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Oct 21, 2021
So I think this actually has 4 episodes, that's how it was for me on the website I was watching. But the first one was the longest and I really didn't care for it. It was different but nothing that could captivate me to keep watching. Also Idk why but I really don't dig her hair lol. (Maybe it reminds me of a mullet?)
With that being said I have a problem with not finishing things and there were only three left so l went on to finish it and I'm glad I did. It was soooo funny and weird! It's October for me right now
and this was the perfect 90s ecchi comedy to watch since it was all spooky themes! The characters were fun in each episode and their designs were cool! Really enjoyed it. :)
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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May 21, 2021
If you love light, fun slice of life in a fantasy setting with immediately enjoyable characters and cute comedic moments you'll really enjoy this short.
Story/Characters: For 15 minutes it set up the world and characters so well. Easily could tell what these characters where to each other by how they interacted.
Sound: The ED song is awesome! Turn the Page by Blind Guardian
Art: Nice, nothing too special but the character designs were so cute and unique!
I will say I am picking up the manga for sure after this! This is a one episode OVA adaptation of the finished manga. I wonder if we'll get a
full anime of this one day? It was extremely enjoyable for what it was. Wasn't a wasted 15 minutes! (Watched it on youtube ENG subbed)
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Dec 3, 2020
Wow, out of the 6 OP movies I've seen this one takes the cake. Very unique art-style paired with a dark and disturbing plot line not seen in OP alot. Nami looked so pretty especially! And the 3-D backgrounds paired with the water color backgrounds made this a visually enjoyable piece.
The theme here is evil covering up as innocent. The little shoulder flower was such a fun little character and it's transformation was so creepy. Loved it. But I didn't understand the plot entirely.
Atleast the background of the island and the antagonist. From what I can tell they crash landed here, all his
nakama were killed except him. I guess there was some evil plant like thing infecting the island and infected him? Or maybe his mindset created this evil being and it transformed into a festering hate and resentfulness for any nakama. The Red Arrows actually not really being real and then them disturbingly albeit simply turning into plants after the main plant was destroyed. Poor Baron though, even if his thoughts may have led to the all of this. Also Zoro fighting the kid in and of itself was disturbing, but then him not getting hurt and asking about it was so creepy too. At least our crew is here to fix things!
The humor was great, the side characters were very well done.. sad to see mustache pirate lose his friends as well though. Also the pirate family, were they all a crew? Or did they lose people? I was slightly confused about them.
I did notice they used an eternal pose for this island, not sure where they go it though. So this fits well into the canon compared to the other movies/fillers. I personally watched this after the G-8 Arc, obviously it doesn't fit there specifically. Not sure any movies really fit. Funny though I just watched skypiea with alot of heaven references and now this is the ordeal of Hell. Interesting comparison.
They always have better fashion style in the movies, in one scene chopper has earrings on his horns it's SO cool, I wish he'd always have them.
Oh another interesting thing.. I've never seen Robin get stuck in water, maybe she's too graceful & cool. Was hilarious when Luffy tries to save Chopper and then Sanji has to save them both lol.
I loved how the Baron called Chopper a Otter Merman lol instead of the usual raccoon dog.
And he called Usopp the man with the 'phallic' nose. I lost it.
Usopp got a real burn in there when Nami slaps him for "backstabbing" her when he flew off the boat (on accident) and Usopp claps back with "That's your forte isn't it?" thought that was a good one. I know the whole idea was to make them go against each other, but all the fighting seemed normal to me, they're always fighting. Now if Sanji got mad at Nami that would have been interesting!
The Red Arrows were also in a bounty poster all together.. hmm idk how that works lol.
Also another thing that was weird was when he was feeding chopper to the flower, Baron said that he's never fed the flower a devil fruit user before... but Robin was already fed to the flower? So idk if he just didn't know or forgot or what lol.
All in all fave One Piece movie so far out of 1-6!
