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Apr 10, 2020
Ika Musume is a perfect example of how to create an amazing moe, slice of life anime. The premise is so simple, its a squid girl who invades humanity after becoming frustrated with how humans have treated the ocean by polluting it. When she actually does come to the surface though, she finds that the humans are surprisingly tolerant of her despite her repeated threats to invade all of humanity and she quickly builds close bonds with the owners of a small restaurant on the beach, as well as many of the people who frequent the beach.
Despite having such a simple premise, I was hooked
from the very first episode and ended up watching the whole first season in 3 days. Ika Musume is a very emotionally impacting anime, with a level of sweetness that soothes your soul and gives you a feeling of optimism. While I think anybody could enjoy it, I would especially recommend this anime to anybody who is feeling sad or down for whatever reason.
The first reason why the anime feels so warm is how well the beach vibe is captured through the art. Everything is wonderfully colorful and cheerful. Its almost like you can feel the warmth of the beach through the screen. The sounds of the ocean and tropical sounding music along with the imagery added greatly to the immersion. Personally I've always thought of beaches and tropical locations as being among the most cheerful environments, so the setting was great for this anime.
The second biggest reason is the characters. In order for slice of life to be done as well as this one is, you need to have characters that audiences connect to so well that you are interested in watching them even when they are doing relatively simple things. If you like the characters enough, something as simple as a hike up the mountain can feel great to watch. By the time I finished this season, I had this odd feeling that I had known the characters all my life even though I only started watching 3 days ago.
The sweetness of all the characters is inspiring. It was very heart-warming to see this girl who is such an oddball be treated so warmly and with such acceptance from all the other characters. There are many cute moments in this show that will make you want to hug one of the characters.
I'm sad to see that this anime only has two short seasons. I feel like this series has enough potential that it could've been turned into a long running show. But I do think this show has a lot of re-watch value. I can easily see myself re-watching this a few months down the line.
I am certainly in no hurry to part ways with little Ika and the beach community, but I also can't seem to stop myself from watching at a fast pace and writing this review early despite not having seen the second season. To conclude this review, I'd recommend this to anybody who's looking for an anime with a very warm atmosphere that will soothe your heart, but I especially recommend it to anybody who's feeling sad or down in any way. Watching something so sweet can be very therapeutic when your down on negative thoughts. Shows like this are a major reason why I love anime.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 7, 2020
Definitely one of the more obscure ecchi animes out there. I actually hadn't heard of it until I did some wandering around the net.
So let's get right to it. The best part about this anime is undoubtedly the characters. Oniichan honestly has one of the best casts' of characters I've ever seen in an ecchi anime. After watching so much To Love-Ru I was desperate to see a perverted MC like Issei again and Oniichan delivers on that. Fapping five times a day, scouring the city on a mission for porn, and using sophisticated techniques to get pantyshots, the depths of Shuusuke's horniness has earned
him a place as one of my favorite ecchi MCs.
Perhaps the best part about this anime though is that literally all the characters are super perverted. Rather than looking down on Shuusuke's desires, the female characters in this anime all seem to love his pervy nature. Probably because they are really perverted themselves, whether its stalking him, pushing themselves onto him, intentionally giving him pantyshots, or scouring the city for porn themselves.
All the super perverted characters clustered into one show makes for great comedy as well as nostalgia for the days back in high school when it seemed like everybody's hormones were out of control.
This anime was so enjoyable I flew through the episodes and found it hard to stop. This anime came so close to a 9, but there are a couple major flaws that I couldn't quite overlook enough to give it a 9.
The first major flaw is the artstyle. I'm sorry but these characters are too damn skinny and an ecchi anime is designed around the characters being as attractive as possible. You definitely get used to the extremely skinny characters and it sort of had it own charm after you get used to it. But I had to ding it a little for that because I don't have an anorexia fetish.
