Hello, thanks for looking. This is kind of a work in progress as I want to have nice banners everywhere but am currently too lazy/untalented to make them.
Feel free to leave me a comment ^^
Anime I like/dislike
If you want to know my thoughts on any anime that I've seen or manga that I've read, go to my list and click "more" on the anime/manga. I've updated them all with my opinions in the comments section.
In case you hadn't figured from the anime I've seen/manga I've read, I like yuri. Especially the bittersweet (or just plain sweet) yuri romances. Why? Well most male characters in anime have pretty lame personalities, especially in the romances, where it always comes down to their desire to "protect" the female love interest. *yawn* Okay, so that also happens in some yuri relationships, but even then the seme girl usually also has a vulnerable side. Also, there's something intangibly pure, beautiful and innocent about a yuri relationship that I just can't describe. Probably because I'm just an エロ親父 ^^.
She's cute, loli, evil, incredibly powerful and likes gothic lolita fashion. What's not to like? Actually she's not really all that evil at all, but she likes to think she is, which makes her even cuter :) She's also immortal, and will therefore look like a 10-year old forever. *swoon*
She knows what she wants, and she gets what she wants. Plus, she has an awesome, seductive voice and smeaxy hair. She's also a bit of a serial flirt and likes young girls - a bit like me ;)
Chikaru is without doubt the sweetest, gentlest, kindest character in all of anime. She's also smart (student council president), has a fun-loving personality and loves cosplay!
I like: most stuff, especially Nightwish, Muse, Rammstein and Beethoven.
I don't like: drum and bass, garage, rap
About me
If I was a Disney character, I'd have liked to have been Prince Charming, but the reality is I'm more like the March Hare, always in a hurry and slightly mad.
Hello ... long time no see. I had no internet for a couple of months now so sorry. Im using the schools internet today but im on study leave so i cant be on tommorrow. I have been promised internet in a weeks time so i will be on like usual then.
sorry i haven't replied to you ... oh and i never finished my story ... i gave up. But i will send you what i did do if you like ... though it will have to wait until next week as i don't have it on me ^^
some characters life story ... she was forgotten by her parents and therefor ceased to exist ... a.k.a ... she is invisible and slightly cursed ... shame huh ^^
All Comments (43) Comments
glad to see someone else does too ^_^
have a good day~
sorry i haven't replied to you ... oh and i never finished my story ... i gave up. But i will send you what i did do if you like ... though it will have to wait until next week as i don't have it on me ^^
For that cosplay, I'll have to grow out my hair.
I'm planning on letting it reach my shoulders.
ps sorry for the late reply ive been busy with the novel writing month.
I still haven't been able to work on my manga much but it's slowly coming along. How've you been?
Oh and do you like my L cosplay? XD
You'll see.
I'll see. XD
So far I have three characters and they're all very important to the plot.