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Apr 12, 2011
Let's see for a series that spent the first 3 episodes speeding through the story at such a fast pace why on earth they'd use the 4th episode as a recap is beyond me. You'd think they had better things to do with episodes if they were rushing so much.
Honestly the pace was so fast i thought i was on the wrong episode or something. But i probably shouldn't complain since i actually liked the recap (which is rare) because i was able to comprehend things i didn't get the first time (cuz it was too fast).
Anyway that was the beginning. Come episode 5
things actually get interesting and moves at a better pace. So in other words if you can survive until then u'll feel a lot better :]
Story: the plot is okay. I mean the human world is coming to an end because some alien species are killing everyone off. Its basically the apocalypse. If ur into that sorta thing then there's no real reason you wouldn't like the storyline.
Art: was good as well. I think it got better as the episodes went by. Nanao looked kinda weird at the beginning but come episode 14 he looks proper.
Sound: i really liked the sound. it fit the scenes. Cool music when a fight is in session. Slow music when u need to feel the mood.
Character: I found them really fickle actually. For a group of friends that had so many fun nice times together they sure turned on one another easily. Take blondie for example (the one with the scar, team captain) he was willing to go kill members as long as it was an order. He didn't question it at all. Pretty cold if u ask me.
The crazy brunette too. When he comes back he's all "die Shu, die!" like hello wasn't he the friend u liked best? Forget the rivary u even said he was the one u got along with the most.
and then theres Toun, the girly looking one. He had the cutest personality but no, he sides with a Hardian in seconds. Of course that was cute and all but the way he protected her as if nothing else mattered?
We can blame their characters based on the fact they got messed up by Hardians but then again they seemed pretty sane to me.
ugh and Nanao. I get he likes Yuno. But the way he acted in ep 14 was ridiculous. If anything he was just plain cruel.
...Iera...she's just annoying.
Enjoyment....honestly i just can't wait for the last episodes. Its not a series i feel overly happy watching. It's decent.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 11, 2011
Truly the only thing good about Starry Sky is the fact that there are a lot of guys and they're all hot.
But otherwise its just a bunch of cliche scenes and played out themes.
The cool part though is how each guy is a different constellation, but they don't really do much with that. Its not like they ever mention who's who or the significance of their sign. So its kind of a failure in that sense.
Plus not all the individual stories are all that interesting or convincing. I mean the concept is that the girl could end up with any one like in a dating
game but some of the characters just really don't seem like they'd be a good match for her.
Homare (Taurus), Iku (Gemini) and Azusa (Sagittarius) really don't seem like good matches and this isnt a personal opinion but rather what i would see as obvious. Personal opinion states that she shouldn't be with Yoh (Capricorn), Naoshi (Leo), or any of the above 3. (she probably shouldn't end up with the doctor/nurse (Libra) either but he's hot so my personal opinion leads me to ignore that fact)
Sound is okay, personally the ending theme (without the vocals) is really nice.
Art was pretty but a little too much.
It pains me to give a reverse harem such low grades, but the story was poor, characters were mediocre (too played out), and there really was nothing extraordinary about the sound. But since it is a harem, i guess the enjoyment level was pretty good.
Each episode is only 11 mins so you really shouldn't except much (tho Hetalia is even shorter and manages to deliver wayyy more entertainment)
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Mar 21, 2011
All i can really say is that i didn't even realize it was a harem until someone mentioned it
I HATE harems (mostly cuz i find all the girls really annoying and i hate excessive fan service)
but i absolutely LOVED Utawarerumono and it may even be partly because it IS a harem. I loved all the female characters and i loved when more kept being added
but its not just a simply harem because their are a lot of male cast too (Benawi, Oboro, the twins)
then i love the OP theme (and the ED ones too)
and the concept of slowly overcoming difficult hurdles and eventually leading and
building an empire was very satisfying. The abilities of all the characters as well as the main characters background is truly gratifying
the story was intelligently made and the art is cute and fun (we've got adorable characters, sexy characters, cool characters all the like)
i think the best part is the fact the main character becomes an emperor and has many faithful companions. (its also funny seeing Benawi try and make Hakuoro work--a true slave driver)
it had all the elements i needed.
Lovable/memorable characters. (BISHIES!!! ...and Bishoujo)
Cool abilities/skills
Wealthy main cast (he rules a KINGDOM and lives in a friggin castle)
Animal companions (Mukkuru-the tiger-thing and that rabbit-thing)
Scenes that play on your emotions (i swear i was crying, laughing, smiling, all over the place)
Characters die, characters meet, lots of fighting action (probably the best parts)
Awesome anime.
All 10s...except sound...cuz i don't really remember how good it was. Tho like i said i loved the OP and ED themes ^.^ Kimi ga Tame(ED 2) is probably one of the most nice sounding themes out there
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 20, 2011
Story takes place in our world when a desaster happened and left the Earth drastically altered.
So we see more of how humans can be selfish/EVIL bastards
World gets divided into the rich and the poor.
