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Dec 8, 2013
I dont typically watch alot of anime movies but I decided to make an exception for this for two reasons. First of all, I heard such incredible things about it from other viewers, and after having seen both seasons that came before this, I wanted more.
The movie itself having clocked in at over two and a half hours had me skeptical, I didnt know how they would be able to fill that much time but they did! the story was so incredibly deep and pulled elements from everything from seasons one and two which is no small feat. In doing so, this movie actually
made me appreciate the "endless eight" arc (which up until seeing this movie, I thought was a total BS waste of time, but now I get how important it reallly was).
The story seems pretty cut and dry on the surface as it just being a world where haruhi is gone as well as itsuki, meanwhile yuki and mikuru act as though they've never met kyon before. After this though it gives way more detail into yuki as a person and the way things would have shaped up in the event that kyon and haruhi had never met.
I'm looking at what ive written down thus far and feel that I am in no way, shape, or form doing this movie the justice it deserves. The bottom line is this: the show had amazing potential even if it felt like you watched the same thing happen eight times *cough* but this movie realizes that potential and makes something incredible. It makes you realize that every single part of the series even the "endless eight"(especially the endless eight) was leading up to something so much larger.
I guess Ive probably done a well enough job kissing ass, so I will say that this movie The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya is very deserving of the popularity and success it has recieved.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Nov 3, 2013
That awkward moment when you are expecting a romantic comedy and the softcore porn rolls out... but what the hell right? Lets just talk about it.
Makoto and yura are both 25 year old virgins and they just got married and are now realizing "oh shit, I have no idea how to have sex." Now there's a line between being a virgin and not knowing alot about what to do, and just straight-up sexual cluelessness and these two are really pushing into the latter category. However these two troopers just keep on trucking (or fucking as the case may be...) and these two crazy kids eventually
get the hang of things.
Along the way Yuras younger sister comes along and decides to give some sage wisdom (because shes a total slut ands gone around more than a nascar race), a few others offer advice, and at some point about halfway through they must just figure it all out because by episode three the focus is off of them not knowing what the opposite genders' sexual organs are, and moves onto all the crazy kinky adventures they can get into.
Time to actually say what I thought, well, I thought it was good. It represents the sexual awkwardness that is very present those first times and how you really dont know a whole hell of alot, and its good for that. It also makes reference to the fact that when you havnt had any or much sex, you feel like everyone around you is a pornstar or something cuz in your eyes theyre experts(yuras sister, her friends, etc.) Yeah though, its good, you might as well watch it since its only two hours of your life.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Oct 29, 2013
Alright people, heres to the second season of demons accompanied by boobs boobs more boobs and some stuff that almost crosses lines into the hentai realm, but hey, isn't that what we're all here for at this point?
Sure there are haters out there that are going to accuse anyone who enjoyed this show(or me for giving it a 10) of being an idiot who only cares about boobs, but that is not the case and I will explain why I think its a good show throughout the course of this review.
Story: Issei is back trying to get all the women for his harem or
whatever, and while the show cant be entirely be carried by shots of boobs (god bless them for trying though) it has enough of a story to keep me interested. Basically like the last season theres a bunch of boobs with a story in the background threatening issei's future hopes of being surrounded by boobs, all ending in a semi anti-climactic battle where isseis only motivation is (you guessed it) boobs.
This isnt bad though, because one thing that ive learned is that you cant have ridiculous amounts of fanservice and an award winning story so i wont hold it against them for sacrificing one for the other.
Art: Once again, if the animation team could draw circles and make them bounce, they were golden. Seriously though the art is very nice (very nice--said in a creeper voice) and i think it looks pretty friggin sweet.
Sound: You hear three things in this show: shit blowing up, a bouncing noise(i cant imagine what for), and the words "ara ara" as such, since those three things were done well enough, alls well in the sound department.
The characters: Yes yes yes we've seen the characters before: the perv, the bombshell, the loli, the man candy, the shy girl, and the lightning wielding sadist... okay well maybe not the last one so much. Frankly though, i dont care if ive seen these character types a bunch before because in this show they all are perfect for what theyre doing and I cant find flaws with any of this.