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Nov 22, 2020
Okay so I enjoyed this one, I mean I haven't seen one I didn't enjoy that much at this point.
I really dug that Nami was wearing Luffy's hat again, I love her in the straw hat!
The back and forth misreading eye contact between Bayan & Zap was HIL-A-RIOUS.
Sanji is so good with kids, this has been very consistent throughout the series I've noticed.
Bayan's weapon reminded me of Jango a bit, it's like a hypnotizing thing? I did think it was totally creepy that it started out like he was making her strip, we then come to find out he was forcing her to
show him the map, which happens to be on her back. So it was definitely a shock when you realize that's what it was but was weird for sure. Thought we were going to have one of those Sword Art Online Season 2 Situation if you know what I mean.
Luffy attacked his crew! That was pretty crazy! Other than Sanji and Zoro fighting, I think this is one of the few times that the crew has fought against each other in some way.. Maybe also when Nami 'betrayed' them in Arlong Park Arc. But, I bet it's scary when your unbeatable captain start attacking you, the ship got real beat up, but seemed like they held their own lol.
The storyline was cute/sad but the island being a clam was pretty unique. One Piece knows how to make episodes pretty interesting.
When Bayan gets hit by ALL the strawhats at the same time was SO COOL. I hope we get to see that happen again... I loved it! And then Nico Robin threw that crunch after! *Chefs Kiss.*
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 22, 2020
I agree with one reviewer that it does seem to be a movie with one piece characters written into it. With that being said, I thought it was a good movie! You had some memorable characters, Saga & Maya, & Esp the Old Lady she was great.
You get met with a few inconsistencies (as per usual) for the canon. The ones that I noticed include them saying they came there to find the treasure. You can't just head to islands unless you get an eternal pose, so saying they came there for the treasure doesn't make any sense. They did this in the third
movie as well, they even had a map in that one lol.
Also, at one point when they are first talking about it I believe Nami says that the Cursed Holy Sword, or Sacred Sword? is the greatest treasure of the Grand Line... I thought that was the One Piece? lol
One other would be when they are discussing Saga's backstory, how after the explosion he miraculously survived but his arm wasn't usable, so he "wandered into the grand line to this island" like, how? That must have been pretty hard right? Idk I guess at this point the Grand Line isn't as hard to get to as we thought at first.
Some things I loved though where the fight between Sanji & Zoro, like damn that was intense!
And the bit with Luffy & Usopp in the caves.
Also when Sanji is fighting one of the goons and he goes. "My steel armor can't be borrken by your foot" and Sanji kicks him on top of the head and says "Then maybe your head and your face need armor too" That was great XD
The fact that this movie seemed to be centered around Zoro, with him even beating the antogonist, but still not having as much screen time as the others I thought was interesting.
Also we did see more of his backstory though! If it's canon anyways?
I enjoyed more than I think I should have if that makes sense. Definitely a fun movie all in all.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 20, 2020
Wow, so far best out of the first four movies. The 3D effects with the boat and the ocean are great.There were some really interesting characters, specifically Shuraiya Bascud. His fight with Cpt. Gasparde's right hand man was really good. Do we ever see a side character this badass? I loved his look and finding his sister at the end there, it threw me off! I really didn't think that little boy was her.
I like how we saw the news circulate and how it still seemed like he had 30mil bounty and near the end they realized it went up. That puts it
post Alabasta, I watched it after episode 138, but I think it could be watched before. There's a line from Nico Robin where she says "Is it always this lively" So that makes me think it should be right after the Alabasta arc, so after episode 131. I know the movies aren't cannon and don't necessarily fit into the timeline well, but it's fun to speculate.
By the way Nico's Great Flower hand move was insane, like I didn't know her power could do that? She is wayyyy powerful. I wonder if we'll ever see that move again in the rest of the series??
