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Mar 25, 2021
Beastars 2nd Season, a continuation of the furry tv-drama series.
People add this to their cars to make to generate downforce on their car, in other words, they are called SPOILERS.
So Beastars 2nd Season kicks off right after the first season, with massive change happening to both Legois and Louis at the first season finale. The 2nd season shows us the aftermath of the scenarios and even shines a light on the murder case involving Tem's death. The show tries to balance the new life of our characters with Legois having dedicated his life to protecting herbivores and Louis having an unexpected position being the head
of Lion's clan.
While going through their life, Beastars still does a fantastic job of making each characters life engaging and somewhat relatable. Like the first season, they do a fantastic job of making our characters "them", Legois quirky but strong will, Louis proud ego but a fragile heart. Even if the show is more based around mostly those 2 characters, the supporting characters also stand out quite as well though not as much as the first season. We are given an introduction to Shishi-gumi, Louis advisor, Pina the cocky lover boy and even the delusional murderer, Riz.
All the characters back story or bring ups have a sad twist to them and really show the "drama" in this drama series. With the tough life Riz has to tolerate due to the restrictions of his kind, the changes the Shishi-gumi wanted Louis to bring to the clan due to the rough management they had before and so on. Even those minor characters also had their moments like the stripper Cosmos from the black market telling her life of what's it like to live around predators really bring the reality into the world of Beastars and that they still do it very well.
With that said I did find the 2nd season a bit harder to digest compared to the 1st, I felt some narratives were dead-ends and didn't really add much to the story, maybe for comedic purposes sure but I would at least prefer if they could tie it into the main arc more. Some of my favourite characters like Jack and Juno and even Haru doesn't seem to get much attention this season, they definitely had their screentime but they all feel left aside from that of some other supporting characters.
Lastly, what left a sour taste in my mouth was the disappointing season finale, we are left off with Riz and Legois having to fight it out, only for Legois to get absolutely dominated in less than a minute despite a big chunk of the show's time dedicated to his training with Gouhin. What's also annoying is that we can't have a proper fight without something occurring every 2 to 3 punches, it feels incomplete and certainly not a satisfying ending even if the conclusions were reasonable. It's just like the previous season as well, they built such high tensions to the last episode only to blow it and collapse everything they had going for them. Disappointing.
Characters- 9/10: They still got it, great and well though characters with amazing depth and layers to them. Legois is of course and still, best boy.
Art- 8/10: Despite the occasional use of 2D in some scenes that don't fit at all, I'll say Studio Orange does a fine job in the 3D medium.
Writing- 6/10: The weakest part here, still can't believe they blew it again to deliver a satisfying ending.
Sound- 8/10: Great intro, great outro, not as catchy as the first season but I don't ask for much in terms of sound. As for the SFX, I'll say it does its job, the OST does a great job of intensifying those highs and lows moments giving it more of a dramatic feel.
Overall, I would say it was a decent attempt for a follow-up.
Light 8 to a Strong 7
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 27, 2020
Kanojo, Okarishimasu, or Rent-A-Girlfriend, but it's more like Degenerate-To-The-Max.
sPoLiER WaRnIng
So this show, it's really annoying I would say. First and foremost this is Romance anime so you should go in with the thought that this is either going to hit or it's gonna suck real bad. I don't want to beat around the bush so let's just get into the main issue. The lack of development from our main Incel Kazuya. It's alright to have a pathetic and utter garbage main character at the beginning, everyone got to start from somewhere, so for him, he's got dumped and cries all day long while jacking off.
Understandable. But does he reflect on what he might have done for Mami to end the relationship? Yes... but does he do anything to change? No. For the whole 12 episodes of this show, we have seen Kazuya, a beta male gets massive W's but still somehow manage to fuck it up and ruin his social life.
To round it up, he is the embodiment of stereotypes of a male lusting for a girl. Creepy, awkward and perverted.
Plus even the way the show presents Kazuya in a good light (him saving the girls in whatever scenarios) don't do justice to his pea-sized brain. Even so, who comes up with these stupid scenarios, probably the author but why is he so fucking lazy than to just smack a dangerous plot rather than a more realistic and understandable case.