And we've got 3 main characters:
the white-haired nice guy who's the brains of the group and who has a mysterious air around him, Jin
the black-haired fighter who's stoic and rarely talks. Jo. Yet its not like he's a cold person, he's actually really nice and cares about those around him, he shows his love through actions--not words.
the pink-haired damsel in distress. Sana. Wait--what 'damsel' she's a friggin little girl. Very naive and trusting. Attached to Jin and misjudges Jo as someone scary cuz he doesnt talk...
oh and let us not forget the 4th member. Gora, an annoying, ANNOYING street rat who causes trouble up and down. Eh, he gets better.
anyway I started this series cuz it got a lot of praise, and it was the type people claim to just speed through, as its only 12 episodes. It was okay, but i've seen better
the mecha fights were lame, maybe because i've been spoiled on GS but the machinery looked too fake and sometimes it appeared as tho my screen freezed when really it hadn't, the machines were just abnormally still...
Soundtrack wasn't anything special, but i did like the off key piano playing :]
art was okay, tho some characters just had WEIRD eyes. Like the grandpa and the chinese Phantom guy.
Some crude concepts are included too. Doing horrible experiments and the whole genetically altered spiel.
Romance in it was lame. Should just be omitted.
And story was good but it could've been better.
overall it was a decent anime. Nothing overly horrible, but also nothing great enough to give it an 8,9 or 10.
Its nice tho to see different coloured characters in it.Personally i love Oryo (lol the pirate one) As that's rare in anime. Like Eygpt from Hetalia was supposed to be dark but they made him light in the anime, whats up with that?
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 16, 2011
Now I am not a boy. When i first saw Rainbow I avoided it by belief that it looked too boyish, only guys would like this, the arts too manly. But what a mistake I made.
Rainbow was truly a breathtaking anime. Every minute of it keeps you desiring more, it truly allows the viewers to put themselves in the shoes of the characters and understand the pain they must have gone through
the sad part is this story might very well have a lot of truth in it,with the history in Japan after the world war.
I won't lie, a lot of themes in it are heavy,
child abuse and rape. Molestation, pedophilia, violence, blood, you name it
The antagonists may seriously make you want to hit the screen. Its sad how evil and cruel people can be. To this day i'm still not sure who was the most terrible.
But don't let that discourage you. Don't turn your eyes away from something real and true.
The bonds between the characters are what moved the story. The situations they were put in was what made them who they are
An-chan (Sakuragi) the leader, was such an amazing role model i may never forget the eyes of that warrior
And Mario eventually becomes a worthy successor to him
Very sad, very meaningful story, worthy of being watched by all, be they male or female.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 16, 2011
I am so happy when i find a long great anime. When its more than just 24 or 26 episodes and you get through it within days because its just soo addicting.
Blood+ was like this for me.
The truth behind many things the characters do are not revealed until the climax and when its finally revealed you begin to sympathize with the characters and understanding just dawns on you.
Characters die yes, and when they do your left sad (i cried) but without such things the anime wouldn't be half as meaningful as it should be
Saya the main characters starts off a little dry and boring but
eventually she becomes a heroine not to be reckoned with. Her growth is amazing
Haji her sidekick is also an amazing character who alone could keep me watching
Unlike the other typical vampire stories, Blood+ is unique with its own concepts and terminology.
The art was amazing, story was inspiring, and sound--just wow.
Diva's Oprah tho eerie and depressing, truly brings out the mood. Fantastic vocals!
Go watch it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 16, 2011
Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom was in short amazing.
But the amazing part was the second half when the main character became total bad ass. The background music when he's ready to assassinate was just awesome
They're are a few parts that just didn't sit right with me, like how in the first place people can just kidnap some innocent kid and turn him into a heartless killer.
Or how a little girl you cared about can end up turning on you so easily
Or maybe even how the idiot villain can stay alive for so long-.-
But between the assassinations and bad ass music it is definitely worthy of
One of the best gun animes out there!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Mar 16, 2011
Better than Naruto AND Bleach in my opinion.
The storyline makes the most sense out of the two and is easy to understand.
Concepts are deep and moves the heart with the akuma and unique terminology (ex. innocence). The organization is also a fun part
The sound is similar to InuYasha in my opinion. Love the OPs and ED themes
Characters are all deep with their own backgrounds (some only truly revealed in the manga)
Art is great
The antagonists are also quite funny and likable (for evil villains).
And the fight scenes and character development (including character relationships) are worthwhile.
It is especially fulfilling when the main characters get upgrades
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 16, 2011
Light porn is all i can say.
The girl gets molested in almost every frame. its quite sad frankly.
The ending was lame but w/e it was enjoyable and i can't say i didnt have fun reading it. Tho i cringed at some parts.
Characters are rather shallow and dumb
Art was ok
story...to this day i still don't really get what the point of the story was. WELL i do but it doesn't seem worth remembering.
I say all this but i did read it to the end so i guess its worth reading for those who like this kind of thing.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 16, 2011
I demand that you read it.
It is SUCH a good manga its sad it didn't get an anime.
It may have a pretty stupid name but it is amazing nonetheless.
Forget other vampire stories, this one kept me so hooked i cried when it ended. Literally.
The mystery is prolonged and keeps you guessing and once its finally out your left...just amazed
And unlike other vampire stories it carries its own uniqueness
Personally the royalty part among the vampires is among the best parts for vampires to me. And ROFV has exactly that
Strauss the main character was so...deep and great of a character that he's on my list of top favourites.
Amazing story, with amazing character relations and deep pasts.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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