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Jan 17, 2021
This movie is receiving a whole lot of backlash for the CGI-animation (it's a TV movie with a limited budget, guys, not a cinema release) and the "dissappointing" plot, but I thought the movie was fun. Not as good as other Ghibli movies, but still entertaining the whole way through.
The movie is basically about Aya (or Earwig) getting adopted by a witch, and the witch wants to use her as a slave. Earwig has to figure out how to escape or make things better for herself, or live in torment forever.
Earwig herself is very different compared to most Ghibli protagonists. Even though she's taken advantage
of to no end, she's never seen crying, but annoyed instead. She's also really good at manipulating people, and even though this isn't usually a good trait, it's very useful in the situation she's in. The witch is... well, basically a witch, and Mandrake is one of my favorite Ghibli characters ever. I won't spoil why, but you'll understand why when you spend some time with him. There's also a talking cat, but it's hard to talk about him without spoiling the entire movie.
The art itself looks pretty nice. The Ghibli character design looks rather generic in 3D, and even though it's pretty obvious the animation had a limited budget, the characters are still pretty expressive. Just don't expect Dreamworks/Disney/Pixar quality. The environments are beautiful though: lots of small details and very colorful. Can't say much about the music as I don't remember much of it, but the ending theme was cute.
But the most important thing: was the movie fun? Yes, I think it was. After reading the reviews here, I was expecting to keep looking at my clock so I would know when the torment was over, but I was entertained all the way through and thought the movie went by fast. Maybe too fast, especially towards the end, which was rather unsatisfying. It's like they're teasing a sequel. It's a very laid-back movie with minor drama, so don't expect the thrill other Ghibli movies have. It's more of a comedy with some drama here and there, and I'm just fine with that. But I'll say this: it's just as imaginative as other Ghibli movies are, and the characters are interesting even though they have minor development. I'll recommend this movie to all Ghibli fans, no matter how old they are. I think there's something for everyone here, as long as you don't expect too much.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 7, 2017
"PJ Berri no Mogumogu Munyamunya" is as basic as you can get: PJ works as a fortune teller at "Chop Chop Master Onion's" Cafe, but doesn't really do anything. He is usually asleep, dreaming about something that vaguely has anything to do with the customer's question, but somehow, he still manages to give them the perfect answer whenever he's accidentaly saying something out loud in the process of waking up. The customer gets happy and Parappa praises him. This is pretty much every episode of the show.
Parappa is more of a minor character in this show, not surprising when he is not even mentioned in
the title. He does have two or three episodes (out of 20 episodes) dedicated entirely to him, and they are a treat to watch and usually more "slice of Life" based. A few of the Anime-exclusive characters, like Matt, Paula and Parappa's sister makes a few cameo appearances, but they are brief and without much (if any) dialogue. Pretty much every single character from the games can be seen in the background, especially in crowded scenes, so it becomes a game of "Where's Waldo" in many cases. Fun and rewarding to spot.
Now, how does it hold up to the original Parappa Anime? For starters, it's aimed at an older audience, airing a hour after midnight every Friday. It is still family friendly, but does not try to teach morals and features a lot more characters from the games than the first Anime adaption. It is clearly trying to hit the die-hard fans with strong feelings of nostalgia. There is absolutely no music to be found here though, except for a few uses of "King Kong Mushi Live Rap" in the background, which is exactly what the original Anime did too. The animation is also a lot more limited in "MoguMogu MunyaMunya", as characters hardly move, except for when they absolutely have to. You will see the characters standing still most of the time, with only their mouths moving. Last and not least, the running time. Each episode is only 90 seconds long, so what you get is very limited. Whenever a customer needs help, her/his request is solved in just 30 seconds or less. It feels very rushed at times, but is still satisfying to watch. No intro or ending song either, but I doubt anyone expected that for a short Anime.
All in all, I would recommend people to at least give this a try if they care for the little rapping pup at all. Watching the whole thing will only take you half an hour, and it will give at least some joy to the fans. It is more true to the tone of the games and it is fun watching PJ, Parappa and Chop Chop Master Onion interact with each others. Cameos from "old friends" will also add a lot to the experience if you are a fan of the franchise.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 13, 2016
This is not a good show. Not even a decent one. Instead of staying faithful to the source material, like other video game adaptions such as Mario and Sonic did, they went in a completely new direction and ripped off several shows in the process.
