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Dec 21, 2022
Funnily enough I didn't hate it that much
This is a new story, it doesn't follow Seven Deadly Sins or 4 Knights of the Apocalypse but took Tristan and Lancelot from that series.
So what I understood was that Deathpierce became the king of Edinburgh and also became a massive racist. He wanted to make a kingdom that only has humans and rejected all other races. He also hates the 7 Deadly Sins with a burning passion and even cursed Elizabeth. He kidnapped all other races to make some weird hybrid creatures and he also just has an army of possessed armors fighting for him.
Tristan together with
Lancelot are the main characters of this. They are the ones that go against Deathpierces army and at least for Tristan he wanted to save his mother Elizabeth from the curse. All the Deadly Sins do make an appearance but I think Gowther and Meliodas had the most amount of screen time.
The characters are well the same. Tristan is a very weird kid, blessed with the power of demons and goddesses. He is noble, lawful, has a great sense of morale which doesn't really help when you gotta kill bunch of armors and he isn't the greatest fighter yet. He does use Full Counter but the attack must be just right otherwise he cannot use it. Lancelot is a very edgy mofo. If you thought Ban was edgy, Lancelot is more. He does seem to care about people tho
The music like always is banging
The animation and art. They are... bad. If you have played the 7DS mobile game then you already know what this looks like. It looks like a game. It does utilize the good aspects of CG well, like the use of camera movement and also it has good fight choreography but that is the only thing I can really say about it. It looks janky. Still better than Berserk if you ask me. Also the fact that they went full CG and no 2d actually works in their favour. If they were to use both, it would create visual whiplash when 2d goes to 3d
But thats my take. It isn't good, but it makes for a fun watch with your mates
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Sep 16, 2022
Welcome to the bruh moment simulator 2022
I have no idea what I saw in this show when it first aired. It was hot garbage but entertaining, but this season not so much. It is fun to watch with a friend since you can comment on Kazuya and the absolute stupidness that is this show.
The good: It looks absolutely stunning, the art, the animation and the music are all above average and just look fantastic. There are genuinely heartfelt moments. Of course this show can offer all kinds of waifus for all your needs. We have the beautiful and confident Chisuru. The cute and outgoing Ruka.
The Adorable and Shy Sumi and the spawn of Satan and the only girl for the bruh moment that is Kazuya, Mami.
The Bad: Kazuya. There is not much about the man you can say. He is very awkward around women, he is a bruh moment of a man, he lacks any good sides to him. You could say he represents the average enjoyer of Rent A Girlfriend or anime in general, but he is pumped to 100%. He should have told his Grandma the truth about him and Chizuru and choose one of the girls who actually love him and not chase the one girl it makes no sense for him to get even though the source says otherwise. Mami is the spawn of satan who really tries to stop Kazuya getting anywhere. Two faced, manipulative, stalking and a bitch. Perfect for Kazuya
Conclusions: You can watch this if you want, you might like it for what it is, but this is more like popcorn entertainment while you watch it with a friend.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jul 8, 2022
It's me ya boy, the copium dealer
Tiger & Bunny returns after 10 years of waiting.
The story picks off right after Tiger & Bunny: The Rising.
Like Before we follow The gang of super heroes but this time there is few extra characters and the system is changed. Now they aren't working as individuals but as buddies. Every hero now works as a duo. Some of them have very good synergies so that is a plus, some of them are a bit more weird but still surprisingly works such as Golden Ryan and Blue Rose (Ryan atleast is really into the posing and one liners). We even
got to see Origami Cyclones backstory which was quite banging.
Characters have mostly stayed the same way they were but changes here and there such as the ages and the interactions between due to the buddy system. The biggest change is Golden Ryan's. He was an arrogant man during The Rising but as the episodes went on he learned to be more nice. Like the man changed and it was great to see. Then we have the 2 main baddies Mugan and Fugan voiced by Kensho Ono and Mamoru Miyano and they work so well together. I have seen some Behind the Scenes stuff of the Japanese dub of Spider-Verse where both actors were in and they worked well. Mugan and Fugan are orphans who have next powers and are working with Ouroboros. Their abilities work well together and they act like children at times, or most of the times, but they are scary. This show had a scene that made me more anxious than most horror movies and that was when Mugan and Fugan were chasing the heroes. We also get to see more of Lunatic but not as a a killing vigilante but as Yuri Petrov.
The opening slaps and the ending is nice
The animation took a turn compared to season one. Now every hero is in CG for some reason. It is still well animated when it is 2d and 3d.
They also removed some of the classic sponsors such as Dominos and Pepsi
Overall, I loved it a lot. Can't wait for the second batch.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Dec 25, 2021
Fun concept but fails to deliver
It has been ages since I have seen an anime with card games as the main concept. Last was Yu-Gi-Oh which was great. Where this show fails to capture the fun that card games really are. I think it is mainly because the mess this show is.