Character-wise, I would say with big confidence that Chizuru is the best girl/waifu. Like, come on, who wouldn't want her? Clearly, Mami has some incentive that was not explained in the show and Ruka had too little of screen time to show her development. Plus Sumi? That ain't a candidate, that's a side plot for whatever reason. However, while I know this is a fucking anime, I know, there seems to be a lack of connection that I the viewer can have to he characters, I feel they are fixed (except Chizuru) on their script and with the horrendous layout management of screentime we don't get anything more than what we see face-value. Which is a shame.
Additionally, what's up with the lines on their faces. For real tho the studio got to stop fucking adding lines all over on everyone's face. It's not even aligned or in a pattern or anything, it's just LINES EVERYWHERE.
Lastly, one thing that's been bugging me, the last episode. What a letdown, instead we got smacked with yet another season of hell to watch to find out what happens next. Yet I still don't get how people in the show are so fucking utterly dumb, Chizuru is the top in the rental girlfriends rookie list, her name is given to the people she met. How is it that no one has yet to discover her until Mami searched for her. Like literally she's on the front page of the web. Plus the whole fuss on being Chizuru for the grandma's sake just died? We have not heard from grandma after the temple visit. I can't take it, let's just go to the scores...
Character- 3/10: Grandma's cool, Kazuya's friends are alpha male and Chizuru is best waifu. Fuck almost every other character cause they suck or they were given too little time to develop or they were just straight up fillers.
Writing- 2/10: Just dumb and dumber, it's just the same issues that Kazuya keeps dragging along all the way to the last episode. To quote "I want you... to be my rental girlfriend of course". *FACEPALM* Utterly garbage, know your place trash. That line just made for another whole season URggghhh.
Sound- 2/10: I know the OST should be kinda invisible when done fine and should be noticeable when done well. But I noticed it for how bad it was, there are like only 5 BGM and ones a fucking whistle that sucks as. It feels like a parody when that BGM comes on. Plus I feel the BGM does not at all help the mood of scenes and comes off shit and terrible.
Overall, I'm just glad it's over. I expected to nothing but came out angered by how saddening a fucking male can be. Not that I'm saying there aren't any male that exist that are like that it's just to see it for 12 episodes with no character development makes it such a depressing watch. But I can see if it's for the funs of watching a dumb comedy romance then sure.
Light to a Decent 3
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jul 29, 2020
Deca-Dence, a show that's more than meets the eye.
Preliminary Review
I'm going to be optimistic on this one, I won't exactly say this show started off perfect but from where it's heading I would say this could be a very interesting watch. I know I know it's not very usual of me to give a preliminary review an 8 but come on, this season is awful. From the shows I'm watching now, The God of Highschool sucks, Rent-a-Girlfriend does not look promising and Uzaki-Chan is straight-up bad. This season of anime is truly the dump. But there's this, Deca-Dence, a show that actually I was looking
forward to from the trailer.
I'm going to be frank, the first episode was not really good. The pacing was off, emotions were off, a ton of things that weren't what I expected. An example, we have the first few scenes of our main character, Natsume, father just got killed and her losing her arm. That was a lot to intake. What came after was better, it just showed for a rushed introduction which I can get pass, definitely wouldn't have liked if they dragged the introduction of Deca-Dence too long but I felt it could have been done slightly better.
The second episode is an introduction to our other main character, Kaburagi. Here's where things got different... So apparently this show takes place in a simulation. Wow. Not what I expected but it's a cool concept. Humanity has died but technology has risen so much that simulations can be made of real-life for enjoyment. Sounds very realistic. We also got to know that Kabu (for short) is one of the fortunate people to be the participants in this "simulation".
But everything changes when DIO appeared! My oh my did Dio get me again, every time I hear his voice it's always a surprise. Fast forward pass episode 3 which is mainly about Hatsume learning how to fight, we get to episode 4. From what Kaburagi said is really interesting. He seems like he wants to overthrow this simulation system they are currently living in. Which is honestly quite interesting, a surprise to be sure but a pleasant one. From this point onwards I have a good feeling this show will do good.