The second major flaw is that one episode missed an opportunity for a girl to give Shuusuke mouth to mouth and instead turned it into a gay kiss. I'm sorry but missing an opportunity like that for hot stuff, and then making it gay as if disappointing us wasn't enough is an unforgivable sin lol. I could've forgiven the artstyle but I just couldn't give it a 9 after they did that. They do partially make up for it towards the end, but I won't spoil the surprise.
Overall it was a very enjoyable anime. This was truly the best cast of characters an ecchi could ask for. I had a lot of good laughs at it and I would've loved to see more seasons had they made more.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 28, 2020
This anime is truly awful, this is easily the lowest score I've ever given for an anime. This should probably be titled "cliche: the anime." The anime couldn't be fucked to come up with an original name for their "world" so they called it neo-tokyo. The villain wants to "destroy all humanity!" And the henchmen seem totally cool with this idea even though some of them are human too. Of course, the villain puts one of her henchman in line for bragging about killing 65 people by essentially saying "oh yeah, well I've killed 3,000!" And then going on to massacre everybody in the most
absurdly gorey manner possible. Because she's literally "the best fighter in the world."
The anime also seems to feel the need to explain even the most mundane details to you. The world has essentially been completely destroyed and is post-apocalyptic, but characters still feel the need to inform the MC that "there is no law enforcement, and killing and looting is everywhere." Perhaps, to sum it up easier, the dialogue seems like it was created by a ten year old.
It almost feels like the writer was intentionally trying to create as bad of an anime as possible. If that was the intention then they did a pretty good job of it. The only reason this anime doesn't have a 2 or 1 is because I reserve those ratings for stuff that actually freaks me out. This didn't freak me out but holy shit it is dreadful. Halfway through the first episode I was already asking "is this over yet?" I was quite disappointed to find that I still had another episode to go. When you're audience is already asking "is it over yet" after 20 minutes, you really fucked up.
So yup, this is the first anime I've rated a 3. I felt that deserved an explanation of some kind.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Mar 23, 2020
I write this review mainly because I'm very surprised by the rating that this has on MAL. According to the MAL rating, this anime is rated higher than some animes I thought were truly amazing. This anime has a higher rating than Higurashi, Mirai Nikki, and even Kingdom. I only really watched this because someone I know recommended it to me when I was just starting to get into anime and I saw its rating on MAL so I thought it must be good.
Now of course, all entertainment is subjective. But I must say that the rating it has here on MAL is pretty surprising
to me. The main reason why it surprises me is because I fundamentally felt that this anime has no substance. The art style is admittedly pretty damn impressive. I'll give them that, the art is really cool looking. And that's about it.
How to sum up the story? Well, its pretty much a bunch of nazi vampires attack London because they love war, and then a bunch of KKK looking dudes join in on the fight. Its not really a spoiler because this anime has no real story. The anime feels more like an excuse to have a colossal bloodbath, just for the sake of having a bloodbath. And that's pretty much how all the characters act too. Explaining their reason for invading London, the Nazi general says "why do the means need an end?" Basically, the reason he goes into war, is just because he likes war. Alucard is not really much different in that he seems to fight vampires just because he likes fighting other vampires.
I think there's only one type of person who would really enjoy this anime. Someone who just wants to see as much blood spurting, dismemberments, decapitations, body mutilations, and guts spilling out over the street as possible. If you are that person, then this anime is your dream show, which is probably why it has such a high rating. For that particular audience, I can't think of an anime that is better suited to what they are looking for.
If you are anybody else, I'd probably recommend taking a pass on this one. Its surprisingly long. Its only ten episodes but each one is about 50 minutes in length which makes it feel like a much longer show. Towards the end I will admit I was actually skipping a lot of it. Think of this more as a 23 episode anime that has no substance to it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 23, 2020
Surprisingly, despite being a major ecchi fan, I haven't really watched much hentai. I decided to give this a try though after seeing a random MAL post about it and the title intrigued me a bit.
