Feb 21, 2016
This review contains spoilers. (Well, not really spoilers, but actions of some heroes listed without specific characters mentioned)
If you want to find "mature" drama with character involved into prostitution, you may want to find something else, but not this manga. If you want to see high-quality titties with cheap storyline as an excuse - you're welcome to read this masterpiece.
Story: 3/10
If you have already read stories written by people like Naoki Yamamoto or read any recent manga about prostitution and "hard" moral choices - you won't find anything new here. Cliche-based manga serves your drama needs well - it tries to make you feel
bad (often without reason), tries to make you cry (because characters must suffer), but only tries.
People often complain about one shoujo manga looking like any other shoujo manga. Very well, it seems that we have already reached point where one "mature" manga looks like another "mature" manga.
Stupid main character? Check
Rape? Check
Overflowing drama? Check
Moral choice? Check
Date with multiple girls? Check
Onecannotearnmoneywithoutprostitution? Check
What makes this manga different is the size of breasts. But let's see Art section.
Art: 8/10
I really enjoyed art at first. Nothing specific, but it really looks nice. And it was the best part of the whole manga.
There is a joke about fanservice > story in animanga industry. Well, it's not a joke. It seems like creator understood the mediocre level of story but decided to sell manga anyway. How one can do it? Right, add giant breasts.
And now compare it with any older drama manga. See the difference? Yes, almost complete lack of the fanservice. Why? 2 options for you to choose:
1. Story was more important
2. Deus vult that's why
Character: 3/10
I think I already made my point in Story section. This is not a characters, it's a cliche. You've seen all of them somewhere else. And if you didn't, perhaps you haven't read more than 10 titles right now.
From the first chapter I had a feeling that I had already seen this scene somewhere. Of course, one can easily predict what characters are going to do.
Enjoyment: 4/10
It was a really, really bad ride. You cannot enjoy the story you read to last translated chapter just to write a review.
Overall: 5/10
If you want to get feels - try to read works from Naoki Yamamoto.
If you read works from Naoki Yamamoto - try to avoid this manga.
If you want to see something new - try to avoid this manga.
If you want to kill your evening - try to do something else.
But if you want to get a nice fanservice and, perhaps, do what you usually do with hentai manga - great choice then, perfect manga for you.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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