-SCORES- (for now)
Character- 7/10: While there are the occasional jerk-ass cliche characters, the rest is pretty good. Most of them feel human, act human and react like a human. All with a twist of being anime. Hatsume honestly is quite a decent character, she probably the most ideal and basic outlooking and positive main character one can predict but apart from that she's pretty likeable. Same goes with Kaburagi, with the context of his background it's interesting how he acts in the so-called simulation world.
Art- 8/10: NUT. The parts where Kaburagi is in his main form (not the human one) it gets kinda weird. It feels like a super cartoony kids show. I'm guessing it's just to balance out the production budget but hey, if they get to make the fight scenes look smooth as hell why not?
Writing- 7/10: I see potential, a lot more than the other titles I'm currently watching. I'm interested in how this will turn out.
Sound- 7/10: Not too much, not outstanding but certainly not out of place. The intro is like every anime intros ever, outro's fine.
Overall, please be a good show, I don't want to suffer through this season without any good things to look forward too every week.
Strong 7 to a Light 8
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jul 23, 2020
Akira, the anime that got Kanye to be Weeb.
Spoiler, Warning.
I know I'm late to catch up on this gem but hey, it's a timeless classic right? Means I am not late to the party at all as this show ascends time. With that let's get into the review, now I will only be brief on the things I like because there is honestly a whole lot I love about this. What I will get into is the issues I had, don't worry it's not a lot.
Pacing, right from the opening scene we get a good glimpse of 1988 Tokyo just getting absolutely destroyed. Next
second we are in 2019. Kind of a big jump but that's not all. Soon the story that is 'Akira' starts to unfold, we have riots and protest breaking out without any introduction or explanation. Straight up just thrown into the scene, while I can appreciate the direct story-telling it's trying to present I won't say the execution of scenes were the best. We have scenarios just jump-cut to the next without any pause whatsoever and how the show captures time is pretty bad, everything seems to be happening in a matter of hours or just a few days despite the issue being very big. Plus, if you watched the whole show, it's quite amazing how this is 2 hours long despite many scenes being at a very fast pace and not much time to take the whole story in.
Secondly, it's the story. I'm probably guessing that the reason why the story was not as compelling or hard-hitting is that they compressed too much of the manga to one movie. Maybe taking up a manga that is pretty hard to adapt. Moreover, I will admit the plot is pretty mediocre but this having been released in 1988 must have blown so many peoples minds, myself included. It's a very somewhat one-dimensional story about how humanities actions or motivation to push science to its limits. How advancements in science would eventually lead to our downfall, kind of cliche stuff. But I would never have imagined it going down like how Akira pulled it off, it's seriously bizarre stuff.
With all my complains, I still have not enough compliments to say about this show. This must be a critical moment in anime history, actually, make it Japanese history. This was groundbreaking at its time of release and it's still till this day considered incredible. I know many people have mixed feelings about this show, but admit it, there is never going to be another gore-y, brutal and absolutely horrifying visuals in this day and age. I like to see it as this show pushing the boundaries before the eventual 'society standards' comes in. Like people advocating for this or that or that is part is too horrible so on so on... This show probably touched many adults that saw let's say Studio Ghibli's childish or fantasy-like storytelling. (except Grave of the Fireflies but that's WW2 themed)
Take a look at anime movies out nowadays, they're pretty, probably filled with romance, involve a lot of conventional Mecha or are just base on the now. Look at Akira, made in 1988, a show about dystopia and how we humans are stupid in general. I'm not talking about some Neon Genesis Evangelion extinction shit there but more of the mistakes of society as a whole, corrupt government, horrible education and so on. This movie is not perfect but it's certainly influential or a big pushing point for the anime medium as a whole.
Character- 9/10: I am still in awe by how lively and vibrate almost all the characters are. Even those supporting characters are so maliciously made there are so many details to intake in scenes. The closer you look the more you realised how well made the characters are, them taking life not so seriously as well and having some funny moments too.
Art- 10/10: Say what you want about their weird looking face but I dig all that shit. I don't understand how one can critique this style all because the faces of the characters look funny. Have they seen the atmosphere that the show has made? How futurism and dystopia collide to make up this gorgeous of a masterpiece that is Akira. I am in awe by how the visuals look, it's so beautifully made. You won't get these kinds of standard nowadays. All you get are cute characters with the shine filtered put on high so everything looks shiny and pretty.
