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Jan 30, 2025
my personal rating? kill it. kill it with fire. then shove the ashes into a canister and shoot THAT into The Sun. hopefully i can dissuade anybody else from watching this filth. i like H titles and some of the off-the-wall ones i've enjoyed are damn weird. but this show? no. kill it with fire. i technically didn't watch episodes 3 and 4, i skipped forwards through them to quickly see if they were as bad as ep2... frankly? they're worse. some of the sickest and most perverted disgusting H put out since i watched Bible Black, and i own BB on DVD. this is
the kind of H that should never been produced in print form let alone animated.
ep1 was nice, it was sweet, it was a forbidden romance filled with mutual masturbation separated by just a thin wall in their two apartments. she's a nobody idol, barely can gather a crowd, he's her biggest fan and supporting her since day one when he moved in and found the pretty, sweet, sexy, and caring landlady living next door was a dancing singing real life idol.
ep2 idol on the way out is tricked into one of those porn groups with a crazy sex-based obstacle course. of course she's corrupted bla bla bla.
ep3 girl from ep1 and her BF the next-door neighbor get caught humpin hard n happy in a public park late at night by a photographer. she's conned into a tropical island project to 'forgive all the debt' her producers took on to cover up the scandal. of course sexual torture for 19 days is the project. she of course is corrupted blablabla.
ep4 some nothing girl from ep2, the female lead from ep2, ep1/ep3 female lead make up a porn-star trio power group for rich fukks to grope and torture and ..... they mind break the boyfriend by continuously mailing him jerkoff vids of his girl and the others getting blablabla.
just because H is good to excellent quality... doesn't mean anybody should watch it.
but, if you don't give 2 fukks about story and just wanna yank one or more off or tickle the clam for a while? good animation, good art, shrug...
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Jun 25, 2024
tiny spoilers, but they're quite tiny.
i didn't watch the DUB, just the SUB because i'm NEVER watching this anime EVER again. i just finished ep13 about 30 minutes before writing this review.
frankly. this show is just SLIGHTLY better than the WORST anime i've ever watched in 30+ years 'Ex-Arm'. i gave that one a 1/10 (MAL doesn't even HAVE a 0/10 rating in their system) and it DESERVES a 0. but the usage of the classic sci-fi idea 'human brain in a box' juuust barely inched 'Ex-Arm' out of the 'grind it up in an industrial garbage shredder, including ALL video/audio masters' category
and the 'i dropped it like a Gamma irradiated potato anime i stopped watching 100% at some point before completing it' category.
this one? gets a 2/10. one single thing saved it from DEATH by flamethrower! hot anime girls. the two truly redeeming moments in all 13 episodes? the sexy and funny totally nekkid bath scene and the scene where the sand-cats attacked Pearl Diamond's treasure chest and ripped the bodice of her top open flashing her headlights (still bra clad!) at me.
that's it. that's all.
story, sucked.
animation, barely passable.
music, totally blah.
acting, i truly don't care. congrats on the paychecks the JVA/EngVA got for this show. otherwise, i hope nobody puts this one on their resume/CV out of embarrassment.
special comments, it had an ENTIRELY useless effing episode that was 1 MILLION% skippable and useless in EVERY way to the main plotlines of the show. this 'season' could have had 12 broadcast TV episodes if LIDENFILMS had gone the way of the original S1 of 'Spice and Wolf' (which put the 7th episode on DVD/BR only and never broadcast it on TV) and put 'that' episode on DVD/BR only.
final verdict! DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME ON THIS SHOW! GO WATCH SOMETHING ELSE! PLEASE! if i could sue LIDENFILMS and get the part of my lifespan back i spent on these 13 episodes, i would.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Dec 11, 2023
this one... definitely FUNNY! i got a hard belly laugh at least ONCE in each episode! most of the 'jokes' got a definitive snort or a genuine chuckle out of me!
for a four-panel-manga, this show had a peculiar but entertaining overall storyline. it isn't truly a story told in classical sequences: a beginning, a middle, and an end... more like... a hop here, a skip there, a jump over yonder. but the stories/vignettes in each episode don't just seem to be random snapshots of these characters' lives. there are backstories told, memories shared, and new experiences on-screen.