Enjoyment: lots, lots and lots of enjoyment. I just have alot of fun watching dxd and thats something that i cant say for many animes.
Overall: I really have fun with this show, I know that theres a large fan base out there, and I think that thats what counts at the end of the day. If I didnt seem to say alot about the show in the review, its because I am writing this for those who have seen everything up to this point and need nothing more than this. Honestly though, those who have seen and enjoyed season one dont need me to tell them to watch this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 19, 2013
So with a title contain the word "love" I was setting up for a romance or something along those lines when BAM! FANSERVE! And that was about the summary of the season.
Story: I probably should've seen this one coming a mile away with a plot that revolves two people of the opposite gender meeting in a bathtub and then her getting the idea to get married. Is it just me or do these kids move really fast these days, I mean one minute shes naked in his tub and next thing we know she wants to get married... Regardless, this could've been about half the
length but I don't really care one way or the other. I think that it would've been better if they hadn't tried to reuse the same stuff over and over(and over) but most viewers don't pay attention to this with the boobs flashing across the screen at such short intervals. Basically this is one of those shows that is built on a solid foundation of fanservice with just enough story and humor to keep the viewer interested.
Art: basically all that the animators had to be able to do here was be good at drawing circles (because of all of the boobs) and seeing as how I can do that much they should be able to, and did. Next up would be the character design which is pretty good, they make the show into a dudes paradise since there are no, absolutely no unattractive girls within a 10 mile radius of this show so I don't know why every guy in this is so pissed at Rito for having a few on his arm. But yeah, the art was good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 7, 2013
Two words: CHOCOLATE HANDGUN!!! That was my favorite part of the show and if you watch it, you'll understand too. this show had me laughing my ass off, and that is something that very few shows can say. Yeah they might make me laugh, but not on such a regular basis such as this.
Story: boy meets girl as boy is drowning to death, girl is a mermaid(surprise) and saves his life, girls dad has his gang kidnap boy and his family because anyone who has seen a mermaid needs to die or that mermaid him/herself, boy and girl decide to get married because somehow that
arrangement prevents their untimely demise.
Art/sound: Art was great. the sound? its sound, its there, that's all it needs to do, end of story.
Characters: none of the characters are really all that deep, but since this is comedy we should already know or have guessed that by now. The characters all have their single-minded desires and its just funny because of the complete obviousness of what they are trying to do. In fact, I credit a lot of the humor to this.
Enjoyment: I spent half of my time doubled-over laughing, of course I enjoyed it, what else am I going to say at this point?
Overall: Its one of the better animes that I have seen and I cant believe that I had never heard of this until I randomly stumbled across it like I did. To anyone who's reading this that wants to know whether you should watch it: JUST WATCH IT!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Aug 19, 2013
Well after my complete lack of excitement for the first season I somehow find myself watching this, the second season. While on the surface this show might not look like much, I did find myself drawn back wanting more. So here it is, more of the same.
Story: The story has nothing new from the first season and it just keeps what was going on. If i didn't know that there were only 13 eps in either season I would've found myself believing it to be a 26 ep season instead just because it doesn't skip anything or jump ahead or anything like that. It continues
to follow the girls of Lilian through their various activities and such. Several conflicts arise during this season and it also includes the graduation of the roses as new material.
Art: The same. There was never anything catchy or standoff-ish about the art in the previous season and there isnt this time either. I also happen to think that the simplistic style of animation used is perfect for the goings on of a catholic school(insert joke about religion being dull here)/
Characters; Once again, the same. A few new ones are introduced such as sachiko's cousin and a new class, and some leave like i said earlier due to the graduation.
Enjoyment: Im not shouting about its sheer awesomeness or singing praises from high, but it was a good show. I kept watching and I dont waste time on garbage so that should be enough to say that I did in fact enjoy it. Like I said, while watching it you dont think its special, but once you stop you find yourself wanting more and more.