This story line was vastly different than the old cliche one piece story line we're used to. Go to an island, meet new people, save those people by beating up the bad guy, (well it was but different lol) this one was a pirate race that happens (uh... every few years when a gust of wind blows up the mountain? I'm not going to think too hard about it I guess haha) That's what's fun about One Piece, you just have to go with it sometimes. I thought it was weird to mimic how to get into the Grand Line on random island inside of the Grand Line, (made the original entrance not as unique) but it did end up having a waterfall on the other side though.
Most One Piece Villians really don't interest me (some of them do, just most of them don't (Edit: I've only seen up to episode 250 so far at this point at the time of this review). The fact he was an Ex-Marine was pretty cool I liked how is ship symbol was the red X over the marine logo. Other than that he was eh. He reminded me of a watered down Crocodile maybe?
We get a peek in the Going Mary's bathroom were the little girl was hiding, thought that was cool.
There's a line I loved that Zoro gave to Nami
"Don't step over people!" Cracked me up lol
All in all great quality and really cool idea with the race, even though it ended up being completely rigged, which I will say disappointed me. (That's a pirate event for you I guess lol) Also I realized they like never get treasure, cracked me up when Nami says "I'm tired of being a poor pirate"
Going on to watch the 5th movie next! Weirdly I heard this is the next in the timeline order.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Nov 18, 2020
Okay this was the regular cliché One Piece storyline we can all agree on that. But, I gotta say... the art style gave it new life and Tony being there with them did as well! It was fun.
There are enough inconsistencies with the canon that it's laughable. I know it's supposed to be after the Drum Island Arc, but before the Alabasta Arc, just without Vivi. I look at it as a cliche yes, but giving us what it would be like if it was only them together. Since there's other characters that overlay eventually and being only finished with the Alabasta Arc so
far it seems that we might not see what it's like with the OG strawhats and only Tony Chopper as a new addition. Seeing only them working together on a run of the mill find island/save people scenario. :) You can also look at it as an alternate universe thing. Like if they only dropped Vivi off instead of helping her or somthing. This makes the most sense as to why Chopper is still struggling so much with thinking about Doctor, we get a flashback of the Jolly Roger and he pulls out a pic of it from in his hat.
Just the few inconsistencies I noticed.
How are they using a map in the grand line? I thought with the Log Pose that's the only way to get to the next island. ?
Nami doesn't have her Clima Tact
Sanji has his glasses still (maybe he could have kept them from getting them in alabasta?)
oh yeah and they call him prince again lol
No vivi, or others
But don't you just love it when a series makes you think that hard about fitting it into timelines and what not? I do!
But a few other things I loved this episode..
Tony Chopper with The Straw Hats Jolly Roger as a cape! w/ a flower crown! Figurine Please
I loved all there clothes, you can tell they added some style to each one!
The Hoofmark Petal Attack the Chopper does (didn't realize they look the same!!! Interesting!)
Nami and Usopp's Teamwork with the Horn Eaters, They are just so great together!
The Animals my goodness they are so bizarre! I love them, the animators looked like they just had a ton of fun lol they look like the animals on Episode 16: You Are a Special Animal! Gaimon and His Bizarre Friends.
And the former King of the Animals was SO beatuiful!!
Overall alot of fun and looked so good. Wasn't the best movie overall but it shined in so many other ways!
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 18, 2020
Okay Nami in a wedding dress while also wearing Luffy's straw hat is a figurine I NEED.
Also Zoro totally pulled a Thanos. Can't remember the exact quote so I'll put in Marvel's
"You ruined my life!" "I don't even know who you are" ;)
I can't wait till Nami starts kicking BUTT. The Damsel in distress thing isn't up my alley but Sanji was HILARIOUS the whole time of course. & the woman reallllllly had a thing for Nami it seemed at first??
Also, look at Nami defeating her by trapping her in a jar, just wow. haha. I'm surprised she couldn't get out after
At the end of the day I think you just have to enjoy One Piece for what it is and not nitpick at it tho.
This one was alot of fun and better than the first movie for sure.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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