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Feb 26, 2014
The movie reminded me of Devil May Cry but not as good.
Bayonetta a nice action game and all thought the game was good the anime was just normal and dull... started out with a combat scene and went on from there some jokes here and there and so on...
Bayonetta's attitude was priceless her attitude towards the enemies was fun to watch just like in game ... during the movie she tries to remember her past by battling her enemies , encountering some people that turn into her allies with twist and turns bayonetta is just a combat based anime with some minor gore elements.
For those
who played the game or not i would recommend to watch it atleast once.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jan 13, 2014
''I Want To Shine'' says our main protagonist Matsumae, Ohana... But i think most of us want the same deep in our hearts.
Growing up is the moment in life when every single one of your steps or toughs can be a mistake which later in life will teach you or your loved ones on how to live trough those certain moments in life and learning about and accepting your mistakes is one step that leads one to adulthood.
Ohana always wanted to do something with her life something that would make her stand out and shine brighter than anyone else ... She always saw her mother
as a adult but never accepted her as one she always wanted to run away but she never knew what her mother held in the past.
As mother as daughter i might say the whole concept of child being the same as the parent is shown quite a lot in this movie the similarities start quite soon in the movie and they go on with the movie when Ohana starts learning things from her mother past.
All in all its an addition to the anime which everyone interested should see!.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jan 13, 2014
Kyousou Giga it was something that made me remember a couple of anime that I have seen before this.
Watching Kyousou Giga was a feeling of misunderstanding, I had a dumbfound look on my face and most of all, I wanted to see what happened next... The series started and threw me in a world of misbehavior and mischievous atmosphere, where everything fell into a story that I couldn't predict... Later, it all came to the right places and gets back on track with a story or a fairytail about a world in which everything is possible, with twists and turns. Kyousou Giga takes us trough
a journey which makes us laugh and some of us tear up a bit, a story about family, trust, love and a lot of "What the hell?" moments.
Art: Oh, the art was so disoriented at times that I was thinking how that was even possible... Still wonderful.
Sound: Can't really say much... Maybe interesting?
Characters: Awesome, great, interesting and all kinds of different beings mixed in one huge bowl of "What the hell"...
Enjoyment: Laughing, laughing, tearing up and again laughing nonstop with all the actions and the conversations. Everything caught my attention! Nothing more to sayreally, everything was just great.
Overall: Worth the watch or try at least few episodes.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 16, 2013
Well an type of Anime which i haven't seen in a while.
Story 8: There is not much story behind it but what they got here is quite enough to make you laugh , say wtf and just enjoy the crazy ride.
I mean come on how many animes do you find that involve girls and dogs and their relationship? Plus overall craziness with a depressing girl , masochistic manager and an over the top blonde girl showing up here and there not to talk about some samurai maid running wild making the dogs life even more crazy...
And to top it up many random encounters , challenges
, embarrassing moments and everything that romance comedy needs.
Art 8: I am quite adaptive when it comes to art in animes and this one got that fantasy touch with lights here and there , magic circles here or there , at some point ninja effects like Speed moving or at times dark alleys , night times and everything just looked nice.
Sound 8: I don't know i just don't care much for sounds in anime as long as the voicing is done good in which cases its done good most of the time and for this one the voices fit the characters and that is all i need.
Characters 9: Huge variety: Very young and enthusiastic , teens , older people , even animals...
Each got their own special skills like being an super masochist or depressed to the point of wanting to die and such.
Enjoyment 9: I laughed and laughed and said WTF so many times over and over because that kind of love story was something i couldn't watch seriously!
Overall 8: I give it 8 because its just a random comedy and i think comedy animes should never go over 8...
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 10, 2013
"One day i want to hear these lips say I love You" Considering that i always read the manga and am a big fan of it Anime announcement was something out of this world for me.