Let's see. When I was watching the first episode it certainly seemed like a fun idea and it was good for the first episode because we got to see how the world works and how the game itself works. It had many unique ideas but the games kinda just over used them. Like with
Shot Triggers and burst triggers which can alter the games quite heavily. But after the first few fights, all the fights were just identical. The same shit happened in every fight which made it boring.
Story could be better. We just followed our MC Teruto who was gathering these chips, and when you have enough chips you are allowed to challenge this King who is just the best player or something. Over the journey we see Teruto fight identical fights which made everything just not intense
The Opening honestly slaps but it is EGOIST so of course it is bound to be good
So, I wouldn't recommend this show really to anyone. The concept is cool but it is at the end boring
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Oct 2, 2021
Utter Trash
I have no idea what I thought when picking up this show but it has been 6 months of pure fuckin pain. I have not found anything funny except the entire character named Nino who not only thinks anime will save the universe but he also thinks the manga was better. Both are correct statements
Let's hop on to some other shit. The characters are honestly bland who have no reason to even exist. Shiki is very generic shounen MC with bullshit powers in his case it is gravity manipulation. He just wants to sail the universe and find this cosmic being called "Mother"
Rebecca is your average E-Girl who will thot her way to B-cube Stardom. She hangs around with her partner and her gun named Happy, who is just the fairy tail character. We have Homura who is quite advanced samurai. She is honestly pretty decent. She also can't stop thinking out loud cause why not. Weisz is kinda edgy man from the past who went to the future just because the time has broken in a certain city. Pino is just a talking Electro Magnetic Pulse Bomb aka EMP. That's her name. Some others who I don't even bother with but the god and saviour Nino.
Story is pretty much the same janky mess as everything else in this show. Shiki gets picked up from the god knows where and goes to follow his dream. Along this said trip he meets new people and starts to remember who he is exactly. We visit the past, the cosmos, a literal mmorpg and even your average slave economy. Who could have thought that the universe has fuck all to give us mere mortals.
The Animation sometimes is pretty decent but nothing ground breaking. Sometimes it is just not nice to look at. Just like a slideshow at some points. Maybe it has to do with the character models looking a bit odd at times but who knows
The comedy has been absolute garbage. I have not laughed at all except when Nino arrives and talks about how manga is better and such. Otherwise it has something to do with the character quirks they have or sometimes even related to the ridiculous amount of Fan Service which in turn makes the show just worse
Of course the Fan Service has been a thorn in my side since this show started. So many stupid thing here and there and even some weird ass fetishes such as Human Furniture combined with the change of state. So some rich ass ugly bastard wanted to turn hot girls into stony chairs. Of course there was the basic lewd outfits, pantyshots and even bunny outfits.
The opening and ost I have nothing to complain about.
So in short this show is just pure garbage and need to be stopped. 1/10. I would give a 0/10 if it was possible.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jul 12, 2021
It was not as bad as people say it is
So, many people who have seen and loved Usagi Drop definitely aren't a fan of the manga due to its not well received ending. OF course I have heard of the ending before watching the anime which ended up being one of my all time favourite anime. Then I wanted to witness the ending myself and so I did.
The story goes like the anime up until the 4th volume so in the 5th volume there is a huge time skip. Around 10 years or so where we see Rin attending high school with familiar faces
such as Kouki. New people also arrived to the scene. Many of Rin's new friends questioned why Rin isn't attracted to Kouki since he is hot and very athletic but according to Rin because he is just a friend. At this time we also see Rin's mind develop and the effect of puberty and such. Rin starts thinking who he really is attracted to. To this he can only think of one man and that is his Guardian Daikichi. And this was the point where most of the hate towards the manga start to appear. Before that happening it was more smooth sailing.
First, The secret gets accidentally spilled by Kouki who first realized what was going on. Then of course Daickichi doesn't really believe Kouki. Rin kinda asks Daickichi how he feels about this but to this Daickichi says that it is impossible due to how he sees Rin. Some more build up happens and Rin asks again if it is okay and to this Daickichi says that give him 2 years until Rin graduates. Since he must first think of it and maybe Rin will find someone else. Does this happen? No, sadly enough. After the 2 years Rin hasn't changed her mind and Daickichi just accepts the thing that happened. Of course they don't get married instantly. After all this we see their life as a couple.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 23, 2021
So, finally the 4th season of Seven Deadly Sins have hit our retinas and is is something that one can watch without getting cancer from the mere sight of it? Well yes. It is an obvious improvement form season 3. For example even though the animation might not be the greatest but it is better that what season 3 offered. Also the blood is red this time. No more nut in veins. Still the show does not meet my expectations.
