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Mar 12, 2019
I can't believe it took me so long to watch this. Initially I wasn't sure I would like it because the premise just didn't sound that appealing to me, but now that I finally got around to it, well, this is probably the first time I'm genuinely happy a slice-of-life series has a bajillion seasons.
Story 10/10: This is a very interesting show because, though it is certainly episodic, each episode presents an entire story, and that's what sets it apart from other such anime. The stories unfold slowly and the messages are subtle, but by the end of each episode I felt as though I
had learnt something.
Art 9/10: The art is not incredibly polished, but it's colourful without being jarringly bright, and the backgrounds are drawn in a watercolour-y way, thus giving the entire show an aura of softness. The creatures we encounter are wonderfully diverse, ranging from cute to weird to sometimes creepy, which I really appreciated.
Sound 9/10: My only complaint about the sound is the voice acting, which was good but could have been better at times. Other than that, the soundtrack is absolutely beautiful, especially the ending theme. The background music is very peaceful and atmospheric, and, though not upbeat, it can be uplifting even when listened to outside of the anime.
Character 10/10: Natsume has become one of my favourite protagonists, because even in such a short amount he learns and grows, but he still has a long way to go. My favourite thing about him is how kind he is, especially towards the youkai, though they have inadvertently caused him a fair bit of suffering. He desperately longs for human connection, but at the same time finds it hard to open up to others, which is something a lot of us would find relatable. Other than him, there are a few recurring characters, and there are of course the creatures themselves, whose personalities and stories are just as diverse as their designs, and they are really what make the show as interesting as it is.
Enjoyment 9/10: There were some moments I found dull, though few, and I have to be in a particular mood to be able to watch this show. It's probably one of the least-bingeable shows I've come across, which might not necessarily be a bad thing, as I wouldn't really want to finish a season of it in an afternoon. Apart from that, it's certainly enjoyable, but not upbeat or comedic, more like peaceful or even melancholic.
Overall 9/10: It would be very easy to give this a 10/10 but I am reserving that for its future seasons which I'm sure are even better. I do understand why this is one of, if not the, most popular 'healing' type anime, - I wholeheartedly agree with it, and honestly? I would absolutely recommend it to anyone, especially if you enjoy slow and atmospheric shows.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 6, 2019
This will include my opinion of the entire show, and will not contain spoilers.
Now, I wouldn't call myself a big sports anime or even shounen anime fan, mainly because I haven't seen very many that have left a strong impression on me, so initially I didn't even plan on watching Haikyuu!!, because I couldn't imagine why I would ever care about volleyball, and when I did pick it up, it was with little to no expectations. However, along way, somehow this became one of my favourite anime of all time.
Story 10/10: I am giving this rating purely because I'm not bothered by weaker/less
interesting storylines, and while this anime certainly doesn't have the most unique premise, its execution is absolutely brilliant. I would also applaud its use of flashbacks, which isn't excessive but enough to give the characters more nuance and to make you feel things. In my opinion it also manages to stay quite realistic, compared to other anime, and it has taught me a lot about volleyball, as well as made me interested in it, so that's an accomplishment.
Art 10/10: The art isn't perfect in the first season, a fact that becomes more and more apparent after having rewatched the entire show multiple times, but it doesn't really have any glaring issues, especially in the later episodes, and it manages to get so much better while still staying consistent. The openings really shine in the animation department. But what gets me most about Haikyuu's animation is the attention to details, sometimes I'll catch myself just marvelling at the characters' eyes, at the way their muscles are drawn, at the various slow motion scenes, at the ball's movement and speed; even the court floor catches my eyes at tiimes. This art and animation style just really works for me, and for this anime.
Sound 10/10: The voice acting is incredible, as can be expected, I do not have a single complaint when it comes to that department (Shoutout to Hinata's voice actor for the noises). The music is also amazing; it took me some time to warm up to some songs, but having watched it so many times I now appreciate every single second of the soundtrack. Their use of various
sound effects such as squeaking shoes is also very nice, they really contribute at setting the mood before a match.