The story , the calming atmosphere , the intriguing moments , the bullying , painful experiences and The Friendship is what this anime is all about from the opening song you can feel the warmth coming and starting with 1st episode starts the story of somewhat Lonely and awkward Tachibana Mei ... Our main Protagonist is a girl who is quite antisocial and "Doesn't need Friends because friends only betray
in the end" she tries to avoid everyone and all the feelings which would seem quite the let down considering its High School the best years of life.
Trying to avoid socializing as much as she can unexpected things happen and she meets an guy Called Kurosawa Yamato who happens to be quite the popular guy The whole meeting for the first time was quite the show.
After the meeting it escalates quite fast from anti socialising to having people around every single day which i thought was too fast.
Story: The story in anime is shown quite softened than in Manga and this would be the only thing i did not really like about anime other then that the story followed how it was supposed to follow and went into a nice direction.
Art: Nice , calming , warm art.
Sound: An great opening song and nice voice acting.
Characters: From bullies to antisocial to most popular and lonely , lovely and everything that an high school anime needs!
Enjoyment: Thought i did not really like that it was somewhat different from Manga i did enjoy it quite a lot.
Overall: Worth the watch and try to read manga! you will see what i mean.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 3, 2012
"Fuyutsuki, sometimes violence is the only way to get the message across." seems not like a line any teaches should say ... But not for our protagonist hes little different if i might say...
So Another manga is in my hands i have read it quite a few times its about School life which is seen trough this one Teacher who is kind of different from what we call a teacher Bad manners , rude and violent is what i would call him but hey he has quite a few sides to him and dealing with all kinds of students calls for having all kinds of
sides to you.
Great Teacher Onizuka or other name GTO tells a story about an Teacher Onizuka who is something like a kid himself thrown himself into a world he knows nothing much and trying to change everything how it seems fit for him like trouble students or lonesome students ... preventing suicides or persuading is everyday life for our Teacher which makes us want to read further on... and this comes from a person who hated school so much hah one of a kind Teahcer indeed.
While going on with the story we see how much Onizuka himself develops in being an teacher or being an friend his dumbness remain but i would call it the charm point here and with him every single student changes from being Closed up in their worlds they start to open up to him to the point where it becomes hard to live for them when hes not around or even the events that occur during the story makes you shiver but Most of the things in this Manga is indeed from real World ... Because such students exists all around the world Cruel , rude , violent and so much more to it than anyone can see.
Helping us to understand what kind of hard Work is teachers doing in order to teach us new things this manga brings in a lot of comedy here and there even at the most tense moments writer drops a Bomb that makes you crack and laugh...
Great Teacher Onizuka is an one of those mangas that aren't found anywhere around even if we have quite a lot of other teacher mangas its still unique and worth reading alone to see this Man in action.
I want to be a teacher
Yes i wanted myself to be one before but this guy who would think he could be an Teacher ... when you look at his back ground you will think the same and ask Why? it just seems funny and well his methods ar just mind blowing ... Sorry i laughed here.
Students that are shown here are all trouble makers or lonesome or misguided which has something to do with school problems or having problems at home still is no problem for our Onizuka he will break the walls to change their life's he will help everyone of them even if it costs his life developing in every step of the manga changing feelings and changing hatred to admiration is an nice view.
Manga is overflowing with all kinds of strange feelings its like a escalator seems everything is going the way it should but they drop you down and then throw you up again and down and up and so goes until the point when its time to do critical decisions still the manga is great and is nice to read i would to call it Brilliant.
Oh this is an aspect that i wasn't to fond of but well it was great indeed so serious at times so dumb at times and SO UGLY at times but i laughed and well can't say much anymore ^^
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 2, 2012
"In our class room, everyone has worries behind their smiles. Parents divorcing, complexes, kissing…" Such worries for us seem like nothing but for kids they are something that change their life.
Still one of my most memorable mangas that i read there are 4 stories all seem such easy and dumb but be it first kiss between new boyfriend and girlfriend , be it parents fighting or just not wanting to lose to someone precious to you ... Seems like nothing much here but feelings still overflow and makes you see how such things can hurt or be sweet how hard can it be to
do something that seems funny to us.