Writing- 7/10: Definitely the weakest part but it just goes to show how hard it is to adapt a manga all into a film.
Sound- 10/10: Sonically this blows my mind, to the mouth made sound effects to the chilling and haunting OST. I am seriously impressed by the production level of this shit and there are some really bizarre and out of this world sounds that the producers made as well.
Overall, a classic.
Light 9
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 21, 2020
Perfect Blue, not going to lie this is not just Satoshi Kon's masterpiece, it's also an instant classic in the medium of anime.
Spoiler warning
Alright, with that let's get into the review. So a bit of background first, I am not super familiar with Satoshi Kon's works but I have known in the anime world he is a very prominent figure despite his short period of directing. I have watched Paprika but I must say the whole show didn't come as nicely as I expected and was somewhat left disappointed. Don't get me wrong the visuals on that show were incredible just the villain wasn't written
that well. With that, I must say I had somewhat of a high expectation before going into the show as I was scared that it made similar mistakes as Paprika. I was proven wrong and I am deeply fascinated and amazed by this show.
I want to jump right in into what a mind-fuck this show was too me, and likely probably to you too. We start off with the ending of CHAM!-star Mima who we later got to know is pursuing a career in acting. From the opening scene, we already got this atmosphere of creeps and prevents all living their virgin life feasting on idol stars like Mima. We also got to know that she was instantly stalked by someone once she announced the ending of her idol career. What came after was, what I think, a perfect visualisation of someone mentally going to hell. At first the 'Mind-fuck' moments weren't as occurring but later on, Mima herself was somewhat unsure of what's real or not. And what's worse is that we the viewers don't even know what's real or not. It became so bad to the point where I was super sure a scene was real but Satoshi said 'nope'.
Another amazing aspect of the movie was the sound, OST. It was incredible, what can I say it fits right into the emotions that the scenes were trying to portray. I would even go as far to say the OST even made the scenes possible, without it (and I mean this particular OST) I would truly feeling the scenes would come off short. A big applauds to the team behind that, more specifically Masafumi Mima (wtf it's her name?!) and Masahiro Ikumi.
Lastly, I know I'm skipping a ton but watching it will honestly do you justice, I want to point out the amazing build of a plot twist that was. Truly that was some M.Night Shyamalan level of a plot twist that was. Goodjob to Satoshi Kon and sadly we didn't get to see enough from this amazing director. Shame. I want to say why I think this is very important and classic in anime terms as this pushes the boundaries of story writing and usage of animation. I know there are other classics or maybe you could say more influential titles like Akira or Ghost In A Shell that come out before this, I want to say this for a fact that this show more relevant now than it was back then. It was so ahead of its time, and I am not talking about other titles that use Sci-Fi or Mecha technology, I am talking about the internet. Incredible this show manages to predict the literal hell that superstars or even idols have to face 20 years after it's release.
Character- 9/10: At first I was made how shallow and stupid the supporting characters were to Mima but the mind-fucks just crushes any flaws I had going for this show. Mima is such a real character but the scenarios she experience is so weird and trippy, it's amazing to see that visually. Holy shit I honestly wanted to write something wrong I had with that security creep but I realised it all ties in together in the end. ANOTHER MIND FUCK. AHHHHH. Plus that ending scene where Mima looked at us the viewers and smiled stating it was her, I felt that was a personal hitting that we the audience were played all along.
Art- 9/10: It's MADHOUSE and it's at the time of 1997. Honestly, I love the gore toward the visuals as I feel it really brings out the true reality to the world of Perfect Blue. But I must say it's more of the writing that stands out here as it's not that trippy drug world that Paprika showed.
Sound- 10/10: Explained already and pleased with the production.
Overall, what can I say, we might even be dreaming for all I care.
Decent 9
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jun 30, 2020
Gleipnir, still have no clue on how to pronounce this name.