Character 10/10: Haikyuu!! is very interesting in that it presents to you this cast of characters, and initially they're very easy to categorize into well-known stereotypes, so you think you know exactly what to expect from them. But then this anime goes and gives them a backstory, a personality, development, sometimes it manages to develop three background characters in four minutes. Sure, there are certain characters who absolutely do not get as much screen time as they should, but this is a fault in the manga as well, and Tsukishima's character development makes up for any complaints I'd have about anything. So there's that.
Enjoyment 10/10: When I watched the first episode, I was into it but I wasn't super hooked, so I committed myself to watching about one episode per week. Then I got to episode five and I found myself binge-watching the entire thing in a week. Then I rewatched it the very moment I finished episode 60. So far, I have watched it in full around 20 times, but that doesn't include all the hours I've spent watching and rewatching various funny moments and match moments compilations on youtube. For me, what really shows how enjoyable it is, is its rewatchability, which seems to be incredibly high, as I keep being drawn to it, because I keep noticing new things, and the more I think about it, the more I appreciate how much there is to it.
Overall 10/10: I can't say that I've seen oh so many animes, but this one has left a more lasting impression on me than any other. I would not recommend it to everyone, because obviously, but I would certainly recommend it to people who enjoy good animation, amazing music, incredible, complex characters, and just an overall very enjoyable anime that might teach you a thing or two about volleyball.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 3, 2019
I'm very conflicted about this anime, because on the one hand it is undoubtedly one of the best shows I've ever seen, but on the other hand it features both the most beautiful and most soul-crushing episode in existence.
Story 10/10: It continues from where the first season left off, but the number of light-hearted episodes is drastically reduced and the overarching plot gets much more focus this time around. I actually started watching this because I got spoiled for a quite important plot point and I wanted to know how that came to be, and somehow knowing it would happen made it all the more
satisfying when things finally started making sense. And I'm sure that rewatching the first season will be a lot more fun now that I have answers to the questions that were raised back in the first episode, and I will also be able to appreciate the very first episodes so much more now that I know that each of them is meant to teach a lesson.
Art 10/10: I watched the two seasons back-to-back and while I did notice some changes in the art style overall, mostly in the character designs, it wasn't anything drastic, which isn't a bad thing, because I really loved how the first season looked. I will say though that here they had more opportunities to really make the art stand out, especially in the second half of the season.
Sound 10/10: Like most of the things in this show, the voice acting and music are above average in general but they really stand out in the second half. For starters, the second opening theme is one of the few anime opening themes to make me cry despite being such an upbeat song. I also really loved the first opening theme, and while I didn't much care for the ending songs, this show features what might possibly be my favourite anime insert song like.... ever.... Apart from that I didn't really notice too many of the songs used in the background, but that might just be because the serious tone of this season required a much more low-key OST.
And then there's the voice acting, which was incredible before but now it's just absolutely outstanding. Again, thanks to the more serious tone of this season the voice actors really had the opportunity to show their talent, especially in the second to last episode, which might feature some of my favourite voice acting to date. (another special shoutout to Jun Fukuyama for being able to make me cry with two words.)
Character 10/10: Unfortunately in this season the majority of the focus is centered on the same characters it was in the first season, which might be due to having to adapt such a large number of manga chapters in just 47 episodes, but the standout characters are handled with such care it's hard for me to complain about it. We get backstories and development and realistic character relationships, and even the antagonists get their fair share of screentime, so much so that it never feels like anyone is evil just for the sake of it. My only problem in this section is the way Irina's character is handled, especially during the Reaper arc, but apparently that arc is longer in the manga so that might change my perspective on it. Other than that, this show has my favourite mentor figure in all of anime, and also possibly the most terrifying antagonist I've come across.
Enjoyment 10/10: I flew through it so fast, there was never a dull moment and I felt incredibly sad whenever I had to stop watching for whatever reason, however I'm not sure sobbing non-stop during the last four the episodes counts as 'enjoyment'.
