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Apr 10, 2012
what will happen if you give doraemon gun, knifre, and bazooka and there are five of him? you'll get keroro gunsuo. each of these doraemons also has a cute girl to accompany him.
This manga version is more mature than the anime version, every now and then you get to see the girls naked. If in the anime Koyuki seems to be mostly interested in NNatsumi as a friend, in this manga she wants more than just being her friend,read sexually attracted). Her relationship with Dororo is also more suggestive. They sleep in the same
Sadly the artwork is bad compared to that of the anime. The girls are not skinny and leggy. I bet if they remake keroro gunsou with the same artwork with that of the anime. It's going to be big
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Mar 3, 2012
Again you must watch this if you are a fan of sergeant keroro. the movie is a vebue for keroro platoon to show what they capable and what they really are, "soldiers, war machines on the battlefield".They are not just another doraeon copycats and for koyuki fans out there, here is a chance to see her.
the story suffers greatly from its inorriginaliy. Instead of coming up with a new fresh idea, they reclyed the story from the first two movies. statues that emits brainwashing wave frim the first and naughty punk bent on taking
over the world.
The battle is as great as usual, but it's pretty confusing bebause in my opinion they had a chance to destroy enemies at the first half of the movie. but instead of doing that the gang run aimlessly. and the enemies ain't that strong either, at the second movie the gang had to regrouped first because maru had many strong minions. in this movie there are only 4 enemies of which only three can actually fight evil keroro, sun go kong inspired guy, and a former bos of giroro.
The story is 100 minutes long, maybe to save them from hardwork, the production team added phylosophical element to the mobie. throughout the movie Evil wonder what kind of special bond do Keroro and fuyuki have. later on in the heat of battle the three debated on the meaning of friendship. very clever, because animators only had to animate the close up faces of those three.
can Saburo and kururu be more awesome? Kururu is trying to hack enemy's super computer while being electrocuted by cables and he was at his limit when saburo showed up.. Saburo also looks cool without making people around him stupid.
As usual Koyuki and Dororo have a great chemistry and they can work as a team eventhough they can't see and hear each other.
Giroro was about to be blasted with a laser canon at a point blank range when natsumi throw him an army knifethat he used to clog the canon's nozzle.
again the ending is dissapointing , Evil Keroro and his henchmen were let off the hook and fully reedemed. the ending kinda makes you think that keroro gunsou is slowly edging toward doraemon story because Keroro seem has lost his desire to conquer and is content of being fuyuki's "best friend"
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Mar 3, 2012
the gang go on vacation to an exotic island on the caribbea, completely unaware of the lurking danger. Maru,a self proclaimed princess abducted natsumi in order to make his princess. at first Natsumi was hesitant, but maru had a kero ball that makes all of his dream comes true. Pay attention to the choice of word, Maru used the word princess and not queen.
It's 20 minutes longer than the first movie which means thereare more rooms for story development and tension building.
It contains spoiler so read on your own risk
I must
remind you that this is nonetheless a japanese made movie, so no matter how cruel and regardless of damages the damages they have down bad guys are easily let off the hook dan don't take any responsibility.
Maru tried to absorb Natsumi and was going to destroy the planet when Keroro and friends interfered. Just like that , Natsumi let Maru go. To me the story would have been perfect had maru died, because he was the villain. The maker might have reasoned that this show for kids and maru was still a kid, heck do you want kids to think that they can do whatever want and would still be forgiven. that's not educating.
Personally i lke ts better than the first movie because my favorite duo Koyuki and dororo had more screen time and bigger role in the story. sweet because Koyuki rarely appeared in the tv series.
This time moa also saw some action , however there is a thing that made unhappy. Moa had to use the full power of harmageddon to block maru's energy beam. How can the same force that could destroy planets unable to defeat Maru's beam. It means Moa is not of the strongest being in the galaxy, but what make moa interesting as a character is that what you call don't judge the book by its cover this girl is very dangerous . She couldn't defeat a kid.