Spoiler Warning
Alright, let's go. So Gleipnir is a show that, from the teaser or promo pictures, has boobies in it. Of course, I wasn't expecting that much boobies after going into the show but... Neither did I expect my watch to be that enjoyable. My first impressions, asides the boobs, was what is this show? I knew people got powers from a vending machine but is there more to that? I must say and I'm guessing there will be a second season, that this is a good beginning to a bigger story that is Gleipnir.
be honest, you did not expect what this show had to offer. If so and for the better or worse, me too. I was confused and didn't really like the direction the show had going at the starting episodes. The ecchi only added more hate factor to my initial enjoyment, initially thinking this was a cheap move to get people to watch. But there was a point where episodes started to get very interesting and it just made me want more surprisingly.
We follow Shuuichi that met Clair at the beginning and got blackmail by her from the start. A bit sudden but I had the idea that Shuuichi was a horrible main character. One that shies away and just overall be a literally pussy. But I was wrong, amazingly. The character development of him is fantastic. From a virgin to a chad, what a man. Clair didn't really change much if I am going, to be honest, but my initial impression of her was a nympho. I guess this show is just full of surprises, she ended up being quite a decent character.
The main plot is somewhat blurry as not only is this show just a beginning to a boarder story, it has many parts that just we the viewers don't understand. What does Clair sister relate to Shuuichi or what is that white glowing girl and so on... Many questions left only to be answered in the next season or maybe by just reading the manga. I must say that the show knows how to keep me engage, fight scenes are great and the mystery behind what is happening just leaves me in suspense. That's great.
I am honestly surprised and like what Palpatine said 'A surprise to be sure, but a pleasant one'.
Character- 7/10: Decent, solid and somewhat strong main characters that actually have character development. Supporting characters are good, some kind of weak, but others do their part and some even have my interest. Like the muscle man Tadanori with Brock eyes and that female classmate Mifune. Gosh is she cute and I want to see where she goes with Shuuichi.
Art- 7/10: Boobs: check, Nipples: No. Meeting the legal age: Check. All good.
Writing- 7/10: Getting better as each episode unfolds.
Sound- 7/10: Intro is a banger in my opinion, with that particular catchy violin part chorus. Outro, while not crazy about it has some interesting aspects that are somewhat out of the norm of anime outro/intro. OST-wise wasn't outstanding but did its job.
Overall, can't wait to see more.
Decent 7
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 29, 2020
Nakitai Watashi wa Neko wo Kaburu, or A Whisker Away. What... what even is this show...
Spoil-eerrr... warning... of course...
Alright so this new anime movie, it's bogus. Not going to lie the trailer for this show had me interested. Yes it feels and hell the name even sounds like Spirited Away. But I must say what the show is, it's not just a Spirited Away inspired movie but it's also complete shitshow ripoff of the movie The Cat Returns. I know both have their differences but if you look closely, both movie (this and The Cat Returns) is literally on the same concept. I must say,
I am honestly so disappointed that I'm angry. Angry because this wasted an hour and half of my time? No. It's that it had potential and the execution, production and crappy writing threw everything this had going for.
The first issue, Muge. What the fuck of a main character is this? What kind of over-the-top, erratic pile of shit, that is supposed to be a character, am I watching. She is so self-centred, so ignorant and so clueless about herself that it's unreal. I know that that's might what a teenage of her age might think but the level of what she presented is way overboard. Like, come on? How bad of a character can you be, she's literally a dick to the supporting characters and relates to nothing toward the viewer. I don't like any aspect of her and really, really fucking hate her. Were the creators intend to make her the most annoying yet triggering piece of shit to ever exist? If so they did a good job.
The second issue, Muge, again. Why was she such a simp, like holy shit this is the most simp I have seen in any character in a long time. Like usually you would associate simp with boys, right? Not in this case apparently, she just wants to smash that boy Hinode so badly. Why? Not even I know. I don't see a single special or stand out features or behaviour that boy has. Moreover, we a given no back story or background whatsoever on Muge's past and how she was before. Not a single thing. This just leaves many questions unanswered.
Thirdly, it's the pace. This movie is an hour and a half (1h 44min to be exact), why did it feel so rushed. There's little to no scenes where we can just take in the show, not even the start. We are literally thrown into the show and forced to piece the puzzles together on what happened. Strangely, for such a rushed show, it's such a painful slow watch. Probably I just wanted it to be over. Plus the plot is not even original and interesting. This stupid The Cat Returns copycat (haha). The show feels so unrealistic for a show that takes place in the real world majority of the time.