Overall 10/10: I get attached to fictional characters very easily, and yet no piece of media has ever made me this emotional before. Thanks to that it automatically jumped to the top of my favourite anime series list. As for recommending it, well, if you liked the first season and you like having your heart ripped out in the most brutal way imaginable, this is the show for you. It will probably resonate with you if you have any sort of strong feelings towards education and educators (be they negative or positive) or even if you don't have any such feelings, it's worth watching just for Koro-sensei as a character.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 2, 2019
I watched some of this like a year ago but dropped it because the episodic formula wasn't really working for me at the time. Then I picked it up again on a whim and finished it in two days. I now completely understand why it is so popular.
Story 10/10: The premise itself is pretty unique and enough to pique one's interest, but the way it unfolds is really what keeps you watching, although most of the intrigue doesn't get resolved this season. It's mostly episodic and definitely not as serious as you'd expect it to be based on the premise, apart from the very last
few episodes, but this enables it to properly develop a lot of the characters and even if it doesn't really focus on the overarching story most of the time, it still manages to get across some quite meaningful messages about school and education and human relationships.
Art 9/10: It took me so long to get used to the character designs, I'm not even sure why, because they look good, very colourful and nice to look at, just quite peculiar. Other than that there's nothing to complain about, the movement is smooth, the backgrounds are beautiful, and sometimes, especially in the last few episodes, some scenes look mindblowingly good.
Sound 10/10: I'm not the biggest fan of the opening or ending themes, but the voice acting is incredible, with a very large number of standout performances from the main and secondary cast alike (special shoutout to Jun Fukuyama for being amazing). The ost is pretty great, with a lot of different instruments used in a large variety of tracks to fit all sorts of situations the characters find themselves in, tracks ranging from upbeat and funny to more quiet and subdued to mysterious and ominous.
Character 10/10: Not all characters get equal amounts of screen-time, but the ones who get some focus are very well-developed, they all have their own stories and motivations and personalities, and are very very easy to differentiate from the others, and there is tangible character development for some through the show. Interestingly enough, although Koro-sensei is undoubtedly a main character, he remains probably the most mysterious character in the anime, as we don't really know much about him, where he came from, who he really is, what his motivations are, nothing. So I'm looking forward to seeing more of him. Apart from that, my favourite character was Karma, but I did manage to get attached to most of the prominent characters. As for the antagonists, because they do exist, well... In my humble opinion this show has some of the best and most terrifying antagonists I've ever encountered.
Enjoyment 9/10: I decided to dock a point just because I believe this is a show that you have to be in a particular mood in to really enjoy, as the first time I watched the first few episodes I found myself bored, however when I checked it out again I ended up binge-watching the entire thing. I even went back and rewatched the first few episodes and it's quite amazing how much my perspective has changed on them.
Overall 9/10: I think your enjoyment of this show very much depends on your expectations and your sense of humour. I would not recommend going into this with many preconceived expectations, and I would definitely urge you to stay away if you're looking for something that takes itself seriously. However, if you're just looking for something fun and humorous with a great cast of characters, this is absolutely worth a watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 13, 2019
This was on my list of 'anime I will never watch' because of various factors but I decided to watch at least the first episode because it's Madhouse and because the opening animation looks really good. Somehow it ended up being one of my favourite anime. Oh well.
Story 10/10: I didn't even know this was an Isekai before I watched it, therefore I absolutely expected it to be 12 episodes of Shiro and Sora just playing various online games. I couldn't have been more wrong. It was actually my first Isekai anime ever, and I found it interesting from the very beginning, especially the world
they get taken into, the society, the politics, the different races, etc. Stuff I didn't think I'd ever care about made me actually binge the show in 2 days. And the games themselves were quick and somehow managed to be intriguing even if the very premise of the show hinges on them never losing a game.
Art 10/10: This is arguably the most colourful show I've come across, which might be a turn-off for some, but to me it seemed like it really contributed to the overall fantastical atmosphere of the show; I found it a pleasure to look at considering all the very popular very dark anime out there. I especially loved the thing they did in episode 9 where Shiro's feelings came across beautifully thanks to the grayscale used.
