~Sorry everyone~
My profile is under renovation (or however you call it). It will probably be opened sometime in the summer...sorry...^_^"' I'm to lazy to work on it...Oh, and sorry if I don't reply to your comments until a long time after, it's always because I have hw to do, but don't worry! I will reply! :P I think I need to change my dp soon right? It's been there so long I bet you guys got tired with it too, right? ^w^ And the fact that I can't get my "Favorite Characters" list in order is getting on my nerves. Oh well, I guess :P
My current Signature:
All Comments (349) Comments
but my point is..
what a kawaii pic you have!
oh.,yea.,i like amu too..
but i haven't add her as my favorite characters..
yea i did have fun and nope just going to sleep away camp for a week
Good you didn't gamble and waste your money!! =)
I bet it was hot! It's suuuuccch a desert. I bet it's kinda like here... same temperatures >< In other words WAY too hot T__T
I'm just about to move, and I'm going to England in a few days for a holiday =) What's happenin now you're back home?
And thanks! ^.^ Nah, it's just an OC, so it's basically just a random drawing. :/
Aw, why'd she quit? >_<
Hmm...probably The Host. :3 But I'll hafta wait and see, since the 4th book in the Twilight series (my second fave) is coming out in 12 days. ^o^
It's alright. And I couldn't forget about you. Xp Really? Vegas? How was it? And nope, I didn't take any other trips this summer. I never really go many places during summer. :x
Vegas?!! Lucky you~that must have been fun^^ I went to camp for 4 days at the begging of summer but we aren't going away anywhere this year ;(. Mostly because my brother's working all summer cause he starts University in the fall. And our puppy doesn't like to be left alone~ she gets sad ;(. But the good thing is that next year me and my friends are going to Europe!!! I'm super excited even though its far away ;D
I love your profile picture...
Don't forget me~
WE CAM BE FRIND"S ^______________________~
well not most of them some of them, the ones u see now i did make most of them cuz i changed my profile a bit
yup and Kukai is so sweet
yea i watch animes with subtitles
let's see i am watching Ouran High School Host Club, its a really good shoujo anime, Nabari no Ou and Soul Eater, both really good action animes
and for mangas i am reading Lovely Complex
yup it is XD today's teh 3rd day since school died XD i bombed some of my tests tho T.T but o well XD im so excited for vacations XD
what about u? is school over yet??