So we know this Muge is always keeping a happy face despite suffering inside deeply, all she wants is Hinode. The thing is, this show tries so hard to show The World vs Muge but in reality, it's more like Muge vs The World. She herself is flipping off everyone and everything around her and says to herself why is this happening. What a pathetic character seriously.
Character- 2/10: Muge is literally one of the worst main characters I have ever seen.
Art- 8/10: Really the only good thing about the show, but it's overshadowed by how bad the writing and characters are.
Writing- 2/10: Pfffff, wtf is this lmao? A joke?
Sound- 5/10: What the hell was the funky, mocking OST when scenes get serious. Like it's trying to be a Tom and Jerry or Pink Panther episode.
Overall, while I know my review sounds like a literally 1 or 2, I gave it a 3 cause I felt it had potential but it was wasted so badly.
Decent to Light 3
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jun 29, 2020
Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai?: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen, or Kaguya-sama: Love is War Season 2. A continuation with new addition to characters but same old Love Is War.
Spoiler Warning (Of Course)
Let's get going, alright. Love Is War season 2 starts off literally where season 1 ended but honestly it doesn't feel like a continuation at all as it feels like we are just getting more of the same stuff. I would say I enjoyed it but not to the extend of season 1. Why so is because I felt season 1 was something refreshing, something that occurs once in a blue moon. A funny and hilarious
romance that is hard to get right in anime. So what did I think of season 2? I would say it's a bit draggy if I am going to be honest, I felt that the main objective here (which is to get either one to confess) is being dragged and bounced around. More on that later.
So from the starting episodes, we get to see the gang's year 1 coming to an end. They are stepping down and moving on to what was thought to be their last days as being student council. However, while I did enjoy it, this segment was way too long as the conclusion was straight up them get becoming year 2 in the student council. I don't mind them getting the position again it's just that season 2 has only 12 episodes and this segment alone literally felt like throwing a ball upstream just for it to flow back down without any change. We did get the introduction to new characters, Osaragi and Iino but even I have some problems with them as well.
What I found the issue about them was that they felt so damn irrelevant. Not that they are bad characters it's that they get so little screen time in season 2 that it's a shame and Iino especially doesn't feel fully incorporated into the student council yet. While I am sure we will see more of her in season 3 just the thought of me waiting for that seems kinda annoying. The thought 'We have to wait another season just to see more of a new character' just comes to mind.
Apart from the bad time management and pacing, there are still the same old Love Is War moments that really define the series. Hilarious moments, out of character scenes that throw off viewers, yeah, the good old Love Is War. Plus we did get a wider overview of mostly each character (not much on Chika sadly). We got an insight into Shirogane's family, seeing his sister in her 'rebel phase' for a while but nothing else but more especially on his dad, DIO er... I mean SHIROGANE, FATHER. That I must say must be one of the high points of the show and certainly entries to an abundant of memes. Plus as well as a bit more of Kaguya's family but I felt that was already mostly touched on in season 1.
We also did get that heartbreaking and emotion episode 11 all about Ishigami. I really felt this is the best episode in the whole show as it's such a victory in terms of Ishigami's character and his screen-time-justice. While emotional and impactful, it really just paints a picture of why Ishigami's like that and really just make amazing character development. But this brings to my next (probably last) issue I had. The fluctuation between emotions or feelings in scenes.
You might be thinking about those out of character moments or the sudden change of serious to dumbfounded, but no. I am talking about the whole episode in general. Like when there is a sad scene, it's just sad upon sad and depression. Even though the matter might be somewhat minuscule. In short, what I am saying is that some of the sad parts are a bit too emotional and overemphasize. I know overemphasizing is what makes something powerful but you can't just brush off something that is a big problem with jokes and laughter right. Like what I am saying is that the contrast of funny and depression moments are kind of big at times, in some cases it works but other times it doesn't.
Character- 8/10: It's literally the same gang with Iino just thrown into the bunch. Generally, those 4 make good chemistry together and I don't really see big issues involving them.
Art- 7/10: I know they want to capture the art style of the manga and that's fine, but sometimes I feel as if the characters' bodies are too stiff or it's not really proportional and feels off.
