The university time is closer and closer so that's why I will mostly login to update my list and talk with my friends- almost no admin work.
And sorry for the late replies!
Rozen Maiden season 1,[url=äumend]Träumend[/url] and [url=üre]Ouvertüre[/url]
<img src="" border="0" />
Watch 300 episodes achieved on 05.09.09
Watch 400 episodes achieved on 10.01.10(Darker than BLACK - Ryuusei no Gemini EP7)
Watch 500 episodes achieved on 20.04.10(Chobits EP15)<img src="" border="0" />
I have spent 5,5 days of my life watching anime on 10.10.09<img src="" border="0" />
MAL achievments:
300 profile views achieved on 20.08.09
500 profile views achieved on 28.08.09
1000 profile views achieved on 03.10.09
1500 profile views achieved on 02.11.09
2000 profile views achieved on 20.11.09
3000 profile views achieved on 03.01.10
4500 profile views achieved on 03.02.10
5000 profile views achieved on 19.02.10
7000 profile views achieved on 11.04.10 <img src="" border="0" />
100 comments made on 21.08.09
250 comments made on 26.10.09
400 comments made on 01.12.09
500 comments made on 23.12.09
666 comments made on 05.01.10
750 comments made on 11.01.10
1000 comments made on 03.02.10
1500 comments made on 14.03.10
1750 comments made on 18.04.10<img src="" border="0" />
100 profile comments achieved on 21.08.09 (made by rawrandom)
250 profile comments achieved on 26.10.09 (made by kitty_ninja)
400 profile comments achieved on 01.12.09 (made by Admiral_AnimE)
500 profile comments achieved on 24.12.09 (made by rawrandom)
666 profile comments achieved on 05.01.10 made by TsubasaKnight )
750 profile comments achieved on 13.01.10(made by kitty_ninja )
1000 profile comments achieved on 03.02.10(made by Lordcrab86 )<img src="" border="0" />
100 forum posts achieved on 31.08.09
200 forum posts achieved on 18.11.09 (my 200 post)
300 forum posts achieved on 30.12.09
400 forum posts achieved on 12.01.10
500 forum posts achieved on 17.02.10
700 forum posts achieved on 18.04.10(my 700th post)<img src="" border="0" />
60 manga list views achieved on 12.09.09
125 manga list views achieved on 27.09.09
200 manga list views achieved on 04.12.09
250 manga list views achieved on 13.03.10<img src="" border="0" />
25 anime list views achieved on 21.09.09
50 anime list views achieved on 27.09.09
150 anime list views achieved on 11.12.09
200 anime list views achieved on 10.01.10
300 anime list views achieved on 14.03.10<img src="" border="0" />
100 membercards achieved on 04.12.09.
200 membercards achieved on 31.12.09.
500 membercards achieved on 09.03.10<img src="" border="0" />
My favorite music:
<img src="" border="0" />
I Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!if you can raed tihs rpsoet it. OLNY PUT THIS ON YOUR PRILOFE IF YOU CAN RAED TIHS. CNAHGE THE NMUERBR AT TOP TGOHUH, "ONLY __ PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CAN READ THIS...CAN YOU?
A teenage girl about 17 named Diane had gone to visit some friends
one evening and time passed quickly as each shared their various
experiences of the past year. She ended up staying longer than
planned, and had to walk home alone. She wasn't afraid because it was
a small town and she lived only a few blocks away.
As she walked along under the tall elm trees, Diane asked God to keep
her safe from harm and danger. When she reached the alley, which was a
short cut to her house, she decided to take it. However, halfway down
the alley she noticed a man standing at the end as though he were
waiting for her. She became uneasy and began to pray, asking for
God's protection. Instantly a comforting feeling of quietness and
security wrapped round her, she felt as though someone was walking
with her. When she reached the end of the alley, she walked right
past the man and arrived home safely.