Sound 9/10: I loved the opening song before I even watched it, though the overall ost wasn't particularly noticeable apart from one track. The voice acting, however, is absolutely incredible, in my opinion, especially in the main characters' case. I unintentionally heard some of the dub as well, which... is not horrible I guess, but this is definitely a show that should be watched subbed, just for Shiro's voice. :')
Character 9/10: It's fairly plot-focused and yet it still managed to make me care about all the relevant characters in some way or another, though the main driving force behind the show, to me, were the two main characters and their relationship, which might be off-putting for some, but to me it was beautiful and one of the best sibling relationships I've seen in anime. The side characters were fairly interesting as well, though Steph's character could've been used better, but other than that, coincidentally the characters I found most interesting were the ones who got the least screen-time..
Enjoyment 9/10: The first three episodes I kind of spaced out, I felt like I shouldn't binge this show because it's something meant to be savored, but then I watched episode 4 and I couldn't stop watching; it just grabbed me and never let go. I usually have problems with comedy centered around fanservice, but here it didn't bother me as much as it usually would, and I did find it pretty funny at times. I don't think its rewatch value would be very high though, which is why I'm docking off a point.
Overall 9/10: It has its issues, as is the case with any show, but to me it's not anything that would make me change my opinion of it, though the ending did leave me pretty frustrated and praying that I live to see the day we get a second season. However, as much as I love it, I probably wouldn't recommend it to anyone who tends to be overly critical or dislikes fanservice-driven comedy or just overall doesn't feel interested in it. If you do happen to be interested in it, though, by all means, it is absolutely worth watching.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 7, 2019
How do I even put into words my feelings towards this manga. How.
Story 10/10: It has a very interesting structure, wherein it sets up a basic plot, and then it spends quite a lot of time being 'episodic' so to say, just introducing the main characters and the relationships between them and some relevant side-characters. Due to this, it might be called slow because of how long it takes to get to the serious parts, but personally I didn't mind it at all because this way the reader has a lot of time to grow to care about the characters, and the 'episodic' parts are
done so well it's hard to find any fault in them.
Art 10/10: This manga is worth reading just for the art, and that is probably the biggest reason why I prefer the manga over the anime. The art is so wonderfully detailed and beautiful in every single panel, the backgrounds and especially the building shots are exquisite, so much so that I often found myself just staring at a given panel, wondering how much time and effort must've gone into it. However, my words cannot describe it accurately enough, so the best way to comprehend what I'm talking about is by reading it for yourself.
Character 10/10: Ultimately, no matter how great the story or the art are, the characters are the most important part of this manga, and honestly, they're definitely some of the best characters I've ever encountered in fiction. In the beginning all the main characters are introduced as simple stereotypes, but we slowly find out more and more about their personalities and their backgrounds through their interactions with the side characters. Though there are chapters that are mostly focused on one particular character, they get developed even beyond those chapters, and it's wonderful.
And then there's the side characters, who initially might seem like one-off characters we won't see ever again, but then they pop up later in the story and become integral to whatever the main characters are doing. It's incredible just how many characters there are in this manga, but what I love most is the various relationships the main characters have with one another and with the side characters, the conflicts that arise from those relationships, and the different ways these conflicts are resolved. Because honestly, the best thing about the characters in this manga is that they get things done. Instead of just sitting around and waiting for things to get fixed by someone else, they make foolish decisions and throw themselves into stupid situations just because they can't stand to see their friends struggling.
Enjoyment 10/10: I didn't think I would find the manga as funny or as enthralling as I found the anime, but obviously, I was extremely wrong, and somehow the manga managed to make me laugh harder than the anime, even though it has no sound effects, no crazy animation, and it really tones down the humour in the second half. It also made me cry a fair few times, which was extremely unexpected considering how light-hearted it often is. I don't know when I will ever find another manga that balances comedy with drama this well.