Some reviewers here are complaining that the hentai focused a little too much on the story and not enough on the sex. The way it looked, from my perspective, was not so much that there isn't enough sex in this, but more that they spaced it out a lot. So the first fifteen minutes of each episode usually does not have a sex scene in it. But then the last
fifteen minutes will have like 4 or 5 in quick succession. Most of the sex scenes are fairly short, you won't have 5-10 minutes of thrusting before the characters finish. I'd say most of the sex scenes are rather 1-3 minutes long.
The artstyle, angles, and clothing are one area where I feel that this hentai stands out. The skirts are kept very short with the girls having relatively long legs. This gives plenty of opportunities for clear panty shots and compromising positions, especially during foreplay sequences.
Which leads me to another thing I liked about this hentai a lot. I've complained before that a lot of porn out there has no foreplay whatsoever. And I do wish this hentai lingered on the foreplay a little longer, but what we do get is still pretty good.
Another thing I liked a lot about this hentai is that its all very sweet. I suppose the name "Tropical Kiss" is a pretty good indication of that. But there's actually a good bit of sweet moe moments in this hentai too along with an overall cheerful and light-hearted atmosphere to go along with the resort, tropical, beach vibe of Aloha, the place where the characters are located. I'm also not really a fan of extreme kinds of porn that try to freak you out, so I appreciated the vanilla, more softcore nature of this hentai.
I'd say perhaps the easiest way to describe Tropical Kiss is that its a hentai made for ecchi fans. The vibe of this reminded me a bit of Kiss X Sis, which is one of my personal favorite animes. So if you tend to enjoy softcore over the hard stuff, I'd definitely recommend giving Tropical Kiss a try.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Mar 19, 2020
Normally, I tend to like light-hearted, ecchi comedy series (this is relatively light ecchi though). But I have three major problems with this anime which I will get into later.
So what did I like? Well, the music is pretty good actually. This anime has a pretty well made OST. The opening is catchy, and some of the songs in the anime itself are good too.
I thought parodying Death Note was a pretty neat idea, having it be a kiss note instead. Akane is... Kind of a well made character. Some of it is funny. I found the anime to be decently entertaining in a general
I thought it was interesting how hell was portrayed. I won't give any spoilers but I liked the way it satirized how so many people allow work to interfere with love and relationships.
But there's three major reasons why this ended up getting the rating it did from me.
1. Is the main character. The main character is just a dick a lot of times. Showing affection to the girls he is supposed to be in love with seems to be the most difficult thing in the world for him but he has no trouble saying incredibly mean and harsh things.
2. Is that the story is really not very well done. There's not much emphasis on the romance, instead it seems more like a rescue shonen the majority of the time. The penguin B-story was incredibly stupid in my opinion and I found myself wanting to skip the scenes it was in.
3. The third main reason, was because I was really disturbed at how this anime treats violence. This anime is really, really violent for a slice of life/romance anime. Now I'm not a squeamish person. I've seen some incredibly graphic animes like Corpse Party, Tokyo Ghoul, and Hellsing. But the difference is that I do feel, on some level, like all the other animes treat violence with more respect. The consequences of violence are shown, and the pain it causes is not made light of.
The reason this anime disturbed me was the same reason Home Alone 2 really disturbed me once I watched it as an adult. A lot of sadistic and horrible behavior is treated as if its not a big deal. Something we should overlook as essentially childhood antics. I'm all for artistic freedom, but the way violence is portrayed in this anime disturbed me on a unique level. Not because it was super graphic (although it was surprisingly graphic sometimes), but because I got a weird feeling from watching the anime that the writers genuinely don't understand the consequences or gravity of this kind of behavior.
I'm not gonna say that anyone who enjoys this is a bad person, or that the writers necessarily are. But it honestly rubbed me the wrong way and dramatically impacted how much I enjoyed watching it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 15, 2020
Japan's answer to South Park and Drawn Together, Panty and Stocking was clearly made by a major westaboo and is a very faithful adaptation of raunchy American cartoons. Although I typically always watch animes subbed, this is one anime that feels like it was made to be dubbed so I'd actually recommend watching it dubbed instead.
