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Jun 7, 2024
This is a low stakes josei steamy romance involving a het couple with an age gap, student-teacher.
Assuming nothing in the above sentence made you wince, you are fine, proceed to read it.
It's a nice, by the numbers romance. The girl is very forward, assertive, cute and realistic. The guy is refreshingly receptive, emotionally mature and has great chemistry - both in and out of bedroom situations.
Yes, there are sex scenes. Did I forgot to say that? Oh well. They are like those old Cinemax flicks, so they "do the job" but arent TOO pornographic.
If you can read the first chapter, you'll have a nice ride.
I recommend it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 14, 2022
Kaburaki Haruka is an interesing author. I've read all 3 of their stories avaiable in English (Hakai me no Yuuri, Half-Dragon Slave Life and this one) and this is the best one.
Characters have reasonable motivations, the world is sufficiently built (it's the same world in all 3 stories but you don't have to read either of them to "get it") and plot progression is good. Not great, mind you, but each story beat ranges from 1 to 3 ch at a 1-arc per volume ratio - which is the standard for LN adaptations.
Negatives: art is decent at most and if you're not sold on guy
reincarnate as not just a girl but as the daughter of his party colleagues by ch 3 you should go away. Story won't linger on his/her mother and father for long but it WILL use regret and the desire to change as a fuel for the entire story.
As other people said, it does lots of things right. Not excellent, just right. But sometimes that's all you need.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 6, 2022
4/10 Decent
(Portuguese below)
I'll make this short: art is the best at what's supposed to do: beautiful women having their parts sexed to the moon - no actual intercourse and it has, of course, an excuse to be so.
It doesn't matter.
Don't get attached to glasses girl. Or long-haired. Or teacher. Or whoever else shows up.
Beta MC as always. He does get some at expanse of being wishy-washy tho.
Author wanted a harem but thought Scum's Wish school of conflict was the best shit ever.
Fap to it and that's it.
Decente. A arte é a melhor parte e as cenas de sexo oral (sim) cumprem bem a "função" delas. Não espere desenvolvimento de personagens e nem que uma garota vença no fim (talvez vença, sei lá, larguei e não ligo).
Autor é da escola Kuzu no Honkai de drama: ninguém sabe dialogar e todo mundo só sabe escamotear seus traumas com sexo. O que é bom quando você quer umas cenas quentes pra passar a madrugada e/ou vir logo o sono porque amanhã tem escola/trabalho. Não é bom quando você quer uma história com H maiúsculo.
Bate uma e é isto.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 20, 2020
149 chapters, 14 volumes and I dropped it. I'm just letting you know that this is NOT an unbiased review.
Positives first: it's very rare for a comedy harem series to have all of its cast be equally "best girl" material but Bokuben (this series) has that. Every single girl has not only a trait (sporty, brainiac-like, teaser-master etc) but has an overarching arc and good chemestry with the main character. Aside from fandom banter you can't say that any girl is worst girl.
Also, the soft lines help a lot to impart characters feelings and blend well with the many many funny faces these people make.
It's actually amazing how most of the comedy in this manga flows so well, visually speaking. It relies on tropes but not in excess - yes we have the classic lingerie-oriented, wardrobe malfunctions and misunderstandings from bystanders but it works. In my opinion, it works because we are connected with these characters thru its blend of nice and fluffy comedy and please-cry-now drama.
I'm a osanajimi type of person and kinda dislike that outside of porn we don't get a lot of good endings for them. I like the idea that a love can grow from simple and familiar settings and be shown in small but meaninful gestures and, for the most part, childhood friend characters go well with this kind of history (hello Tamako Market).
It pains me but I was team Furuhashi on this one and I lost. Rather, I did not win~
You see, the main story ends with Yuiga (our MC and best boy) getting together with his childhood friend. Despite the fact that she gets in a plane to travel abroad to perfect her talents and leaves him there (which was a good decision fight me). So, he rejects all the others to... not be with any of them. Huh.
Bold decision by the mangaka, I'll concede that.
Bold decision that gets smashed by the decision of "now I'll make alternative endings for each of the girls!". This is NOT a light novel. Those characters got arcs, beginning and end. They grew, they learned, they loved and got rejected, one by one. You don't get to do a VN pro move, mangaka.
Ok, you get to do it since you ARE doing it but it doesn't fit on me, sorry.
I won't make it a Furuhashi defense piece here, tho. I'll just say that not owning their decision makes the ending a tad weak, imo.
It's NOT a BAD story, at all.
But I do feel betrayed, somehow.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 1, 2020
I believe works of animation should stand in their own feet and the constant comparisions with their original media (in Re:Zero's case, light novels) can be done and are fruitful but can become a cage that makes our enjoyment of anime feel like a chore.
I'll be honest: somewhere alongside episode 2 or 3, I started to lose emotional engagement with Subaru. I *understand* the themes of loneliness, self-loathing and the importance of bounds between friends and SOs that this series seems to go for. It's unfortunate that this series constantly hammers this point in my head, specially in its final 3 episodes) in a way
that I lose even more of my good will towards it.
Look, I'm not saying it's a terrible anime and neither am posing as some sort of "too cool for this shit" weeb. Seriously. I really wanted to like this series and be a part of a community that is NOT either dying or dead. But, as a anime, Re:Zero is average. It has good animation sequences but they're far in between. It has good dialogue but most of it is far too expository. It has good ideas but executes those in such a matter of fact way that... let me put this way: close-ups on Subaru's face and his screams and some SFX can only convey so much before saturation.
Subaru's VA is amazing tho, 10/10. He literally carries entire episodes for me - I may be disengaged from all those emotions but I can recognize which emotions are supposed to be there.
