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Oct 6, 2013
This is the first time I stumbled upon a survival manga based on real life disasters. The story line isn’t propelled by generic disasters such as being stranded on an island, or stuck in a boat but is driven by realistic phenomenon and encountering people while attaining a new outlook on life.
The story is nice and simple, it’s simple in a sense that as a reader you will be able to understand pretty much anything the story throws at you. However behind this seemingly simple story is riddled with the complex human psyche and philosophical notions. The great thing about this manga is
that whenever you encounter an event driven by the human psyche, or a phenomenon caused by the disaster, the author will take the time to explain why it occurs and you will be nodding your head in enlightenment. This adds a great deal of realism to the manga, which honestly what most survival mangas lack these days. Despite the pragmatic nature of the story, the atmosphere wasn’t excessively dark, and the pacing was right on the money. Overall, the story telling was top notch.
Just like the story, the characters are also very realistic. Authentic emotions and realistic actions are masterfully blended into creating our hero and heroine. As readers, we can actually understand why they feel a certain way which allows us to actually relate with them, and through that relation, us audiences can feel a sense of connection so that we can further empathise with them. This is actually one of the strongest points in this manga, which kept my fingers occupied with clicking till the very end. You can expect a few heart-warming relationship development scenes, but don’t anticipate too much, because character development is the intended focal point of this manga.
The art is skilfully done, it expressed the atmosphere of the manga with precision. However there were early cases where characters faces were quite distorted, but this can be overlooked as it doesn’t happen again. Furthermore, the drawings looked clean so that you don’t need to glance twice to understand what’s happening.
Overall, I enjoyed this manga quite a bit, and you might have guessed that I read through this manga in one sitting. If realistic manga isn’t your type, then you should probably shy away from this piece of gem. But if you like realistic mangas, then look no further.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Oct 4, 2013
When I first stumbled upon Kurozuka, I thought I found a piece of gem. After reading it, I come to realise how wrong I was.
The first few chapters were great, the characters were believable, the anticipated relationship development with our hero and heroine leaves you wanting for more, and the art promoted a sense of mystery and suspense which perfectly fit the story.
Fast forward a few chapters and I’ll guarantee that you will be utterly confused, in fact I’ll even be willing to bet my secret porn stash that you will be confused right till the end. The time skips, the introduction of
random characters, the flash backs, I’ll assure you that no normal person can navigate through them without trouble on their first reading.
Leaving that aside, the characterisation has a lot to be said. What I disliked the most is the radical change of personality of our hero, even if it’s intended as part of the story it still feels that as a reader I was betrayed, since part of the reason why I picked up this manga was because of the authentic feelings that the characters radiated at the start of the manga. Really, the only character development or relationship development occurred just at the start of the manga.
Ironically, the only thing improved as the story progressed was the art, every other aspect of the manga pretty much degenerated.
I’ll acknowledge that the story is complex underpinned with great themes, however I feel that is no excuse to confuse us audience to this extent.
Honestly, it’s quite disappointing to see a manga that had so much potential at the start to end up like this. If only the story telling were executed better and the radical personality change were avoided, this would’ve been a GREAT manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Oct 3, 2013
I have a mixed bag of emotions for GE. Just like how there were candies that you liked in that container, there were also a few that you didn't. So in this case, GE comes with a few disappointing aspects, but it is also backed up with plenty of good points.
The beauty of GE, is that its story is simple and interesting at the same time. To keep you reading, there will always be some kind of elusive secret that you will be brushed against, or some kind of anticipated relationship development or the unfolding of drama, whatever it is, the author does a good
job to keep you interested. Occasionally, there are a few chapters that act like a filler, and were pretty boring to read. The pacing wasn't too bad, it didn't feel rushed, if anything it was probably a tad slow. GE might not be considered a harem, but it certainly does contain elements that are specific to harems. I don’t usually like harems, mainly due to the retardation that the characters have to go through or the over reliance on Deus ex machina to make the harem possible, but I was pleasantly surprised how well the harem-like setting was executed by the author. Characters weren't overly retarded, and there were no random crap placed here and there to make our hero look good. There are some overly clichéd moments present in the manga, but that can be forgiven since we weren’t given an abusive dose of that. However, I do hold a grudge with the ending, it might not be rushed, but it was disappointing. It ended petty much right after the final drama, so to me, it seems that the built up of the previous 157 chapters were for naught. The author could have at least done a few more chapters to show what happened after.
For the most part, the characterisation of our heroine- Yuki is really good, her emotions seems authentic, her actions are realistic, what more could you want? Now we turn to Seiji, the protagonist of the story. He starts off as a wimp, which is fine, because he develops out of that wimpy behaviour as the story progresses. However, there were quite a few unforgivable occasions where his intelligence seemed like it was two standard deviations below the norm. This was pretty much the only major downfall of GE. Though I say this, his characterisation got a lot better for the 2nd half of the story, and the lack of intelligence moments got a lot less so kudos to the author.
The art was pretty good, it accompanied the story quite well as it maintained a good sense of realism. The character designs noticeably improve as the story progresses, which is also a good thing. So if you were ticked off by the character designs at the start (like how I was), try to keep on reading, and hopefully you will come to accept it.
What I enjoyed the most was the relationship development with our hero and heroine, it always left a warm feeling inside, and since it maintained a good sense of realism, you can also relate quite well to the characters.
Overall, the manga is good, there are some frustrating points, but like every manga, you can’t just take the good bits, it comes as a whole.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 30, 2013
The story might not be unique or interesting, but the characterisation and development well and truly carried this manga to be part of the creme de la creme of romance mangas.
Art is nice and simple, though undoubtedly lack detail and refinement. But not that bad to the extent of not wanting to read it.
The characterisation is good, characters are quite realistic and all that. But the most well excecuted aspect is the character development. It's nice and smooth, no retarded, abrupt and unrealistic developments.
Just like how you crave your favourite snacks, you will certainly be addicted to this manga and start
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 30, 2013
3 types of mangas exist. Good, crap and mediocre. Kanojo wa Kannou Shousetsuka falls into the mediocre category.
The artwork is pretty good. It's nice and clean, easy to understand what's happening with a quick glance (unlike some manga's artwork that leaves u gobsmacked to what's happening even after staring at it for 60 seconds).
Story is so-so, not interesting, a bit of suspense, and really no plot twists (as far as the first 40 chapters is concerned)
So that leaves the character devlopment to be the judging factor of whether its entertaining or not. Basically the below summarises the first 40 chapters.
First ten chapters will
make you expect some good character development
Next 20 will leave you craving for more character development that it has yet to adequately provide. The stalemate continues.
Next ten chapters will basically give u a quick, rushed, unrealistic character development of the heroine.
Last fifteen chapters, I've no idea cos it hasnt been translated yet. Doesn't matter though, this manga is mediocre enough to go in my dropped list.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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