The solution to me is the reason it happened was because Moa only used 1/1000000 of her power because she didn't wat to destroy the whole city
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 17, 2012
What's the line between imagination and reality. Should it be a pure fiction or should it be based on fact. what makes manga Detective Conan great is that Ayoma Gosho always consults his brothers who were chemists on technical aspect of crime scene investigation such as blood spatter and blood clot. So he didn't just make up the stories out of his pure imagination.
another case is slam dunk, The author Takehiko Inoue is a genuine basketball lover. He understands the game well, it can be seen on the lead Hanamichi Sakuragi who has the size and
built big enough to actually play basketball in japan.He is not a make believe character that misled kids to think that physical strength is not required to excel at sport.
Now back to the manga
a young devil is eager to be a defense lawyer after watching court proceeding on TV
The art is smoth and beautiful, and attention is paid for example. on the detail of Kucabara costume in his human form and his devil form. If fan service is what you are looking for in the manga, the girls are cute and some like Elimona is curvaceous.
+Kucabara and Bichura's transformation
Kucabara looks like a normal skinny teenager with no impressive physical feature that can wow a girl but he has a sympathetic personality and smile, bichura looks like a cudly plush toy. But by drinking a certain matter these two can revert to their original form.
Kucabara's is a gigantic muscular guy that can make Rob Gronkowskwi of NFL's New England patriot trembles in fear. While Bichura's real form is a cool winged humanoid demon.
The manga failed to present convincing and sound argument on each of the cases handled by kucabara. I don't want to give a spoiler but i guess the first case.
A punk is carrying a steel baseball bat, and riding his motorcyle on his way to help his buddies who are involved in a gang fight. He holds the steell bat on his right hand which is stretch wide and somehow he was distracted by something he accidently crushed the beautiful face of a high school girl with his steel bat. panicked he ran over an old woman. The punk was death and was sent to hell. Kucabara offered his service to the punk and set out to prove the innocence of his client
The problem lies first with the methode of investigation, at first Kucabara frantically searched for an evidence that can prove his client's innocence, leaving no single stone unturned . But as time runs out, Kucabara then used a tool that enable him to see the past.and just like that he found the evidence. problem is that where is all the excitement and fun if Kucabara can easily use magical tool to solve case. which means no need for thrilling investigation which is a good detective story is all about.
The second problem is in the real world, eventhough the punk didn't do it in purpose . The way he was holding the steel bat while speeding are sufficient grounds to punish him for carelesness that injures and kill people.
The fact that he was on his way to a fight means he bore an ill intention and had he not been killed in the accident he might would have killed someone in the fight.
It seems to me that the authors are ill prepared and didn't do research on the law and investigation techniques. They seem to be content with presenting their own interprestation of the event. Unfortunately people and even children now are exposed to law and investigation techniques through popular crime shows in television and some through law books. a high school freshman who at least watches crime show will wrinkle his forehead if she/he read this manga.
-Detective or action manga??
The combination didn't work well because sometimes enemy appears to disturb Kucabara's investigation, depriving us of how Kucabara's process the data and reach the conclussion. Or is it because the author didn't really understands how investigation works?
Reading Defense Devil
The author should have at least spent times to read law book and consult police so that the manga could be more solid and not just imagination
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 13, 2012
While the premise of the story sounds promising , the story suffers a great deal from its unoriginality. searching for a friend who has abandoned everyone. what does it remind you, naruto of course. the difference is Sasuke did it on his own will while Gauche suffered from amnesia.
Tegami has a dark atmosphere, the setting takes place in a land of eternal night. we will be shown that in the land poverty is rampant, and some people can't afford new clothes. but wait a minute the letter bee's headquarter
is a majestic palatial building. no wonder the people are poor, the letter bee must have charged exorbitant fee for its service which make the cities bankrupt.
If they can afford such an luxurious office building, why don't they just have sylvette operated? too stingy.
Niche, she only appeal to loly fans, zoophilia and people who have fur fetish. I wonder why the show is not banned, because there is a scene of niche naked
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Feb 8, 2012
Ps iread in Shonen star magazine, had i spent more money to buy the comic, i would be more critical,.
+Seiji is not a dork,
he is the strongest kid in town. The last thing thing i want to do is to read a story about good for nothing guy. This guy has a reedeming value.
