it would have been great so
see more about the 3 main characters and their respective backgrounds.
Art: I have to say the style is typical for the author , and i came to love it, even though it is more shoujo-feathery and somewhat fuzzy. Usually i like more clean lines and less saucer-eyes. but it really does not deter from the story, rather i find it is interesting to see a story which has the action, suspense, romance, drama, mystery some seinen or shounen have drawn in this style. its not for everyone though, so i guess for some people this subtracts points from the overall score.
Characters: as is typical for Tamura, the main characters are laid out very balanced and come with qualities and faults alike. A think i can never emphasize enough! As only a small amount of chapters have been released, i am sure had it been continued the characters would be really well fleshed out and relatable as seen in previous works by her. I really like that she always has a very strong female lead. this is so important as in the classic shojo/josei there are not many of them.
Enjoyment: it was really great to read and i was bummed out that there was not more. the basis for the story is really good and i would have love to see where it wend from there.
Overall: I would recommend to read not only for Tamura fans but also for fans of the Josei genre. Its rare to see action, suspense, mystery, drama, romance, all packed into one. i really really wish there were more great stories with a broader set of elements than just plain romance in josei. Even though the art is not for everyone, the story show a ton of potential and, one can only hope it gets redone or continued some day.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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