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Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
Jan 16, 2018 8:04 PM
Watching 5/12 · Scored 6
Mahoutsukai no Yome
Mahoutsukai no Yome
Jan 16, 2018 8:04 PM
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Hatsukoi Monster
Hatsukoi Monster
Jan 16, 2018 8:02 PM
Watching 5/12 · Scored 7
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Akuma to Love Song
Akuma to Love Song
Aug 4, 2016 12:45 AM
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Reimei no Arcana
Reimei no Arcana
Aug 4, 2016 12:44 AM
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Black Bird
Black Bird
Aug 4, 2016 12:43 AM
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mdo7 Oct 16, 2023 4:37 PM
Uh, are you planning to coming back here on MAL?
Syadona Dec 29, 2016 3:30 PM
Happy Quarter-life Birthday, coolcat! The big Two Five! Also, it's been quite a while since I saw you on here. How has your outside life been going?

Edit: Forgot to mention belated. Apologies.
Syadona Sep 10, 2016 11:02 PM
It's just elitists trashing a show for not being unique or daring enough, as well as it being popular. Mind you, it's not great imo, but I wouldn't say it's bad either. Though I did hear S2 (Root A) is lesser than S1 in the general opinion of fans and non-fans, so that might be the case for why it may go downhill.

One of the most epic shows I've ever seen in my life. Of course, it's not flawless, and one day I may revise my score, but if "10" means "Fantastic" or "Outstanding" in my book, then the journey of Lelouch vi Britannia's conquest to destroy his father's empire and recreate the world anew is definitely a 10. Already favorites on my series and characters. And that satisfying.
Syadona Sep 10, 2016 10:01 PM
I think it's a decent watch as well. The lead character and his development are pretty good, and some of the action scenes are handled quite nicely. The supporting cast is good as well. The plot structure is kinda jumbled in the middle episodes and not as good as the beginning and end, though. I also never continued with Root A because I wasn't too interested in the series itself. In other words, it's okay, but nothing to write home about. It's up to you, maybe at least finish S1 and see what you think.
Syadona Sep 8, 2016 3:11 PM
How goes everything, coolcat? Just wanted to check and see how you are doing. Any progress on the series you've been watching?
Syadona Aug 30, 2016 11:29 PM
Their dubs are rather hit-or-miss depending on the ADR Director and the voice actors they assign to each role (And since they have a limited number of actors signed with them, their dubs usually sound the same). At least Steven Foster (the director for Slope's dub) tries to pull in new talent every now and then, and succeeds sometimes, but yeah, compared to Funimation and Aniplex, their sometimes lazy directing is unforgivable. Well, at least he directed the dub for Ghost Stories (to which sir, I thank you).
Syadona Aug 30, 2016 10:08 PM
I'm glad you are enjoying all of them so far. I think the OP for Death Parade may have helped in altering your first perception of the series. It's very catchy and the animation is more colorful at times, compared to the serious subject matter you've been experiencing. Also, while I levitate towards April more due to the story and characters, I'll admit that Slope has the better animation and atmosphere, especially those jam sessions with the perfectly-synched drumming. Have you been watching all 3 in sub or dub? IMO, Slope is the weakest dub, but is still good, but the other 2 are fantastic.
Syadona Aug 22, 2016 7:43 PM
Welcome back, coolcat. It's been a couple weeks. Hope you had fun.

Slapstick comedy is definitely one of those formats of humor that is the funniest when executed right, but it can be a challenge to execute right, so I was happy that Fumoffu handled it with class and style.

While you've been away, been checking out various series. I highly recommend Barakamon, Hyouka, and Kara no Kyoukai (I know that the first film was a bit of a weak start, but trust me, it's slowly gets better from film to film. Film 5 is definitely the crème de la crème of the series). Also tried Nabari No Ou. The first half got me intrigued with the setup and characters, especially the pairing of Yoite and Miharu. The second half did start to get predictable and boring, but it ended on a decent note. The dub was also good too, especially love the casting of Joel McDonald as Yoite, got the delivery and emotions just right for each line. I'll be sure to check the other recommendations out soon.

Syadona Aug 8, 2016 9:25 PM
It's pretty good. I've already told this story way too many times, but I'm staying home to recover from a severe, though not life-threatening medical condition that I won't explain for embarrassing reasons. Still, it's pretty good.