Overall 10/10: Of course it has its issues, but they're not things that would ruin my overall impression of this manga. It is certainly one of the best within this medium, and I would wholeheartedly recommend it to just about everyone, especially if you're a fan of shoujo or comedy, but even if you're not, just read it. And.... this is probably my favourite manga ever, so I expect I will reread it quite often in the future.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 31, 2019
I picked this up on a whim when I was just in the mood for something light-hearted, but I got so much more out of it than expected.
Story 9/10: An anime about a guy trying to live life as lazily as possible probably shouldn't be very interesting, but somehow this one is. Even though it's definitely one of the calmest and most laid-back anime series I've seen, somehow it never feels dull.
Art 10/10: Honestly I can't believe how good it looks. The character designs are easy on the eyes and very fitting for each character's personality, the movement is fluid, and the backgrounds are
surprisingly detailed, especially all the shots of the sky during sunset.
Sound 9/10: The opening and ending songs are very appropriate for this show, except that they nearly put me to sleep every time I tried to listen to them, so I had to skip them every episode, which is a shame. I think I only noticed some background music once through the entire show, but that's okay, as the sound effects and the voice acting are amazing enough to make up for it. Seriously, Tanaka's voice actor is incredible.
Character 9/10: There's Tanaka who's fascinating on his own, but his dynamic with Oota is basically the best thing in the entire show. The various side characters do a great job of balancing out Tanaka's listlessness with their own different energies, and some of them get their own mini-arcs as well, which I loved, though I probably could've done without the romance element.
Enjoyment 10/10: This probably isn't the sort of show you should binge, but I did anyway, and I don't regret it. It's mostly just something wholesome to watch after a hard day, but it does have its own fair share of funny moments.
Overall 9/10: It's probably one of my favourite slice of life shows to date, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes such shows.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 29, 2019
This is basically as close to perfection as it gets.
Story 10/10: The premise itself is very interesting, what with the protagonists being literal terrorists, and it just gets better as it goes on, though I know a lot of people aren't really satisfied with the direction it took in the second half, but personally I loved every single second of it, even if it wasn't exactly what I expected.
Art 10/10: The art is quite peculiar but god it looks so good. The atmosphere of the show is quite dark and depressing and the colours used fit that perfectly, and sometimes, on still shots, there's this
effect that makes it feel like the camera is shaking the slightest bit, which was really cool. I actually spent most of the show cursing the fact that I don't know japanese and therefore I had to pay attention to the subtitles, which meant that I didn't pay as much attention to the art and animation as I wanted to. Truly a tragedy considering the amount of detail and love put into every single frame.
Sound 10/10: I actually started watching it because my favourite seiyuu voices one of the characters, and I was not disappointed. Everything is perfect and I have nothing to complain about. As for the soundtrack, well, the opening is one of the best anime openings ever, as everyone knows, but the ending theme, while fitting, wasn't my favourite thing ever. The ost though, is really weird, because this is one of those very rare cases where the music works better experienced within the anime than on its own. The tracks are so varied, they go from kind of upbeat to beautiful to downright eerie, and the instruments used really don't feel like something that would fit a show as dark as this, but every single track is used so well, and sometimes they're used in this really subtle way so that the music is just barely noticeable. It's absolutely beautiful, and this show is definitely best enjoyed with headphones.
Character 10/10: I got so attached to the characters even though it's so short and most of the time I didn't even know if I was supposed to root for them, but I did anyway. I actually was interested in the 'antagonists' which rarely ever happens, and I was surprised by how well it showcased its characters with so many things going on in such a short amount of time. I have no idea how they were able to fit backstories and different relationships and character development and great side characters and a quite complicated plot all into 11 episodes.
Enjoyment 10/10: It was on the second episode that it really grabbed my attention, and then it never let go. At the end of every episode I was left in awe and with a feeling of 'it's already over?', which is the best kind of feeling I can get from a show. The ending though. It was really unforeseen and now I will probably never be able to listen to the opening song without crying.
Overall 10/10: There are certainly quite a few things I could complain about, but I can overlook all of that because, to me, this is the kind of anime I will probably never have the privilege of experiencing again. And I would absolutely love for every anime fan out there to experience it as well. (It could've been longer though T_T)
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 28, 2019
I didn't plan on writing a review for this but I'm just listening to the soundtrack and I need to share my feelings.