This is a prequel to the Pac-Man games, revolving around Pac-Man's teenager days instead of his usual adult self. The story is pretty much like Ben 10, but with ghosts. Pac-Man eats pellets with different super powers, but he never bothers to learn what each of them do. An evil ghost sends out other ghosts to get him, but fails
every time. Pac-Man doesn't even need to take a power pill before eating ghosts, he can just eat them whenever he wants with no penality.
The characters are all stereotypical as well. Pac-Man acts like a teenager with an attitude (e.g. annoying), and he has a "smart" female Pac-friend for girl power reasons. And, of course, your usual sports jock shaped as a... bean? They also have a dog named "Packster" for comic relief. Then his ghostly friends... A stupid red ghost, a pink ghost in love with him. And, of course, there's a stereotypical bad guy who keeps sending ghosts after Pac-Man and his friends.
The music, however, is pretty good. It has a very "movie-esque" feel, with orchestrated themes and remixes of old music tracks from the earlier games. The English intro is one of the worst I've ever heard, with off-key singing and a slow-paced techno theme. But the Japanese version was amazing and really gets you pumped up for a very mediocre show!
The CG animation is also pretty good. The characters are full of facial expressions, they move around a lot and the frame rate is very smooth. However, the backgrounds are rather bland, as everything looks circular and like it was made out of plastic. Same goes for the props. Not many details either, as the town is pretty empty.
It's pretty much like a bad saturday morning cartoon from the 70's. Predictable plot, horrible bathroom jokes + unfunny word play, and a cast with mostly bland characters you've seen everywhere else. There is probably some enjoyment out of this for kids, but older people will hardly find anything to enjoy. There's not even any innuendo...
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 5, 2014
Keroro is once again back on the TV-screen, but this time in a new, flash animated format. And as expected, this is a big disappointment...
The episodes are basicly the same as in the first series. Out of the 14 episodes I have seen, eight of them were featured in the original series. The only difference is the inclusion of an extremely boring character. The mentioned character's personality is a kind-hearted copy of Tamama, with the ability to copy other characters. His name is... Keroro... just as the main character.
The music is bad, really bad. The intro theme is probably fine, and there is no
ending theme, but the BGM is very forgettable. I can't even remember one single track I liked while watching this. This is a huge contrast to the original series.
As for the parodys/refferences, there is absolutely none. They have been stripped out. The running time is three minutes as well, which results in a shortened version of the manga chapter it is made after.
There are also a huge amount of panty shots, but they're usually so fast paced, you will have to pause the video to see it. There are fanservice scenes of the females as well, but at least they don't zoom in on anything. So why do I give it a 5, despite my ranting? Because:
- There are episodes based on the 21th volume of the manga, which wasn't released when the show still aired.
- Everyone has their original voices (besides Fuyuki, due to his voice actors death)
- While childish, they have a huge amount of scenes only otakus would appreciate, which shows they're still caring for the manga demographic.
- More Keroro
If you are a fan of the original series, watch this and make your own judgement. If not, please watch the original series before criticizing the franchise. Either way, this won't be a (good) memorable experience.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Dec 17, 2013
Having watched every episode there is of this show the three past months, I can safely say that the Moomins will fit everyone with a sense of adventure. It's calm, it's exciting, and most of all, the characters are lovable.
The series follows the basic formula of nearly every other Anime. Something happens, the Moomin family must fix it and everything turns out well. However, the series isn't completely episodic. There is a handful of episodes which introduces new characters, while others add background history, giving more depth to the main characters. The best way to watch this is in chronological order.
The animation is fantastic and
superior compared with the second series, "Tanoshii Muumin Ikka Bouken Nikki". Everything is fluid, nothing is crudely drawn and the backgrounds are beautiful. The music is a masterpiece in itself and will stick itself to your brain for months. The same goes for the opening and ending. Season 3 introduces some new music which isn't as great as the prior, but it still fits the series.