Lets get something straight before someone decides to message me about lack of information: if you saw the first season, and decided to watch this season, you do not need to be reading a review for the show, you should be watching it already because that is the conclusion you will be lead to one way or the other.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 13, 2013
I'm really not sure what to say about this. I saw the first few episodes and made the decision that I wasn't going to spend anymore time on it because I was bored by them, but then I really wanted to see what happened after that so I watched a few more and figured that I would give it until episode four. Somewhere along the line however, I was so entranced by the show that I had to see the rest.
Story: In an all girls catholic university girls pick "sisters" from the class(es) below them and this symbolic relationship is the focal point of the
show. In addition the three girls chosen to be the student council are given titles named after roses(the red, white, and yellow roses in this case) and traditionally being the sister of one of these girls is a great honor, and comes with certain privileges. Our main character yumi is the sister in the red rose family since her sister is the sister of the current red rose. The story as a slice of life just follows her and her sisters and the others around during their days.
Art: There wasn't a lot of color, and it just wasn't a style that I would call myself a huge fan of. Although it did its job and didn't look like crap so I wont bitch about it.
Characters: Mainly this follows yumi and her sister sachiko and the rest of the roses and their sisters, but the thing here is that none of them really have any distinctive traits or things like that for me to talk about here. That seeming lack of depth from the characters might have been a problem, but then again it takes place at a catholic school, it makes perfect sense for everybody to be sullen, withdrawn, and dull.
Enjoyment: I kinda already outlined my enjoyment of this in my intro, but I should take a moment to draw attention to something that I found to be rather interesting. The sister system at this school seems to go way beyond the type of relationship that siblings typically have, and it enters the yuri(girls' love/ lesbian) zone. Now I find it hilarious that such relationships would be allowed and embraced at a catholic(emphasis on the catholic) institution, given the catholic churches stance towards relationships such as these, im surprised that that the nuns didn't start trying to cleanse the girls with fire and holy water
Overall: It was good and like I said, I was amused by all the yuri in a catholic school. Aside from that however it wasn't the best ive ever seen, but it wasn't bad enough that I am forced to sit here and just grill it with jokes like I have don't to other series in the past. I guess my advice is just to watch for yourself and see what you think.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 11, 2013
I know i'll probably piss some people off here such as: PETA, kandaxmashiro fans, poultry, and whoever the subbing group was that did the videos I saw, among others. While the things I say here may sound like jokes, I should mention that I am completely serious.
Anyways down to business.
Story: A rather clueless male (of course its a male, do they make clueless females in anime?) has to move into the dorm named sakurasou because hes a really hardcore badass and kept a pet cat in the regular dorm so they decide this will be his reprimand. We begin the show with him having to
go to the station to pick up Mashiro a new sakurasou resident who's supposedly the best painter ever. Upon getting to know her, we discover that she is completely helpless and 100% unable to take care of herself and otherwise function in society(hey, what do you know, they do make clueless females). This leads to him being on Mashiro duty, which pretty much means that he has to take care of her, and I suppose is the prerequisite to the blooming relationship that is at the forefront of this series.
Art: It was good, no complaints to be heard from me. It was well done and able to carry the story nicely.
Characters: Sakurasou is inhabited by "special" individuals including but not limited to: a girl that seems very immature(but is the best anime creator ever), a man-whore(who writes her scripts), a kid who has long hair, lives behind a computer screen, and is blunt to the point of bordering asshole-dom(wait, when did I end up in this), and the teacher supervisor who is all the time having her boobs hanging out and trying to hook up with dudes. Wow, how is it that the vast majority of the issues here are sexually oriented? oh wait, ecchi series... Other than them we have Kanda who I think I did a good enough job detailing in the opening, mahiro who has a vendetta against underwear thus making her the resident comando, and a(nother) girl that's interested in kanda named aoyama who wishes to be a voice actress.
Enjoyment (time to piss people off): Okay for starters I didn't like that kanda was with mashiro (thats not a spoiler, its a given from episode one) and I thought that he would be better suited with aoyama because she at least had some personality which sad to say, mahiro is severely lacking. But you know, harem animes are kinda like chicken fights in a way, you get all the chickens(girls) in the ring and the battle begins, and even if your chicken(in my case aoyama) is losing, you keep tossing in your dollar bills hoping that it will pull through and defy the odds(here it happens to be the set-in-stone written story) and walk away victorious, but this time I wasn't that lucky.