as to the acting? Mr. Hashi... nailed
Pheonix. the man performed again and again with gravitas and depth without being pompous or overbearing or wielding the eras of Pheonix's lifespan as a blunt weapon. Ms. Koga and Ms. Mizuki as the mother Alyssa and daughter Viola just seemed to mesh so perfectly in every conversation. Mr. Suwabe as the granpa/dad/uncle... Auri... so SO far outside his normal casting... well, except for Captain Sukehiro ;) but i wonder if he found it fun to (once more) play that 'older guy who acts just a bit too irresponsible'? Mr. S did a stupendous job! Auri was quite the entertainer!
the only thing that kept me from overall giving this a 10... the art style. Viola, knockout gorgeous. the 'aunties' wow, just hot. otherwise... it was just too... cute... for my tastes. the number of times i mistook Auri's pectoral muscles for breasts was unsettling... a tiny bit more anatomical accuracy there would have been appreciated by myself. Pheonix's design made me think of a 5-10 year old trying to draw a bird without doing the 'Thanksgiving Turkey Hand Outline' technique. he was an entertaining character, but he just looked... inexpertly drawn. if the show had been done with maybe... one SINGLE teaspoon of sugar sweetness LESS in the overall art style... i'd give it a 10. this show was just that fun, but the art was just that tiny bit TOO cute.
this show isn't deep, it isn't insightful, it isn't... serious... for 99% of the content. here and there it does show inspiring or uplifting or in-depth stories with serious characterizations that go beyond, 'funny thing happen to funny people. ha hah.' so if you think this show is ALL FLUFF and nothing serious? you're mistaken.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Oct 2, 2023
i'm going to repeat what i said in the episode 1 discussion so that anybody's curiosity about this episode can be satisfied without having to check the forums.
frankly, this is one of those H that should never have been made. sado-asphyxiation, both autoerotic/self (girl) and FUB with her in a HEADLOCK!? while he does her from behind? nope. that's TOO extreme. the mind-control/hypnotism 'four leaf clover device' and the 'group/cult' that is doing the recruiting for this is quite the disturbing subject as well. basically, this episode is NOT for you unless you like those themes.
the art is meh, barely average.
animation, yet again barely average.
Karen's VA did a good job and 'papa' VA was VERY creepy, mean, and sold his character well.
music, blah, didn't notice it.
messy sound effects, mhm they're there and they're the usual over the top H sounds.
i wish i hadn't gotten curious about this one and watched it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Feb 23, 2023
of course i've read all the reviews, most of them suck. because the reviewers are prudish hacks who can't get a chuckle or a laugh from the premise of the show and haven't watched past ep2 or 3 ... bring back the rule that says you can't write a review unless you've seen X amount of episodes please MAL. and one whackjob weirdo who thinks this show is some conspiracy theory or something... then lies when he/she says they've seen all 12 episodes... when ep8 just came out today/yesterday.
i've given it a consistent 8 through all 8 eps because, other than some SERIOUSLY hard-core
H i've watched in the past 30 years... this show is MORE THAN above and beyond peculiar, bizzare, and unabashedly FILLED TO THE BRIM with sexual things. i've of course been watching the 18+ uncensored version because, i'm an over 18 adult and i want to see all the studio had to offer with this show. if you thought 'Interspecies Reviewers' of ... sex-industry workers of multiple species... was fun... you'll probably think this show is fun too!
also, there is an overarching plot... SPOILERS! YES the guy was TURNED into a dog. he did NOT die and reincarnate. he does try to find out what happened to him and why and whom did it to him. he hasn't gotten all the info yet by ep8. but he's approaching a turning point in his search, i think!
the three 'main girls' so far are NOT 2D paper cut-out bland blah shallow characters. this show is a short format and you've gotta watch more than half of it to get... well so far i've seen 8 eps x 10 minutes of 'show'... that's 80 minutes of content so far. approaching the content amount of a normal in-theater movie's 90 minutes.