Meet our character from all 4 stories and look into such easy problems trough their eyes you will see how Cute or dramatic it can really be.
First Kiss
Yup it is shown in this manga as something precious as something to be scared of doing just because you think it would hurt your beloved one but hey its about kids ... and they have their own problems with such things even if it seems funny still its complicated age.
Seems nothing much seems easy or funny but they are still problems ... Problems from children perspective i was to of that age before i have seen what such things bring and that is why its fun to read such stories and remember how it was when i to had to kiss for the first time or when i used to compete with my friends or such silly problems that seem nothing in front of what we face today. Read Relax and Enjoy.
Quick and enjoyable read ... Memorable and easy nothing much to put on your head.
Cute and well drawn nothing much to comment here its only 4 chapter manga after all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 2, 2012
"I don't have any regrets. I'm glad I met you" Is what our heroine Kaname Chidori has to say seems romantic ? Quite a lot.
So what we have here is an intense Romance and Comedy manga mixed with action and Mechas all over the place making it quite a nice read so looking closer we see a story of clueless guy and strong willed girl trying to survive seems nice but lets add Tons of comedy , deadly battles and drama here and there we would get an story line so Writer Gatoh, Shoji brought us an story with many turns here and there
and above and below Making us confused at times and laughing at times and angry at times with an story that changes from school to deserts and from there to Oceans and underwater places its bound to happen or am i Wrong?
Saving comrades , attending school , doing deadly missions , running after girl that seems that you like but you just do not know because you are soo clueless in life that its hard to live outside the base. Still learning new things it fun to watch how characters develop while being soo good at One thing they need to learn about something they never did before it makes you laugh and cheer for the one that's trying in this case its more of a laughing matter i guess?
Boy Meets Girl? Or Girl Meets Boy?
That i had in thought while reading the manga because i did not know from which perspective to look at but still first meeting was quite the one i guess first impression was amusing and well it captured me it was funny it was nice and it was something a bit new i guess ? A little bit dumb protagonist and strong hearted Heroine what else do we need?
Action and A little bit of Gore side to it
Yes you heard me right Gore Seems funny since i told you it was really funny manga and such but there are some gore moments that can't be left out which actually spice things up a little bit but end quite quickly sadly...
It was a nice read and a nice laugh i read the manga when it was being released so for me it was quite different than nowadays it was really something new and funny and dramatic just because i was yet to read the mangas of today... But if i remembered it this whole time than it was an read worth the time!.
Well what to say about art its quite older than any other but its still nice all battles and backgrounds are drawn nicely at some points whole serious scenes are eye candy and the characters show nice expressions be it comedy or be it in action.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 31, 2012
"If you stand still nothing changes.... but... if you take even a step forward....I have a feeling something will change, and something good will happen!"
Writer tells us a simple story about a guy coming into Tokyo to live , study and of course finding love is added to just because it's an romance story ... Not long the manga starts we are thrown into "Boy Meets girl" event where he notices a beautiful girl and well is captivated by her Yes it just how it goes in such mangas.
Simple events from the get go it was not the case i guess because later things
get complicated being introduced to other characters cause this simpleness fade into many turns which at times could be annoying but later gets figured out somehow.
Manga goes as far as 100+ chapters which tell it from high school to i guess adulthood ? BUt in many different ways that you can look at it ... it still has only one ending to it, and it is quite well seen from the first chapters of the manga
Even if the girl is being persistent the guy is dumb he will try his best get her which will lead to that one ending of which we know all.
After many events and many rejections it goes into an interesting stage where even parents come in and making heavy decisions are what children need to do getting approved is something they must do i guess hard life is still hard but even before that there are many intriguing moments like cat fights and those feelings that get approved of and those feelings of getting rejected in the end ... They always hurt i guess.
Without talking about life of our characters you can also see a lot of sport going on in manga which actually is pretty good aspect giving this manga more than just romance. In manga we see how each characters Will to do sports change from good to bad and from bad to good trying their best wanting to be better than others and competitions with those rivals that in the end become someone to Look up to as old friends oh i loved this side of the manga.
