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Jun 7, 2021
This hentai anime is brazenly entitled "The Boundary of Depravity," when it is in fact already as depraved as it can be.
This hentai is the quintessential example of how a hentai story can easily go from a decent generic premise to a sorry excuse of an existence with a pathetic attempt to make a story "deep" and fail like how the new Discord update disappointed its userbase. The story is already as common as it can be, and I was just barely trying to hang on when its second episode exceeded my expectations—in the worst way possible.
The art was decent, if I had
to say something. Created by a rather new studio named Nur, it reminds me of PoRo's art style—the same art style that created some of the good hentai like Wizard Girl Ambitious and Fukubiki! Triangle. The characters are good... if not only by the story.
The first story was "enjoyable" in some way, but it does not deliver red blood cells to where it's supposed to be. Coupled with the second episode, and we've got ourselves a hentai not in the boundary of depravity, but instead occupying 100% of it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 7, 2021
In total honesty, the thing I want to do is to be angry about how greatly disappointed I am about this hentai series. I want to open up my skull and delete the part of my brain that will allow me to forget that a bait of a wonderful series such as this hentai ever existed. Before continuing, please note that I am going to review four episodes of this hentai, and as such, beware of spoilers! By the time this review was written, at four episodes, I have dropped all care for this series.
The first episode was so-so. It's about an uptight
student representative who reprimands her male classmates to stop bringing erotic magazines to school. After confiscating them, the plot demanded that she takes a look at some of those magazines, and following hentai cliche, she gets interested and begins to want to experience the pleasure of sex. This premise isn't something that I'd hate, but it's not something I'd like either.
The second episode was about two kids, presumably at middle schoolers, who gets curious due to their lessons about the reproductive system and began having sex as well. Another cliched premise, but it delivers some of the nice things a hentai animation could give, because at episode three, they are now in high school. This kind of story progression was actually nice, and I hope more hentai anime also gives us these kinds of premises, showing us that hentai couples do indeed last beyond the end credits.
However, the latest fourth episode destroys the foundation this hentai series initially made its audience, or at least me, lead to believe. Seriously? How could a hentai series royally eff up just like this? I couldn't believe my eyes—it's like Kanojo, Okimosugimasu—but worse—and that's mentioning something as Kuzunojo, Okarishimasu is a bad anime by itself!
The art was placed in the wrong priorities. I admit that by each episode, the art was gradually getting better, and that just meant that the fourth episode had the most beautiful heroine, only getting her potential destroyed by how horrendous her story was. The sound was nothing special, just your generic hentai music. The characters fall into this hole as well—their designs and personalities weren't special—once again, just your generic hentai designs.
One could argue that I enjoyed the first three episodes and got horribly disgusted with the fourth. As such, I will not be continuing this hentai anymore to preserve my sanity.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 7, 2021
The first episode was nice, only to be destroyed by a second episode with unnecessary content. Because I'll be discussing both episodes, please beware of spoilers!
Wow, a 2003 hentai animation with better production value than most hentai being pumped nowadays? That is indeed a very rare hidden gem! Only that... this hentai is indeed hidden, but not a gem. To be more accurate, in my mind, it was supposed to be a very good hentai with a decent story: a professor being blackmailed by a superior to rape some girls—that's it. Everything should end there. However, the second episode destroys a good exposition with a
sorry attempt to "deepen" the story. However, I shall give the anime's apparent "twist" the benefit of being logical—logical but nonetheless unnecessary and destroys story immersion.
I particularly do not mind the art of 2003 animation—like what I said earlier, it has the potential to be a hidden gem if not for its excuse of a "story." I repeat, it is a 2003 hentai animation with better production value than most hentai being pumped nowadays. That potential stems from the art—but to be perfectly honest, the art style also did some damage to its overall quality which makes it not as good as it can be.
I can't really comment on the sounds since it's mediocre enough and unnoticeable. As for the character, the professor—our MC—caught my attention. He gave off the impression that despite being able to rape many cute girls—he still abides by some sort of morals, which makes him NOT heartless, and is a very rare personality among MCs in rape hentai—unlike most who are hungry rapists. This makes him as unique as he can be. Nevertheless, the horrendousness of the other characters greatly outweighs his likeability, making this part of the show still as dreadful.