No matter what age you are, you should give this a try. This is a smash hit in scandinavian countries (and, of course, Japan), and with good reason. Every episode will make you feel like home. The enviroments are beautiful and there will be many instances where you wish you lived in the moomin valley: not having to worry about getting a job, going to school or any criminals (Stinky isn't really dangerous anyways). This is a perfect, peaceful life, where only their own mistakes and curiosity makes each adventure possible. This is the life of the Moomins.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 24, 2013
The Holy Bible has been in many formats. Cartoons, Movies, Comics, Audio Tapes and Music is just a few of them. But finally, it has reached Japan's most popular format ever: Manga. The first two books are made after the new testament (Jesus and Paulus) and mostly consists of a light-hearted tone, while the three latter ones are made after the old testament. Rape, murder and torture are just some of the keywords describing these.
Story: 7/10
The story itself are very interesting and proves that the bible belongs in manga format. There are shocking scenes, heart-breaking scenes and even grotesque happenings. The manga version of
the bible is probably the most interesting way get your fill. Every book features a couple of short-stories, while most of the pages consists of a journey made by the character on the cover of the book.
Art: 6/10
The first two books looks very amateurish. The drawings are simple and you will often encounter scenes where people's eyes are set too far apart, while some has their mouth set too high on their faces. The coloring is horrible, due to the fact that everything looks like it was colored in paint. However, the three latter books improves this and gives each manga a more watercolor-like color, which is easier on the eyes. The art is highly improved and handsome/cute characters actually look handsome/cute.
Character: 5/10
Every character has his/her unique behavior pattern, but with a common goal: Spread God's messages. It is, however, hard to distinguish the characters. Most of the characters has the exactly same face, but with a different hair color. Heck, some characters even have the same hair-style, but with a different color. It is also very hard to remember which one is which, as every manga introduces about 20+ new characters, each with a name completely different from another. If there weren't a character's list at the end of the book, it would be nearly impossible to identify them.
Enjoyment: 6/10
The bible is huge and it is hard to adopt everything into a 5-volume manga series, about 300 pages each. Most of the story is told through text-boxes instead of the characters, as a way around this. This may seem lazy, but it is most likely the only way to get every major event told. Because of this, the books are quite text-heavy and there is limited present character involvement. The three latter books improves this and feature more speech bubbles, which also makes each book more interesting to read.
Overall: 6/10
Manga surely makes the bible a lot more interesting to read, and may succeed in getting the teen audience involved and manga-enthusiasts involved in Christianity. The third book (Melech) are probably the most interesting one, as this one features the most shocking events in the bible: The wrath of God, punished by death. However, the many faults makes it far from a perfect manga adaption. It is a good read, but nothing more than that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jul 3, 2013
This is Genshiken. But, at the same time, it's not.
Genshiken. An anime-series we consider as funny and disturbing (Mostly due to Madarame's comments), but still a spot-on image of what a real otaku is like. In this book, however, none of those elements are present. Instead, we get a very serious take on the Genshiken series, with many creepypasta-like scares and supernatural happenings throughout the book.
The story is basicly about a doujin-soft named "Kyodai*Kenka", a doujin game known for including a real-life murder if you beat it in a specific order. At least that's the rumor. Kuchiki's trying to play this game, but dissappears. Meanwhile,
a person named "Ranto Hairu" becomes Shiiou University's chairman, with a goal to destroy everything indecent in the clubs on campus. And so it begins...
While the novel does great by capturing every character's personality and traits, it has very little to do with Genshiken. About 2/3 of the book is about the main antagonist, Ranto Hairu, and his henchman , Igarashi. The novel has taken a very strange turn, mystery, and the Anime/Manga related themes are absent, something Genshiken was famous for having lots of. I will praise it for including drawing made by the original mangaka and for going deeper into the relationship of Madarame and Kasukabe and I must also admit that the ending was great, even though the rest of the book was just "fine". But was it realistic? Not at all.
The story left many plotholes when it hit its conclusion, but it's still a "fine" story nevertheless. It may be more serious than Genshiken, more mystery-orientated and most of all, scary, but it's still great to be able to read further about the Genshiken guys. If anything, I would categorize this story as "horror", which you will understand if you read it.
If you enjoy mystery/horror or are a hard-core Genshiken fan (like me), you will most likely enjoy this or find it "okay". If you wanted a novel like the TV-series or Manga, this is not the place to find it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 5, 2013
Out of the five Keroro movies released today, this has to be the best one. It is the only movie that really catches both Keroro's sharm & humor, which makes it feels like an extended TV-episode (Which is great compared to the other movies).
