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Apr 7, 2024
The only reason why I gave it a 7 is because the action scenes were phenomenal. There you go. Watch at your own risk. This anime made me feel not well. I had to watch this because this anime was my favorite until Eren became the Antichrist. Isayama the creator believes and talks about the Darwin's theory of evolution and he also believes there is a hell. In the last episode he mentioned both. He wants us to love the Antichrist Eren and worship him. Eren and Armin hug and say they will both be together in hell like it's some good thing. The truth
is far from that. There is no way you could love one another in that horrible place of destruction.
I wish I never watched Attack On Titan. I wish I could erase it from my memory. This man Isayama destroyed me. He hurt me and so many fans who paid for his manga and watched his anime. I paid for his manga. Why did he hurt me so? I loved Eren. I loved this anime so much the characters gave me joy and happiness with them fighting for what's right. I thought about selling my manga because every time I see it on my shelf it makes me sick. But why would I make anyone else get into this story which hurt me so? The only right thing would be to burn it. I have thought about burning the volumes. But that's what nazis did so Im not going to. Do you think this manga deserves to be burnt?
Something so beautiful can turn into something so ugly.
Hajime Isayama said :" If I had one final wish in this lifetime, I would hope that this adaptation will bring happiness to the long-time fans who have enjoyed Attack on Titan."
This mangaka has said how Eren represents himself. This story can represent many things:
1. You can know and love a person for let's say 3 years this person is your friend and loved one. Suddenly he changes. Hurting you.
2. The mangaka is a neo Nazi
3. Satanic agenda.
"The story was planned this way from the start" - this is just a complete lie. It is very clear that the author sold his soul and signed a contract with the globalist satanist who made him change the story because they saw the popularity it got. They don't miss a chance like this.
If you go to this man's blog you will see he is happy. He has lots of money, he is married. And you?
Why would you stress and suffer in pain and depression because of this horrible ending, while he is enjoying his life. You should just move on and be happy because you aren't as empty as this person who will be judged for his actions. God sees everything. The Satanic agenda making you think how everything is pointless, making you feel depressed. Don't fall for this scam.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jul 30, 2022
This story ending makes me sick.One of the best characters ever Eren Yeager was destroyed. He was a hero, he was always good and righteous. Suddenly he wants to commit genocide. Are you kidding me Isayama? I blame the people around him who didn't stop him from putting this ending story out in the public. This is a catastrophic end to one of the greatest dearest anime and manga series of all time. It's a tragic ending and a shame. He should feel ashamed for ruining Eren's character like this. You might say who I am to say what Eren is or isn't because
I didn't created him, but I did watch and love this show so I have the right to say. That's not who he was in the last 3 seasons of anime. He was consistently good and then boom , suddenly he says he hates Mikasa and Armin. Acts like an asshole to them and decide's to kill the rest of humanity. Bad writing is what this is. This guy Isayama didn't know how to end this story and so he went on with the shocking garbage story of Eren being evil. Well fuck you . You don't deserve anything else from the fans because you failed. Even if you make lots of money and the sheeps continue to praise you, you will know deep inside that you are a shitty writer who destroyed the character of Eren Yeager and by that this whole manga and anime. Your dumb plan to bring Gabi a female character to be the hero instead of Eren Yeager sucks. I don't care about Gabi at all. This is the same old same thing we see again and again in the media. In the Terminator they killed off John Connor to have a female hero instead. We already have a great female character in Mikasa and others. I am really disappointed in this story ending. The same thing how they did with Daenerys in Game of Thrones, but at least there, we had hints of it and with Eren it all just happens suddenly. I didn't care about Daenerys because she was a bitch, but I love Eren. He is not a person who would kill civilians and innocent people. Now I have to watch him be evil and it's boring. Watching this Rumbling is boring and offends me as a fan. It's lame. It's hopeless. This anime is hopeless. There is nothing to watch it for. I loved this anime so much and rated it 10 , it's one of my first anime that I watched and one of the first mangas I bought. It means a lot to me and it's so very important and dear to me! I can't possibly drop this anime now! I have to endure this even if it makes me feel empty, hopeless, confused, frustrated and sad. Why Isayama? Why have you destroyed one of the best series ever? Why haven't your associates stoped you and tell you this is very bad? Why didn't your wife or loved ones your family stopped you? Why? Shame on you. Shame on you Isayama Hajime. You made Eren kill all those soldiers and made miliona of fans watch Eren kill brave innocent soldiers. Watching those soldiers run away from Eren was so offensive and wrong. He would never ever do this. Next you will make us watch him killing children, women , the elderly. Fuck you. Fuck you Isayama. I will give this a 7 because the animators are not to blame they are just doing their jobs.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 8, 2020
Mod Edit: This review was originally posted for Death Note: Tokubetsu Yomikiri (123699) and has subsequently been merged into Death Note Tanpenshuu (132335).