Writing- 8/10: Jokes are great and well written, scenes are funny and emotional. The only real issue I feel is the pace. Definitely, they could have cramp more stuff in this season instead of making us wait another year or 2 for the next. I can certainly see my enjoyment going down if they do intend to milk the series and try their best to drag it as long as possible, that would truly be a shame.
Sound- 8/10: While we didn't get 'OH LOVE ME MISTA-A-AA' we did get 'DA-BI-DA-BI DOO'. At first, I wasn't as pleased as the first season's intro, it has grown on me and it's a great intro nevertheless. OST-wise, I wish the cut it out with the cliche emotional music because I really didn't like those moments too much. Outro's fine I guess, the intro literally outshines it.
Overall, I would say I enjoyed it. Not to the extent of the first one but still, a great show nevertheless. I must say it's not a 10 though, I feel the hype is getting to people out there. Certainly, season 1 is better.
Decent to Light 8
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 23, 2020
Listeners. When I heard it was about 70s rockstars, you had me interested, when you brought in Mecha, you had me slightly disappointed, when I watched it, you had me appalled.
Spoiler warning, but here's a small spoiler, just don't fucking watch it it's terrible.
Wow... WOW... This show's bad, like bad. Horrible. Where do I even start, man I had a bit of hype for this as it had music inspired theme which I so dig. I love those classic, influential rock bands like The Beatles and Pink Floyd and hearing that these are in the show got me interest. Straight from the first episode, I
was let down in an instant and the rest was just an eyesore to watch. This even got to a point of me thinking, 'Why am I watching this???'
Character issues are everywhere, from the top to the bottom, left to right and even diagonally can you believe that? We have this pathetic virgin of the main character Echo which we have to stick with for the whole show. That alone is already no good. Even fucking Mu, I don't find her anything appealing or interesting about her. So from the get-go, we have 2 utterly shit main characters that we have to stick with. What comes after that is their intentions that form the main story. What the fuck am I watching, literally Mu was like 'Let's do this' and it just goes, like from nothing just appeared a story out of nowhere. So fine they wanted to find where's Jimi and they two alone made like so much progress despite them both being kids, like what.
Speaking of Jimi and all the inspired characters, why is Jimi white? Like fine if they just wanted to use his name at least make him look or act like Jimi, they got Prince right why can't they just get it on Jimi? That boggles my mind. Oh and don't get me started on the script inspired or name inspired moves that characters say. Like they literally use famous song sentences and incorporate it into their lines, the result is pure cringe and a failed JoJo inspired wannabe. Like who thought that those lines were good? Who in the fuck thought any of this is good, "Oh let's just cut up some lines and just make the characters say them, that be cool right???".
Now the story, I won't say there's no story cause there clearly is. So the goal was to find Jimi and bring him back, getting there is another problem altogether. The story alone is bad, but it's not disappointing bad or like, angry bad. It's laughably bad. I laugh at how poorly written this story of theirs is. It's so childish, it's so boring and it's so uncreative. Like there's nothing to the story that is interesting or at least worth something. It's just dog shit all the way.
Production-wise, what happened MAPPA? Did they use up all their budget for Dorohedoro or their upcoming The God of High School, which to be honest looks quite good. If so then why proceed with this shitty show, they even got sponsors for this show, did they like get the money and just made this low-produced show to get the cash only? So many questions, so little answers. I'll admit, the reason I'm not giving this a straight-up 1 is that they did put in some effort. Like every outro has a different animated ending or that they try to sync up the music with scenes and stuff. Honestly, it's more miss than hits.
Art-wise it's like line art with the bucket tool to fill in the colour, that's all. No interesting design and even the Mecha all looks garbage. Plus the fucking 3D doesn't even match the 2D.
Character- 1/10: Fuck all of them, at least they had Prince which I like for it's... Prince. And err... anything else erm... nope, just Prince.
Art- 2/10: It's so bad that it's laughable.
Writing- 1/10: Hahhahhaa...
Sound- 6/10: While I compliment them for using rock music to fit the theme and having a different outro every episode. I must say, compared to the show's inspired songs like Jimi Hendrix and Sex Pistols, the songs they give are not even close to those.
Overall, this show tricked me into thinking this is a rock-inspired anime, I feel cheated. GIVE ME MY TIME BACK.