yes the art is not stellar. this isn't unlimited budget works. the animation is hmm... just barely average. the writing is funny, to me. and interesting. how this 'guy' gets through the days and weeks of his life as a dog is interesting. and yes the sexualization of an animal 'the dog fellow' does happen so if this will bother you, LEAVE THIS SHOW UNWATCHED! if you're on the 18+ files yes there are boobies and nipples but none of the girls have shown anything bare 'below the beltline'. the music and SFX are good. they recorded real dog barks and other noises not actors. the acting is great! the menace of Inukai when she is angry is not just imagery but vocalized superbly. the poor dog fellow's internal monologues are hilarious!
overall this show is weird, peculiar, original, and can be disturbing. but it is funny as well! i hope this review from a more experienced viewer and a realistically interested person gives you more information than 'this show bad, weird feets, too much panties, sicko sicko only pervert watch this' reviews have in them.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 23, 2023
thanks to Crunchyroll/Funimation i just saw the English dub in-theater last night and it was a great movie! :> lucky me, the theater was not even 20 miles away. if i wanna go see SAO Progressive Movie 2 i gotta drive a smidge over 50 miles to see that one. :(
art and animation weren't 'anime movie quality' but almost as good as TV seasons 1 & 2... there were a few sketchy places like... really REALLY long shots of 'main cast of characters' that were just 'vaguely' drawn and colored so you could 'kinda sorta' tell who was on-screen... but those shots were mostly cinematic
sprawling "environmental richness of the background and foreground artists' skills" shots.
the story wasn't bad. ghmm... it wasn't as badly written as 'Rimuru-sensei special OAD episodes' at the Academy with the isekai kids were written. but it was ... ahh... not up to par with the ending half of S2 P2 ... Walpurgis and the War Against Clayman etc. so that will give you a bit of a benchmark for the movie's story in context with the rest of the franchise.
sound? not bad! :D the theater i was in had one issue. the music tracks were only playing from 1 or 2 speakers i could hear out of my right ear near the screen. so, no stereo surround sound music. but the rest of the audio: SFX, English dub actors etc. were stupendous! once more, the Funi guys (i stayed for the English credits at the end. Mr. Sabat was the boss and they recorded everybody at his OkraTron 5,000 studios in Texas) were excellent! :D
if you can, get your butt in a seat and watch this movie! if you can't, my condolences and i hope you get to watch it online/on-disk/some other way.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Dec 9, 2022
Well, this H title is this season's (Fall 2022) short format (around 7m each episode INCLUDING EndCredits) series.
The basic premise is this, one 'adult' guy and four 'young ladies' encounter each other out in the woods while he's camping and the ladies are looking for a spot to set up their tent etc. the ladies don't really know diddly squat about camping and the guy gives them some advice and shares his tent, food, fire etc. with them. they only brought a 'shade tent' which has no sides and some school backpacks with snacks etc. plus, three of the girls are hardly dressed for
'roughing it' either. a bit of 'play' happens with one girl the guy mistook for a boy. since she dressed rather mannishly and is the only one of the four with short hair. later on in the series, to the guy and the girls' surprise we discover the guy is a new teacher at the girls' school. yup, this one is a 'teens' /with/ adult show. so if you don't like that, don't watch this one. the four girls decide that the guy will be their new Camping Club advisor since he has equipment and experience. as you can imagine the guy gets 'with' each of the girls. there is one 'group' scene, but overall the 'harem' part of this title is ... only slightly correct.
H content. a smidge of forcing, but not much. everything is pretty much the girls' idea to 'do it'. he's fit and good looking so NO FUB here. NO NTR since none of the girls or the guy is dating anybody. cherries are popped. creampies happen. i don't remember any Xray shots. oral YES. anal NO. one girl is a bit of an S&D so you get a single scene with that in it. as i mentioned there is one group scene with minimal contact between the girls. there is NO yuri/girl on girl in this series.
art, ok. it isn't terrible but it won't win any awards.
animation, not terrible either. the 'action' scenes are well done. but the rest of the show is just middle of the road.
acting, good. the ladies and the guy do sound realistic and entertaining.