The genius mastermind is back!
First of all, when I heard that there’s a new Death Note manga, I stopped everything that I was doing and started searching for it online to read it right away. Just seeing the elegant- dark- beautiful and extremely cool looking art of Takeshi Obata again, made me feel so nostalgic and happy.
The brilliance of this story only confirms my fascination with Tsugumi Ohba, he does not disappoint. He knows exactly what he’s doing and the joy
and passion shows. I always thought that the concept of Death Note was so brilliant he could make many new stories with new Kira characters. The possible realities are endless. This was so interesting because it’s the present day ,present time- Death Note. Everything is more difficult and with all the surveillance going on, you can get caught more easily. But that’s not even the beginning. The story and the feeling that this manga gives you, is something special.
It was truly a joy seeing Ryuk again and boy is he hungry for some apples! The panels with him gave us both horror and comedy feels, but in a good way which is very nice. The shocking new look of Near was something unexpected, yet in the same time it makes sense for someone like Near. I think he is a great character, very good guy, which we are again reminded of here, specifically two things that he says were very respectable and admirable, a very rare person to exist. No one can replace Lawliet anyways but Near is a good successor, therefore he should be cherished for that just as well as Lawliet. I would like to see the author explore more of his personality, perhaps add some Kira who will trick him somehow and become his friend.
I feel like another great long manga could be made with the right characters in mind, like I said the possibilities are endless with the Death Note story.
I hope to see more in the future. This was just a short story that could have been longer but any Death Note fan will love it. A-Kira is one of us. Just a normal boy who didn’t want to get in danger. His story arc was there to make us learn yet again a very important message, very simple yet genius, which is exactly what Death Note is.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Aug 17, 2019
I was really looking forward to this anime because it's so praised. A total of 13 episodes and the first 8 episodes are annoying introductions and a borefest.
Of the 13 episodes, what is expected to happen from the begining you have to wait for it to only happen in the 9th episode. That's just too much waiting if you ask me. Only the last 5 episodes are good. Seriously, it feels like the anime starts at episode 9! There was no need of wasting so much time,they could have made that introduction part in 2-3 episodes but they've dragged it into 8!
Go-stop, hugging,
crying, the main character's irritating voice just causes the viewer to not even care what happens to her. The characters are made to look ugly and not interesting, so only the last 5 episodes have something going on.
That is, if you enjoy watching children cry and be in pain. Horrible. Why would any adult let children go into such a dangerous place in the first place?
What's done right is the music, the background scenery and design of the monsters. The rabbit girl and her friend's story, I liked. It was sad and emotional. That villain plot line has potential for Season 2.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 7, 2019
This anime should be called Food Porn and although the scenes are quite sexual, this is to entice the viewer to watch. But it's only on the surface, because actually it is so much more than that.
It should be valued because it brings a wonderful message about friendship and the love of cooking. One of the important messages is that you should not allow anyone to trample on you or belittle you just because it is an authority.