The following day, she read in the newspaper that a young girl had
been raped in the same alley just twenty minutes after she had been
there. Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and the fact that it could
have been her, she began to weep. Thanking the Lord for her safety and
to help this young woman, she decided to go to the police station. She
felt she could recognize the man, so she told them her story. The
police asked her if she would be willing to look at a lineup to see
if she could identify him. She agreed and immediately pointed out the
man she had seen in the alley the night before. When the man was told
he had been identified, he immediately broke down and confessed. The
officer thanked Diane for her bravery and asked if there was anything
they could do for her. She asked if they would ask the man one
question. Diane was curious as to why he had not attacked her. When
the policeman asked him, he answered, "Because she wasn't alone. She
had two tall men walking on either side of her." Amazingly, whether
you believe or not, you're never alone. Did you know that 98 of
teenagers will not stand up for God, and 93 of the people that read
this won't repost it?
Repost this if you truly believe in God.
PS: God is always there in your heart and loves you no matter what,
and if you stand up for him he will stand up for you.
more information comming soon...
Recent profile changes:
Changes on 06.07.10:
Added flag map
Changed "club I support" list design, added some new clubs
Added new anime in "other favorite anime" list
:: C.C.O. Official Newsletter::
Hey there everyone! How are you doing?? We are writing you to inform you all of a few things!
• This is an occasional newsletter, sent to every club's member but with no frequence at all. You could receive it once in a month or even less.
So a little memo: if you'd like to receive a regular newsletter (usually weekly) about the club's activities and what's not, you can sign up here!
• We've recently opened a brand new claim, it has a bi-weekly frequence and is quite particular, take a look!
• Also a brand new category.5 has been opened too!
• Same goes with the usual weekly normal category topic. About this, we also wanted to let you know that the next category might exceptionally open this incoming sunday rather than the usual monday, so you might want to keep an eye on the club ;3
That's it for now, we wish you to have a great day!
Come to pass by and visit the club every now and then!
We'll keep you posted with the regular newsletter!
Have fun claiming at C.C.O.!
:: C.C.O. Official Newsletter:: Hello everyone! How are you doing? This is C.C.O. talking 8D
Some of you are still active in the club but to those who are not, it might seem a long time since our last announcement.
Although this is surely the first time we send you a big newsletter since the mass messages have been taken off from MAL a couple of years ago.
You might probably know this already but we just wanted to be sure to inform you that our club is still alive :D
Actually, it never went inactive in the past years and we are proud to say that we are older than two years (half way to the third actually!) and we'd like you to be active again in the club, so feel free to pass by anytime if you still have interests and fun in claiming ;D
That said, let's just pass to the curious stuff:
• We have a new main layout made by ahin, with each direct link to related claim topics and claimed list! You can visit the club to take a look!
• The current newsletter is just an occasional one that is sent to all 1000+ members of our club.. Although, we are willing to start sending regular newsletters to members that would like to receive them, so if you'd like to receive more informations just sign up here!
• Also, you can find a summary with useful links at the Claim Menu Navigation topic! We've made this to have more order and un-stick many claimed lists the way to leave the club some breathe. Check it out, maybe you might even find some claim who is new to your eyes ^^
• Little memo for everyone, since more than a year now, we've introduced the Badge System, if you want a banner to be made by Staff you need to be registered in the topic! Also you can find out in the Badge Storage if you've already requested it because there's a list of every member and the link to their already made badge, as well you can see if your post may need to be fixed someway!
• Destiny Topic finally reopened after a break and now it's having a new theme! Come to claim if you still didn't have a chance to! It'll probably stay opened until May 10th.
• A recent new claim topic opened: Tribute Reload, it gives the opportunity to everyone who missed a previous tribute in the regular voices topic to claim a role of a Seiyuu they like as well as to claim a different role of a Seiyuu you previously liked to tribute!
• The Category topic is still weekly as always: This week's category is Creatures!
• C.C.O. recently hired a few new persons but we are always looking for anyone that would like to help! Here is the recruit topic if you'd like to volounteer!
• Last, but not least, we are currently having this special game topic who needs anyone to register first, in order to get a gift later ;D
Okay, sorry for the long newsletter but it's impossible to say everything of the last two years in just a few rows! And many things have yet to come!