sound FX, good. simply average stuff, even the wet n squishy bits.
music, great. i enjoyed the girls' singing the EP and the insert songs were fun too.
story, ahhh... decent. slightly below average for an H title. the backgrounds of the girls and the guy are barely touched upon. but the personalities of the girls are moderately well developed. the guy is meh, barely developed other than he likes camping alot and is a new teacher.
overall, if you don't mind the short episodes this show is ok. if you don't like short episodes skip this one entirely.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 23, 2022
ok guys and gals, since nobody has reviewed this one just yet i'll give it a shot.
did you like the original anime series? did you want to see what happened after episode 12? do you want to laugh your A$$ off? well guess what, there was an episode 13 that never aired on TV and only showed up on the DVD/BR boxed set.
take the comedy elements of eps 1-12. remove almost all the drama, angst, worry, and abandonment issues. but keep a small amount of the action and adventure parts... and you'll get what White Fox did in episode 13!
this ep is FILLED
with Ghostbusters parody elements. one Super Sonico short cameo. some big splashes of ecchi. the Exorcist Girls' voice actresses sing a little insert song... because girls in Japan all want to become singing/dancing pop idols. there's a good number of 4th Wall Breaks too.
animation and art. same as the original 12 eps.
same voice talents.
good sound effects and music.
still with the wonderful writing!
all in all? a wonderful and enjoyable unaired episode!
this is one of my favorite all anime-original single season shows. so why are you still reading my review? go watch all 13 episodes! :D
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 10, 2022
well since the best i could do was MTL auto-generated Japanese into English subs on YouTube for these three shorts... all i can tell you about them is how they sounded, looked, and that's about it.
look. looks terrible. i've seen film school student projects better than the appearance of these shorts. so, they stink. :p
sound. ok. just ok overall. specifically? the music is all synth and ok. the acting, shrug, pretty normal from the 3 VAs from the series. since the 3 eps are around 30 seconds apiece you don't get much out of the actresses at all.
overall? waste of time and effort by
the production staff and the VAs. if somebody needed some extra pocket money for phoning in these three shorts... just go ask your mom dad or best friend for the cash.
why these were put on the disks for the series? shrug. they were a waste of MB on the disks. put some other extras on there instead. heck, soundless, un-animated character and accessory designs by the anime production staff. u know the kind? the stills that you click through using the arrow buttons on your disk-player remote would have been more interesting than these shorts.
shrug. don't bother watching these shorts. you'll be wasting your internet bandwidth and the tiny fraction of your lifespan which these shorts will occupy.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Feb 2, 2022
i watched episodes 1-4 in one sitting. i had to pause every episode in several places and just groan and shake my head and take a break. yes, this show is that bad.
i've seen 'EX-Arm' and finished it. this show is only SLIGHTLY better technically with the art and animation. like a sliver of a millimeter better. at least 'Rusted Armors' doesn't mix 2D and 3D characters side-by-side in the same scene. the animators did try, in several places, to make their characters' faces show expressions. but the writing is sub-sub-subpar compared to 'EX-Arm' storylines and screenplay.
as one reviewer stated, some running away soldiers,
yep, i saw that scene. they look like they were animated by a 2-year-old with an Etch-a-Sketch.
'Reboot', an all CGA Canadian sci-fi show from 2000! did a better job than 'Rusted Armors' did.
perfect example, watch the EP for this show. the MC goes through several 'kata' with his sword, then his sword and firearm, and back to just his sword. this will show you how CRAPPY this team of animators was. did this team use MOCAP (motion capture) technology from the 1990's?
the synopsis of this one is wrong. change it. the word you guys were looking for is.
this is not based on a play. it is based on a Japanese 'special effects' live action experience. Super Sentai. Power Rangers. Kamen Rider. UltraMan. get my drift? they just do this one on a stage, like a play, instead of filming it for TV/movies etc. and that's where 'Rusted Armors' should have stayed.
as an anime, it is a disappointment to any computer animation enthusiast (like myself) who hopes that the number of projects using this form of media will increase and improve public opinion. but once more, i am disappointed.
skip this show. it will most probably be a waste of your time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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