Next: the subbing group. All I can really say is that its a good thing that I am able to understand enough Japanese to get me through the massive gaps in the subbing. Seriously, I don't know if these were their coffee breaks or some shit like that, but I was disgusted by it because they just half-assed their job and I wish I knew who the group was because I would warn you all not to watch their version of this. Another thing was the words they used when subbing aoyama were the same that some southern redneck would use, I mean there were enough y'alls to sink a ship and just cutting g's off of the ends of words were enough to make me think that any minute "THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN" was about to come flying across the screen. Now, this could totally be how she is supposed to be and I wouldn't know, I only know enough Japanese to get through anime, I don't know dialects or slang, but given the subbing quality overall, I think they were just being idiots.
--if I am wrong, and that is how she is meant to talk, I would like to know--
Overall: I wasn't good with the kanda mashiro relationship, I wanted to ax whoever the hell subbed it, and was just irritated by mashiro's character in general. It was a fairly original pitch so I will give it points for that and I did enjoy it, just not "i'm pitching a tent because i'm so excited" enjoyment. Maybe it all has to do with that irritation i felt towards mashiro but I don't know, I will say that it was good in every other aspect and that most of what annoyed me had nothing to do with the anime itself, so it was pretty okay.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Aug 7, 2013
When you start a 12 ep series and dont finish it for another two months I think that should say something for the level of interest it holds. While Queens Blade isnt terrible, it also is by no means that good either.
Story: Revolves around boobs, and a tournament that decides on who gets to be the queen of a land. The fighters are all females and the camera spends more time panning in on their boobs than anything else. In fact, I think that the only reason why swords were introduced into this series was to make a quicker and easier way of freeing boobs
from whatever clothy prison they happened to be in at that time.
This is called the wandering warriors, and thats because that is all that happens during this show, chicks wander around and get into fights that last long enough to make sure that someones boobs end up revealed to the audience.
Art: Once again, the focal point of this category is its involvement with boobs. The art is pretty good, its clear and well done, but like I said all youre going to see is skimpy wardrobes and boobs so the good art is sorta going to waste.
Characters: Boobzilla, tits ma ghee, am I forgetting anyone? Actually i dont think I will say much more than this because none of the characters have much of an important role, and their stories are about as shallow as they are. There is no depth what so ever and I found none of them to be interesting.
Enjoyment: Ha! I didn't enjoy this. I just sat through it because I like to finish things, and I really regret that decision. Like I said, all that happens here is boobs being flashed and a complete lack of plot progression, or rather lack of plot in general. If you like boobs and nothing else then you might be able to find a way to enjoy this, but I just cant figure out how in the hell they were able to find funding for all of the series' that follow this one...
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 7, 2013
This was way better than i ever expected it to be, a little drug out maybe but it was still very good.
Story: misaki is from a poor family and works at a maid cafe to help support her family(cuz her dads an ass, and walked out leaving a huge debt) but she doesnt want anyone to know because she thinks that she will lose respect at school. This is a concern because she is a the student body president at a predominantly boys school but one day a boy finds out but it becomes their secret.
Art: this goes from conventional art to turning everyone
into chibis and just doing that more comical style in every episode and i love that.
Characters: Misaki is about the biggest tsundere ever, and holy crap dude, she is so cute when they she shows that side. She hates guys however(because of her dad obviously) and is skeptical of Usui the whole time, just assuming that he's perverted and sexually harrassing her. Usui looked to me like he was going to be a dick in the cover photo, but he is the exact opposite and I was able to breath a sigh of relief when i found that out. Hes actually a pretty nice generous dude, and he is in love with misaki and kinda just has to keep on her until she figures out out.
Enjoyment: This was a very humorous show and i can really appreciate that, and I like romances so i have two reasons to love this. Plus it has a fairly original story so I really cant say anything bad about this at all. One thing is that it just sort of ends, on the edge of definitively but I still had a lot of fun watching this and I would recommend it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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