Maybe if I read the LN I'd loved this. Maybe not. But as a standalone story, Re:Zero wasn't for me.
It wasn't *offensive* or *terrible*, I did finish it after all, but sometimes I wonder if I should have used those 25~min to see something else, maybe from my long CW list
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 3, 2020
As you may noticed this is a personal story about part of the transition process that author has been through so my 9 on Story is mostly for how the whole thing is presented to us.
Sometimes playful, sometimes frightening and all around informative, this manga reads almost like a Trans For Dummies and I say it with the best of intentions - it's a great work to show to that trans-ally you all either have or are in a circle of friends or co-workers.
It is FILLED with information regarding the Sex Reassigment Surgery and many of its post-op issues - even legal ones - all
presented in a nice and comedic tone using food. Yeah. It is kinda hilarious.
The art is just... there. It gets the job done - sets the mood and makes the plays it needs to make. If you're meant to be see happiness or sadness or despair you'll see jsut that.
Most of the enjoyment one may have with this series comes from a place of delight by being informed about something that you either REALLY want to you for you or for someone else or you just like to read about things that you may not consider directly related to you.
Go take a look. It's great.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 29, 2020
(edited for spelling and grammar)
I've watched the uncut and uncensored version and it's pretty clear that this was the original intention of the creators.
Episodes are ~5min long so all 12 should give you over half an hour of either suffering for dubiously framed consensual straight sexual acts (fingering and intercourse, no bj for the monk) or joy for poorly paced "plot" between sex scenes.
To keep it short: monk picks main girl at a class reunion (presumed) proceeds to take her home and finger her until climax and sleep. Next day he takes her to his house to present her as his fianceé without her prior
knowledge. She gets kinda mad but not really since she likes him ever since teens.
It's kinda smutty from here on which I don't really like but I can take it since it's short.
From a technical standpoint animation is average at best. Lots of close-ups with minimal movement. All the glory goes to the sex scenes post episode 6 - since they're in bed apparently the creators could think on more poses and expressions for them. But it's *not great* by any sense of the world. It works.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Dec 27, 2019
English here, Portuguese below:
First of all I LOVE Netoyome. I'm currently reading the novels and I actually think the anime despite its many flaws managed to convey the core message of friendship and bounds over virtual realities.
That's way it pains me to say that I don't like the manga at all. The art is at best uninspired and amateurish at its worse. It doesn't convey the feelings of its characters properly (except a couple of times at vol 1 and 2), doesn't take perspective into account when posing its characters in the backgrounds and manages to make Ako kinda ugly which is a big no
to me LOL
If you MUST read it, try to read it past these problems. It's a good story of a young romance and a couple mmorpg addicted people. Those are important to the history, setting and chracters but the manga manages to make even the anime a good view on these.
Read the LN.
Eu AMO Netoyome. Estou lendo as novels e acho que o anime, apesar das suas muitas falhas, consegue passar os temas de amizade e laços feitos na e através das realidades virtuais de uma maneira boa.
Por isso me dói dizer que eu não gosto do mangá. É sem inspiração quando está no auge e amador quando não está. A arte não comunica os sentimentos dos personagens (a não ser algumas partes do vol 1), não considera perspectiva quando põe os personagens nos cenários que estabelece e consegue tornar a Ako feia, o que é francamente imperdoável lol
Se você QUER ler, leia passando por cima dos problemas que a história, enredo e personagens tem. É uma boa história sobre pessoas viciadas em mmorpg e como isso influencia tudo que elas fazem - e o anime ainda faz um trabalho melhorzinho passando isso, em comparação.
Leia a LN.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Nov 14, 2019
(Português BR abaixo - portuguese version below)
I'll keep it short since I decided to write this in two languages and there isn't a lot to talk about here.
I liked the art - it's NOT amazing in any way and only ero when it counts (like when we look at Sensei through teenage MC's eyes) but it is soft and the compositions flow very naturally.
That said it was axed and it shows. Author decided to go meta and poorly wrap everything by making Sensei got her manga axed too. It's a shame. It wasn't a great history nor new and any of its premises and developments
and lack of payoffs but it was *nice* to look at and giggle ocasionally.
Mantendo a resenha curta e objetiva: a arte é boa. Não é fantástica mas pra o que se presta a retratar o faz bem: a composição é boa, vc sempre sabe quem é quem e onde está tudo na cena e as poucas cenas mais ero são pontuadas pelo olhar adolescente do protagonista, o que faz todo sentido.
O mangá foi cancelado e é perceptível que o/a autor/a meteu o pé na metalinguagem no segundo volume - o final obviamente deixa muito a desejar mas creio que alguém que vá ler já com isso em mente seja um pouco mais generoso do que eu estou sendo aqui.
Não espere nada além de um romcom mediano pra baixo - o que é bom é apenas bom e o que não é bom não é horrível, simples.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Oct 7, 2019
I saw it on mdex and thought "hey a slight ecchi comedy about workplace in modern Japan! Maybe like Service x Service but racier? Nice!"
And then I was betrayed.
It doesn't work as a comedy since the only gag is that MC will do anything to be the best at her job and this always leads to erotic situations. The lead up to them is weak at best and terrible-is-this-low-tier-hentai at its worst.
And then I came here and found out that this magazine publishes porn!
So maybe Onna Shunin Kishi Mieko can the read as softcore porn, like Cinemax erotica or something like that?
What she DOES
is very erotic (she bares her chest, spreads out her... well I don't want to be banned) but honestly I'd rather read an actual hentai.
It's not funny enough nor erotic enough
It's warm
So nope.jpg
BUT the art is great I really like how mangaka-san draws girls. I'd read anything other than this
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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