Story 8/10: The premise is fairly straightforward, it's basically about Minato, the main character, coming back to archery after having abandoned it for quite some time, and him learning to see the sport itself from a different perspective. I liked Minato's struggle with archery and the team, but to me it felt like his story didn't really have a climax.
Art 9/10: It's KyoAni, so there's a particular level of quality to be expected, but I really hated certain character designs, and the
standout moments from an art or animation perspective weren't as abundant as in other KyoAni shows. It's nice to look at, but it's not their absolute best work.
Sound 9/10: This is the one area in which it excels. The voice acting is very good, and the soundtrack has quite a few amazing tracks though it rarely stands out within the show itself.
Character 6/10: Unfortunately, I didn't fall as in love with the characters as I wanted to. All in all there were about four characters I loved, and only two of them got any substantial screentime and development. I didn't much care for Minato, I don't know why, he just didn't grab my attention at any point of the show, I even found him annoying at times, along with Ryohei and Kaito who were annoying 99% of the time. This resulted in me skipping quite a few scenes and rejoicing when my favourite characters were on screen, only to deflate soon after because dammit I wanted more of them.
Enjoyment 7/10: I was bored at times, which is why I skipped scenes, but there were other scenes that were incredibly beautiful, though none of them made me really emotional.
Overall 7/10: It had great potential, and I had fun following it every week, so it's definitely worth watching, even just for the limited number of amazing scenes and the soundtrack, but it probably won't ever have a place on my list of favourite shows by KyoAni.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 26, 2019
I didn't plan to watch this ever because the art seemed so unappealing and it's so very popular therefore I was sure I would hate it. It's one of my favourite shows now.
Story 9/10: It doesn't really have an overarching plot line, and it is very much episodic, which is a setup I tend to struggle with, but here it works so well, as thanks to the different situations the characters are thrown in each episode, they have ample time and space to be fleshed out and to grow. I kinda hate the ending though.
Art 9/10: It doesn't look as good as some new
shows but honestly the art style and colours especially really worked in the show's favour, contributing to the very light hearted atmosphere. The animation was very fluid, and there was some outstanding moments, such as playing with the lighting to show a particular character's feelings and such things. Overall I found no glaring issues in this department, it's just a very subjective category.
Sound 10/10: The opening is a classic, you can't help but love it, but I didn't much care for the ending theme, unfortunately. I really liked the background music though, it is quite exaggerated sometimes and uses a lot of violin and piano, which really contributes to the atmosphere of the show. The voice acting however, is outstanding, from the main characters to the side characters, and especially during the gag scenes.
Character 10/10: Apart from the comedy, this show's strength lies in its characters. Everyone in the main cast is initially set up to be the representation of a stereotype, but then the show goes on and focuses on each of them, and basically flips the stereotypes on their heads. It's really quite amazing how much of a difference there is between their personalities and their relationships in the first episode and in the last episode. There are quite a lot of side-characters introduced but somehow it never feels like the show focuses too much on them, actually it's more like the main cast is developed through their interactions with the side characters. The characters really exceeded my expectations, as I was sure I would hate some of them before I watched it, but now the entire main cast has found a special place on my list of favourite characters ever.
Enjoyment 10/10: I have a love-hate relationship with comedy series that are episodic, because the jokes rarely work on me, but here they worked too well. There wasn't a single episode apart from the more serious ones that didn't make me laugh out loud at least four times, which never happens. There was this particular episode that had the banana gag like 7 times and it still managed to be funny every time. I have no idea how they did it, but this is how comedy should be done. And even though it is episodic, that didn't stop me from binging it in three days, which, again, never happens with such shows.
Overall 9/10: It is over-the-top and ridiculous, but one of the most fun anime I've ever had the pleasure of watching, and I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on that. I wouldn't exactly recommend this if you're searching for a great romance though, the manga does a lot better in that department.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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