Souma Yukihira, the main character, is a fantastic cook, but to me he is much more than that, he is a brave, pure-hearted hero who is
admirable and probably can stand side by side with some of the more well-known action characters, as this anime can be seen as an action genre. His moves, sayings and deeds speak volumes. The other characters are also fun, each in their own way and have their own cooking style.
Be careful as this anime can make you hungry, but you get great recipes so enjoy!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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May 10, 2019
This is a comedy about a crazy horny Elf and a serious Christian Orc.
It kinda repeats the same thing over and over,
so the story doesn't progress much.
The art style is simple,yet aesthetically nice.
The Elf Chief is the most tragic character in this story.
I won't spoil it for you.
The poor Elf girl just can't seem to be with the one she loves.
Society is against their relationship.
Will love prevail?
Go read this hilarious manga if you want something light and funny.
-if you like being teased
-if you have an Elf/Orc fetish
-if you like memes
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 7, 2019
I don't know what you people are on about, but let me tell you something.
This anime is pretty sexy.
If you are into vampires and great looking art design, this is the one for you.
The key is to not take things SOOO seriously, I mean saying this is an abomination...No, it's not.
This anime has a perfectly good gothic style to it, and a good dark atmosphere.
Yes some of the Vampires are evil,yes they are rapey but so what? They are not humans. It's a VAMPIRE anime, and they are evil creatures. Oh, but you want them to be all goody goody because you watched Twilight....Well
boo-hoo.The point here is :
-beautiful art
-beautiful eye colors of all the characters
-beautiful hair styles and hair colors of all the characters
Okay I didn't like that guy with the hat, he was too rude, haha!
Their mother is also a terrible person, so what did you expect from an upbringing like that? Duh...
The main character is really hopeless, so all she can do is - surrender to the lust of these Vampires.
Crazy right?
But also entertaining and fun to watch. Overall 9 out of 10, just because I can.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 12, 2019
This is one of the most awesome anime ever created.
What an adventure. A story of true friendship and fight against evil in its purest form.
The villain Dio is probably one of the most greatest villains ever created. Dio is so perfect,that anyone can fall for his handsome looks and charm.When he talks even the most bravest of heroes can't move,that's how he traps them and gets control over them.No one can stop Dio, and he will rule the world. He has many faithful servants that are willing to die for him and are equally evil, as he is.
But, he needs one thing and
one thing only.
To destroy the Joestars once and for all.
Joseph and his grandson Jotaro need to destroy Dio in order to save Holy. So the mission begins. If you think the Hamon power was cool, wait till you see the Stand Power, because it's the coolest thing you'll ever see. There are many different stands, all interesting in their own way.
The designs of these stands and the story behind each and every one of them, is just a joy to watch. Entertainment at its highest level. Leaving you wanting more after each episode.The excitement never ends! Full of crazy horror bloody scenes, filled with ton of comedy and joy.
With a lot of mystery and anticipation what the next stand will be like.
The old hag stand was so spooky, but when she talks and screams of her revenge, those scenes with Polnareff leave you laughing to the point where, your neighbors will hear you. The dog Iggy will become your favorite after you get to know him better in one of the most amazing episodes ever created, when he encounters an evil guardian.
The episode when they play games is so much fun, when Jotaro takes of his hat and the old man screaming at him the whole time, because Jotaro doesn't even know how to play the baseball game. Just so much fun.
In this anime every episode has a story on its own, but always connected to the main plot. Bringing new and exiting characters who all have great original stand powers. Most anime would drag one simple story throughout the whole Season, but not this one. Stardust Crusaders Season 1 and 2 gives you so much more. You are left with a feeling of getting to know so many characters and their own stories.
Overall this adventure is such a rich, powerful, creative, heartwarming story. It will make you laugh,cry, be amazed, and cheer for our heroes.
(OMG!!!!!! I cant forget to mention such style, such fashion and such perfect hairstyles!!!! Such muscles! A girl can just gush over these things lol )
P.S. The old man's Sony Walkman looks exactly like my Sony Walkman...Just one of the little details, that makes it so damn nostalgic for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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