Have fun claiming at C.C.O.!
thax friend,now we might able to chat daily..XD
but the prob is tat my PC just got under " crack" right now,so it might take time to fix them,so far im goin at my mom's laptop so its ok so far....
oh i see,but at least som ppl might enjoy tat event...XD
but y cant u? just to hav fun just a little...XD
oh i see,dont like much liquor.. XD
well at least u hav fun on tat day...XD
i just hope my anime club and its plan is a go!!...just hopin..XD
and i hope tat there might be at least a "international fans of anime in the world" kinda thing..XD
and i alrdy hav a good(maybe wierd) but good anime story..XD
more like fantasy+sci-fi kinda thing..XD
oh i see,too bad,i just wanna see how ur doing in tartu right now...XD
wats ur FB? wanna add u..XD
still only innocent believe and respect other religion,only those who do false belives and taken too much pride in there religion...
and yeah,hope my sis will be ok long as she dont do anything stupid there... :P
octoberfest is a celebration tat celebrates in the whole world,mostly in European countries,every october its beer,food and party whole month..tats y im asking u if u join the fun and relaxation for a while...XD
yes,an anime organization w/c was operational since 2000(or somthing like tat)
and seems more members r now interested to join,and hope somday my city will be also active in every anime event w/c all otakus dreamed of..XD
aw,so do i,i too got problems with the internet lately,i too am rarely getting any connection,just hope its fix soon,or it will be a waist on just paying the bill for nothing...
wow,do u hav som pics for me to see and how fun rly is? XD
well my sister is also study medicine,but my sis is goin to school to a muslem area,ivé been there,and the ppl r good too,but still hav recent news of problems and religious rebel issues,just worried my sister there...
wow,1 year?,well at least there is xmas,new year,and sem break to take time...XD
thanx,its goin to be 1 year of my dads anniversary by November...
wat about octoberfest?
its still october,so im sure tat might be where u goin to celebrete..XD
halloween...hmm,donno we still hav plan for tat,infact the anime organization tat ivé join,just recently more members r now interested in joining our club,in fact,we might be planning on my city's 1st cosplay con by december,its was supposed to be this month,but more members joined so it move to december,means more meeting and anime watching...*sigh* brings back the old days,and the previous members of the our org,just now become veterans,including me... XD
lol i see...good to hear u again comrade,good luck in tartu,just dont get too well and hav fun...
comrad,i miss u r ya?...i see wat r som new medicine u manage to discover? XD
and hows tartu?
im doin great,still miss me dad thou,but still manage to stand up again...although its goin to be a 1 year by nov.3...means theres goin to be crying and more...
anyway,its almost halloween...wat r ur plans? XD
almost forgot,my internet connection is a bit messed up,cant used my PC at home,donno if its the storm since last 3-4 days or the main building hav som issue on no connection,so far im at the cafe for a while...
All Comments (2541) Comments
:: C.C.O. Official Newsletter::
Hey there everyone! How are you doing?? We are writing you to inform you all of a few things!
• This is an occasional newsletter, sent to every club's member but with no frequence at all. You could receive it once in a month or even less.
So a little memo: if you'd like to receive a regular newsletter (usually weekly) about the club's activities and what's not, you can sign up here!
• We've recently opened a brand new claim, it has a bi-weekly frequence and is quite particular,
take a look!
• Also a brand new category.5 has been opened too!
• Same goes with the usual weekly normal category topic. About this, we also wanted to let you know that the next category might exceptionally open this incoming sunday rather than the usual monday, so you might want to keep an eye on the club ;3
That's it for now, we wish you to have a great day!
Come to pass by and visit the club every now and then!
We'll keep you posted with the regular newsletter!
Have fun claiming at C.C.O.!
:: C.C.O. Official Newsletter::
Hello everyone! How are you doing? This is C.C.O. talking 8D
Some of you are still active in the club but to those who are not, it might seem a long time since our last announcement.
Although this is surely the first time we send you a big newsletter since the mass messages have been taken off from MAL a couple of years ago.
You might probably know this already but we just wanted to be sure to inform you that our club is still alive :D
Actually, it never went inactive in the past years and we are proud to say that we are older than two years (half way to the third actually!) and we'd like you to be active again in the club, so feel free to pass by anytime if you still have interests and fun in claiming ;D
That said, let's just pass to the curious stuff:
• We have a new main layout made by ahin, with each direct link to related claim topics and claimed list! You can visit the club to take a look!
• The current newsletter is just an occasional one that is sent to all 1000+ members of our club.. Although, we are willing to start sending regular newsletters to members that would like to receive them, so if you'd like to receive more informations just sign up here!