Because of all these, all of my stock enjoyment from thinking about discovering a potential hidden gem quickly diminished. The anime wasn't scary, but I did cringe from both disapproval and horror.
Where's the horror tag?
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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May 3, 2021
I never thought that the lack of synopsis for this entry in all websites would set off a series of traumatic thoughts of my hentai-watching experience. Before I continue, this review will contain the exact plot points of this show, warning you of the horrors that await. Spoilers, beware!
This anime starts with a promising premise—a girl who is madly in love with a boy for so long—hence the title "I have love you for so long." This is merely a generic start for many hentai—and romance—stories.
However, the title is disappointingly very misleading. It's not about the romance of the girl and the guy she
likes—it's about how an ugly bastard of a teacher blackmails the girl to have sex with her. It's very frustrating! Even so, I tried ignoring it. I was still a neophyte in watching hentai and my preferences aren't yet that solid, so I gave it a chance. My expectations, unfortunately, were thoroughly broken. After two episodes of mental torture with the girl not getting on it with her loved one, it was like I finally relate to the girl—depressed and tired. But then again, someone had to make a sacrifice! I tried my best watching through the whole series. After it was done, I can't even joke about rejoicing that the hellish experience I got through is finally over. The story is so appalling that I will never forget the memory of this disgusting hentai—even if I wanted to. Is this the fate of going in to this anime blind? Yes.
When we talk about Queen Bee, I usually say that while their animation style is not that great, they have the best of sources. However, this hentai was the completely different. It's like the studio's quality got reverse specifically for this anime—their animation style for this one is actually better than most of their adaptations, but the story is one of the worst ones. A misleading title caused these chaotic thoughts and whatnot—there are no words that can fully describe my displeasure.
I can't even focus on the sound because of how garbage the characters are. I tried to cling on to hope that a good ending will happen, but no—I can't even enjoy it! I might need some sort of warning to keep me away from hentai like this. A synopsis? Please.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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May 3, 2021
This review discusses both first and second episodes, so please beware of spoilers!
This hentai is just one of the many hentai that perpetuate one serious recurring problem. It gives us a false front of being a nice, vanilla, and wholesome story, only to be destroyed with few seconds of unnecessary content. This review will explain my annoyances and grievances on how this hentai would have been loads better since it has the potential—that tragically went down like the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs.
The beginning of the story has a good potential for a hentai. It is one of the standard ways to start one,
after all—a boy catching a girl doing questionable stuff and they start to make out—nothing too bad about that. Then they become closer and closer, from being mere sex friends to being romantically inclined with each other—generic but good development. Everything should already be fine that way until an unnecessary extraneous scenario unfolded—are you kidding me—a gangbang out of nowhere? Goodness heavens to Murgatroyd—the story would have been flawless without that. I lost my focus, my willpower, and my drive soon after—very, very disappointing.
Do not get me wrong. The reason why I am very upset is that "scene" came by so unexpectedly without any kind of preparation or hints that it would happen. It's like that scene was just inserted from nowhere so that it can be more kinky, but to me, it did not deliver any effectivity—and like what I have been saying since the last paragraph—it was a very disappointing scene. I am aware that it's a scene that can have a supposed meaning to strengthen the love between the protagonist and the girl—but it was very unnecessary. I'll say it again—it gave me a false front of being a vanilla and wholesome story—and while is, in a way, it got ultimately destroyed with few seconds of superfluous content.
The art is disappointingly nice—both the girl and the boy are nice in their regards—only wasted by the second episode's premise, leaving me disgusted. This also applies to the sound—the voice acting, to be exact. The girl's voice actress is a high-profile one when it came to hentai and some normal anime alike, meaning that she has voiced the girl skillfully—which made "that scene" more annoying than it should be.
Overall, it's really disappointing. Like what I have been saying the whole review, it baffles me to no end how such a good hentai with mostly good potential got in my nerves because of a single scene.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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