Light to Decent 2
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jun 22, 2020
Yesterday wo Utatte, Sing "Yesterday" for Me. Just a tiny tiny spoiler but they actually don't sing the song 'Yesterday' by The Beatles.
Starto Starto yo, gonna speako some Spoilor warning yo. You have been warned yo.
Alright, let's get on with the review. So Sing "Yesterday" for Me is a Slice of Life/Romance/Love Triangle Shenanigan kind of show, we start off by following our main character Rikuo. We later get to know he's in love with this girl Shinako but he's too shy or does not have enough courage to tell her. ̶S̶h̶a̶m̶e̶ Same. Relatable definitely. Later we got to know that his crush was
moving to his area, a confirm Red Alert in his mind but he too is struggling with a purpose in life as well. So with that cleared up, let's move on to the description.
I mean when I first saw Rikuo and probably this thought went through your mind as well, I think we all thought of him as a virgin loser. But in a relatable way, it's no shame to hide the fact that boys in school get rejected or just doesn't get enough courage to get a girlfriend and slowly watches her slip away. That I certainly can dig with and I feel it's a good start for the story. I must say, one thing I love about this show is the character development. Initially, Rikuo was a loser (to put it) but little did we know he became a certified chad. Honestly watching his development was truly a joy, it's like watching your failed efforts slowly succeeding. My man Rikuo even got multiple girls in his past, damn. And he even manages to attract a chick without even trying, no challenge, this dude's a chad. Talking about that chick.
Haru is the best girl, she is cute looking but her positive look on her position despite her being on the losing end is something to behold. Her perseverance and determination are really intriguing and she really gets me in the feels when she loses. She's a great character that makes us feel pity for her despite not forcing it down our throat. On the other spectrum, we have Shinako. Haru's challenger to say. We later get to know she's a weak-hearted but kind person that can't let go of her previous lover that past. As we get to know more about the characters, the pieces of the puzzle start to fall in line and we get to know why despite all Rikuo's efforts, she is still hesitant.
Then there's Rou. To be frank I think he's one factor that contributes to the downfall of the show. While there are great character moments among the 3 main ones, Rou seriously feels like a pain in the ass and it's always a burden when things get involved with him. Plus he literally can't control his urges but to hug Shinako without her consent? Straight to jail. But don't get me wrong, not all the supporting characters are shit. We have my personal favourite, Kinoshita the dude that worked with Rikuo. I really wanted to see more of this dude. Sadly only like, 5 episodes he got snapped by Thanos.
Alright alright, enough about characters, story-wise. I feel it's half baked, to be frank. Like only until the last quarter of the show do we get to see progress being made with Rikuo and Shinako. Other than that or worse some episodes even, are straight up pointless. Moreover, it's directionless. There isn't really any point or goal of some parts/episodes and it feels like filler content. I do want to point out how there is no intro, that's actually quite cool and interesting as we don't feel any pause at the beginning of every episode. We a straight up just going into the episode which I do like. Pacing-wise, I am impressed. How this show manages to capture this down to earth pace of slow. it's really cool.
Character- 7/10: While I do want to point out how annoying it might seem as if Rikuo and Shinako, both adults, still act and handles situations like kids. It can be both ways, one that adults are still kids deep down or it's just they suck at being adults. Like how Rou just controls a ton of Shinako but Shinako keeps teasing him. Apart from that I still feel that the characters are well built, just not all of them. The high parts of the show are really good, like Haru wanting to cry but holds it back in episode 11. Oof big size.
Art- 8/10: Really good actually, somewhat unique and has a lovely vibe to it. I feel the colour template as well fits the mood of the show.
Writing- 5/10: Really the biggest downfall, like a big chunk of the episodes listing feels pointless or contributes little to the progress of the show. Only to rush everything at the last episode and ruin the best part honestly, the aftermath of what happened. I really wanted to see more of the few minutes we have of the last episode, shame, I really wanted more man. Disappointed.
Sound- 7/10: Intro, there is no intro. Outros are good though. OST I think fits.
Overall, I wasn't too disappointed, there were certainly high moments on this show. More than the low but the low aren't super low as well, more like lukewarm.
Strong 6 to a Light 7
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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