The main purpose of the anime, in the writers' words, is "vulgar and indecent jokes." Along with many vulgar and indecent jokes, Panty and Stocking swear like professionals the entire show. Hell I think the Anarchy sisters could easily go toe to toe with Eric Cartman.
This is definitely not like
any other anime I've seen. Some reviewers here seem to have taken the opportunity to bash traditional ecchi shows. I don't see why a person can't enjoy both kinds of shows. They are very different in that Panty and Stocking is what I'd call "raunchy" while most ecchi is "erotic." Neither one is necessarily better it just depends on what you are watching for, but I find it impressive how well the writers of this show adapted adult cartoons in America while still clearly doing their own thing. Seeing how writers from Japan try to replicate and depict my own culture's media was pretty fascinating to me. And while I love vulgar and indecent jokes, I also enjoy when I learn something at the same time.
So overall, I give Panty and Stocking an 8. It was very entertaining and funny to watch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Feb 2, 2020
Summary is a bit misleading. Rather than an physiology seminar, this seminar is more about educating each other on sexual deviancy.
Now normally, a "pervert" in anime just means they like sex a lot or think about it a lot, or want it really badly. Not so in this one, these people are real perverts. They eat insects, trick one another into consuming semen, pee in public, break into one another's houses and do weird stuff to them while they're asleep. If this was the real world, these people would probably be in prison.
I was gonna rate this a 6, but the anime does have some
interesting episodes that talk about human psychology and why people end up having these odd sexual desires.
Overall a decent anime, but be forewarned, some of these characters' fetishes are quite revolting.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 25, 2019
Hell Target is a pretty interesting anime. I'm not quite sure why it has such a low score. I will say, there's nothing particularly creative about the plotline of Hell Target. Astronauts going out to space and finding a monster picking them off one by one. However, the thing that I felt made this unique and something we haven't quite seen in an story like this before was the use of the art style. The art style is very 1980s, but for the theme of this anime, it works incredibly well to make a dark atmosphere. At many points, you can't quite tell what's going
on, and I think that makes the anime much better.
One complaint I do have is that the characters are not very well developed. Their deaths don't have a whole lot of meaning so the horror aspect to their deaths was lacking in that area. Without giving any spoilers, there was only one death that I really felt had any meaning.
Overall though, I thought this was a pretty good anime. Especially if you're just looking for a simple horror story set out in space.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 6, 2019
I'm gonna go ahead and write two reviews for this anime. One is the review I'm writing here which will be spoiler free so as not to give away any of the plot and the second review will be in the form of a blogpost that will contain spoilers in it. If you've already watched the anime and are just looking at people's thoughts on it or don't mind spoilers' you can check out the blogpost.
I don't think this anime deserves quite as bad of a rating as it does on MAL. I really liked the premise and the basic concept behind the anime. I
didn't mind having 30 characters, I actually think it made it better. Having 30 characters that you get to know better and start feeling attached to is a good idea. The idea of going out to a lost village out in the middle of nowhere and being ambushed by something supernatural that you don't know what it is hooked me. The side romances were also interesting, and I wanted to see where they went. Furthermore, seeing paranoia gripping the party as people went missing was also interesting to watch.
For these reasons, I really enjoyed the early and middle episodes of this anime. If the ending had been like the beginning and middle, this anime would've gotten an 8 rating. Towards the end, however, I felt that the anime really fell apart and I'd actually give the ending episodes a 5 rating.
The main reason is that the tension all fell apart, I never felt like any of the characters were in any real danger. It was like everyone had plot armor and a horror anime pretty much stops being a horror if you think the characters are completely safe. The romances didn't really go anywhere and never got properly developed. The mystery behind what was going on at the village was kind of interesting but without any tension or feeling of danger behind it you no longer cared and were just waiting for the end so you knew what happened.
I'd say the anime is worth watching, but if you're looking for a horror anime, this isn't really a horror. I'd say this is more of a psychological drama than a horror.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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