The story is still more of the same but it honestly started off good. The first 3 episodes were honestly fun to
watch. We saw Ban enter purgatory to find Meliodas and eventually he did after almost losing his sanity in the process. We saw Escanor beat another of the Demon brother. This time it was Zeldris. He already beat Estarossa and Meliodas. And Estarossas true identity was also revealed. After the 3 fun episodes we go on an adventure that is only downhill and just plain bad. it is inconsistent, boring and a complete mess. The fight against the big bad was pretty bad and the fact that the big bad was not the true big bad was also dumb as all hell.
Animation has again been improved but it isn't on the level of season 1 and 2 yet, but it is way better than season 3. Escanors The One wasn't as cancerous in this season as in season 3. But this show still uses a lot of still images with effects to give to feeling that it moves but it really doesn't. Also the character models still do look a bit wonky at times but it isn't as bad as season 3. It had some improvement in the second half but still it sometimes looks very odd.
The ost is this time pretty nice as always, but this has one big improvement and that is the opening. The first opening of season 3 was complete shit but this time it is actually somewhat good but still could use something.
Let's just say that this is an improvement to season 3 but still feels a bit lackluster. I have enjoyed episodes 1-3 quite a lot. Like they were some of the best episodes of SDS to date in my opinion but after that it kinda felt slow. Can’t forget my biggest beef with the entire CHAOS badguy thing which was never seen again. Stupid as hell.
I would say that it is still pretty mid. It started off being fantastic but then comes 21 episodes of absolute dogshit. I would say watch the 3 first episodes and just read the manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 16, 2021
Visually pleasing.
This is an anime original show and is it good? Well kinda. It has its moments but not every scene or episode is perfect, but it does have so amazing animation and art considering this is the studios first anime
So the story is about this woman named Yukimura Sawa who kinda does weird stuff. She is the owner of a book store but she has a secret side. She can transform into this monster things. Mostly she just kills others like her and try to stop some crimes. I honestly don't remember much of the story.
Characters are somewhat well-made. They aren't the greatest but
they are not the worst. Sawa herself is kind and caring but can also be feisty when it comes to saving people.
The opening fucking slaps. It sounds so great. They background music is also pretty pleasant.
I guess i'll give like a 7. It is fun but the story is a mess and forgettable.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 21, 2021
Finally, good isekai
This has to be one of the best Isekai anime I have seen in my life. And I know there is of course haters but screw them right? Not only does this anime have a good ost but it also has fantastic animation and good characters who get development. That is unheard of. Imagine an Isekai protagonist being developed. Crazy in it.
Characters: Well we first start with Rudeus who is our main hero. He of course was a pathetic life from during his human life. He had no money, he was bullied and was too horny for his own good. Then after rescuing
a girl from getting hit by a truck he got transported in to this fantasy world. He then started his character arc. He still is too horny but sure. The best thing about it is he got rid of his trauma of going outside which is nice. He also has some banger inner monologues. We have Rudeus' dad Paul. He is a knight who belonged in a hero group but after doing the thing he had to do he retired. He still is goofy but strong. Also kinda unfaithful to his wife. Then we have Zenith. He was also a part of the group where Paul was and they got married. She was the groups healer. We then have Roxy who taught Rudeus magic. She is a kind woman and quite funny at times. Eris is a little girl who has a nasty temper and a habit of kicking your ass. She doesn't want to learn basic stuff so she is kinda dumb. Sylphiette is Rudeus' girlfriend probably. Rudeus rescued her from bullies and they became friends fast. Reudeus also taught her magic. Ghislaine is a knight hired by Eris to keep her safe. She is tall, muscular and scary but honestly she is just kind.
Story: Well, Rudeus got hit by a truck and got transported to a fantasy universe. The first few episodes we followed Rudeus as a child. He was mischievious and way too horny for a child but that might be his neckbeard mindset speaking. We then saw him training to use magic and how he increased his mana by spamming spells everyday. After he had grown a bit more he went to teach Eris some magic but it was very hard at first but after few months it got easier.
OST: It is amazing. There is some nice songs here and there but also a lot of epic ones. The opening is great and so is the ending
I do infact recommend this
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Mar 19, 2021
We continue selling more sexy armor to more customers in this season. Who would have guessed? Well there has been some episodes that are not about selling underwear but instead telling about the everyday lives of the workers. Such as we saw a day in a life of their pet rat who honestly does almost everything. I fell like the voice actors and the animator had a blast making this show and it shows in it.
Story: It is literally about selling underwear so yeah, can't go wrong with it.
Characters: They are the same as before. Liliette is still the same brute who is cute
as heck, Kurtz is the same man who cant handle erotica, we have a flat chested loli witch and a loli demon lord. Such a diverse cast. Of course the store owner is a true man of culture
I mean, watch it if you want but you won't miss anything if you don't watch it. But it literally takes 36 minutes to watch this so yeah
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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