In regards to your recommendations, I enjoyed FMP Fumoffu a lot, definitely one of the funniest series I've seen yet. I also liked Paradise Kiss as well, though I wished they added another episode to prolong the ending since it felt rather rushed (Whether it ended like that in the manga, I have no idea). That aside, I'm glad you recommended it to me, definitely a series more people should watch, especially if they're fans of NANA. Ps. The director for PK is also the director of Beck, as well as the infamous Episode 4 of Gurren Lagann. I thought the art style looked familiar.

BTW, been watching Shinsekai Yori for the past few days. It's certainly unique and different from most anime I've watched. Give it a try and see what you think.
Syadona Aug 5, 2016 12:28 AM
If the sub isn't working for you, try out the dub, the voice actors match the characters perfectly imo, and handle the comedic timing very well. If you don't like that, that's okay too.

I try to watch at least 3-4 episodes of each show, though I may watch more if I really enjoy it. Some may say there are issues with trying to remember where the plot is in each show, but I think I've handled it okay. Maybe I'll wind down a bit when I've reached 100 series or so.

I've heard many great things about Shin-Chan's dub. It's supposed to tie with Ghost Stories in terms of "Official Parody Fandub", so I'm excited to see what jokes they came up with.

On an unrelated to anime note... How is life going for you, coolcat?
Syadona Aug 4, 2016 9:32 PM
No problem! And thanks for trying some of the recommendations out, I hope you're enjoying at least some of them. I'm trying out Paradise Kiss, and it's really good so far, definitely getting the NANA vibe from the plot and art. And the OP and EP are really awesome, too!

I can't wait to watch those two as well. So many to choose from, though, that's the only problem XD

I usually watch 2 Dramas/Actions and 2 Comedy/Romances a day. I'll watch Fumoffu tomorrow, but I can't think of another show in that area. Any comedies that made you holler in laughter or any romances that kept a smile on your face (or vice-versa)?
Syadona Aug 4, 2016 12:40 AM
If I ever need an anime fix that includes blood, guns, and expletives up the wazoo, I'll be sure to watch BL, and yeah, I already finished S1 of FMP, so I'll watch Fumoffu soon.

Damn, those all sound like good shows to me. Definitely interested in Darker Than Black and Princess Tutu, the latter of which I've heard from many that "Real men watch Princess Tutu", and seeing as I'm a man, I can't let that challenge go without a fight. Thank you so much for the recommendations, coolcat.

As for shows you may like to watch, I don't watch anything recent, but you may like these...
Fate/Zero for its ominous atmosphere, diverse cast of characters, and the right amount of action and violence.
Kids on the Slope, a music-themed 60's set drama from the creator of Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo.
Anohana and Your Lie in April made me cry every episode, so if you like tragedies or shows filled with may emotions, these are for you.
Little Busters!, which many compare to Clannad, so take that grain of salt with you when you watch it, but I thought it was really good.
Haibane Renmei and Death Parade for their mix of psychological and philosophical elements, mixed with incredible settings.
The Devil Is a Part-Timer and Good Luck Girl! for mixing gut-busting laughs with entertaining characters.
If you loved Kino's Journey, Mushishi is a great companion piece with its contemplative nature and stand-alone episodes.
Magi was a great action-packed adventure, definitely worth a try.

And that's pretty much it. Hope you find something you like.

BTW, I saw on your list that NHK and Last Exile were highly rated. Would you recommend those two as well?
Syadona Jul 30, 2016 10:39 PM
Thank you for your acceptance, coolcat. Will always be here to converse with.
Syadona Jul 30, 2016 10:08 PM
At least us and some other fans haven't forgotten about it. YES! Justin Cook was hilarious as Chiba, and he's got skills with a mike. Can't believe he's the same guy who voices Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakasho. Badass!

You seem well versed in the anime world. Got any solid recommendations for someone who hasn't reached 100 series yet? I can share some of my own too.
Syadona Jul 30, 2016 9:30 PM
Thanks for quoting my top 10 dub list, coolcat. I agree, Beck had an awesome dub for an awesome show, and the American versions of the songs were well-produced and performed. Greg Ayres may have done his best work on that show (And I loved his Kaoru from Ouran)
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