The story is okay at best as the idea of a evil twin brother has been used countless of times in both cartoons, anime and games. The way they execute it is however, really good. It will show the fans what Keroro really thinks about Pekopon and make him even more outstanding than before. There is also some heavy action scenes
which does not go on too long, as it did in that horrible fourth movie. There is also a lot more empathy on the humor part, unlike the second movie, though this one has a very dramatic end.
The art is great and looks just like the TV-show, which is the best art style for Keroro Gunso. The animation, however, is superb. The characters constantly move or does something in the background. The budget for this movie must have been pretty good. The ending song is perhaps the most catchy one I've heard in ages, made by the same artist who sung the ending song for the Ghibli Movie "The cat Returns".
All the frogs gets enough screen time, so no matter what frog you prefer, you will not be disappointed. There is also some fanservice as Natsumi and a couple of other girls are dressed quite inappropriately in some scenes. Not to mention the girl this plot revolves about, who looks like she is from "Ikkitousen" or "Sora no Otoshimono" because of her enormous breasts and huge "behind". Most likely made to please the older otaku crowd, which is also a part of the demographic for this series.
I enjoyed this movie a lot. The animation is great, the story is good and the movie does not seem like it's made only for the purpose of earning even more cash. This is one of the better Anime movies, but will still only appeal to the fans of the show. I will recommend this to every Keroro fan, as this is a great addition to your DVD library. It's not hard to get hold on either, as the official hong kong DVD edition has english subtitles too like the earlier keroro movies (hint hint)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 5, 2013
Once again we get a Keroro episode with the characters as children, and it is still as boring as ever. The 3D Animation is really cheap and a disgrace to cel-shading, as well as the animation sucks. There is no impressive movements and the characters moves like robots. The story is really weak and most likely just done on the fly, as the animators at Sunrise already has a really tight schedule.
Just like the former "Keroro kids" episodes, these are really childish and most likely meant for small kids. There is no innuendo, no suggestive themes, no language and no cartoon violence like the
original TV show. It's like watching an episode of Dora the Explorer, if it wasn't educational. The voices are really great like always though and the characters DO act natural. But this short episode does not impress at all.
I wold not recommend this to anyone. It's boring, cheap and childish. It has nothing that made Keroro as famous among all demographics as it is today. No otaku jokes, pop culture references or smooth animation. The background music is more annoying than anything. This is a disgrace to the Keroro series.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 5, 2013
Every TV-show has a pilot, but it is really rare we actually get to see the pilot for an Anime series. Lupin was too mature for it's time, so it's not surprising that no TV-channel would fund this project. The Lupin TV-series didn't get aired until five years later, when one had the guts to release a TV show of this. For that reason, I am really gratefull to TMS for bringing it here to the west so we all could enjoy it.
The first pilot (standard edition) is a great start to this series, but would most likely not catch most of the viewers attention
as it's actually more like an introduction to the characters rather than a full fleshed-out episode. Most viewers will prefer to know the characters through the plot of the show. The animation is actually pretty good for something that is made by just a few people and tries to impress with explosive scenes and stuff blowing up.
The characters is great as always, but Lupin is the opposite of what he is now. Just like the seven first episodes of the TV series, Lupin acts like a dork and his classy sharm is nonexistent. He kills for fun and trolls Zenigata for no good reason and even tries to kill him in an explosion.
The voice acting, however, is mediocre. Lupin has a voice that does not fit him at all, which is also the case for every character on the show with the exception of Fujiko, which sounds like the one we are accustomed with. There is also only two OST tracks.
Not counting each characters introduction scenes, there are two plots in the episode. One where Zenigata and Lupin plays shogi over the phone, and another one where Zenigata tries to chase Lupin out from a big mansion. Both of these were fairly good, the only problem is that they are not connected to eachothers whatsoever.
The second pilot is just like the standard pilot, but with improved animation and voices as it was supposed to be aired alongside the Lupin movie. Lupin still has his pilot voice, which isn't really that impressive. The second version also cut some live-action nudity that was in the first pilot, most likely due to visible breast nipples on an american lady, as well as a naked white girl and black guy.
This may not reach fans of modern, computer animated Anime, but will be a great way to see how Anime was when it was hand-drawn and a great addition to Lupin fans. It's reasy to see how the Lupin character has evolved over the years and this will be the superior way to notice that.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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