My name is Ash. Well it's my initials but I like this, it's kind of like how Mihael is Mello, Nate is Near, and Mail is Matt. I love anime. I think Death Note is the absolute best anime ever! I also really like DRRR!!, and Lucky Star, and Hell Girl, and Inuyasha, and Witchblade, and L, and Mello, and Matt, and Near, and Whammy's, and Shizuo, and Izaya, and okay yeah all of them, and chocolate, and candy, cake, and Pocky, and ice cream, and anything else sweet ^^", and music, and...
I wanna be just like L. I admire him even though people might find him creepy, he's cool. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in LLOOOOVVVEEE with him, I'm not the fangirly type, I'm a tom-boy. I just think he's awesome and a great inspiration. But yes, I am a HUUUUGGGEE fan ^^.
Ummm...I am hyper, random, weird, funny, short (sadly TT_TT), short-tempered, kinda violent > >", and sometimes just plain retarded. But When I'm in my L phases I copy him, and TRY to act like him ( I have trouble keeping a straight face and keeping my temper ^^").
Oh and I most likely have A.D.H.D ^^" heheheh
My Squiby
Member Cards

All Comments (67) Comments
You are REMINDED to check out your cards on every Monday & Friday . I’m sorry for the inconvenient causes because my computer couldn’t go in MAL except for school days. And I had done all the cards but no idea how to pass it to you guys. Sorry for the delays and wait… Please grab it from the link I just gave.. and anything please drop me a mail me @ or whatsapp me @+6598918071.
Thankyou and Have a nice day :D
WOOSSSSHHH~~ FINALLY~ IT HERE! the Badges that i am mention in the last newsletter :) Sorry for the long wait.. FINALLY~ badge is done.. sorry for my laziness :X *Faint* and yeah.. please vote in the poll and grab a badge :) and if you haven't grab your own membercards and grab one too :) and yeah before I forgotten to mention it. the badge will used in many things such as Special LE cards or Special GIf cards :) so enjoy your stay here in our O.D house :)
1. Get your NEW official member cards along with new member ID # HERE! Even if you received previous cards, the numbering system has been restarted and everyone can claim NEW ID #'s and NEW cards.
2. We have surpassed 4000 members!!! Get your 4000+ LE cards HERE! The thread will officially open on 01/12/12 Thursday ~8AM PST. They are available for a limited time, so get them fast!
Yo minna**
--New Voting is up -here-
--if u havented voted for couple of the month february -go here- Last chance
--For all bl stuff what starts 2011 or you know some who do look here
And if you whant a lil birthday card on your special day -then look at this
for all who already posted in here and changed your username please tell us
Thx alot have a nice day and Fun voting ;)
Hello Members of LE Paradise~
There have been some major changes to LEP~!!
First off, the club is under new management by Shadoe and FairyDemon. We were appointed the position by the club's former manager, Luna-chii who has retired from MAL.
Lately, the club has fallen into a state of "deadness" but we hope to revive LE Paradise with your help.
Current Events
-We are currently hosting a Banner Contest which can be found ~HERE~
-We now have 2 new games up: Three word Story and Guess the Anime with more to come.
-We are currently on a staff hunt for more LE makers and active admins to help keep the club functioning, so if you're interested, apply HERE
Be sure to check out the new stuff and check back for more updates~!
Hi, we have some updates for you!
1. new member cards are now open. you can request here
2. Club badge is now Re-Open. request here
3. claim your favorite female character here
Hello, minna-san! Missed us? Then we have a lot of new things to offer you!
Have you already got your membercard? No? Get it here.
Want to claim characters? Want to get bonuses? Get the official badge here!
Want to get a present for your birthday? Then add it here!
Add the character's birthday here!
Who is you favourite character? Say it here!
Wish Sohryuu Asuka Langley "Happy birthday!" here and maybe you'll get a present ;)
8 new claiming topics:
- Claim a Character
- Claim an Anime
- Claim a Manga
- Claim a Hairstyle
- Claim a Pairing
- Claim a Sibling
- Claim an Anime Opening
- Claim an Anime OST track
Do you want to receive club updates regularly? Then go here!
Don't forget to visit us from time to time not to miss something interesting!
Please join! ^^
This is the new club made by Musician_Soul98 (liana) and Water_Lily (lilian) sister of Bluething (mira) and BVP club will become a comemorative club for bluething.
If you got any questions ask me ^^ thnx~
sorry to spam ur page but we got a bad news..
Bluething-sama died.. at nov. 5 this year
as a member of the club that our creator made, we want u to write also..
click the image.. thnx :)