First Meeting
Our main protagonist comes to tokyo for his first time on the way to his aunt he sees a beautiful girl doing her morning practice which captivates him at first glance but he is yet to know how hard it will be to capture her... but hey it goes always like that we fall in love we try hard some of us give up some of us goes till the end no matter what kind of future awaits.
WEll persistence is indeed one of those that are called "love can overcome anything" types without even giving up no matter the situation so it kind of made me cheer for him at some point i started to hate him too just because of the route he tried to go Hiding and running from reality those weren't the choices here so writer just tried to spice the manga up as I read mangas from Seo, Kouji most of the time the characters he create in his stories have this strong persistence which seems could win against anything but without that they all have same wavering feelings.
Last Step
Being accepted is the hardest thing to do why ? Because you made a mistake that could ruin the ones you love future ... Because there are also people who are expecting quite a lot from that person but still what is shown as mistake in this manga for me is something beautiful and yes i am still yet to experience that but all in all ended well and nothing much is left to say.
We started out with boy meets girl and went on a roller-coaster ... meeting new friends , choosing things to do in life , pursuing romance and meeting dramatic events just to end it where it should end perfect? not really Good? Yes indeed it was delivered and i got the message Romance was overflowing drama made me tremble nothing more nothing less.
My sincere thoughts ? The mange was written quite well it wasn't dragged on to long events were untangled one after another making place for more and without leaving regrets i guess ? As far as Manga can go it showed enough book is a book and what is written can't be re-written because there will always be only one 1st story.
Art [8/10]
Seo, Kouji Art is quite nice all of the characters are drawn nicely whole atmosphere and every background felt right even in other of his works it is good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 31, 2012
“Shall I take you away, to the place where dreams come true” A quote that tells almost everything about this Manga or anime or light novel its all connected to that one dream world where your every wish comes true!
I have gathered every single of my thoughts about these series from Manga , light novel and anime so here it is:
If we are talking about reality and love that is meant to be the writer of this Manga told us a story that makes us literally cry With tears of joy or tears of sadness Adding events one after another he created world of Pain
and Never ending happiness. With endings of two kind we see dream world in which characters yet to exist meet one another one after another we are introduced to many Characters ... That guy who is called best friend those few girls that are madly in love but only one sided , that girl who is lonely and doesn't know much about life AND that one girl who is the only one to capture his heart...
Covered by many many many funny moments it makes us think where this Manga , anime or light novel should be going but hey unexpected events are something that makes us more interested in the story. What else did the writer is that he made a time story from somewhere in high school going all the way up to adulthood and showing us at times some mysteries like a girl showing up out of nowhere playing pranks on her or helping her out with her mission is all apart of the series...
Story wise its very nicely build and very nicely ended without leaving regrets making us cry and making us smile at time i even thought it would end really sadly but then i to was caught off guard it ended in such a way that i would never expected.
Okazaki Tomoya
Our protagonist quite a delinquent? Not really just a really lazy human being with a huge head on his shoulders to back him up ... and also the one in this story who gets pulled all around by the hands of life pure heart person who cannot leave anyone in a pinch maybe that is why hes so attractive ? oh what am i saying hes just another protagonist made to be the best. Or atleast is what i thought.
First Step
Well followed by many events it got to the point where its time to step up the game its quite a thing to do not even knowing what lies ahead since your life is not so all you can give is Love but still it was only the beginning or Happiness covered in sadness
Different Worlds
Manga shows different worlds in which you can find same characters living just that one is the Real World and other is that Dream world blank and without anyone around but two. Dream world adds that one of a kind feeling to it makes you wonder what does this mean? Why did they add this kind of world to a love story ? just more questions pop in your head.
The Manga is beautiful the light novel is dramatic and the anime is funny and without any regrets i never once have seen such a dramatic and romance balanced anime which is covered by many comedic events and well i am yet to find anything that would make me cry as much as this one did
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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