+ A shoujo ai that a guy can read
Seiji is not the rich, cool, good at everything guy. He is a rebel, and just like a normal guy, he
doesn't want to loose to anyone (in his case at fighting). He might remnd you of your pal or yourself
+ unique artwork
The mangaka has his own art style, so the characters don't look similiar to those of other comics. But not by any means amazing
-Story about a punk whose life suddenly got turned upside down is actually not new. Beelzebub for example
-emotional moments
It's the cardinal rule. boys don't cry, don't let anyone has a pity on them. Seiji sometimes cry, But Kota is an embarassment. He is worse than emo kid, he is a teenage dramaqueen who thinks is important to let everybody now about his feeling.always cry and thinks .
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Feb 6, 2012
I read this in Shonen star
It caters to cater all otakus out there. The premise is what will ya dork do if he/she is brought back to life?
I've got an impression that the author to make a series. Because the first two chapers is about the girl you see in the cover of the manga.. But midway he changed it into a collection of short stories. It might be because the poor reception, the editor decided to drop the series.
the lead in all of the mini
stories is good for nothing guy. He/ she always cry like a baby, the author pay no respect to masculinity. The supporting characters in each of the stories of course unbelievably tolerant to the lead 's behavior.
The problem is those who are brought back to life all have no reedeming value that could make otaku feels he/she want to relate to them
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Feb 6, 2012
The author played it safe because he intendes to make MAR his last work.. So there is no complex story, no in deep character background. Just a linear story.
Story and character
It's about a kid named Ginta, who is bashful due to his relatively short stature and eyeglasses. his classmates treat him like a little brother instead of bullying him. Ginta is not an antisocial to begin with, this is a good start. Most authors sacrifice moral value by making
the lead an antisocial so that readers could easily relate to.
Along the awy, we will be introduced to other characters, the loudmouthed jack. the loving princess snow, the wild girl Dorothy and the silly Mentor Alan. typical cast.
Just like dragonball and flame of recca , the manga uses tournament system. There is no explaination whatsoever why the bad guys don't just attack our heroes at once. It's just the way it is.
The battle is very straightforward, because prior to the battles our heroes always acquired new weapons and spells that can easily defeat their opponents. It's like Rock, paper, scissor game. Scissor always defeats paper nomatter what.
Just i like i said in the beginning this was meant to be the author's last work, so He wanted to finish this as quickly as possible. Do i recommend it
If you have a plenty of cash, buy it just for extra reading.
If you have a tight buget, there are a lot of better manga out there
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 4, 2012
This is a comparate review of cardfight vanguard with Yugioh.
this is an early review and i might change my initial score as thestory progress
same meek character who suddenly find recognition and acceptance of his peers due to his abilty to play card. But i like Yugi oh better because at least Yugi at least showed an interest in archeology. While Sendou is merely a victim of bullying.
The entourage of Yugi is more interesting, Honda and Jonouchi used to bully Yugi, but then developed genuine friendship after knowing taht Yugi is more
than meet the eyes and he is fun to hang out with. They are like average students who find their social status by associating themselves with the smartest student in school.
This what hurts cardfight vanguard the most, the characters are not as smoth as those of yugi oh . and not proportional. Aichi, Misaki and kai really look like each other except for the hair. Aichi's knight also looks like a cheap copy of Yugi's dark magician.
The battle is far from exciting because the characters talk too much .
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Feb 4, 2012
This is an example of how an adaption could go very wrong. If you are a fan of the game, there is no reason to watch the anime. especially if you are a fan of Rena
The anime follows the game story faithfully and throughfully, without skipping any part of the story. as result by the time this anime ended the story hasn't finished yet. Unfortunately there is no second season leaving viewers disgruntled and upset.
The background is plain and empty. What happened to rena? in the
game she looked charming and smart 17 years ols but this in anime she became a 14 years old moe. Celine also looked very different, in this anime . well not just the girl, ashton used to look cool in the game but in the anime.. Perhaps it's because budget constraint
Rena is supposed to be a happy go lucky charming girl and full of life, but in this anime she is fragile, weak and clueless. The anime follows claude's side of the story, so the producer might thought that it would appeal to its shounen vievers if he changed the rena character just a little bit to fit the classic story about a heroic hero and a helpless girl.. but it's not a reason to completely Destroyed Rena's character.
I am a fan of Rena and played the game because of her that's why in my opinion this anime sucks
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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