• Also, you can find a summary with useful links at the Claim Menu Navigation topic! We've made this to have more order and un-stick many claimed lists the way to leave the club some breathe. Check it out, maybe you might even find some claim who is new to your eyes ^^
• Little memo for everyone, since more than a year now, we've introduced the Badge System, if you want a banner to be made by Staff you need to be registered in the topic! Also you can find out in the Badge Storage if you've already requested it because there's a list of every member and the link to their already made badge, as well you can see if your post may need to be fixed someway!
• Destiny Topic finally reopened after a break and now it's having a new theme! Come to claim if you still didn't have a chance to! It'll probably stay opened until May 10th.
• A recent new claim topic opened: Tribute Reload, it gives the opportunity to everyone who missed a previous tribute in the regular voices topic to claim a role of a Seiyuu they like as well as to claim a different role of a Seiyuu you previously liked to tribute!
• The Category topic is still weekly as always: This week's category is Creatures!
• C.C.O. recently hired a few new persons but we are always looking for anyone that would like to help! Here is the recruit topic if you'd like to volounteer!
• Last, but not least, we are currently having this special game topic who needs anyone to register first, in order to get a gift later ;D
Okay, sorry for the long newsletter but it's impossible to say everything of the last two years in just a few rows! And many things have yet to come!
Have fun claiming at C.C.O.!
We have open the topics: winner part 2(match 1) and anime & manga contest part 2(match 2). Also go check our Holiday layout!
Support our member's Stories.
On other things...
Если соберешся, у меня там ник такой же
but the prob is tat my PC just got under " crack" right now,so it might take time to fix them,so far im goin at my mom's laptop so its ok so far....
oh i see,but at least som ppl might enjoy tat event...XD
but y cant u? just to hav fun just a little...XD
oh i see,dont like much liquor.. XD
well at least u hav fun on tat day...XD
i just hope my anime club and its plan is a go!!...just hopin..XD
and i hope tat there might be at least a "international fans of anime in the world" kinda thing..XD
and i alrdy hav a good(maybe wierd) but good anime story..XD
more like fantasy+sci-fi kinda thing..XD
thanx friend and take care....
wats ur FB? wanna add u..XD
still only innocent believe and respect other religion,only those who do false belives and taken too much pride in there religion...
and yeah,hope my sis will be ok long as she dont do anything stupid there... :P
octoberfest is a celebration tat celebrates in the whole world,mostly in European countries,every october its beer,food and party whole month..tats y im asking u if u join the fun and relaxation for a while...XD
yes,an anime organization w/c was operational since 2000(or somthing like tat)
and seems more members r now interested to join,and hope somday my city will be also active in every anime event w/c all otakus dreamed of..XD
thanx,u too,rest well comrade...^_^
wow,do u hav som pics for me to see and how fun rly is? XD
well my sister is also study medicine,but my sis is goin to school to a muslem area,ivé been there,and the ppl r good too,but still hav recent news of problems and religious rebel issues,just worried my sister there...
wow,1 year?,well at least there is xmas,new year,and sem break to take time...XD
thanx,its goin to be 1 year of my dads anniversary by November...
wat about octoberfest?
its still october,so im sure tat might be where u goin to celebrete..XD
halloween...hmm,donno we still hav plan for tat,infact the anime organization tat ivé join,just recently more members r now interested in joining our club,in fact,we might be planning on my city's 1st cosplay con by december,its was supposed to be this month,but more members joined so it move to december,means more meeting and anime watching...*sigh* brings back the old days,and the previous members of the our org,just now become veterans,including me... XD
lol i see...good to hear u again comrade,good luck in tartu,just dont get too well and hav fun...
good luck comrade...
and hows tartu?
im doin great,still miss me dad thou,but still manage to stand up again...although its goin to be a 1 year by nov.3...means theres goin to be crying and more...
anyway,its almost halloween...wat r ur plans? XD
almost forgot,my internet connection is a bit messed up,cant used my PC at home,donno if its the storm since last 3-4 days or the main building hav som issue on no connection,so far im at the cafe for a while...
good to hear u too...good luck comrad
its me bro,hope u still alright....
Its open the Helloween LE's! Go and ask for one!
We have re-open the contest so go and vote here. the club is getting bigger but slow. But you can make it active! Hope you help out in the club!